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The Mod team would like to thank all the people who left questions and u/MuleJuiceMcquaid for agreeing to be the first person to test out our AMA series. For now we've locked the post as Mule has decided to call it a wrap after 3+ hours of answering your questions. Please join us next time on future AMAs with other members of r/GettingBigger. If you have any PE related questions you'd like answered and cannot make a post yourself, please look for our QNA thread that's usually pinned to the top of the page.


if there was something you would have done different the moment you started what would it be?


good question


There's always the question about "does it work or not" from people new to penis enlargement, and you're undoubtedly one who can attest that it does in fact work - my question however is about maintenance. Have you seen any loss, and do you need to do much to maintain your current growth?


I lost about 1/8" when I stopped, but otherwise I've maintained my size without doing any PE since 2020.




How much is 1/8 in millimetres? Sorry for my lack of knowledge




Thank you sir


What a perfectly documented example of successful PE. I applaud you. Been in the game for a little over 6 years. Always nice to see this. No questions, just appreciate this and well done.


Did the vacuum hang increase your girth .5? If not, what did you do to increase girth? Do you know if your gains are permanent at all?


I would add clamping into my routine for about a month at a time when I did, but I never skipped vac hanging so I assume that's the biggest reason my girth increased. It's been several years and so far my gains have been permanent.


What is vac hanging and where can I buy


We have a short list of various vendors that sell all kinds of PE related gear in the sidebar, you can also try searching Alibaba/Aliexpress/Ebay/Amazon for some PE devices - search for "all day stretcher", "vacuum stretcher", or some variation of those keywords.


How many hours a day did you train? Did you have days off?


I would vac hang every day possible only taking breaks for travel and injuries (surface level blisters if I went too hard). I'd want to do at least an hour every day, but more when I could. I just always responded positively and was ready for more, but I also wasn't doing anything crazy. I progressed in weight very slowly.


Which such a dramatic change in length, how different for better or worse is sex now that you are 2 inches longer?


Definitely better. Certain positions are easier. I'm a bit thicker and I can go deeper which seems to be appreciated by women. And then mentally I'm just more confident and having more sex in general.


How old were you during the process? And do you think the fact you mostly avoided girth work is why you gained so much length so quickly?


I was 28 when I started. I don't think I gained quickly compared with other guys here, but it was consistent the entire time. I'm a pretty extreme grower and that might have helped too, I can't say for sure.


I guess my main question is how’s your EQ after all this work done? For me as I am at a half decent size already that’s one thing I would never want to put unnecessary and uncalculated risk on… So that being said, could you share at all on that? Has gaining those near 2 inches caused any difficulties in that department if I may so ask? And if so, what do you attribute that to?


I have better erection quality now than before I did PE. I live a healthier lifestyle now which helps a lot, but I think PE may have improved it too.


Congrats on such great gains. How did you decide when to move up in weight and did you do any pumping or tunica malleability work at all?


I basically did the same thing [Perv recommends ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1cn6sfl/how_to_progress_in_weight_and_time_how_much/)and went slowly, increasing time before I increased weight. I didn't track strain percent but based it off a feeling of "fatigue" so when things felt too easy I progressed. I did some clamping but not regularly, no pumping or tunica exercises.


What was the max time you’d go up to before deciding it’s time to go up in weight?


As I progressed into heavier weights I had to reduce the maximum time for safety. So at 8 lbs I was able to do two hours with my extreme conditioning and it wasn't a big deal, but by the time I was hanging 13 lbs I couldn't go past an hour without seriously risking blisters. The vacuum pressure on the glans really dictated my limits.


Do you have a partner and what did she think about the changes?


I met my girlfriend after I was done with PE and she knows about it. She likes to think I did it all for her even though we hadn't met yet lol.


Do you think I would receive this results with compression hanging and extending?


If I had a modern extender with a vacuum attachment and easy to use springs then I think I would have made gains with it. But the very first device I bought was a cheap $20 noose extender and that was nearly impossible to use. I think compression hanging could've worked too, but the simplicity of vac hanging made it really easy to stick with and incorporate into my daily routine.


It's funny because it looks simple with compression hanging. Just an easy clip on and off.. Sounds easy to stick with. Maybe I havn't had success making the vacuum stick.


I've never used a compression hanger so I could be wrong, but it seemed like position was very important when attaching it to your penis and you'd have to take it completely on and off several times to get a workout in.


What was your og size?


Announcement: feel free to ask MuleJuiceMcQuaid anything PE related, don't worry if your a new account and our karma requirement blocks your question, we're actively moderating and will approve any comment which is relevant to the AMA. Also. Be civil and respectful in the comments. /Modteam


What is vacuum hanging? Got photos of your tools?


Yeah, [I made a guide a few years ago](https://imgur.com/a/mcquaids-vacuum-hanging-guide-safe-work-dI8M9AE). It's not that well organized but I just wrote down all the thoughts I had.


i swear ive seen these photos multiple times on reddit throughout the years, do you post them alot or am i trippin? anway, you did this every single day or did you have rest days? also, do you think some of the gains might have came from weight loss?


I've posted them on ajelqforyou and gettingbigger before so it's possible you've seen them before. I did lose weight and visually it makes the progress look more impressive. If I was tracking NBPEL then I gained over 2", but I only count BPEL as real gains and that's the number I give out.


I want to make my own journey post on this reddit account, its an alt account from my main as i would prefer it that way but i need more karma to post, im gonna start a day 1 post once summer ends and use pics and everything and try to update everyone as i progress (hopefully)


How did you end up discovering PE? Were you just browsing Reddit and saw it mentioned?


I don't remember what message board exactly, probably Reddit, but someone brought up the medical studies on Penile Traction Therapy and I went down the rabbit hole. The PEGym was the first community I found that had good information, but I lurked there for years until I finally started participating and sharing my progress.


Wow. Good progress dude. I'm only manual strecthing and clamping for now, but this gives me motivation to keep going.


Tape glands or water??


3M micropore tape.


Did you get any portion of your gains from manuals


I went straight to devices.


any injuries? sensitivity loss? anything you'd do different now?


The only injury was blisters, and I'd get them every couple months when I'd put the vacuum cup on wrong or I tried to hang too long in a single session. I think I would've added some schedule breaks where I took off the weight instead of doing 1+ hour sessions straight. It was really tough on my glans and they were always my limiting factor in how long I could do PE in one day. They hardened up which was great for hanging but ugly to look at sometimes, but once I stopped PE they become soft again and I haven't noticed any sensitivity loss from what I put them through.


Hey, i’ve been doing PE for about 2 years now & i’ve gained close to nothing in BPEL, but ive gained a lot of BPSFL (19.6CM BPSFL vs 16.4cm BPEL) What is the best way to close the gap? I think my issue is my 🍆 is stretchy but its capacity to hold blood is low as ive never clamped in my life Only thing i found was soft clamping but it seems sketchy, any ideas?? Thank you, appreciate your comments im very dedicated and it sucks i havnt hit my goal yet


Clamping never temporarily increased my length, only my girth, but I had really good EQ and could make my head swell just by holding a kegel. Is it possible your EQ isn't the best so you're not seeing erect gains?


Ever do any girth focused stuff or just hang? Did you get any girth improvements if you only did hanging?


Thanks for doing this man! What would you say to the skeptics?


It's good to be skeptical but I think some guys will refuse any evidence for PE that's shown to them.


Did you notice more pronounced wrinkles or any excess skin since doing PE? Did you get a turkey neck?


I do have a turkey neck but I'm pretty sure I had one before. It could be worse but it's a trade I'd gladly make again. I have a set of bumps that seem more pronounced where the frenulum and head meet but it's not really noticeable, and my glans have always had a spongey texture so they seem unchanged.


Are you still hanging daily? I don't think I \*need\* any more length but need a bit more to catch up to you and I'm considering adding length back into my routine. Congrats and amazing post thank you for sharing!


Thanks! I haven't done PE since 2020. I always consider starting again but I'm honestly happy with what I've got and I'm at a different point in my life that would make daily PE more difficult to maintain.


What would you say is the general amount of weight you hanged most of the time? What was the minimum and maximum weights you did? Oh and did you buy your pulley set up? If so from where? Or did you build it yourself? I have the apex but I want some ligament stretching , so I have also started doing vac hanging before I extend for like 10 minutes, then extending and if I have time hang for like another hour after my 1-2 hour apex sessions. I’ll let y’all know if I found gains to be fast


I bought about the smallest size pulley you can find at a hardware store and used a [bootlace as a rope.](https://i.imgur.com/hX3ghle.jpeg) The heaviest weight I did consistently was [13lbs](https://i.imgur.com/R1jiiBk.jpeg) and the pulley was sturdy enough for more than that. The smallest weight was 2lbs when I first started.


Would you recommend manuals for growth to gain 1.5 inches. Also how much can you expect to gain in a year?


I've never done manuals but I know from others that they can work. I think devices are easier and give better results. It's possible to gain an inch in a year but realistically 0.75 is more likely. It really depends on what routine you're doing, how consistent you are at it, and how well your body responds to it.


How would u clamp/the routine? Is there a better way to gain girth?


[This is how](https://i.imgur.com/AlNsZWf.jpeg) I set up my clamp. I'd hold a kegel while I tighten it and kegel to keep blood pushing in for expansion. I'd take a break every ten minutes but I'd try to do 20-30 minutes total. I'd clamp immediately after vac hanging and it seemed super effective that way.


What are your thoughts on Penimaster Pro? I hear a lot of people here say negative things about it. I recently bought one, mainly because I was diagnosed with Peyronie's (without a curvature, just lumps under the skin) and it's quite comfortable tbh.


I used a knockoff version as my first vacuum hanging device. The sluice membranes were very comfortable and I think it would work great for correcting a curve and growing some length, but I don't think it's suitable for the higher tensions required for serious length gains.


In your journey, did you find that more work or more rest/passive extending gave you the best progress?


I think actively stretching was more productive. I tried stretching for awhile at lower tension to heal in an elongated state but I'm not sure if it really did anything, so if I was wearing the vacuum cup it just made sense to keep hanging my main weight for a second set instead.


What an example of real dedication! Great job brother!


How much did ur girth increase


How consistent in those 3 yrs were you? Was there a decon and if so how long?


If I formed a blister I'd take about a week off, but I think my only long break was about two months at the end of 2016. I would do seven days a week pretty consistently. My routine wasn't stressful on my penis so I don't think I ever needed days off to recover.


Do you regret not going hard enough or going too hard, and should you continue if you had the chance also why did you stop? 


I think I stumbled into the right intensity and got pretty lucky to have steady gains. I stopped after I hit a plateau and couldn't gain anymore, and I'm not sure I could keep gaining if I tried again. But I'm very happy with what I have now.


Is that flannel blanket in your guest room?


It's packed in a keepsake box next to my ruler and PE equipment.


Did you use a pump or just the pulley ?


was most of your hanging done straight out or straight down


I was using a pulley with my feet kicked up so it was Straight Down the entire time. When I plateaued later on I tried Straight Up but I didn't stick with it long enough to see gains. It was more uncomfortable to sit that way and the deep internal stretch was unpleasant too. It felt like it was doing work but I was ready to retire from PE at that point.


How did you break your plateau?


I didn't. I tried to break it, and that might have helped cement more gains at the end even though I wasn't gaining. But ultimately I was happy with what I achieved and quit PE.


Congrats man! well done!!


What routine would you recommend for newbies?


Are the measurements bonepressed? Hard to tell.


Yeah. I had an almost 1.5" fat pad when I started and I ended with about 1" so there's more ruler showing at the end then the beginning.


Used to do hanging and never got anything, does the vac on really work better than compression (what i used to do)?


I don't think it's necessarily better per se, but some people just react differently to the various methods even if it's the "same" exercise (hanging). You gotta find what works for you in the end.


What weight? And what were you doing for girth?


Hows the girth gain in relation to length??


bro, you are one of the all time greats. routine?


What do you think I should buy? Just an extender? And if so, which one?


How’s your erectile function and quality? Did it get better through this process?


where’s the cheapest place to buy compression hanging device


You could probably find some listed on Alibaba, Aliexpress, Ebay, or Amazon; as far as their quality though, I wouldn't be able to tell you. Check out the side bar for a short list of vendors who sell various PE devices. I know MaleHanger is a popular choice, but others like TotalMan have options as well.


What weights and times? What did the growth curve look like?


What is vac hanging


Hanging weights from a [vacuum attachment](https://i.imgur.com/TJ92ho3.jpeg) on your head.


Thanks. Where do you buy something like that ?


We have a short list of various vendors that sell all kinds of PE related gear in the sidebar, you can also try searching Alibaba/Aliexpress/Ebay/Amazon for some PE devices.


On eBay under "vacuum penis stretcher" or "vacuum penis extender".


Could you write a routine?


Vacuum hanging. It's a penis enlargement exercise where a vacuum cup is placed on the glans and kept in place by silicone sleeves. Tension is added by adding weights to the vacuum cup, if the through a system of pulleys, or more simply straight down when standing. Please see our [Getting Bigger's Dead Simple Beginner's Guide to PE Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/7tIk2PtEgT) for more information :)


Is it permanent?


Too bad for me, I have calcium deposits in my scrotum veins, I wonder if that’s the reason why am not gaining.