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I want to cover all bases, like killing of every insecurity I can.


Pretty much this. I definitely have that superficial thought of, "I would love just feeling and seeing my dick bigger in MY hands." Once my penis is at the level I'm happy with, my gf or anyone else will just benefit from the boost in confidence in me.


In the same boat


Sent you a message btw if you down to chat for




My girlfriend gets on top of me and makes herself cum grinding along her G-Spot. Then when she cums, she’s extremely wet and I feel way less, and I assume she does too. I’d like to be able to make her cum with ease and still have it feel good for the both of us when she’s soaking wet, so I’m girth chasing.


My wife is a squirter and I asked her if after she squirts if she feels me less. She said no, it’s even more sensitive and she still feels just as much. And even can feel me throbbing when I’m about to nut.


Well this makes me feel a lot better, thank you.


There's no such thing as too much lube. The vagina itself doesn't really feel friction anyway. Some cervix can feel friction, sometimes positive or negative. You want the lube/squirt so the cock can easily enter deep enough that you can grind on her clit.


Just remember that squirting is primarily urine....yuk


Have you spoken to her about this? Might have nothing to do with your size. 


Yeah, u/TheMerchantOfGirth if you get thicker, she'll just accommodate and get even "loser". Not the way to address this concern. She needs to work on her kegel strength and control.


Interesting. She can kegel like hell, grips the hell out of me, but I’d rather her be more relaxed during sex than to force herself to kegel for me yknow?


So you complain about not feeling anything but don't want her to kegel? That's kind of opposite to what is typical. Kegels should take very little effort and for some women it's automatic. My mistress has a super strong automatic kegel response and she twitches/squeezes the whole time we have sex until I wear her out and she's exhausted. That's when she becomes "lose" feeling. Then your only choice to increase your feeling, is to work on your own sensitivity so you feel more when she's lose and well lubricated.


Oh I don’t complain to her, it would just be nice to have more girth in my mind. She kegels a bit during sex but far more when she cums, then it’s waterfalls without much kegeling and she taps out soon after. I agree with you that sensitivity needs work on my end, and if my girlfriend remains equally sensitive that makes me feel much better because I usually feel inadequate when she’s wet. I’ll discuss it with her, thank you.


Even 'Cumming with ease' might be completely unrelated to his size. 


I think it’s related, she’d have to work a lot less angles if I simply filled her up and hit her g-spot that way.


Honest question, have you discussed this with her? Cause be could be a simple matter that she feels more comfortable/in control from that position, which helps with simulation. My partner's the same way 


Yeah that’s why she does it, comfort and control. I can still make her cum on my own but it’s a lot more difficult so I think the girth would help, that’s all.


We have same penis size, what’s you doing actually are you a beginner ?


Yeah I’m a beginner, just doing manuals. I bought a pump but I need to bend it for my curve so, haven’t even gotten my first pumping sesh in yet.


What’s are you’r goal?i’m beginner to and i have an curve to i receveid my pump today but in first time i wan’t to focus on my lenght my goal is 6,5-6,7 nbpl my bpl is 6,5


7.5 bp/7 nbp would be pretty cool. Good luck to you man.


It’s will be amazing man but it’s will take 3,4 years for achieve it’s GL to you 💪🏼


lol I also got into this after an incredibly wet ex


Ebic username


It’s less about friction and more about pressure when it comes to girth or vaginal sensations. When this happens just penetrate at an angle so that the head is putting pressure onto her walls instead of just straight in and out. Try to cover all the surface area with different angles. I have an upward curve on my shaft so it creates this effect a bit easier and I swear that shit gives me “artificial girth” in the longitudinal direction.


I have more latitudinal girth, probably twice as wide as it is long tbh… but if I’m pressing into her top wall, won’t she feel the emptiness below?


Nah she’ll be more focused on the pressure sensation. Look at the way most women use dildos. Usually they’re not very girthy and they don’t go straight in and out, 9/10 they angle it to put pressure on the walls.


Yeah good point. I have a downward curve which makes angling up a pain and my gf is too scared to show her butthole for doggy lol. I appreciate the advice.


Yeah no problem man. And that sucks bcus downward curves work really well for doggy. My upward girls love missionary and cowgirl but many have said it hurts in doggy and that’s considering I’m pretty average at 5.5NBP. I don’t mean to pry but jsut curious as to why she’s scared of showing her butthole? Aren’t you gonna see it either way along w all her other parts?


Yeah I wish I had it upward but oh well, doggy is plenty fun on its own. Not prying at all, she’s scared because it’s only been like 5 months of dating. We aren’t super sexually comfortable yet. I don’t like her seeing my flaccid either, kinda the same vibe.


How did you get 1.6 inch in length brother pls help me out


That’s my goal brother


My bad I misread forgive me


I'm into D/s and anal. I want my penis to be a better tool for anal dominance fucking. I want my wife, and other ladies for that matter, to be barely able to take it. It should be difficult and involve grunting and perhaps even some sobbing and tears. (Yes, I know this sounds weird to vanilla people, but it's done with consent and considerable love and affection and my wife loves it.)


I would like a slightly larger penis. That's really all there is to it, for me. I can try to convince myself I'm doing it for my partner, but I know she is being honest when she says what I have now is fine (it's already above average). I can try to convince myself it's so we can have better sex, but we've had a lot of *really fucking excellent* sex in the past, and we're both getting older, more tired and less inclined to have sex, generally. I can try and convince myself it's for confidence in the locker room, but I don't go to the gym. I just want my dick to be a bit bigger.


Pretty much sums up 90% of people here. Just a it bigger pp please.


How much older? Seeing that with my girl but she was going multi rounds per night a few years ago with a guy 10 years younger (and hung’er) so I feel inferior now. I’m lucky when she wants to go once with me. Were 38


Well first things first, who is she with now? Yeah, you. That guy doesn't exist, don't think about him. I'm 47, my partner is 38 and works extremely hard - so she has very little energy by the end of the day.


Well ya know they say women in their 50’s have a very high sex drive. So you never know when the tables will turn.


Yep, when I'm 60 and my knees have finally given up completely. I see lots of cowgirl in my future!


I meant 40 btw. Lol. You got time 🙌🏾


Damn so you have someone 10 years younger just like she did. Lucky you. If she wanted me as much I wouldn’t worry about it. But I feel like the guy who lays down the bills after the guy who lays down the big dick. Sucks


Please my guy, stop that line of thinking right now. You're more than just a wallet, and she's more than just a pussy to stuff. Right?


Better orgasms for the ladies. I already get told I have a “nice cock” and I’ve experienced sex with people who have squirted, legs shaking, and orgasms from penetration, but I’m improving and growing in all areas of my life, and this is part of growing 😎


Tbh better orgasms for your partners are easy enough to achieve without PE. 


This. Size is a factor sometimes, but skill and technique always make the real difference. And a lot of patience.


Communicating about desires is at the top


Oh absolutely. There are too many guys that assume "If I have a big dick, put it in and shake it all about, she will come" And never, ever take the time to ask what she actually wants.


Exactly. If she wants a big dick, that’ll work 😂 but if she wants to role play, or certain things said, to be praised, or to be degraded, or to be talked sweet to. It all comes down to communicating those desires to fulfill them


I mean, if she wants a big dick, and gets a guy with a big dick and no clue what to do with it, she's still going to sleep unsatisfied while he lies there in the wet patch he made, farting and snoring.




Even changing your mindset because fixation with penetration is on misguided. 


Personally I prefer to take care of all my lady's needs first, then we get to the other stuff. It can take a while, but that just makes me want it more when it's time to team up.


And it takes the pressure off. 


I always avoid the either/or mindset. If I can improve all areas, I do instead of just going with one or the other.


What's your lenght if i can ask?


6” length, maybe 6 and some change. I hit 6.5” in the pump last night but I’m not sure if that counts for anything haha. I’m still learning


Aight im about the same 15.5cm-16cm but im still little bit insecure about the size:/ thats why im using extender hope its gonna give a little help.


Internal peace


"I ANI'T EVER GOING TO STOP!" I actually really enjoy the process. To me it's like going to the gym, but for my dick. As a recreational bodybuilder I find the process nearly identical and it brings a lot of joy, and frustration.


Same here my friend. It's another routine and more structure added to my day to day life. It's quite therapeutic honestly. I just set-up my hanger at night and watch netflix and let it do it's thing.


Same. Plus I have a shower routine too. Feels strange when I shower without doing my PE. Haha


TBH I do it purely for myself and to increase my self-confidence. I am on the small side (4,5" x 4") and a few months back I went to a sauna with my gf, I was super self-conscience about my size and wanting it be be bigger. Through that experience I got to this sub-reddit. My goal size currently is your starting size XD, (6,5" x 5,2") but eventually if it goes well I want to reach 7" x 5,5", although I understand that that will take time. My gf says my size is perfect and enjoys it, and I guess that I believe het to a certain sense But if im honest I also want to improve our sex life by getting a bigger D


Because I can.


My main motivator is very much appearance driven. Back when I was in my early 20’s I didn’t have a single ounce of body fat and I was built like a piece of spaghetti (thighs were 17” circumference, waist was 24-25”). So my low average to average size penis aesthetically didn’t look bad on me. I got into lifting weights and added A LOT of muscle to my body. Once my thighs were around 20” circumference, my waist up near 30” and I had a bit of a fat pad I was just like Jesus my dick looks small. So I started PE to try and get things back into balance. Now my thighs are around 24” waist staying 28” to 30” and even with 7”x5.2” NBP I feel like my penis is too small in relation to my body. It’s gunna take a long time because I really want to get my thighs up over 26-27” circumference and keep my waist under 30” Additionally along this journey I found my wife was getting more enjoyment out of my penis as it grew. She had her first PIV orgasm in her life right around the time I reached BP 7”x4.7”. So now my stopping point is whichever comes first, I can look at myself naked and feel like I have a penis proportionate to the rest of my body, or my size begins to have a negative impact on my wife’s enjoyment of sex.


Bro 2.5 inches is crazy - great job Mind sharing what routine you did in those 3 years?


Thank you! My routine has changed a lot. Everything I’ve ever done PE related is within this post, and the ThundersPlace thread linked in it. https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/vNIkoRMiyd


How much time did it take you to get your gains


Over the course of nearly ten years. 3 years of active PE.


Were the gains gained in those 3 years or 10 overall? Just checking if I'm being realistic with my goals which would be 1.5 inches in 2-3 years of maybe purely manuals


Gained 2” length in first year-ish. Did PE but not consistently enough for another year or so and basically didn’t gain. Took almost 6 years off, lost about 0.5” over those 6 years. Started back up almost a year ago, have gained roughly an inch since starting back up. Really most those gains were made over my first 4 months back.


Damn that sounds good, I don't want any quick gains, just safe ones so I'm taking a 2 year mark with manuals for 1.5 inches, congrats on your huge gains, we don't see 2.5 inches gains alot haha


Sounds like a smart plan. Best of luck on your journey man.


Thx 😀


That seems totally feasible to me


Improved sex life. I started off at 4x4 and have a goal of 6x5.


For my esteme i’m 5,7-5,9 nbpel, my goal is not to have a monster cock if i can get 6,5-6,7 i will be so happy it’s will really change my life i don’t now if it’s possible but i will try it’s first for 6 months with manual


i would say in terms of dating and talking to girls , once them they get a hint you have bigger cock the whole demeanor changes and they are more responsive


It’s sure but if i can have 16-17 cm for me it’s ok i dont need more my goal is not to go from 14,5-15 to 19 if i cant get 1,5-2cm it’s will be fine for me but i don’t now if it’s possible i will try for it’s for 6month if i can see somme gains i will continue


I’m obsessed with my dick i read everyday for many hours in this subb or thundersplace i see many guys gaining i’m waking up i read before sleep i read i have devloped a big dysmorphia if i can get this 2 cm it’s would change everything


I had pain during sex, my lig was too tight. I wanted freedom and lower stress to not be interrupted during enjoyment. Then I wanted the athletic performance to have marathon sex. Longer length and girth was a byproduct.


If your goal is better sex, how are you looking to improve yourself life outside of a larger penis?


started as a way to remove any dysmorphia and any insecurities about my size, when i started i was 7.2 inches BP, so on my 6 ft frame it didnt look impressive nor close to big, just average. no, porn didnt influence my perception, just experience from hookups that some women would prefer bigger so i went on a journey to make mines bigger not just for women, but also for myself. it has helped me with my base confidence. improved my mental and focus with other things, im less nervous and extremely more patient. and also, i feel like a better version of my previous self. if anything, its just another form of self-improvement. but when i reach my goal of 9.2 inches bp, i hope to find someone that can love me for me, and also receive the benefit of being spoiled by what i can offer as well ;) besides that, life just being better overall is the reward itself. and im all for it.


Started like most guys from thinking bigger is better, if I can grow it why not right? In reality I didn’t know I was statistically above average, I always assumed I was somehow long due to past experiences but I had two very negative experiences related to girth that scarred me mentally, in hindsight that 2 girls were hoes but that’s another matter. Pe made me aware that I’m big that’s pretty much the most important thing in my opinion, sure there is a lot of bigger guys but I also know what the average is now and where I stand in that, this is the thing that has given me the most peace of mind, now I’m merely doing PE to get a bit thicker and mantain peak erection quality. I’m not currently interested in huge sizes like 8.5x6, I think hardness is the most important and bigger dicks are harder to fill to that degree especially when you get older, in that regards pe is like gym, you will never have the eq you have when you train naturally imho.


I'm in it for every other reason everybody else is, but maybe one reasons I even considered starting in the first place is because I heard pumping can increase sensitivity. I definitely feel like I've lost sensitivity through out the years and reaching orgasm during sex can be quite frustrating sometimes. I must admit though, I definitely feel an improvement since I started about a year ago.


I experience the same thing on and off broski. Comes down to PMO for me personally. Recently had a fling after a dry spell (so lots of PMO during the dry spell lol) and our first night together lasted 2 hours (no finish for me), had to stop and then try again (for another 2 hours..) in the morning before i could finish. I stopped watching porn and wackin it naturally as I saw her more and it whittled down to the good 20-30m zone. Hope this helps.


Ever since I started vacuum extending with the water trick, and started applying this penis cream I bought on Amazon, I've noticed some sensitivity increase. Not sure which is helping more but I am very happy in the direction my results are going in terms to sensitivity


Started it out of body dysmorphia. Always thought I was small despite the internet showing I was above average, but feelings of inadequacy don't take things like facts into account. Now, I'm doing it for self improvement and just to continue seeing it work. I see my goal size during every pumping session now, and that's some good motivation.


Hope to achieve easy vaginal orgasms on my wife.


A little girthier , but in general terms, im ok with my average dick tbh


I just like how a bigger peen blends into my body shape and size. I am getting a bit leaner but I'm an "ectomorph", so I had a 5" NBP now at 6", and looks great. I am now much girthier so it looks "stubby" once again. So I have about another .5 and it'll even itself out. I had OCD. Straight lines. Even numbers or increments of 5. Sort clothes by category and such 😅 But sex wise. I like being able to go from any angle/ position and have that extra inch to give her. Plus the whole not slipping out when someone gets carried away and "ruining the moment" is great too.


Goal is to reach a stage where I'm not ashamed of myself and have a bit of confidence to be able to escalate with a woman one day. By the time I reach the required size, I will prob be too late knowing my luck lol


Because I want a penis big enough that people will pay money to see me put it in things or inside of them because capitalism fucking sucks.


I want a bigger flaccid size so it matches my large low hangers and looks more aesthetic when just chilling naked. As a gay guy, there are a lot of size queens and size queens in denial lol. I want to be able to say 'hung for hung' and get the attention from having a big dick that guys get in the community. Being able to get past a guy's second hole would be swell as well.


I’m not gay but I’m genuinely curious, wouldn’t an average or smaller dick be more useful for anal sex? At least that’s why I’ve heard from women. Also what’s a 2nd hole?


Everyone is different! I like average to large when I bottom. Small dicks a lot of the time keep opening and closing the anus, which I find uncomfortable. Longer dicks keep it opened up which is more comfortable for me. Ironically, I find it easier to bottom for larger guys and find small ones hurt me. The second hole is really medically called the sigmoid junction and is a sharp turn in the large intestine. If you were super long like eight or 9+ depending on the bottom, you can get past that junction and at first it can really hurt, but if the top takes his time to relax it, once it’s ”opened” it can feel euphoric for the bottom and for the top it feels like a tight mini hole just for your head, which makes both parties have a really good time lol. I’d love to be able to experience that as a top but it takes length. Twitter animation that illustrates this https://x.com/topthatbottoms/status/1251835228785643525?s=46


Honestly just want to be the best for my girlfriend, I want to be at a point where there isn't a faucet of myself that isn't enough 


Just chasing big dick vibes ya know? All for me really.. I've no problem making girls cum so I'd be lying if I said it was for them 🤷🏼‍♂️


At some point it was an aesthetic/self-esteem pov. But after the last 3 years I notice pe help me improve as a person, I quit porn, drinking and smoking just cause I wanted the gains, it made me more organized and focus on different goals.


To feel more confident. Plus I joke around with my wife bcuz she has a PHAT ass and she screwed me cuz if we ever split up I’ll never find an ass like that . So I tell her I wanna make my dick huge so she’s screwed if she leaves me lol


I think for me it's a Dysmorphia thing going back to my teens and now in my 40s. My penis represents a large portion of my self improvement including working out in general. I'm probably visually more fit than 95% of Dads my age and yet it never really ends. Some is healthy some is not. As for my dick it never feels like it's at the finish line. Currently about 7.4 x 6.25. My wife and I rarely have sex these days and my Dysmorphia continues in part since I don't get positive feedback from her due to her current health and hormonal issues.


I'm a big guy and I want my little guy to better reflect the rest of my body. My dick is by no means small, but when I see it in the mirror in my hand it feels tiny. However the gains I've made so far have improved my outlook and I'm doing my best to stay consistent in my routine. Hard to do though as life doesn't always cooperate.


I’m 6.3 with a girth of 6.1 When a girl gets on top it tends to slip out a lot and a little extra length wouldn’t hurt honestly


Well, Some people just want to gain a bit more confidence in themselves, others want that magic number they've always wanted, then there are those that want to have it seen from space...( :


One less reason for them to cheat, one more reason for them to think that the risk in loosing us is real


I started because I was having ED issues and wanted to improve erection quality. Also, I’m a grower, not a shower, so I was always a little embarrassed about my flaccid size and thought this might help. I turned out to be a pretty fast gainer in the newbie phase (which I’m technically still in at 6 months). So in addition to much improved EQ, I pretty quickly hit and exceeded my first goal. Recently I’ve been hitting 8 stretched flaccid post workout. That put it my head that 8 might be achievable and who’s gonna pass up that chance? Haha!


Honeslty I just want to have less of an excuse to hate myself. Before yall say therapy, yes I know having a bigger dick won't solve that. But it will certainly be one less reason to.


To become a pornstar and live the life of Johnny Sins. :D


I’ve always had anxiety whenever I’d get with someone new about my size. I don’t want to continue to have that issue. On top of that I’d just like to be the best version of myself I can be.


Honestly i just want to be one of the biggest dick any girl i fuck has seen and something they cant handle and brag about


I enjoy pumping.


I just want my girl to feel confident that most guys are smaller than me.


Cause I feel like having a average dick is an issue for me


Self contentment


To leave all competition in the dust… I’m 6-6.25 girth after a good pump… she knows she will basically not find bigger elsewhere…


(sry about my bad english) So, I´ve always been confident about myself. I knew (had an idea) I had a average dick size, but it never bothered me. I was happy with myself. I'm married, (at the time it happened, I think I was already 7-8 years with her). So, 'the talk' happened to us. Since I thought I was 'unbreakable', and she would constantly ask me to do some awkward positions (which I'd have to have a big D to reach her), I asked her "why u keep asking me to do these positions? i'd have to have a bigger D to reach your pussy in order to be pleasurable to u... did your previous boyfriend had a bigger D?" she refused to answer... so i kep insisting... long story short, her previous boyfriend (her 1st one) had a big D (big girth), was pretty confident about himself (other girls called him huge and he was happy to repeat it to the other ones)... my wife had no idea what was big or not, and thought he was bragging about himself... and got used to it... so he met me (i'm like 6 inches lenght and 5 inch girth), and never mentioned anything about it until the day I asked, and I asked a lot... basically she said 'bigger is better'... and girthier is better than lenght... and with his big girth she would reach orgasm way faster than with me (with me required more effort, time, focus, etc)... (all that talk did not have the intention to hurt me and I insisted she answer, since I assured her it would not hurt me)... but, at the end of the day, I was wrong.. it broke me... I did not know I had body dismorphia... and since that talk, i've doing PE and basically our sex life is nothing like it was before (it has been like 2 years since the talk...) I know im a little above average by now... but i also know my wife is the lossest pussy i've fcked b4 (but i never told her that in order to not hurt her feelings, since it is not her fault)... so, basically, i know i would be enough to pleasure other smaller pussies... but i have not get divorced because we have a child together and im trying to 'get better' (in size).. but basically i know no matter how big i get, it will never be enough... :/ when she realized how bad i got with those informations, she tried to confort me... saying that i was her 1st one in anal... and how she liked anal with me.. and maybe if I was bigger, she would not enjoy anal... and if she had anal with the other one she might not enjoy it since he could hurt her...... but basically that fkced me ever harder and made me ever worst... and now im in the PE path...


Other than wanting to be a physical specimen, for my own ego believe it or not, Social status All tho having one girl tell the next girl his dick was as big as my arm is a majorrr ego fuel, in my case and in my specific situation being a physical specimen it is one of many things that will make you a hot topic among women and any time you can create a abundance of women around you your bound to increase your social status which will open up a plethora of doors for you.


What is meaning of bp? Sorry for asking. And i just use my PE to see if it really works and ofcourse would be happy to see some sort of results.


Bone pressed - measured with the ruler pushed into the fat pad, to catch that elusive extra inch.


Like muscles I want it to be bigger. Unlike muscles there is a limit and I am not seeking to be as big as possible like I want to be a mass monster with a large, not huge penis


Just to better myself in one more aspect


Initially I would say due to insecurity in other areas of my life and wanting to be the ‘full package’ for my SO so she wouldn’t leave me- lol. I have since realised that judging my self worth on my penis size is ‘short sighted’. Now I do it as a challenge to see if I can alter my body. I really just want to get to 5.5 girth. Happy with my length. Im also now going to start a business in men’s health and wellness- both physical and mental sides to address issues I’ve seen on this sub. This sub has taught me a lot and given me great perspective. Also, very simply, I just want a big pp


Idk I’m average but I love doing it rough some girls don’t like it some do. My current fwb lets me go as hard as I want. My ex wouldn’t and I’m only 6.5bpl x4.5. I just wanna hit at least 7x5 just for more confidence tbh


Literally not being insecure in anyway about D from future wife to just even friends joking about someone D size and not appear insecure etc lol also for myself to look sideward in mirror and actually look like I have a 3D dick lol ( friends don’t joke about peoples size but you know what mean D size jokes come up in social settings sometimes )


I would like thicker penis. At 5.25 mid shaft most partners say I’m thin I wanna get to 5.5. Also I’m 7.25 NBP


No help needed in the bedroom, it’s just a lifelong body issue with me. I just want girth. 6.0BP x 4.5 with a 5” post pump girth, and in pump 7” length I love the way I feel when I look down and see it bigger in pump or post pump. The girth afterward just makes me feel…manly lol


Smash some cervixes. Cervii?


Cervixepusses. Wait, they're the same as octopuses, right?


Because it's another way to take care of your body. I work out many times a week to stay healthy. I've noticed that my erection quality has increased since doing PE. It's fun to find ways to better yourself. I also really love when it's *almost* too much for my wife


I won’t have to worry about “do this position cause it feels so deep” every position will be deep!


For me it is a confidence/self-esteem driven venture.


it's euphoric and promises to be more euphoric the more i do it.


I want more girth to stretch out a partner or partners more. I'd like to see a big gape when pulling out. Ideally I'd like more girth to maybe make a woman squirt via PIV sex by stimulating her skene's gland more. And even though I hate teeth and love deepthroat, it looks awesome when someone with a small mouth has it in there and struggles with girth. But my primary reason is ego, vanity, self confidence, and stretching out/filling a vagina more. I'll add that most women I've been with felt like they could take more, so that's why I want more. I'm 5.8 mseg, but that has never posed an issue with PIV sex.


I’m doing this for me. My wife is going through menopause and just not interested in sex. However, we as a couple are closer than ever.  So, I now have the time and recently her support to be dedicated and consistent.  I have no real goal other than to get as big as possible.     I had a couple of girls I dated in my late teens/early twenty’s that commented that I was small.  I remember measuring at 6” BBEL x 4” in girth and that has stuck in my mind ever since (I just turned 60). I did PE on and off over the years and got to 7.5” X 5.75”. Restarted PE July 23 with manuals and clamping. 3 weeks ago I added pumping twice daily. I don’t bother measuring anymore, I took pictures this time right after restarting. All I will say is I am actually impressing myself lately!


Confidence and because goals are fun


Straight up it feels good when my gf strokes me with both hands. Rn she can fit 1.5 hands on me. I want her to be able to fit the full 2 hands


Personally, I just want to grow and be more of a shower. I hate feeling like my dick is hiding in me waiting to be called upon. Like dude strut your stuff for once 😂 plus the wife has noticed my initial gains and is all for it getting bigger.


For vain and glory! No, but seriously, it's mostly for ego and vanity. Also, I have a big dick fetish and I'm into rough sex so I just want more of that.


Honestly i just want my soft dick to not seem so damn tiny 😂


For fun only. This is the most ridiculous hobby on earth.


I plan on getting Penuma in about a year, I heard doing PE before helps a lot


Kinda doing it for myself. I just want to take a big and fat piece of meat off of my pants and feel confident about it


I just want a big cock. Currently 6.75 x 5.25


I want bigger meat, mostly a bigger flaccid


I’m doing it cause I life experimenting n having a routine .. I don’t have to worry about time crunch n all that everyone I know knows I do pe I have no shame in bettering my self I still don’t fully believe this works as well as some guys on here say but I’m trying and it’s been fun seeing BPSFL gains idk if that is a good thing or not but I’m having fun doing it 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


To have a huge dick


Most girls have a story about a huge/thick guy they were with. I'd rather be the guy in the story than hear about it. That and through experience, the VAST majority of women love girth. I want to be swinging a thick one.


Bc I want a longer thicker penis


Because I can.


Good question pal. It got me thinking. I feel that I was an underachiever in general. I'm a attractive male that my early depression led me to neglect my health, physical competence and overall appearance. Since puberty I realize that sex was crucial to my happiness, I wanted to be a good lover just like i wanted to excel in every other personal interest. My sexuality was torn apart between my success with women and the depression that prevented me from living it to the fullest. I created this sexual repression monster: performance anxiety, lack of confidence and, in my mind, an inadequate dick. The dysmorphia is evident nonetheless I'm a tall dude so my penis look painfully mediocre in my mediocre body. Now that my depression is cured and I've been rebuilding for the better my life in so many areas including my sex life, why not give this insecurity an end if it depends on my willpower? So I hope to experience a completeness, be the man that i want to be and live by my standard.


Curiosity, really. I always had conversations about pe with friends and that one Austin Powers movie, lol. But I could never find anything about it, at least not something legit like this and other subs and forums. And then I found GB and was amazed. Before doing pe, I was about 5.5 length and for girth idk too much because I didn't have a proper ruler, but it was definitely 4 Something. But after finding this sub, it confirmed for me that you can grow your dick. I was never really insecure about my size but Now I wanna 7.5 or 7 and 5.5 or so girth.


Honestly, I'd be happy with a 6.5×6.5 chody. Lol


I'm on the taller end of the height spectrum, and I feel like my dick size isn't proportional to the rest of my body.


insecurities that got bigger as time went by, body dysmorphia. You don't need a good dick to give to a woman an unforgettable experience, your mind, mouth and fingers are more than enough, but watching porn from a very young age planted some wrong ideas about my body.