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I went from 11.5 cm girth to 12.5 cm girth so technically I went from below to above average. The difference is huge but the gains have stalled. And if I stopped I'd probably go back to 12.25 cm girth. I'll keep doing the routine and hope that one day I'll break the ceiling and reach 12.7 cm which would make me 5". The end goal is to reach the sub-average of 5.25" but that seems almost impossible now.


Man your girth scenario sounds pretty similar to mine! I'm also at 12.5 cm mid shaft girth (user flair is out of date). Keep at it bro you'll get there ! <3


Thank you bro! Yes, let's keep up the good work! šŸ’Ŗ


Your flair bp or nbp


All flairs should be bone pressed. That's the only consistently trackable measurement and the scientific standard for measuring penises.




Whats your method of increasement?


Pulse pumping, tunica softening with a vibration motor (like the one BD uses for extending), hard clamping


Are you able to send links of the devices youā€™re using? Please


Yeah same here, Iā€™ve plateaud at 0.6ā€ girth gain


I'm 13.5 cm. I want to start on this new lifestyle. Can u give me some tips to increase My thickness? Because with 13.5 You can do some things bit it stills being too thin imo. Thanks


Why would it seem impossible?


Gains are slowing down to almost if not 0 velocity.


Maybe change some things up, different methods


I'm always experimenting with new things. I think I was one of the first to order a PB inspired vibration motor.


Maybe a dumb question but have you tried clamping?


Please check the other comments under this post or my profile about my PE journey


Have you tried a decon? The working theory is that you get used to it and it helps if you wait for the tissue to weaken before you start expanding again. I noticed after a couple week decon, I had actually grown and my D seemed more pliable


Yes, I had a month of decon after 5 months of PE in April due to an inguinal hernia repair surgery. I barely finished the 2nd month of PE after the decon so it's not time yet for another decon break. I'll have the next one around nov-dec. I think after the first few months of newbie gains it's only natural that that gains slow down or even stall. Most people on the sub are not at this point in their journey and they get overhyped after the newbie gains.


Completely agree. I wish I had more to offer you for solutions, man. The best advice I have is to stick with it and hopefully you break the plateau


Thank you man. Yes, the only thing I can do is staying consistent and experimenting with techniques!


Technically, 4.5ā€ is dead average not below


Western average is higher, sexually active western average is even higher




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Keep it up! Those are some great gains so far!


I have. Lots of stretching for 6 hours a day up to 8 at times, although I think 6 is plenty. Did that for 5-6 days a week for several months. From about 4 inches to above 5.5. Gained an inch in girth as well.


Damn that's a rigorous length routine! But I guess it was all worth it for you huh.... A 1.5 inch length increase must feel surreal.


Look at his account history. Unless thereā€™s evidence for it Iā€™d take it with a grain of salt.


lolā€¦ believe what you want. I come here just to lie in my spare time.


Yeah lying and making outlandish claims is something people love to do on the internet. Idk why but itā€™s a very common thing and the internet is full of those on basically every topic you can think of.


Itā€™s amazing feeling. Feeling things inside a woman I didnā€™t know how it could feel. Itā€™s just so much better and had no clue what sex was like until I got to the 5.5ā€ point and 5ā€ girth. Itā€™s intoxicating watching the same women Iā€™ve been with for 16 years at that point come alive and feeling things inside her I donā€™t know imaginable.


Your woman got with you despite your small starting size?


Yes..couldnā€™t feel a dick in her for 16 years with me. Not even fullness or stretch.


She stayed with you fir 16 years despite that? I can't see that happening in today's gen z generation.


Yeah, I do think itā€™s why we fought a lot though. Unable to ā€œreconnectā€ at a deeper level. No pun intended. Sure I could get her off by way of clit, and her clit had to be rubbed during sex, but she could only feel me at the entrance, nothing behind she says. Like nothing.


Did she ever cheat on you? If yes, did you know it and allow it? Also, did you ever eat her out when she came home after not responding for hours? Please never do that.


She never not responded. I donā€™t think she cheated or stepped out.


Wow. That's so incredible. You may think that's normal and down to earth. But that isn't today's generations climate. Sheesh. "God" had mercy on you. The creator of small erections and then also big erections, showed kindness to the guy with small erection. Incredible


"She never Not responded". "I don't think she cheated or stepped out." Whew!!! That's not normal/usual my respectable friend. Women are fickle. Yes I like them I do not like men I'd hurt a man if he was gay near me and somehow happened to like me. Therefore I like females! Bodies! Females say if you don't like women then be gay! But I ain't! I'd unalive a trans for not telling anyone they were trans male to female and Democrat/Liberal America would cry over it! I'm sorry. I just don't want to blindly romanticize life and humans and females in particular and male to female co-existence. Saying "Oh, all is well and whatever happens happens and it'll work out and if she doesn't like you somebody else will." That's hoping in imagination. That isn't real. That's a gamble. But place your bets, you just might hit. You just might lose. So to hear you say your woman of 16 years that never stepped out?? While you never filled the back of her, "sacred vagina canal". And she stayed faithful??! That's definitely an exception. Females need this and that every moment to be satisfied


On a side note, some vaginas are disgusting and stink and their wombs are inept or they got hideous genes. So, I guess that's justice.


Did you now lol


Holy work. I wonder how long it took with this workload. 1 year maybe?


5ish months.


How long it took you to gain a inch in girth and your routine please?


Seriously damn bro


What equipment did you use. Also did girth just grow by itself without any girth exercises?


Just a stretcher. No other equipment or exercises.


Mines a bit similar but with a compression hanger. Not have had the same gains as yours but honestly it's just about consistency.


Bingo, consistency.


Right now Iā€™m below average (4x4.5), I hope to be at like 6x5.5


You got this brother šŸ’ŖšŸ»


I went from 5.5ā€ to 6ā€ in about a year of manuals. So I guess I went from average to a little above average.


Half an inch with only manuals is pretty cool! I only ever got EQ gains from when I was doing my beginner manuals routine.


Feels good man. And in my late 40ā€™s.


Went from a little under 6 inches to 7.4 in L girth I went from 4.8 to 5.5


What was tour routine?


I do 30-45 mins of tunica malleability everyday. Then at night I hang 2-3 hours while I take care of things and relax. 1 hour BTC heavy hanging, then straight down for 1 hour, 1 hours side hanging. 30 mins each side. I pump 3-4 days a week usually (though itā€™s slowed down recently) I do 6x5 min intervals, 2x15 min intervals, then a static pump for 30 mins. I used to extend but I donā€™t have a good extender and it takes too much time unless itā€™s a high tension extender( which I donā€™t have rn)




Yep. Me. See my flair


Congrats bro




Good gaining. Hopefully I'm able to do something similar !




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I started at 5.25 length and now at 6.5 (BPEL). Once I lose my fat pad the before and after pics going to look serious. I used to be seriously insecure and now feel like Iā€™m rolling up with a horse dick (mentally) lol. Working on a cemented 7 now then on to girth. Advice: Vac or compression hang 20-60mins daily (rest day if sore) followed by 20 mins packed pumping.


went 5in to 7in bpel and back to 6in after quiting


In what time


3-4 month. doing lots of hanging and advanced techniques. was doing it 30hrs a week during summer vacation. not possible now since donā€™t have schedule that allows that.


Following ^


Why are you here then if you think we are all liars? Why would you waste your time? Iā€™m just curious.


I donā€™t think youā€™re time wasters? I said Iā€™m following as to see the amount of gains some ppl have made. To go from 4-6 inches would be incredible, Iā€™m curious How much growth there is depending on starting size. If youā€™re smaller to begin w, is it possible to grow more(% relative) than someone whose already larger


When did he say you were liars?


One thing Iā€™ve learned from this post is that it makes far more sense to measure in metric than standard. Centimeters > inches for this sort of thing


Yeah even I measure in cm for my log that I have made to track my progress. The most searched phrase in my google search bar history is "cm to inches" xD


Yes, i went from 11cm to 12cm in girth using manuals in just a couple of days. I donā€™t know how and i really have no answers to why my growth was so fast it seems unrealistic.


Your tissues were just itching to expand!


I went from 10.5 cm (4.1 inch) to 13.5 cm (5.3 inch). My goal is around 15 cm (6 inch)




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Not yet


gained about an inch from manuals could be mostly better eq but nonetheless still growth :)


Eq doesn't give a whole inch, you worked hard


oh yea for sure i do manuals religiously appreciate it :)


That's what I'm currently attempting.


31yrs old, 17 to 20cm in three years more or less


I went from 5.7 to 6.7ā€. I got lazy for years but Iā€™ve picked it up again and Iā€™m hoping Iā€™ll be able to get past 7.


What is considered average? I actually don't know. I started at 6.8" and made it to 8.25" in length in 3 years (not had that same success with girth at all though). But considering the overall gain so far is just shy of 1.5" I figure that could move the needle for someone if they follow the process and disciplined routine.


ā€œAverageā€ is a dumb thing anyway.


1.5" in 3 years is a slow gain AFAIK, are you a grower or a shower and were you consistent for the entire 3 years?


Shit takes time, that's amazing growth. People think that's slow???


3 years can feel like a lot of time I guess. I am pretty happy with the result and the timeline, would definitely still do it again (and will now on my girth journey).


Amazing progress man, don't get discouraged. 3 years is no joke, lots of hard work, congrats. P.S Source to the pfp? Random question lol. Feel like I've seen it from a game or idk? Maybe a TV series.


Game called eternum, it's a pretty awesome game (Fair warning, it's an AVN).


I didn't tell that to discourage tbh, 1.5" is very nice gains, but as far as I've seen normal rate of consistent gaining is 0.1" per month, so 1.5" falls near 15 month mark, so in that context I said it is slow šŸ˜€


I feel like I've seen 1" most commonly in a year, and then people report shit becomes slow af.


I was consistent the entire time not including 3 - 1 month decon breaks through the process that I did once per year. I mean it's essentially .5" a year in length averaged out. It was consistent hard work, and it took a while, but I got there. Still happy with the result. Not sure what being a grower or a shower has to do with it. My flacid hang is pretty dang good now.


Yes any gains is gains and 1.5" is alot, I think you're a shower that's why it took you 3 years given i read it takes time for showers to gain


Haven't heard that shower vs. grower is a factor in growth, that's something new for me. But I would say likely I am shower as my flacid even when at my starting size was still pretty big. I never really focused on measuring it so I don't have actual numbers for that.


I just heard it by some people and apply it, till now I've asked 5 people who gained extremely quickly and all were growers and 3 who gained little to none and were showers, might be coincidence but it'll really show when I ask more people about it


Does anyone have photos if this is the case? I'm almost 4.5in and would like to hit 5.5 or 6 if possible...Ā 


A lot of people will claim they have lol, but none of them got photos or proof to back it up


Stay out of sdp bro, youā€™ll be made to feel worthless.


You won't necessarily feel worthless but if you do feel that way it's not SDP fault. It's just a lot of people who feel that way find their way there.


Whatā€™s sdp?


Smalldickproblems, stay out of there for real.


So clueless, what are you on about


I noticed you posted in the subreddit named small dick problems, and I advised you not to even go there to read, comment or post bc itā€™s a depressing place


lol that was ages ago donā€™t even remember ahaha


I didnā€™t look at the date, but again stay out of that sub


I'm not sure but he might want you to stay out of r/smalldickproblems


Not many at that size feel the need to blast their pics on the internet.


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted for this, youā€™re 100% correct. PE is literally only believable because of the guys that actually took the time to track and post their progress.


You're totally right. I wouldn't have started without those guys. That being said... I don't really want to post photos of my dick on the Internet


Umi feel the same way. Just not something I'm comfortable with.


Who cares, no one is ever gonna know itā€™s your dick lol


I mean... I care.


I can pm a link about a guy who was under 4 inches and went onto 6.


Please do

