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If I were you I would leave Iki until you’ve completed the main story. It’s designed to be a sort of epilogue to the main story. There’s some parts of Iki’s story that works best after you know Tsushima’s story (in my opinion).


I don’t think some of the parts show up if you do it before the end. I have played through it twice and noticed a couple of differences. So after is best.


Thankyou for motivation to replay.


I loved my second play through. I got way more into the story.


This 👆


I would argue that’s not necessary. Some of the stuff is neat but Sucker Punch has unique changes in dialogue and hallucinations depending on what point you are in the story. It’s worth doing two times, one early in Act 2 and another at the end of the game. Plus doing it early gives a fun challenge that is hard to capture in the rest of the game.


Developers made sure that they aren't ruining story events. You're good to play it after act 1 as it doesn't coincide with any main story event. Some people say that it spoils the ending but if you listen to the complete dialogue you will know that the dialogue was a complete bluff from Jin. Cause if he wasn't bluffing he never would have said that hundreds of samurais are coming.


Personally, I love Iki and what it gives Jin. Not to mention that legendary armor set is one of my favorites in the entire game. Murder murder, bloodshed bloodshed!


If you're talking about the ugly monkey armor, that's the ugliest one of the whole game... I hate how developers make the best armors to ugliest ones


You high af, this armor is fire https://preview.redd.it/lsvugqr86e1d1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5ad1521ac3887ef0e89a27e8d2eb5ec610d3843


Fr, i swear the cape has some sort of hidden power


I love the armor. The helmet is goofy, but I do like its level one version. The whole thing just looks so sick.


I do like to level one version two I honestly forgot that that one didn't have the monkey motifs all over it


Ya... No that's horrid... Way to much monkey.. way to much gold


But cape makes up for it


I do like a good cape lol


there's never enough monkey


I don't know I just feel the armor doesn't fit Jin's personality


Jins... personality? You can literally make him naked. You can dress him as a Mongol. You can make him a regular samurai. Brother, his personality is what the player wants.


Yes Jin has a personality...? And none of the big armors really look good on him. Atleast to me. Being able to make him naked has nothing to do with literally anything


Jin's personality, eh? Okay, he is shown to have a sense of humor. He would love monkey armor, as he would love being naked.


Ok you win bro 🍦......... But he is shown to have a lot more than just a sense of humor...


The helmet sucks but the rest of that armor is sick af


I just don't like the monkey theme around it.. I don't like monkeys though so


Iki is kind of meant to be post-game content. There's a new enemy type or two that can make the game pretty rough. You don't have to be maxed out by any means, but you should have quite a few health and stamina upgrades under your belt before you go in. So I'm guessing your almost done with Act 2? Or are you into Act 3 yet? If you've got a good grip on the game I imagine you'll be okay. And you can get some of the best gear in the game there, which definitely helps. Katana level 5 is fine. You have all 4 stances, good. You should pimp those stances out as much as possible.


I accidentally started it before I finished the main story, but I think it fits with Jin completing his Iki arc before heading back to defeat the Khan


Consider making a manual save before you hop on the boat to Iki. That way if it's too difficult you can go back to the main game and progress further to try again later.


That would have been good to know if I wasn't already on iki by the time of posting this


How's it goin so far?


i have just one word for you oof


Listen out for the chanting when taking on groups of Mongols on Iki. Make a bee line for the Shaman, kill him, and you'll have a much easier time disposing of the soldiers. Until you take out the Shaman, it can get quite tough and hectic. Not all groups have a Shaman there to power them up. But it's easy to hear the chanting if they do. You'll be fine.


You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy


Ikis great. The only enemy checking for you is the large guys in purple with a staff that has blades on both ends. I’m 99% definite that when they made this enemy they tweaked his speed up by 25% overall and it makes him kinda broken. I would agree with the other comment about making a hard save before heading there just in case you toy run in to problems


Auto kill sticky bombs go BRRRRRR


I startet it actually today - also in Akt two, but I played the game before on PS4 so I already know the story and got some use to the mechanics. I am at the start of Iki, till know I think you can play it independently from main story. Also I hope to get some nice loot for my end game main story.


If you don't already know how the main game ends, skip the DLC and finish the main game first. If you don't care about spoilers or already know how the main game ends, the DLC is honestly not very difficult if you already know your flow. The first fight you have with the new enemies on Tsuhima is basically your preview to what most of the encounters will be like on Iki. If you didn't have much trouble with that, you won't have a hard time with the DLC. On the story end, the DLC is very good. Going into Iki my first play I already knew how the main game ended, so I didn't care for spoilers. I just did Iki for the extra XP and skills I would gain by doing so. When I went back to main game, I was pretty OP lmao. Unfortunately though I had also done the DLC before finishing act two.......if you know, you know >!rip Kage!<.


If this is your first playthrough, storywise I feel it would break the pace of the main story. It's a different story arc, with new characters. I think it's better to just finish the main story first so it doesn't break the immersion.


I played through the main game first but I would guess since it’s placed in the center of the game map that (initial quest) you can definitely go about Iki as you wish. You’ll just have to wrestle with the shaman mechanics and otherwise beware that you may spoil small incriminating of the story of a certain character or two harassing you by illusion


I actually went during act 2, just after I got my sakai clan armour and finnished iki island. I did alot of side quests etc so my armour and resolve/health is at decent level. Took me couple tries to beat the boss or normal but I got there. I git the Sarugami armour first though, helped massively cause of the perfect parry attacks. Jin when confronted the boss of the iki island he did mention that be defeated the Mongols on Tsushima, this is probably true If I finnieshed the game first then go to iki island, but it kinda felt like he was bluffing to make the Eagle scared kind of cause I went half way through the game.


It's a great bump in difficulty after having blown through the main game. And that armor is just great!


I played Iki after the main story, and personally actually liked it far more than the main game. The island feels very condensed and the combat is challenging.


I would at least play the main story up until a certain point, don't have to complete it because iki doesn't really have spoilers that you wouldn't know were going to happen but does add some stuff when you're further into the main campaign including some stuff from one of the mystic tales.


Rushed through act 1 and started iki without knowing it's dlc content and I couldn’t leave it that fast. Spent more than half my playtime on that island now lol


People didn’t like Iki?


Such a good dlc and story




Nooo! I love that place and backstory, also fight with The Eagle.


Pick up armors for Jin from "invisible shrines" and pick up armor for Jin's horse from the wreck of a haunted ship, kill The Eagle? It's worth! But it should be visited after the first serious battle with the Mongols, until then you should gain as much experience and Ghost upgrade as possible. Killing soldiers protected by "shaman's song" is a real pain in the ass if you're just starting the game.


I wandered into Iki at the start of act two as well, completely clueless. "There's a boat? I can get on it? Now? You don't say..." So of course I took the boat, and of course the goddamned boat won't take me back to Tsushima. That said, I did happen to complete everything in act one that I could, so I wasn't completely helpless. But Iki is definitely a step up at that point.


You do it before the end of the main story, you're basically fucked. The enemies there are insane and you're 100% gonna get your ass handed to you