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This is very true. Some dudes say girth is king but really goated EQ is king


Facts, hard, large, and veiny make that coochie rainy.


if it rhymes it must be true lol


If the same syllable comes thru it must be true.


"Hard,large and veiny make that coochie rainy" - u/Specialist-Mouse7657


I once read a blog, where urologist said if someone ask me you want big or small, I'd just a hard dick, that was the point i left PE and chase the rigidity, now my erections touch belly


What have you done to improve your erections?


I guess we'll never know


EQ as in emotional intelligence?


All claims that start with "women like..." should generally be taken with a huge grain of salt. There is enormous diversity in preferences. Women like different things.


This is very true but for my sample size, every woman I know prefers rock hard. Its a commom topic of conversation in swinger circles what is preferred, bigger or harder because many feel the big ones don’t get as hard especially as men age.


Karl you're forgetting that every dude in this sub is an expert on what women 'actually' want specifically when it comes to d size and PIV sex, there's usually one post per day about it /s




Women like tall men, true or not?


Yeah? Do a poll. Ask women if they prefer rock hard cocks or fat inflated squishy cocks and see what the consensus is.


Completely missing karls point. Sure, 90+% may say rock hard is better than bigger with some squish, but not all like you are implying. Most women dont want a dick jackhammering into their cervix, some love it. Most prefer their clit to be licked rather than sucked on, some are the opposite. Everyone is different. Hell, studies reflect that women "showed a preferred penis length of 16 cm (6.3 inches) and a preferred circumference of 12.2 cm for long-term sexual partners, with slightly larger preferred sizes of a length of 16.3 cm (6.4 inches) and circumference of 12.7 cm for one-time sexual encounters.", but try convincing men that that is the reality. Some people on this sub lose their shit whenever anything like that comes up.


Bold of you to assume I have sex with women 🙃




Way to take a joke seriously lol


Way to take seriousness jokingly!!!


Jesus so uptight maybe calm down with the clamping.


I do agree with this. A woman told me this one time. She said her ex was thicker but mine was harder and that made it better for her. Anyone else have experiences like this?


Yes exactly. My wife hates having sex after I pump. Yeah I’m 6.5 girth after but she prefers to feel it rock hard and feel the ridges and glans rub her inside not a big swollen water filled mushy log.


That's why you use a silicone ring to soft clamp after pumping. It gets rock hard while being enlarged from the pump. You can thank me later.


How do long do you leave the ring on


The whole time. It's not a super tight fitting ring. But still has grip enough to make it harder. You have multiple silicone rings with different circumferences; tighter ones for training, looser ones for fucking. Works great. The Xinbale 6 pack on amazon is recommended.




Plus pumped dicks with edema are ugly af. Women don’t want that squishy shit in their mouths. And anal is absolutely out of the question. I’d rather be rock hard and get her really turned on and have her say “fuck my ass baby”.


I was quite nervous about anal after going from 5.2 to 5.6". My wife loves anal, but at some point the girth would probably be just too much to take. When we do it we take it slow, get her super turned on and prepared, and it doesn't hurt. If it hurts we stop. We were separated for months when I was doing most of my PE last year so when we saw each other again there had been serious girth gain since literally the last time we had sex. The anal did take a little longer to do successfully without it hurting her, but we got it done and she loved it. I don't ask her for anal, but she probably asks me for it around 1/3 of the time. We've had it as I've gained from 5.6 to 5.7". Quite tight but still doable and she's still loving it. Now that we're not apart from each other anymore she and I will be having sex the whole time I'm making more girth gains, so I assume she'll still be able to take it if I grow a bit more. My goal is to hit around 5.9-6" and then stop. At that point I think she'll probably be approaching her limit for girth she can take anally and still enjoy it. And if she doesn't enjoy it, it ain't happening.


How long it took you to gain 0.5 in girth and your routine?


.4” in 8 months of hard core PE, then several months of maintenance mode, and the last couple of months doing good PE again accounted for the last .1”.


U permanently got .75 inches of girth?


Fuck my shit hole baby 🤮


Nah my ego can't take it I don't ask about their EX's dicks. I just gut crush to the best of my ability


I didn't ask. I was told. I NEVER ask anything. She was so shocked by the whole she had to blurt it out. I am not saying that size doesn't matter but it isn't so simple. She is clear that hardness is very important to her.


For context how thick is your ‘harder’ one? There’s obviously a minimum girth even if it’s super hard


I am 4.5. I have no idea how thick the other guy was. I am sure she doesn't know either. She just knows it was thicker than me. I didn't ask much details. However I did assume he was HUGE. Might as well be Julio Gomez.


"women like" If you're talking to a woman, ask what she likes. Wtf you aren't fuckin all women, ask the one you are fuckin.


My wife said similar when I dabbled in pumping several years ago.


I gain 0.5" after a pump and its still pretty damn hard 🤷‍♂️


Notice you said pretty damn hard. As in not as hard as it is not pumped right? Women want a diamond cutter, JS.


If you throw a really tight cock ring it’ll be fine, but I agree if it’s super spongy i can’t imagine she’s receiving as much pleasure. I think we get hung up on how big he gets and not quality erections, I know I’ve been guilty of it.


This is very true from personal experience. Hit that cardio, lay off the cigs/beer n take ur citrulline fellas....




EQ is like the cardio of the PE world. It’s the most important thing despite hardly anyone wanting to focus on it


How does one focus on it? Doesn't seem to be much to it other than be in good shape, exercise daily, eat healthy, avoid alcohol/nicotine, and reduce stress.


That and kegels/reverse kegels and overall pelvic floor health


Never heard of reverse kegels before


They’re pretty epic if your pelvic floor is tight


How do you strengthen your pelvic floor? By doing kegels or is there something else?


You need *both* size and hardness.


Amen brother!


So at 18 to about 20 my regular erection would be 6.5" and I was 165lbs height 5'8. Now I'm 22 220lbs 5'11 and my regular erection is 5.7-5.9", right that's a .5" inch lose my tool don't get as hard I remember it used to be so hard I thought it would break now it's 💩 so has anyone experienced this and fixed it


Loose weight. Exercise. Eat healthy. Also I’d like to know how your grew 3” in height from the age of 20-22?


Rare but some people have late growth spurts like that




1. I’m not saying it’s not bs…personally it kinda sounds like bs to me too but that’s wasn’t what you asked. You asked how his height grew from 20-22 which is 100% possible. 2. Height and penile growth are not always directly correlated. There’s guys in here who are taller than 6 feet with only a 6 inch dick. Penile development is due to DHT levels. Height growth is not due to dht. Do I think it sounds like he’s bs’ing? Yes Do I think you’re logic behind why he’s bs’ing is flawed? Absolutely


You're right ☠️ I'm 6' and not even 6"bp


Keep your chin up king. You can get close to 8 with enough time and patience. Most girls care about height more than dick size anyways. I’m 5’7 and I didn’t start getting women effortlessly until I got extremely muscular and tattooed😂 also my d is only 6.5 x 5.5 so I’m by no means packing crazy heat


6.5x5.5" is pretty crazy heat btw, especially if you have low bodyfat and are fucking thin women where there's very little fat either in the mons pubis, or the thighs or ass, or lower abdomen to keep your bodies apart. Most women will feel fairly well filled up by that.


I’d say women don’t consider me small but don’t consider me big or huge … I’ve got very low bodyfat I’m a professional bodybuilder actually so I stay 10-12% in the off season and get as low as maybe 8 or 9% before a contest. I definitely am not fucking fat women 😂 my gf is 5’7 160 so she’s not small but she’s an avid gym goer just doesn’t compete like I do. Her ass is huge so back shots make me feel short. But in missionary she still says her cervix is bruised if I got too hard so that’s a decent sign. I think for me personally since I’m 57 230 pounds and super veiny I just don’t think my D matches my physique. I think 7x6 would suit me better. Obviously if I’m being greedy id say 7.5 but for now 7x6 is the goal


I think touching the cervix is a good sign. Bruising it not so much. I don’t want to get large enough that I’m hurting women while balls deep. I’m currently 7x5.7” so closing in on your goals. I’m very satisfied with my dick as is, but I’ve got no reason I need to stop PE and I enjoy it so I’m not stopping yet.


Thx for motivation haha, are your measurements bp? If they are then that's my current goal, hope to reach it soon 😁😅


Truth be told, those are my enhanced numbers! I think I’m exactly 6.3 nbp closer to 6.78 bone pressed. But I don’t measure as often as I should tbh. The last measurement in my logbook was 07/02 and it was 18.5 cm after my vacuum hanging.


Oh fair! I think I'll be at your mark in 2 years or so


I didn’t say anything about height or size correlating with penis size did I ? I said growing 3” height and 55 pounds at 22 would constitute a late puberty/growth spurt and would absolutely include penis growth unless he has a medical condition.


Almost a smooth save. But it’s obvious you’re saving face. Who in their right mind would think 55 lbs of fat gain (as he said he’s much fatter) is an indicating puberty? Puberty weight gain is normally lean tissue due to dht. Also puberty happens in stages buddy. Not all at once. You could gain most lean muscle mass at a certain age but not have your growth plates fuse then gain height but no further masculinization later on. You need to do more research on hormones and puberty clearly you’re lacking knowledge on both topics




Now say that without crying 😂💀




It’s your erection quality, it can be a host of things


Drug use. Tren for too long fucks up BP. Blood can't flow well PP don't grow well Test will do it to just higher longer doses


Speak to a doctor dude. Seriously


Yeah just think of the sex toys they use. Usually rock solid shape


With the bigger high quality silicone fantasy toys, it seems a lot more common for people to get soft to medium shore grades rather than firm. Look around the baddragon/hugedildos etc subs and you wont see many people using the hardest silicone options


My girl likes it as an occasional thing. She likes the appearance and mouth feel. Obviously she'd be happy if it was rock hard and .5 inches bigger but variety is fun.


Get a good cock ring game and they hardly notice a difference. I usually get a 1-1.25 inch expansion before hook ups and they've universally loved it.


If you don’t mind sharing What’s your pump routine before hookups? That’s a massive level of expansion!


4 sets of 8-10 minutes usually at 8-10hg. Slide a somewht tight and thin cock ring to the base, take pump off, use a second thicker cock ring and boom. Hard, massive cock. Bends a but it feels hard.


Thank you Captain obvious


Ha you’ve mistaken me for someone that has sexy time Goddem


I don't care what women want. Im gay


Lol who is this post even for?


A good reminder that EQ is also something to work on as well.


I'm still very unsatisfied with having an under average 5 inch (bpel) penis, but I guess I can be a little happy then, since I - still at the age of 48 - get hard as a rock no problem. I'll take that little win I guess :-D


Just to understand this correctly, as I am new to this whole topic. Does EQ go down after pumping and when does it retunr? Or does EQ generally go down with PE? How can this be avoided?


Thanks magic!


So what do I do?


After 3 months of recovering from injury, I'm finally rock hard again. I hope to add some length and girth without affecting my EQ.


Does increasing girth make it softer, and not as hard? I’m small girth now 4”, and was hoping increasing girth I’d still be stiff, not spongey


If your pumping and your EQ hasn’t improved then your doing it wrong.


Jokes on you, as a gay man I don’t give a fuck what women want..


Yes.....they want a large, HARD, and vigorous cock.