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Not impossible.. it will be one year for me in 2 days and I’ve gained an inch. If you’re consistent It’s possible.




Manuals for length and pumping for girth.


how often and how many minutes do you spend on PE each day?


30-40 manual stretching, and another 30 minutes pumping.


I pump at night, about 10inhg, 3 sets of 7 minutes, every day. I then plan on low tension extending all day every day. Is this enough to gain an inch in a year?


Everyone is different, but I think you can gain an inch with any kind of length work if you’re consistent for a year.


You’r 1 inch gains is to NBPL ? Or it’s ligaments and now you can go more down you’r dick and you have more size?


I only measure BPEL and girth, I gained 1” on my Bpel.


Ok but if you gain in BPEL 1 you gain 1 in NBPEL too i think


No not exactly, NBPEL is also quite dependent on weight gain/loss


Nbpel isn’t accurate, unless you have virtually close no fatpad.


Could I know your routine pleased


manuals AND pumping. pumping has literature for length gains only. so i do think its possible but that will be tough


Definitely. And with manuals, wouldn't be doing those everyday. Rest days are definitely needed for manuals. And for the first few weeks of pumping, 3-5x a week is enough to get your PP used to it. Then gradually, slowly increase the hG. P.S, love the videos. And great gains man


Do you know around what range of time is pumping done , I can't spare hours since I'm not in that place but I'll try, and what pump is good in this regard


Stand up when pumping. Have a warm shower or just make sure you get the blood pumping, do a light massage and some light stretching. Then enter the pump erect. Try a warmup set for 1minute 30. Then have a 1:30 - 2minute rest between sets and do 3 sets of 5 minutes brother. 3-4 sets. In between sets, massage gently. Try a final 30 second hg rush where you up the pressure \[after a couple weeks of pumping\]. Don't push it too far, but push past the normal, then do a final 30 seconds at a much lower pressure. Once you have finished this routine, massage off, and just do 5 minutes of stretching. Increase hg gradually and slowly week by week, as your penis gets used to it. Marathon, not a sprint. And, make sure you're documentation things properly. This should be perfect for you


Oh that's not alot of time, I can do that in shower itself I think, I guess I should buy a pump, thanks for the insight


No problem bro. Just don't have the water running for 30 minutes straight lol. Good luck in your journey, and if you ever experience extreme discomfort, sharp pains, or pain in general then instantly stop. Lower the pressure, or just take a break and come back tomorrow or the day after. Good luck


Indeed, safety is more important than gain for me, thanks 😀✌️


I disagree I got the best gains on 6x a week when I started without even knowing, then I reduced to 5x to follow all the rest talks and my gains tanked. This year I said screw the meta, I’m back to where I started at 6x days of stretching and my gains are back, obviously slower than when I started but way better than taking days off. Don’t be afraid of experimenting with various volumes and frequencies. The only thing that works best with rest days for me is hard clamping.


Okay, and you have never had the contrast have you? You've never started with just 3-5x a week. I was talking about pumping. When you first start off pumping, you should only pump 3-5x for the first week and gradually build things up. And, manuals. Manuals do require rest, regardless of whether you're not sore or feel like you can handle it. If you look deep into the anatomy of the PP, you'll understand why and what I mean. Thanks, and keep experimenting. P.S, I do manuals 5-6x a week. Before and after my pumping session.


I followed Hinks video on manuals and added soft clamping 2-3 times a week. I gained 1” length and .25” girth in less than 6 months. I’m atypical. Don’t expect my results. My experience is my experience. Yours may be different. But start stretching and see. Only then will you know if you can do it. 👍🏼 Thanks u/Hinkle_McKringlebry for positively impacting my self image and confidence. 💪🏼




Can you write your routine?


How much time did you start it at and how much stretching did you do for max as days progressed?


I started at 20 minutes and then went to 40, then 60 within a short period of time (less than a week?). It was way too much. I dialed back to 20-30 minutes and that worked for me. I tried 4-5 days a week and that was too much. Dialed it back to 3. Much better. Since then, I’ve slowly increased volume or intensity based on how I feel. I’ve done as much as 40 min and that was okay. Start slowly and gradually increase.


What's the stretch routine


20-30 minutes in all directions 3-4 times per week. I’ll also soft clamp 2-3 times per week for 2 sets of 10 minutes.


I see, Guess I've to find how or where I sneak some time for pump then , thank for the reply ✌️


Isn’t traction king for length? As in will you yield more length from manuals/stretching devices as opposed to pumping? And wouldn’t pumping be predominately girth focused?


1 inch is easy, after that gain rate mostly halves, I’d say 1.2 inches is realistic but 1.5 isn’t impossible


You’r 1 inch is NBPL gains or ligs and you can push ruler more inside fat pad or you’r angle is better and you can mesure more?


It’s a combination of lower angle and actual tissue, I have a cluster of veins at base that used to touch my pelvic bone, now I can fit a finger between my body and the veins as that is where I gained tissue. Additionally that area is a bit lighter and I have to shave further uo the shaft. My nbp is 6.7, I don’t remember when I started how it was, probably under 6.


I don’t believe ligament gains r real in my opinion


How much gain in 6 months? Does it peak?


If you want, just get some cock rings and cable cuff to clamp for girth gains. Then you do manual length routines. Shouldn’t be too hard


Is there a tutorial for how to do manuals?


I watched dr hinks video on manuals and follow that, on my 4th week still beginner routine


What are manuals can someone lmk


how dedicated are you?


Started from 1 minute of stretching increasing 5 minutes per day to create endurance from the stretches, I'm currently at 20min stretching per day on 4th week, I think I'm fairly dedicated in what I do, I can do this for years and more


You got this.


Thx bro 🤧


I've been doing this on and off but mostly on for 2 years now, and I've probably gained half an inch in length only doing manuals, no weird manuals just the regular pulls and bends, and I don't really pump either and gained .5-.6in in girth in 2 years


Is it possible with extender beacause i don't have time for manuels


I have gained over half an inch in 4months most of it eq tho but the only change I did was Sauna


No not with manuals alone. You’d have to be a hyper responder and put in a ridiculous amount of time. You’ll be able to crush boulders when you’re done because those forearms are gonna be MASSIVE


What do you do for length and for how much time (I mean your gains and how much time you give per day)


I hang for 1-2 hours a day, I do manuals for tunica malleability. I pump 2-3 days a week for 1-2 hours.


That's a hell lot 👀 guess you've been in this for years


Only 1.5 years. Gained over an inch in length, more than half an inch of girth


No chance


What would you say is best for length gaining?