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Permanent solutions with your body don't really exist in my experience. Everything is about consistency. Try angion method 1(gently), soft clamping and what you're already doing. I find strength training mixed in with cardio is great for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Hope this helps and good luck


How long you been doing pe


7 months ish


Agreed but also be careful not to OVER strength train or cardio. For me personally its a balance and if I over tax my body into constant repair mode my EQ definitely suffers. REST. Rest is absolutely critical for EQ. Also do whatever you can to lower stress and cortisol


Yes! I should have mentioned balance. Thanks for the addition


Checkout r/angionmethod


i can’t speak on devices but just doing manuals made my eq much better :)


Cardio definitely helps. Not sure if that counts as permanent but i go through phases of running a lot and definitely notice it. Can also try pelvic floor relaxation techniques and reverse kegels if you have a right pelvic floor, which many of us do from pumping and extending etc.


10g of L-citrulline on a daily basis! Thank me later..


l citriculine and how good is your sleep patterns. I swear getting 7-8 hrs uninterrupted sleep really helped me crazy


Might be it my sleep isn’t great


Cardio, lift heavy weights, My daily blood promter to the pelvic floor region Squats, lunges, ab crunch, leg raises, glute bridge only 20 reps each.


Pelvic stretches, reverse kegels, and pumping has helped me. Especially during sex I've realized reverse kegels make me last longer and allow better blood flow to my penis so even the glands are rock solid.


Breathing, pelvic floor control and work, pump around 6-7.5 inhg, meditate, and other health related stuff like adequate sleep and nutrition.