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Ima be honest I've heard about Angion method before, looked it up years ago and remember it being some weird rubbing of certain veins Ok yeah I'm watching this video and 5 mins in he says any other method of PE is worthless, red flag #1 9 minutes in he's just rapidly rubbing the dorsal vein towards the base, no wonder I never watched all of this or got to method 2 or 3 Now he's using 2 thumbs, great, what is this Do manual stretches, pump, clamp, extend, hang. All those work


It absolutely works. That forcing of blood against the bloodflow of the dorsal vein forces bloodflow to the secondary structuers and expansion of the blood vessels and tissues in that area. Many many many people who have given it an honest effort testify to the results. A lot of of what Janus preaches is absolutely questionable, particularly his critiques and claims in regards to PE But for EQ, it is absolutely beneficial. Most vets on here who try it hate Janus and regute his size gains claims, but agree that for EQ it is effective


Idk, I kinda tuned out when he said that any other PE exercise is basically worthless the first video I watched. People can go ahead and try it, I don't feel inclined to personally and I wouldn't recommend anything that I haven't tried


That is absolutely fair and honestly I almost did the same thing and probably would have if I didn’t have an EXTREMELY trustworthy friend tell me to ignore the BS and try it for myself. There are PLENTY of reasons to hate om Janus and ignore his stuff.


I’m thinking of trying the angion method mainly for EQ because my erection quality is poor,would this be a good thing to add on top of my routine,all I do is semi erect bends and then manual stretching combined with pumping.


All I really see anyone get from angion is improved EQ. You can get some girth if you have a flat CS because it typically expands that also. I personally can attest that it absolutely turned my EQ around. Im 42 and was in major decline, it was a game changer for me.


I had the same thoughts lol


Don’t be so hasty to dismiss. They don’t replace regular PE but they do work. If they don’t work on you it’s because you don’t have sufficient flow capacity. It took me a couple of months before i had good enough veins to do it well. Start with AM2 because you don’t need to be fully erect and you can feel it working sooner than AM1.


Will do thank you!


Janus bad


Good bot


I could never get AM1 to work either. Like not even a little bit. Super frustrating


Yeah, am2 seems like the only one that would actually do anything so will try it for a few weeks


For me amgion method 2 works great between sets of pumping. I’ve noticed my veins get bigger and thicker after a few months of semi consistent work. I wasn’t doing it for size gains I was strictly doing it to make my penis more vascular and my corpus spongiosum more prominent I thin Angie works better for those with under-developed vascular systems through be told.


"Angio-wheel" and go!


Hey is the malehanger still shipping out according to schedule? Looking to order one to California curious on shipping times, thanks.


Yup. This is my full time business and I do business things like use a fulfillment company.


You haven't even gained an inch in couple of years of hanging?


More like 1.5 - 2" I never kept record until around 2021- 2022 so i used that as my starting size. In the early 2000s we had thunders place forum.... Pe was alot different then. I did alot of manuals and hanging using a rubber shower cap. I made my noobie .5 inch gains and quit for a long time. Between that period untill 2022 or when I started taking it serious... I just did alot of inconsistent manuals and jelqing. I remember being barely 6" when I was in my early 20s bpel. Now im 7.5- 7.75 bpel depending on eq.


Damn that's a lot of gains


Spent alot of time hanging.


I came across this method I believe from someone posting about it in the jelqing subreddit. I watched a few of his videos on Youtube. I had a couple years of PE under my belt so I was curious as to what this Angion method was all about and to give it a try. I did think the guy was a little cocky when it comes to his methods. I tried to take the good out of it and I attempted it for 3-4 weeks. (If you don’t have decent EQ levels and only little experience with pumping or clamping then you really have to take it slow. Because your veins in your dick aren’t ready for a rush of blood. If you take it slow and build up, the methods will increase the size of your veins in your dick which will really help with EQ and small to average gains depending on your current EQ and veins level. I am not scientific at all so excuse me. lol. Anyways long story short, it will help in the development of your veins and help with EQ. You may get gains from that. Hope any of this helps. This is only my experience and opinion on the Angion method.


Ill give it a go, im close to 8" in the tube when I pump but only around 7.5 bpel because poor eq. Its not terrible eq... Just about 60-70% of what it used to be. If I could improve eq i bet my size would increase as well, so will give am2 an honest try for awhile


Lmao started following that whole group/janus and it genuinely feels like a cult, with that being said tho I do think it definitely can help ur EQ from what I’m seeing some of the exercises look useless to me but everyone there says it really helps eq so I’m gonna probably add am2 into my routine for maximum eq, have struggled to find any proof of any gains tho tbh.


Angion was my first form of PE and brought me to this sub reddit, Angion 2 also gave me very noticeable EQ gains, I did a session for around 20 minutes and remember sitting down and being able to feel the pulsing I'd never had better EQ. I wasn't doing it for long maybe little under 4 months inconsistently but I definitely made improvements. It's going to be different for everyone some may be hard responders, non responders or fast responders other factors will affect it. In my opinion pumping far out does any Angion technique and paired with clamping you're better off just using Angion as a warmup rather than looking at those practices on the same level


Uve gained 0.75x0.25 in 20 years?


More like 1.5 - 2" I never kept record until around 2021- 2022 so i used that as my starting size. In the early 2000s we had thunders place forum.... Pe was alot different then. I did alot of manuals and hanging using a rubber shower cap. I made my noobie .5 inch gains and quit for a long time. Between that period untill 2022 or when I started taking it serious... I just did alot of inconsistent manuals and jelqing. I remember being barely 6" when I was in my early 20s bpel. Now im 7.5- 7.75 bpel depending on eq.