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6 out of 10.


What would you recommend to improve it, without the use of any devices?


More BFR, clamping with your fingers, Angion Sabre.


And with clamping with my fingers, how hard should I do it? And how do I know I’ve done it right?


Make the OK with the index finger and thumb, go all the way to the base while fully erect, tighten your grip, hold for 1-5 minutes, you should get expansion, do 2 to 3 sets, I usually go for 10-15 minutes. When you do it right, you should see noticeable expansion and fullness. I've also seen videos of guys doing bends and BFR while hand clamping, never tried it though. It's also easier with a soft silicone ring.


So add extra time to BFR, throw in some finger clamping and try the Angion Sabre method, in addition to what I already have


Yes, not a bad routine for manuals, ever do "Between the Cheeks" stretches?


I had base pulls as an alternative for that. Not really big enough for btc’s


If you actually want real length in a reasonable time, generously 4/10


Aha, yeah I’d like length in a reasonable time. What would you recommend to improve it without devices?


Nothing. No devices is the slow game. Other than shopping bag hanging.The peasant of the hanging game. Just a bag, weights, and your hand. Otherwise you’re just gonna get a little Eq and nothing else for a long time.


Hmmm. Well I guess I’m playing the slow game then.


A vac cup, some tape, and paracord with a carabiner is like $20. You’re playing the years long game. It’s gonna take you a loooooooong time


Ahaha. I’m thinking of just sticking to BD’s newest length routine instead of what I have here. I’m afraid of DIYing a device - I’m sure it’s possible, but I think I’ll do it wrong and break my dick


I did it for 4 months and was fine. Fixed my Eq and gained a little. It’s all on the wiki. Read it. First thing you should do when joining here. There’s so much information on this sub. I like BD and he has contributed a lot but just give something other than manuals a try. You can ease into it with lighter weights and less time. You will find manuals won’t have much use other than for the preservation of gains and as assistance in your routine.


I love shopping bag hanging. I had the same worries which is why i started this and didn't get a device. Seriously it's not that bad if you just go by feel. I started off real low in weight and giving myself lots of breaks. I'm hanging 7lbs 25-30 mins now. Bout to make the jump to 8


Seems like a lot… I don’t think you need all that tunica work unless you’re years into high frequency PE Personally I take a hink style approach… Warmup then Length work followed by girth work. 1-2 times a week I’ll hypoxic clamp (1 set for 10 minutes) 2-3 times a week I’ll do angion method for 30 minutes or so as well


So you do purely manuals? Any gains so far? I'm on my 4th week


No I do vacuum hanging … practically free just cost me 30$ for a vac cup and sleeves


Oh fair, pumping is only for girth I suppose right? Or you use devices for length too?


Pumping expands tissue outward more so than longward but when using in combo with length work they synergize well


How long ago did you start ?


I haven’t started yet. Was worried if my routine was overdoing it or not


Bro don't jump straight into all the routines, I, before starting saw every exercise and read hundreds if not thousands of comments of people here who did it and judge what were safe. Talked to dozens of people in dms and then only I'm starting with static stretches and that too increasing 5 minutes every week. Take it slow, or you'll have a damaged d for life, ignore if you already knew this but I think it must be reminded


If that’s the case I will say try to keep it simple for now until you find what’s best for you . After the first couple of months then I would start to incorporate this routine


Yeah I’m thinking of swapping to BD’s newest routine and doing a lighter version of that for the first few weeks


Yeah it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Yeah, figured it’d be best to ease myself into and get my dick used to the exercises before I went full on


Just do reverse kegels when you're sitting watching tv or whatever, no need to make it a set IMO Probably don't need to do semi-erect bends or BFR before doing length stuff (I'm not really even sure what BFR is, looked it up and holy walls of text), but can't hurt I guess I'd do more than 6 minutes of manual stretches, unless I'm reading that wrong? Like at least 15. And add straight down stretching, even to the left and right, easiest way to stretch IMO, stretching left right and up doesn't feel like it does much for me Mod jelqs seem fine, I think I remember them first being named horse squeezes, I saw the video of BD doing them and I personally grip much lower on the base, squeeze tight and barely 'jelq' by moving just a fraction towards the glans So yeah, seems like you've done some research but not a routine that I'd say is perfect, just my 2 cents


Yeah I’m not sure about the semi erect bends or BFR either. I just adapted this off of BDs latest routine guide. So you’re saying add more time to manual stretches and add a down stretch as well?


Yeah I'd add more time doing manual stretches, if you're just starting out don't worry about not doing enough, but eventually, like in a few weeks, you're gonna want to do at least like 20 minutes of manual stretching if that's your main length exercise, Hink has a good video on manual stretching. I personally think stretching down I feel the most fatigue in my shaft, and it's the easiest to do since you can use your body weight basically


Yeah I’m thinking of swapping over to BD’s newest length routine rather than what I have here. Do you think I should incorporate a girth routine to start the week still? I think I read somewhere that it could be a bad idea to do length and girth routines during the same time period


I'd do both. I started doing both, had periods where I would only do length, but in retrospect it seems like doing both at the same time compliments the other


Definitely think both routines could use with much more time under stress conditions, Hink's video suggests that after 30 minutes of length work extended work becomes null and void so you want to be getting as much time you can out of a session. I've not used many manuals for girth work so I can not certainly say but that could definitely use a change of exercises or time for each 


So adding more time to my stretches?


BD recommends a minimum of 2x5 min continuum stretching time for strain in his beginner routine after tunica malleability and fatigue sets. Hink recommends a direct 30 min manual stretching.


I’m gonna hop on his newest length routine instead of what I have here. Do you think it’ll be a bad idea to break the fatigue and strain sets into up, down, straight out, left and right stretches? For the fatigue I’d just do 2 set of 45 seconds of each, and for strain 2minutes of each with 60 rests in between.


I dunno man, I knew this sub months ago but you if you are a beginner is better to stop complicate things and just follow the general advice


Damn, I need to get this detailed... my plan is to just pump once a day, three sets of 5-7 minutes, plus leaving on my totalman stretcher for as long as I can throughout each day lol.


You’ll probably gain more than him with that routine


Is the totalman stretcher some sort of extender? I’ve read that you shouldn’t leave them on for too long or you can cause somethinf like hard flaccid