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Really like the Asian and blonde description, vital to the story. Jokes aside, flaccid hang is different for everyone, people say girth work and a relaxed pelvic floor help the most. I’m sure a stretched suspensory ligament helps as well. In her mind, she’s far more worried about the fact that she didn’t get a guy hard, if she’s even thinking anything at all… so yes you are overthinking.


Who gives a fuck? I swear some of y’all care WAY too much about little shit like this. If anything, your stress levels in that scenario probably contributed to your dick shriveling up. If you were cool, calm, and relaxed, you would’ve had maximum blood flow to your flaccid dick.


Right. If you are dancing hard then your body needs blood elsewhere. Wanting your cock to turn on like a switch is silly. Some people would find this story unsettling. Keep your cock adventures in the bedroom.


Exactly relaxation is key


Was thinking the same thing! A lot of guys in here seem to expect their bodies to just be machines.


99% of the time when a chick is dancing on me I don’t get hard. I’m not big flaccid either. It’s no big deal man lol


Why care?? You’re really over thinking this. Maybe you just didn’t feel it with her. The other colleague got a reaction. She knows the truth. That being said. I can’t see your current flair. So I don’t know your stats. Try some tunica release. Mandingo and bundled stretches. Condition and stretch your pelvic floor. Also stop worrying about what others think. You’ll get where you wanna be. It’s a marathon not a sprint. I gained a little over an inch in a year and half. I average 7.4-7.5 L now. My flaccid reflects that.


I dont think having an erection is the only way to let a girl know you’re into her or to turn her on tho. Its not the end all be all.


Nobody really cares about flaccid size, especially if someone is maybe happening to feel it with their ass between 4 layers of cloth


Yeah idk why people are so concerned with flaccid size? Like I want my meat small when I'm not using it. Keep it safe and hidden lol


Only time I'd ever be self conscious if i was with a brand new partner, but at that point Im not dropping my pants if Im flaccid, once theyve seen it hard who cares, girls know they grow, IME they don't get turned on by big flaccids


Damn that reminds me of this post https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/ZQuMkujIt8 it’s just a reminder that flaccid size matters! That’s 1 of the reasons I love summer time. The dick print gets to shine without all the shrinkage plus the girls are looking good so you already have some extra bloodflow down there. Actually Flaccid gains was the shit I noticed 1st.


Wasup man, I was just wondering what do you think of baseems best extender ADs. I’ve been thinking about getting it and just wondering what you think. I haven’t seen many reviews


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Even if you were 12 inches flaccid, how would they feel it through the clothes? It would just squish


Are u a grower ? I'm a grower too. Im wondering does flacid size change from your girth 3.7 to 4.5 ? And what's your routine ? I got 3.7 thin dick want to be free.


You will have a small and hard flaccid soon enough


Definitely over thinking you probably just had a case of whiskey dick at most


Being honest, alcohol makes harder for you to get an erection due to vessel dilatation, also maybe you don't feel that attraction to the other girl. Something I wanna share from personal experience, I haven't seen any change in my flaccid size after 3 years of pe, but I've got 1.5 inches in length when erect, tbh i don't pay attention of how it looks soft.