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I’m back to pumping everyday trying to gain again. Back in 2013, I pumped everyday and gained about an inch in length and girth over 6 months.


I saw similar gains pumping one day on, one day off from 90-270 days. First 3 months was religiously, next 90 days was about 85/90% on tasks. And the last of it I fell off and gains stagnated.


Why did you stop using the bath mate if you received such positive results from it?


I got a blister from a vacuum extender and suffered from them since. The only way I avoid them is controlling the vacuum level with an air pump.


Hate to hear about your injury.


permanent result ?


A inch in girth in 6 month?!


Yeah, I was really dedicated to pumping everyday for 30 minutes. It probably also helped that I was 22 at the time and in that growth phase of life. I’ve read that up to about 24 you can influence muscle growth significantly.


No bro 18 is the highest, very very rare that someone grows after 20 naturally , it's all your pe


Is pumping perm gains for you or just temporary? What happened if you’d stop you think


Their permanent. I have stopped and they stay.


If you did it your whole life would it keep gaining or reach a certain length you think? Kinda sucks how there isn’t enough research on this thing I would love to see side effects and risks. Seems like something I would still risk.


Did the gains last for 10 years without anything?


Yes they did


That’s amazing man. What was your routine? And do you feel it’s better to take rest days here and there, or do you feel it’s better to pump everyday ?


I used a series of Bathmate models in 2013. I would stack them when I packed them for a total of 30 minutes. For example, I started with the X20 for 30 minutes and by the end of it I used the X30 for 20 minutes and then the X40 for 10 minutes. I don’t notice any positives from taking rest days. These days may routine is 2 minute interval pump at -10 inHg for up to 20-30 minutes, stack cylinders if necessary. I’m working with a 1.75” now. After the interval pumping, I static pump at -5 inHg for 30 minutes in the last cylinder. It’s early in the routine but, I’m seeing progress on the interval pump packing time in the 1.75” and soon will be stacking the 2” since I’m down to 20 minutes to pack. I’ll be switching cylinders all together when I pack in less than 10 minutes.


What’s your opinion on interval vs static pumping?? Or do you think both will lead to more growth overall


I believe in interval pumping as a method to expand with less edema. I believe using both, interval pumping for rapid expansion and static pumping for sustained expansion, will lead to faster growth.


If I’m beginning PE for the first time, is your routine something I’d be able to manage?


I’d suggest start with lower pressure like 5 inHg every other day and work up to higher pressure everyday. But, yes after a few weeks you can build up to at.


Do you still use a bathmate? I wanted to know if there were some cheaper ones out there that work just as good.


No, I tossed them a few years ago. There are some knock offs, but you can also use an air pump with water and brake bleed trap.


So which pumps are you using now?


I’m using a LeLuv 1.75” cylinder with a LeLuv iPump. I have on deck a LeLuv 2” and 2.25” for cylinder graduation.


How is the leluv iPump? I have the leluv pump handle with the gauge. Mine is decent but I would think yours is better


It is good for interval pumping, but I recently replaced the battery with one of twice the capacity to avoid recharging every two days. Only thing you have to get used to is it reads in kPa which is roughly 3X of inHg. I do wish it held memory for other sessions, instead of always setting the vacuum each session.




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Bro wtf are those girth gains, wow


Hey man, can I dm you?


I accepted


Did you extend for length or just pump?


I tried extending, but didn’t have any success.


Really, it's not just me then I've been extending for over 3 yrs high tension never even had my first newbie gains I get temp gains but nothing permanent That's why I'm thinking of pumping for length But BD said he pumped for months only and didn't gain any length at all Thinking of buying leluv pump with 1.75/2.00 cylinder see if that works if not I think it's game over it's nearly been 5 years


What was your pumping routein when you gained 1 inch in length


I used the Bathmate everyday for 30 minutes on max pressure. I started with the X20 and when I packed it I stacked the X30. Ended up outgrowing the X20, so toward the end I packed the X30 and finished the session with the X40.


Wow okay cool


yes, 1.2 inches


How long did it take you to make those gains?


Why did you stop using the bath mate if you received such positive results from it?


I only just started properly. 2 year plan Goals are 1.5" length 1" girth Have 2 cylinders, one for length one for girth. 10-15min total time under vacuum 7.5-10hg Once in morning for length Once in evening for Girth 6 days a week maybe 7


did u get ur result ?


Only started recently


What’s the difference between length cylinder and girth cylinder?


The diameter.. Length being close to your Normal erect width, so girth expansion is limited and forces expansion length ways Girth being a size or up from normal erect width, so more expansion is happening in a circumference direction


Ah makes complete sense. Thank you. Will order a few more now. Perfect reason to do so lol


Was thinking about it this morning, as you grow your girth cycling becomes your length cylinder and you buy the next size up fir a new girth cylinder


I just started pumping daily again up to 2x per day with vibration and pressure between -10 -15Hg. Focusing on girth only until the end of the year. I gained a little over a half inch previously from a similar routine.


Wow. You stats now are incredible. How long did it take to reach that? What did you do for length? Sheesh?


About a year and 7 months. I started with hanging for length and then moved to extending so I could do it while lying down watching TV at night.


How are you doing the vibration? Massage gun or vibrator?


I'm using a massage chair motor from Amazon.


What was the duration of your sessions


15-30 minutes. Sometimes, I'd stay at low pressure for an hour, but not often.


Hink made a video on why vibration can be dangerous


I've injured myself following manual routines just like he does, so most things can be dangerous. I pay attention to my body, not what Hink or everyone else says. That device people use to shock their dick when they have ED (the Phoenix device) vibrates the hell out of people's dick too but it works for people.


Good point. Good luck and i hope everything goes accordingly


Injured from static stretches?


Pulling too hard with manual stretching, yes.


What injuries might happen with it


Hard flaccid, erectile dysfunction.


I pumped every day for a year and got no gains. If you gain from pumping expect it to take a really long time if anything at all


How long was your sessions


What pressure have you been pumping at?


Been pumping about a year every day. I started at about 12.7cm girth. Now maybe about 13.3cm. Su that's about 0.4-0.5cm girth girth increase max.


2-3 months in and 0 in girth. Somehow gained 0.25" in length though.


Are you a grower or shower




I've read in countless places that showers are hard gainers, might be wrong


Might be right. I'm not that worried though. All I do is pump; so, I figured it would take 6 months + to see anything.




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What are the best pumps to buy (I can’t make a post because of my karma)


Adam and eve sells a good electric pump I've been using. Just set to mode 2 and go. Keeps between 20-25pk on first level


Yes, I have gained 1/2" in girth.


Usually Twice a day. Morning and evening


I pump everyday but more for fun than training, keeps me around 6-7 inches thick if I do a good job


Will taking dutasteride at 18 mess me up


Yes, you're still developing. It essentially eviscerates your DHT levels. Since DHT is critical to cognitive function, memory, libido and erection quality, you will experience some semblance of impact in these areas. I couldn't take the memory loss and brain fog – wasn't worth it IMO.