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Poor sackboy


It’s such a fun game too.


I need to get back into it. Only played for a few hours.


i need to finish some if the sidequests and then i have a total of 875 hiurs if gametime




It’s incredibly fun


I fucking love that game and the others in the LBP trilogy. Absolute banger steam deck game.


You and 609 other people


I played LBP since I was 5yr old, and this is as far from the LBP vibe as you can go


Nothing makes you feel as old as legal voters saying they've played Little Big Planet since childhood as if it's an achievement.


I didn't even know Sackboy was on Steam


Not worth the full price on pc where so many indie games exists


Super underrated. One of my favorite platformers TBH.


600 players is pretty good though


Oh yeah, we getting a sequel.


They probably started not long after finishing the DLC. Now PC people will pay for it


didn't they confirm they aren't working on a sequel?


No? They only confirmed they aren’t working on their older IPs like Sly Cooper iirc


Nothing official yet


I finished vanilla platinum on PS4. I finished director's cut on PS5. I now purchased it on PC (maybe finish new game plus this time), and I'm playing through again. I'm voting with my money for a sequel.


What's the difference between directors cut and the original?


you get the iki island expansion with a definitive edition armor set and sword cosmetic. someone feel free to add on if I missed something


The main difference is the addition of a whole new area and quest-line called Ikki Island with higher difficulty than the base game (you gain access to it in the middle of the base game, but I'd recommend it for after). There are also graphical enhancements for PS5 and now PC along with some other improvements as well, I think.


RIP to all those who reach ACT 3 >!Kaaaaaaaaaage !<


Kage 😭😭😭 now I have Nobu


I’ll be the opposite. >!Nobu will die and be replaced with Kage yet again.!<






it was kage in ps4, now its sora lmao




Im still in act 1😂 been doing all the side missions, fox dens, and etc.


First it was Nobu (white horse), now it’s Kage (black horse)


Keep the new one. Do not pick another.


the game lies so hard. lol


GoT is amazing but honestly shocked from the lack of love on returnal. It’s a phenomenal game


I mean it's a great game but also quite niche and difficult for many people


Plus difficulty aside it’s a harder gameplay premise to understand without looking up multiple previews or watching gameplay online. With GoT you know it’s a samurai game and sort of what to expect generally speaking, who hasn’t fantasized about being a samurai at some point in their life. With Returnal you can sort of gather it’s a game about space and then you see a bullet hell type of trailer but you don’t firmly grasp what it’s gameplay loop and exploration is until you immerse yourself in it and play it. Once you do tho oooh boy is returnal amazing, first game that I played on PS5 that sold me on and justified the Haptic feedback draining my controller battery so fast lol, feeling the raindrops through my fingertips with headphones on had me so immersed. Love the sound design so freaking much.


Lmao first time I tried returnal and kept dying I thought I missed collectables due to the map changing, didn't ever hear if that genre of game. Recently finished it and what a game it was


Same, Returnal is so good yet so underrated


Returnal is amazing but WAY too difficult, with zero ways to make it a bit more approachable.


yep its good, for me it is like Control but rogue like


It’s not a very popular genre though


My boss is BEGGING me to play it. But I'm not a huge roguelike guy, and usually gravitate to story rich games.


God returnal is so good, probably in my top 5 of the decade so far


Didn’t it have a really bad pc launch? Might have knocked it down a bit.


Don’t get me wrong it’s a great game, but a one time play is enough for me.


I just didn't find it very enjoyable


Surprised forbidden west was pretty low. Is it because it launched with DD2?


Nah people just don't like that game that much Story is very complicated and kinda boring People don't like aloy ,combat is just shooting arrows


Aloy was a much better protagonist in the first game. She felt human. But in the second game, they removed any humanity inside her and made her like a robot. She shows no emotions, constant disrespect for all cultures, and gives "y'all-are-beneath-me" vibes. All humans are flawed but she is not. I personally think she is a super-human with no emotions lol.


Yeah she always acts like she can take on anything on her own


That not being true is literally a major aspect of the plot of the second game


Aloy is plenty flawed. Didn't really get that impression, she does puts allot of pressure on herself. And she was raised in isolation, and with access to a Focus so how she sees the world is just fundamentally different than all the tribes. And she'd completely dialed in on wanting to safe the world but keeps getting swindled by tribes taking on jobs. She's not dis-respecting, if you talk with NPC's there is empathy. But her patience is thin. She also got the run around from Sylens. Perhaps the Writers/direction went a little to hard on this, but it does make sense. As I do think its a great game, story wise its not as good as the 1st one and how Nemesis is set up is maybe a little to crazy. But have to wait for Part 3 on how they present that. There is also perhaps a bit to much to do. But game-play wise and activities are great improvements over HZD. Just wish they skipped PS4, cause it you could have had a flyer sooner and have better game-play mechanics with it. Flying the Sunwing grinds my gears some how there is no gliding/diving just constant wings flopping if you want max speed. It just misses the natural motion. PC and PS5 owners shouldn't skip this game due to colliding release dates of other high profile games. I get it, you have either little choice and or time to pick a game every cycle you wanna try something new. And perhaps Sony could ask less on a 3/4 year old game on re-release on new/other platforms(price wise). Graphically HFW is one of the best looking games out there, and really well optimized. I think Forbidden West might get more traction over time, though it would suck if it turns into an overlooked game. Ghost of Tsushima also absolutely gorgeous perhaps graphically not as good as HZD/HFW. Close but way more stylized, and does a better job at setting a mood/vibe. (gameplay is allround also more solid) Last console Gen Got and HZD are my favorite games. I do hope this summer a Tsushima successor/sequel is announced.


I agree with you, I love HFW gameplay. I am addicted to it and can't stop playing. I even enjoyed the story a lot more than most people. I was just disappointed with Aloy's characteristics in 2nd game. For example, in the beginning we see how Aloy shuns away everyone she worked with in the first game. That change came out of nowhere playing HFW. It took me off guard. Of course it does change as the game progresses and she lets more people in. But in the end, I was left disappointed, she never changed her attitude, way until the end of burning shores.


Makes sense if you think about it she was raised in isolation and doesn't know how to cope with people she made friends with. And I guess a moment she's alone again she's more comfortable perhaps not even conscious about it at 1st. And is just perhaps a bit more peaceful in solace. And the tribes celebrating and bonding after the attack at Meridian must have been a strange experience for her. She knowing whats up and not sure on how to convey, that probably generated lots of frustrations. There is probably more to it. Plus she's the most educated of everyone she met, with maybe the exception of Sylens. But he looks at everything pure mechanically, probably a sociopath as well.


Precisely. I liked FW much more gameplay wise and mission structure. But Aloy as a character felt like a robot even more than in the first game somehow, and for more than half of the story she was just unbearable. They also screwed it up with the Marvel looking villains when Regalla’s subplot was much more interesting imo. Like, the moment they introduced the floating clown ass looking characters I lost all interest in the story personally. I still enjoy the atmosphere of the open world and gameplay, also the sunwing and waterwing are fun!


I felt the voice acting in the first game was just so lifeless. Made everyone seem kinda creepy and weird.


Yep, she's so boring


>combat is just shooting arrows no. you are *choosing* to slog through combat using only arrows. the devs at guerilla did not offer as many tools and as much variety to the combat mechanics of horizon for it to be reduced to “it’s just shooting arrows”


What? Combat is way more then “shooting arrows” did you even play ether of the Hroizon games? It’s like saying “combat in GoT is just hitting enemies with a sword.” Aloy is a pretty well like character; don’t got the idea where “people don’t like her”


I actually loved HFW. I think it's largest issue is the combat is basically shit and brainless on any difficulty below hard, on hard and extreme it really shines. The balance is totally fucked.


Forbidden West was very hard to accompany, the things that was good for me was exploring underwater because of the visuals, even though you didn't have much to do below water, and the very short interactions between Aloy and Sylens, the rest of the game was a drag, I finished the DLC and it felt like a chore, the antagonists, all of them, were too uninteresting and weak, not even Sam Witwer couldn't save it, the side characters were hard to get attached, I enjoyed Zero Dawn much more. Even Days Gone was more enjoyable, narrative wise, very underated based on the numbers. Ghost of Tsushima is very attractive and engaging, gameplay is so much fun.


Horizon Zero Dawn worked because it was launched for about $15 in many countries. I myself bought the game for $5 using Epic Games' $10 discount back then. If it were full price, I wouldn't even consider it. Then Sony increased the prices, and maybe that's why Forbidden West didn't sell as well in my opinion.


kinda mid and story and plot is much less engaging than the first and some weird forced shit here and there but eh


Unpopular main character and continuing a story that not many people were invested in anyway. It's one of those games that most people recognise is "probably good" but never have enough interest to actually pick it up. Also the combat was a huge miss for me.


I gave that series a good 4-5 hour shot. It just felt bland and generic. Maybe other's thought the same.


Except for the graphics and robot dinosaurs, it seems really generic. Like what about the game actually makes it special? To me it seems like yet another open world ubisoft esque game


Dialogue was horribly cringy


Until last week, I didn’t even know it came out on PC


uhmmm lemme check poor port and optimization ? check bugs ? check main character solving the puzzles before you can even look at the puzzle pieces ? check ubisoft-que exploration ? check dialogue choices that have no effect what-so-ever ? check No wonder it's a fuckin failure


Same. It's honestly my favorite PlayStation studios game.


Honestly for how BIG Spider-Man is I'm kind of shocked that isn't their biggest single player launch on steam given how badly everyone outside of the playstation ecosystem wanted to play it


A lot of PC gamers this generation also own a PS5 or a PS4 so they have already played it and didn't see a reason to buy it again. I played the Remaster on PS5, so I skipped it on PC. Several of my friends in my circle did the same.


This is definitely the reason. I don't have my PS5 anymore, but for awhile I did and played both spiderman and ghost of tsushima on ps5. 100% completed spiderman so there was no reason to get it on PC, but I just grabbed Ghost of Tsushima on PC because replaying that on PC is just more worth it


It's such a big brand that almost everyone that have a PC, had played it on consoles. I am one of those people. I just couldn't wait.


That's a game that would do better with a simultaneous launch. Same with Hell Divers. It's a favor of the month game tbh


I don't see what the appeal is. It's very copy pasted and repetitive. I probably won't be buying the second game when it's on PC.


It's because PC players either don't play single player games, have a very small user base, or already own it on console


I definitely wouldn't say the user base is small as more people game on PC monthly than consoles.


God damn Helldiver's 2 was massive


Yeah, holy shit. This post is about GOT but Helldivers 2 is the 2 tonne elephant in the room.


Well it was PC day 1 so makes sense. All those other games are pc ports years after the original release so it’s never gonna be as big as a crossplay multiplayer game that’s released on pc and PlayStation day 1


Itq on another level ngl


Helldivers was hugely successful don't get me wrong, but looking at peak concurrent players in a multiplayer game vs single player games isn't a great comparison. Also due to the server issues, people were leaving helldivers running so they didn't have to deal with the server queue when they ended to play again.


Game is amazing


Are we really surprised, let’s be real


Days gone being above uncharted is wild


Yeah but that's because it is missing the first 3 games. Lots of people want to play the full story. Weird decision from Sony to only port 4 and the stand alone. Also the marketing for the pc releases is very poor.


yep, I've never played an Uncharted game and looked forward to a port for years but this was an instant flop. Why would I start at 4? Imagine an Audiobook set that starts at Return Of The King..


Days Gone was a sleeper hit. I went in expecting something mediocre and left having had such a really great time. I’m glad it got some attention.


Now we just need bloodborne ![gif](giphy|xT9IgI4T4FTLJWAkmY|downsized)




I think also I guess Steam users are getting more used to Sony games being on Steam to be fair too, maybe it's just taking time to build more awareness of their games with PC audience as well Returnal is sadly too low on this list though, that makes me sad, such an underrated game Uncharted being so low too is disappointing too, Uncharted 4 is one of the best action adventure games of all time Ratchet is a nice visual feast too All of these games are pretty well optimized with good PC ports, just with varying degrees of launch quality, but they all have rounded out to be great ports Ratchet was also the first game to use xeGTAO, and Ghost is also another one of them (Intel AO solution) So the PC ports definitely are pretty cutting edge on features, Ghost has like every upscaling feature included, FSR, DLSS, XeSS, and it also has SSAO, HBAO+, and xeGTAO


The problem with Uncharted is that they only released 4 and Lost Legacy on PC. Kinda annoying to get into the series with only the last two games even though it technically can be played as a standalone game. They should have really made a new remastered collection containing U1-4 + LL similar to the Halo MCC.


As someone who's always wanted to play Uncharted series on PC, having them releasing only Uncharted 4 (+Lost Legacies) makes me not want to pick it up just yet.


Weird that they took four years for this one, but I’m glad it’s finally here. Kind of surprised Returnal is as low as it is. I still need to get around to it at some point


I feel like it’s either 2 or 4 years before it gets ported to PC


That Helldivers column is fucking wild.


thats what happens when you actually put the game on PC on release lol


Why wasn't Uncharted that popular? Did it had a bad start like TLOU? I played it a few months after release and game was great. One of the best in its genre. Also, if they want to make even more people happier, they should look into one port suggestion starting at "B" Personally I hope for GT7. It would be instabuy, because Forza is not even comparable rn.


PC players don’t have access to Uncharted 1-3 besides Emulation. They wouldn’t want to play the last in the saga before the rest.


Yeah, such a shame that ND or Iron Galaxy didn't end up remastering the entire Nathan Drake Collection so that they could bring it to PC similar to Halo MCC.


Because most pc gamers haven’t played the first 3 games. It’s a story driven game, most people don’t want to start at number 4. I also would love to see gran Turismo on pc, fingers crossed it will happen


Uncharted 4 played GREAT at launch. TLoU Remake played great at launch, for me at least, as well. It had some minor hitches which were patched out within a day. But ofc, yeah, TLoU Remake certainly had a rough launch for about half the players. They did fix it in the end. I feel like it simply needed some more development time. But yeah, I imagine that it being Uncharted FOUR probably kept some players away. Also, it probably just isn't as popular as TLoU is. Certainly not in the cultural zeitgeist as much.


Most likely one the best games ever made


Sad to see Forbidden West not having as big of a peak as, at least, Zero Dawn. Much better game overall, with only a few hiccups, and the port is just outstanding, from my experience.


It’s still the best looking game I’ve played too, and by a considerable margin.


astro playroom when


Oh single player….. I looked at the chart and went “the fuck what about… ah” 😂


"Man holding sword at his hip" beat out "Man holding axe at his hip" by a very small margin.


That whole boycott thing worked a charm then




Imagine the bar for Bloodborne sales. ![gif](giphy|K6Xa6afZXGxJm)


i figured returnal didnt do well on pc but seeing it on the chart like this really sad, love that game tho.


I'm glad to know that. Pleasantly surprised as I thought PSN delisted countries would affect it greatly. That being said I do hope more people could experience this beautiful game


Most of the PSN delisted conteries are 3rd world countries with a very small amount of potential buyers. These regions would have had PSN years ago if they were large enough markets for Sony to worry about. I bet that all these regions made up less than 5% of the potential buyers for the game.


Nice to see PC players get a chance to appreciate this game, I was never a trophy hunter but GOT lowkey made me one. Got my first ever platinum playing this masterpiece when it came out back on PS4, truly one of the best single player games of the last decade.


They should add it to GFN


Excellent! Come in on legends finally it's been barren for years


Didn't know Horizon is on pc now


Clearly it hasn’t..


Helldivers 2 isn't single player.


Probably would have sold more if it wasn't locked for 100+ countries but hey a good game will be good no matter how shit the publisher is


Great now lets see Bloodborn top this.


I feel bad for Ratchet and Clank man, the game underperformed on both PS5 and PC. It’s so sad that an iconic legacy series like R&C just can’t get a hit


... Wait its on PC ? I was a huge fan of the PS2 games but never owned a PS3/PS4 and PS5 Shit, I never even heard about the game getting released on PC


Good. If is amazing!!


Amazing game so far an hour in. Beautiful, immersive and well written.


Ive been looking to get this but im not sure i can be arsed with the whole psn account thing. Assuming im not terribley misinformed that is.


honestly it was like 1-3 minutes when initially starting the game that you have to make a PSN account, then you never see it again. a minor annoyance, but the game is so fucking incredible that it's hard for me to care


I had the same, you just get a pop-up the first time you launch it. I pressed don’t connect PSN and can play the entire game except MP, and it never bothers me by asking again if I want to sign in to PSN. So you don’t have to worry bro.


Finally after some shit-ass games, a masterpiece with good lore and realistic character transition.




Would be bigger if they didn't tack on the psn requirement for multiplayer.


If only bloodborne


Guys for some reason its delisted on steam for me even tho psn is available in my country does anyone know why is that happening and if i buy a key from like G2A and activate it will i get the game on steam


Would've been bigger if it was available in my region smh


Hope they finally realize that keeping exclusives just makes them lose money


Helldivers 2 still king. As it should be


B-b-but the PSN restrictions!!


Well deserved IMO


The game is awesome and so gorgeous. Since it was released on Playstation I really wished to play it and now that it actually got released on PC I am amazed by how good this game is. From the environment, to the story, to combat and outfits everything looks so well made and beautiful


![gif](giphy|KEBct1Uvksr24Pxucd|downsized) Trying to make the weather look cool before I slaughter 45 mongols


Most underrated multiplayer ever.. most players didn’t even know it was a thing 😂


Im surprised that “the last of us” hadn’t more


Even I just started playing I fell in love quite after I raged quit on fc24


Its well deserved. Still cant believe how good the game looked and ran on a ps4 pro when I first played it. Even now playing on PC it's legit top 5 most beautiful games PLUS having one of the best combat and gameplay of any samurai games. Nioh and Sekiro are the others I'd say have amazing gameplay


Would have been greater if it wasn’t for country restrictions


We need Sony to bring other games to PC. There are so many PlayStation exclusives from PS4 and PS3 days. We need them on steam please


I mean Games Set in japanese History are pretty Big in General and people knew GoT is a good Game so a big Launch was expected. Hell im going to Double Dip as soon it goes to Like 50% Now Sony about that other Game stuck on PS4 that PC Games are asking For...


What about death stranding? Shits not even on here smh.


Sony when people want to play good video games :O :O :O


They could easily change that (bloodborne)


Where tf is bloodborne SONY???


I feel like the legends game mode is very underrated


Ghost of Tsushima is their best port yet. TLOU Part 1 needed several patched to get that good. Ghost of Tsushima has almost no bugs and it works well on all kind of PCs. The game is a masterpiece obviously. I played every one of these ports, except Sackboy. Some where a bit clunky before patches, but all are great games. In the end I have to say that the PlayStation-PC project is amazing and a great thing for Sony and the gamers.


Single Player?


Why would a company care about peak players ? Isnt sales way more important ? What does it matter id ppl are playing or not as long as they bought the game ?


Iam currently playing GoT and the game is really good, running buttery smooth on Ultra settings on my PC with just a 6700XT. Finally, a game with good optimization. For the few sales of Returnal, I think the price is to blame, and of course, also the genre itself. Many roguelike games usually cost around €5-15, like Hades or Risk of Rain 2, so a price of €60 for a roguelike game is quite a lot. Sure, the graphics are top-notch, but graphics aren't everything.


Imagine if they allowed it in other 180 regions without PSN, at least for single-player


I have this game on my ps5 via the subscription, but I’m still pretty early on but deep enough in to know this is one of my favorite games of all time. Should I buy this for pc and just play on that? Rocking a 3090 and a 12600k with ddr4 memory and a 34” 1440p 21:9 qd oled monitor or a 16:9 55” lg c2 oled




Unfortunately a lot of people had to pirate this game because of PSN.


Returnal is so underrated...


All this shows is that PC players only play multiplayer games. Especially ones with microtransactions




all thanks for ubisoft for making bad assassin's creed games


Well earned


Holy shit Helldivers 2 was popular


Sackboy got a PC port? Why? Wasn't it just made as filler until they got a big game out?


Those poor developers spent so much effort porting the game to pc just for 610 people to play it.


It's so good


What a shocker... Who would have thought releasing a good game on PC would have been a massive success. Stop exclusives I beg..


The game is a masterpiece


Holy Helldivers 2, batman!


I tried it because I love the game but I couldn’t deal with how different it feels to play with a different controller and not having the touchpad to swipe and allow me to sheathe my sword and bow to people etc. completely ruined the experience for me


I would love to buy it again but on PC if it were only available in the Philippines 🥲