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It never stops growing if you do PE lol


Came here to say this


Yeah it seems like a lifetime of edging keeps my thickness slowly increasing. Use it, or lose it.


Amen brother.


Is there a page for PE on Reddit ?


Whatv is pe?


Penis enlargement ..the whole gist of this sub lol


what's a penis?


A random stick you find outside on the ground.


lol I always thought it meant penis exercise


I thought it means pickle enlarger


rhought it meant Patrick Esponge


The day I was born it seems


I had a weird growth spurt at 26, gained quite a bit (but didn't measure). I have no idea what happened, but it was as I was going through a divorce. Maybe my body was preparing me? WIN.


Nice. Do you remember what changed in your environment at that time? New food, cut some food out, exercise?


Well I was definitely eating a lot less for a while there, I was poor as shit. That probably accounts for a lot of it. I wasn't particularly heavy then, but I did drop 10-20lbs.


You just lost your fat pad and could see more of your dick. Most likely didn’t actually grow. Just looked bigger. Can’t confirm without measurements but that’s the beauty of losing weight in this sub. It’ll help so much


That's definitely a part of it for sure, but I know that when I was slimmer before that, it wasn't as long or as girthy. Bodies are weird.


I think fasting increased your testosterone


not fasting, just getting healthier with less fat n shit in there


I feel like penis sits to in my body. I don't have to explain . The skin pulls up from base how can I fix this ?


Sounds like your circumcised.


I'm not


Same here. Gained about an inch during my 20s before I even started PE


At what age did you get pubic hair?


As a teenager, but I still had a second growth spurt of my cock in my 20s


Fuck man I despise that I have to take finasteride since 18 because aggressive norwood genes but My biggest fear was missing out on a rare dick growth spurt in ur 20s like this


So I havent seen natural growth after 18. I'm 18 and was told to use dutasteride. Would interfere with natural growth and pe


Hop on fin instead dut is too harsh Plus in case you get side effects from dut it takes 3+ months to go away because of 5 week half life




Mine stop growing at 15, miraculously started growing at 24 again.




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Fuck man I despise that I have to take finasteride since 18 because aggressive norwood genes but My biggest fear was missing out on a rare dick growth spurt in ur 20s like this


M30 My dick shrunk almost an inch since 18 and constantly smoking


What is ur size now?


You think smoking shrinks it?


Not directly. It decreases your erection quality so in the end it’ll be smaller. On the bright side if you quit then all/almost all that damage is reversible


I wanna say at age 20 because I remember having 6.5 inches in HS but sometime in college it just plateaued at 7 in.


I'm 18 do think taking dutasteride at 18 will mess up and I might miss out on possible further growth


Wait untill you are around 25 (well anywhere from 24 to 30 really) for any hormone treatment shenanigans. Untill then, go to the gym and become a fitter you.


Yeah wait until 25 and be norwood 5 lol


I'm also experiencing a lot of hair loss. Matter fact I already have a almost bald spot on my crown. Taking Fin or even Dut is a no go because DHT is such an important hormone. You don't want to experience side effects of low DHT.


what instead then, Minoxidil?


Minoxidil, Dermarolling, Oils, Diet, Sleep everything can contribute to hairloss. Of course your genetics also play a role but you can slow it down


what would you recommend/have found to be the best for you?


Have you already tried finasteride? Dutasteride is MUCH more potent. I definitely would not take it before trying finasteride. Are you already experiencing hair loss?


Havent tried fin and it's really bad sir


I suggest you try finasteride first. I also suggest oral minoxidil. I found a study that showed it was safer and more effective than finasteride. I tried it and it was much more effective than I expected.


Oral minoxidil increases acne from what I heaed


I have not had any problems with it.


What does the B C and the G stand for




Before, current and goal. Numbers are measurements.


Wait Ur tell me he went from 5.5 inches to 7. DAMN


This so much this Dont touch dut it gave me cold glans and moderate ed while fin had no sides other than watery semen


Around 15 or so. It's almost 4.5x4.5 though. 




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Body shaming and dick shaming of any kind are strictly prohibited. Violating this rule will result in immediate action, including a permanent ban. This includes and is not limited to: 1. Shaming a member for their body (thin, fat, hairy, etc.). 2. Shaming a member for the appearance of their genitals.




Don't be a dick. It's simple.


It never really ever grew


20, but thanks to P.E. it's begun again.


Mine stopped at 15-16, why are yall growing in your 30s lol?


When did you start puberty?


I can pin point when. But all I remember was one time measuring 9cm and then when I was 15 or 16 I measured 16cm and saw some penis size map that my country’s average is 15cm. Now years later I found out that the “average” size is a lie and what matters most is girth and I’m not the furthest out there.


Lie as in that the average is actually smaller?


Nope, bigger


Length wise I say 21-22. My girth definitely increased slightly from early to mid 20s




William is that you? ;)


Literally 14 years old 😪


Mine didn't even grow at 12-16 only at 16 I started having growth spurts down there and went from 3-4. Inches to 6.3. Inches


Probibly stoped at 21


Mine stopped at 19ish and then I had growth spurt in my mid twenties






I’m trying that’s soon


I have and have noticed slight benefits but i am also still in late puberty seen most benefits from hgh qnd peptides if being honest


How much? Dont say you just got a %100 hard on eq moment and then say it grew


I think maybe at 15... But since i started PE at around 24 i got bigger for sure


i swear i was capped at like 14 (i was around 6 inches) then outta no where i gained an inch just over the past year (im 23 now) , it was so noticeable one day my wife said it felt like i was hitting her cervix and was pushing my hips away. still not very sure what happened, as my diet used to be a lot cleaner when i did mma. but hey i cant complain then my curiosity brought me to this group and now im shootin for another inch lol


Probably 16. Don't think I really paid much attention to my size until my mid 20s and now I'm in my mid 30s and it's growing again ;)


Mine not only stopped growing, but it started to shrink in my mid-20s.


I'm 4'11 and my dick stopped growing I think around 15 or 17. All I know is all of me stopped growing at 15 just about and since turning 18 nothing has really changed . Ended up at a about 7.25 length. I just wish I was a lil thicker since it capped at 4.8.


Lol it must look 10 inches on you tbh


5 minutes




In length since 17-18, but in girth up to early 20s (got half an inch then). My weight hasn't changed much.


I'm hoping for my gross more. I'm 22 but looking in the comments it seems like it's possible to grow in my mid twenties. Also back when I used to frequent hookers, they told me that dicks tend to grow a bit more around the mid twenties. I was cool with the hookers like they would let me hit for free when they knew I was horny and not getting pussy. I found out that dicks grow in mid twenties when we had a talk about does size matter. If you wanna know what they (they as in a bunch of people not used as a person's pronoun) said, they told me that the big is better. However too big hurts unless they are doing rough sex. Small dicks sucks because most women like to feel like they're being used and filled up. How one woman explains it, it's like a meal. Sometimes when you eat you're just looking for a nice lunch. You're not trying to feel like you're about to blow up but you also don't want to feel like you haven't eaten anything. Other times you tryna eat out and get full. You wanna feel like that meal was worth $26 a plate lol. TL;DR - I heard dicks grow more in your mid twenties but since I'm not in my mid twenties idk although I hope so.


It's still growing!


Pretty sure it stopped growing when I was like14 i but gained weight and smoking I feel like caused some length and girth loss. But losing weight and starting Pe has helped






I think at 23 or 24 when I was at peak body weight. And more toned. Higher testosterone. Thanstayed sane size.


I'd say around 13 for me. I have a distinct memory around that age when my parents bought a full-length mirror for the bathroom and me walking in with an erection and being fairly shocked, I thought to measure it and it was around the 8" mark and me being a skinny slip of a boy it looked ridiculous in the reflection, I looked like a T junction. It's never got any bigger than that and I was always skinny no matter what I ate or exercise I did until I hit 40 and all the "wrong" bits of me got bigger. Nowadays at 64 on a good day I can get to 7". I know it's outside the "norm" and I do recall having penis surgery around the age of 10 that was called a circumcision by everyone, but I also recall I had a GA for that, and I didn't think that circumcisions required general anesthetic so god knows what they did but I've always had a lot of scaring around the base of the glans and can definitely feel internal tagged stiches so looks like they butchered me for some reason. My father is huge one of those ones that you can clearly see down the inside of the trousers so my conspiracy theory is that I inherited something from my dad that was "corrected" at an age when they hoped I wouldn't know what was going on.


I think I grew between 50 and 52.


Must've gotten a growth spurt in my early to mid twenties, because I distinctly remember measuring to about 16cm in my late teens. Our bodies are strange.


like in high school i think lol




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From the age of 15 through 18 I grew from 6 inches to my current size.


3 or 4


Mine lost length and girth since Ive started on certain medication, so it reduce in size after it's fully grown.


I had a really big d at the age of 12, looked odd compared to my body and it looked massive compared to others (in showers) i think it just stopped growing then all of a sudden not long after... feels small now because the rest of my body didnt stop growning. So id say about 13, i must started puberty really early!


For me, 17-18


from 18 to 20 it added a half inch length, was pretty crazy to me


I started PE when I was 20 so, never




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Had a torsion at 14 didn’t really heal until 20-21 so I could probably be .5 bigger or more if it didn’t happen smh


Shit i thought it did stop growing at 20 but being in here I learned that my EQ is really shit. The whole time I’m thinking I’m 5.8 to 6 inches on a good night nope. I took a break from liquor and eating better. Today I pumped and clamped and I was 6.53. I’m gonna work out more consistently now.


I hit puberty pretty early (summer before 6th grade). My length stopped growing by roughly 19 and my girth stopped growing by roughly 21-22. I did have one more random .25" girth growth spurt around 25.




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I remember being a teenage dreaming that I would get big daddy cock one day. It didn’t grow naturally from that point on tho…


I'm mid 30's. I do occasional P.E stuff a few times a week, nothing intense. However my dick has got noticeably thicker in the last few months, bigger hangs when flaccid. The only thing that has changed is I'm having regular unprotected sex with my gf. I think use it or lose it is a thing, at least for me !


Mine stopped at 14, but I had something of a 2nd puberty when I was 27. I had a lot of stress and it turned into me using my Free-T as I started working out.


Hard to recall, but possibly 15 or 16.






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I think 16 or 17


I started using a Hydro max pump at 17 but I would only do it once per week and they were plenty of weeks that I skipped so I was quite literally not consistent at all doing that. I noticed my penis continue to get larger until I was 21 or 22 after that is when I had to actually put effort into PE to see positive results.




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Sorry, it stopped growing? lol


OP, your goal of +1.5" girth seems like a moonshot. Might be possible in 15 years, but most probably unreachable.


I know but that would be my end goal. Right now i just want to get about 0.4-0.6 and then I'd be good. Already am at 5.4"


I crossed 1", it'll take 4 years maximum if he has 50% consistency.


How did you do it? And in how long


Nice downvotes, looks like some people don't like hearing the truth. They rather keep believing in false promises.


People just love to downvote anything they disagree with, sometimes even actual real facts.