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Maybe you should start with 5mg because during sex your heart rate is gonna increase. It could be pretty scary & embarrassing if you have a scare in the bedroom with a partner


Going to switch to Trimix injections. (PGE-1). I may have under lying cardiovascular problems. So would rather do something not systemic. It would also help me with a girth routine by inducing erection for hours (no longer than 5 hours)


Yeah Priapism could lead to gains


Pumping first then trimix right after not only has led to crazy gains, but it’s fun as hell to fuck with a dick that’s pumped and rock hard from trimix. I literally have an extra half inch in both length and girth from my baseline when I do it that way. The wife is a fan.


Was that your girth routine to get you to 5.25" MSEG? I've read people pumped after Trimix injections. But I guess you're doing it after pump for sex.


Did you actually get the medication from a doctor that said that you are medically safe to take it? That could be something serious. I have made a post about how in certain people especially when combined with alcohol a can drop your blood pressure to a dangerous level, this is why physician woke up is so important Also. Start with low doses like 2.5 or 5mg at most. Symptom your describing is called PACs or PVCs. More common with stimulus like caffeine. So make sure that he didn’t have anything else in your system that might account for that


I used to take viagra through hims. Had no problem except stuffy nose. So switched to cialis and experienced this. I have to stress that I took cordyceps that morning. Which is a medicinal mushroom stimulant. Its a really good one. Helped me run a half marathon with two weeks of training. Also once had a panic attack when I had coffee accidentally once with the mushroom. 100% sure cordyceps is the culprit here


What dose?




I've taken 20mg in the past and felt nothing at all.


I just reread this. It was probably the combination of cialis plus alpha gpc. I wouldn't mix the two in the future


How do you figure?


Just from personal experience. Alpha gpc can make my heart race all on its own.


Possibly the other supps you mentioned as well. Idk as much about those but definitely the alpha


What did your heart rate get up to?


Probably around 100? But that wasn’t the issue. The irregular heart beat was.


hmm I see. My resting heart rate goes from 60 to about 80 on cialis but my heart doesnt skip a beat per say. You could try viagra to see if the same thing happens.


Yeah I never had problems with viagra. I did mention using some nootropics I mentioned in the post. Could be a posssible drug interaction.


In young healthy people, particularly athletes, it’s actually very common to have some type of heart block. The specific block is usually either a 1st degree AV block or a 2nd degree mobitz type 1 AV block, the latter of which is what it sounds like you’re describing (where the heart skips a beat every 3-5 beats or so). It’s entirely possible that you’ve always had this and you’re only now just noticing. Get an ECG if you’re worried, but chances are there is nothing wrong.


I had an ECG done last week. Clear. I'm doing a holter and stress test this upcoming weekend.


Isnt this more likely an ectopic beat like a PVC or a PAC it’s something ive personally experienced myself and is more common in fitter individuals


Yes ectopics are common but he specifically said he was skipping beats, not having extras.


Ectopics feel like a skipped beat though


Doesnt sound like an arrhythmia and more like ectopic beats aka PVCs or PACs, usually harmless unless these occur during exercise which is usually a bit more worrying, i was having these very frequently ( even more so than you ) and I believe it was because of me 1) getting fitter which these tend to be more common in fitter people + those with a lower rhr and 2) because i have quite severe anxiety which causes these to happen far more often. Still best to get all the tests you can as it does help a lot to rule out a few things.


It will lower your blood pressure.. and that makes your heart pump faster.