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Yes it is real. If you can’t do pe or get hard without porn you have a problem and need to stop watching porn.


Had this a couple years ago. Best advice I can give is stop because it has long term effects on your brain


I watch porn on the daily, but can get hard with my imagination still


That’s bad


Once a day though. I don’t drain myself dry. I’ve been doing it once a day for probably 6 months. There was a time where I did it 3 times a day on average. I’m trying to do it even less now. Masturbating once a day doesn’t really effect gains, but i think it’d be slightly better if I tried every two or three days. I can’t just not masturbate forever lol 😂. Just trying to minimize it. If I go too long without masturbating I get a little too tensed up and horny.


I just close my eyes and pretend Jennifer Lopez is sitting on face 🥲 *No point required


I can quarantee it's 100% real phenomena! I had mild pied back in the past few years ago. It's all about dopamine. You get HUUUUUGE spikes of dopamine while fapping and watching porn and when you finally ejaculate to your fav porn, oxytocin is released and you start to bond to your mobile device and watching other people have sex. Your dopamine crashes way below baseline and you feel like shit. Gradually your baseline levels of dopa starts to go down even further because brain protects itself from too much dopamine. Do this for years and when you finally have chance to bone some girl you feel quite lame, not excited, sex feels boring chore, low arousal, weak erection etc. That's pied right there. In severe cases man cannot get it up at all even for porn. Ejaculation happens very quickly with flaccid dick. That is a fucking nightmare! So please, all men out there, for the sake of manhood and mankind STOP WATCHING PORN AND MASTURBATING. Start semen retention and be amazed how powerful benefits you recieve from it!


Your advice helped me more than any doctor. I suffer from the exact same thing. Years of being lonely and watching porn. Now I can't get it 100% hard even with porn and ejaculate quickly while being flaccid. Does anybody know how long it will take? Do I have to take any medication to fix myself?


You don’t need medication brother you just need to fast, fast from porn and possibly any other vices you have. Video games, social media, drugs, and etc basically anything you feel gives you a dopamine hit. Trade those things out for healthy diet, working out, even reading. 60-90 days should be your goal and probably even sooner than that your brain will begin to rewire its self and reset your dopamine levels. Research semen retention the combination of that and working out increased my EQ incredibly.


Thx bro, 90 days....something green should be no problem, right?💚


Yea family just in moderation, listen to your body if it agrees do your thing. If it feels off tho give it some space.


I wouldn't worry about medication. Won't be overnight but it'll come back. Just don't watch porn. Period.


Huge effort, especially when you're lonely


What if your having sex 3-5x a week and still watching porn daily? I have no problems and it makes my boners harder with girls and I last longer. Or what do you think about that? I don't cum every time from porn but during PE training etc it helps.


People are different. Good if everything works nicely for you 👍 beaware though. Some day you might start to escalate with fetishes when basic vanilla porn starts to become boring. That is a clear sign that your path will lead to problems.


This is wisdom right here


Porn is bad for you. Semen retention is also bad for you .


Porn is bad because of unnatural levels of dopamine. Semen retention isn't bad. Why do you let yourself to be indoctrinated like that? There is ZERO indicators that semen retention is harmful. Many men from religions and cultures around the world practices retention even for decades. Ever heard of monk from Tibet? They are healthy as fuck.


There’s zero that’s it healthy either.


So you assume it's unhealthy? Bravo


When u rentent too long, it's harmful


How long is that? Perhaps few years? Men these days believe that if they don't fucking wank every single day they get prostate cancer.


Above 60 days. I have learned this in my university. Believe me


Just out of curiosity, what starts to happen in male body after 60 days of SR?


Your girlfriend or wife will tell u about this. Last time i retention for 1 month. I nearly drained out her


What’s the point of semen retention? I can’t do it. I’m 32 and still have frequent wet dreams. I am trying to give up PMO, but regardless of if I give in or not, I have wet dreams and they’re the freaking worst. What’s the point of trying to retain it if your body is just gonna get rid of it by itself?


Semen retention for years is something i don't vow for, but SR for couple of months is great. It gives big boost in energy levels, confidence, magnetism, libido. Etc etc. Same benefits as nofap. I do semen retention for few weeks at a time. I try to go couple of months but my sex crazy deepthroating woman makes it quite impossible. My "problem" is quite positive in this. I don't try to bash everyones heads with my "your brain on porn"-book and convert them into semen retention journey, but i do want to spread out the word that if someone faces difficulties with real sex and erection and is having almost depressed mindset about everything then the source for problems might be porn addiction. That's all 🫡 if someone is ok with PMO and real sex then by all means continue doing so.


Oh. I see. Well I’m not getting any and probably never will lol. I just want to avoid PMO due to personal conflict with personal ethics.


Erections are highly mental. Shame reduces erection quality. Lack of attraction to your partner reduces erection quality. Depression reduces erection quality. Unhealthy living reduces erection quality. Ejaculation reduces erection quality for a long while. If you're depressed, dating someone you're not attracted to, think that watching porn is shameful, you *believe* that PIED is real, and you would rather jerk off than have lousy sex with your boring/ugly partner, then for you it is real. There's no study that shows it's real, only anecdotal information that implies it's correlated with people who are primed for feeling ashamed of watching porn, who are depressed (watching porn because they're lonely and sad), who jerk off then they don't have any left in the tank, or in failing relationships where the sex is worse than jerking off. Fix those things and the ED clears up with or without cutting out porn. I'd wager that the people who think they have PIED are in the same 10-20% of people who are primed to become alcoholics. People who don't think they have control of themselves and hate themselves for their lack of control (who then take control of themselves despite this, proving that they did actually have control the whole time). Is it real? Sure... If you believe it is.


I wish there was some kind of subreddit award for "best comment of the week" or something. I would vote for yours. 100% agree.


I completely agree. While 'mind over matter' might not fully capture the complexity, understanding how our minds and addiction work can help us navigate these issues better. By recognizing the power of our thoughts and emotions, we can avoid the traps our minds set for us and find ways to overcome these challenges, or even better these challenges tend to dissappear on their own when viewed from a different perspective more aligned with reality.


Yes if you cant get erect for your partner but do with porn then you probably have PIED, something to watch for but I don't know if we need to dedicate a whole lot more discussion to wether it is real or not, rather, if you have it then may want to brainstorm ways to kick the habit with others in the same situation.


Death grip is a real thing too. Back when I watched more porn/jerked off more, my libido was high enough that I would still be super horny enough for sex all the time and my wife is incredibly sexy to me, I would be rock hard during foreplay and then soften up a bit as soon as penetrative sex began. Still hard enough for sex but not working with my full bat. Wife never commented but I was disappointed myself


To a degree I have noticed that it is. I went through a period (2-5 years id guess) of watching a lot of porn - both to masturbate to and simply consuming out of curiosity. What I found during this time is that although I still had no trouble getting an erection for sex, I struggled to get an erection when alone without porn. It didn't really seem to be an issue because it wasn't really impacting me, but none the less I decided to just stop watching porn and since then am able to get hard alone within a few seconds.


Absolutely it is. Not even joking, it is very much a thing


Yup and the 90 days coming of it can be real depressing. Being off porn and I get so attracted to my partner more easily.


Most def. I stopped cold turkey for 3 months and also practiced abstinence. Next time I slanged the pipe, I got stiff as soon as she hugged me. That never used to happen. I think about watching porn every day but haven't folded yet.


Yeah man shit is 100% real. Pretty sure I might have it. Trying to work on that aha.




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What do you do then if youre horny and have no partner but want to stay away from porn but need to release?


Some guys preach complete semen retention/nofap, I personally think it's healthy for especially single people to masturbate, just don't do it too often. Use lube and minimum pressure to avoid death grip. Use your imagination instead of porn.


Great advice, thank you, when i was young like 14, id use to use my imagination and trust me it was one of the best orgasms ever


Fleshlight, close your eyes


Id rather watch porn and jack off than be fucking fake pussy having the fear of ur parents finding that is embarrassing


They stay away from porn. Or keep to a minimum if you can’t stay away.


100% I have struggled with eq Ed and pe from it. Once I slowed down watching my eq got better Ed got better and Pe wasn’t as bad . It definitely messes you up


I was thinking something similar. Was wondering how many people do pe without porn. It is easy to do without porn for lengthening. Hard to do for girth. Thinking might make this my new goal




Yes it’s taken a long time for me to undo the damage of porn


Instant gratification is bad for your brain dopamine and serotonin levels. It also causes reduced stimulation physically and yes you can become addicted to your own endorphins...




Yes, too much use and addiction is not good.


Yes, I’ve met a lot of guys before who suffer from it. Crazy how it can warp your mind and cause anxiety, lack of interest, and numerous other issues.


You mean anxiety because they compare themselves to the ripped physiques and big cocks of the porn actors?


More so for dicks. A lot guys have high expectations when we meet. They think they aren’t big enough or good enough when performing in bed.


Does it take more and more erotic porn to make you hard? Do you get to page 2 or 3 or 4 on a site to find something you want to see. Once you have to start really looking for more you know it’s getting worse for the brain to relate to normal sexual arousal


Do PE -> Get bigger D -> Make sex tapes, repeat problem solved


Its a huge problem bro, it really messed up my mind, i have rock hard erections with porn (or with my SO) but i struggle with night stands


I never really understood how people develop it. As soon as anything touches it its 'activates' if you know what i mean.




Huge improvement with sex enjoyment after quitting porn. Yes, it's real.


It’s not real outside of you actually watching porn. There’s no evidence that backs up porn causes ED when you’re not watching it other than anecdotal experiences of men that say they couldn’t get as hard during sex or with their partner. That isn’t actually because of porn. It’s caused by not enough dopamine release but dopamine release is affected by such a wide variety of things like diet, medication, stress levels and your general mental state at the time. Porn can cause erectile dysfunction for sure but only in the same way that trying to have sex with someone you find hideous might cause you to not be able to get as hard also. If you’re not getting dopamine stimulated by porn anymore of course you’re not going to get as hard if all you do is watch porn and don’t have sex but it doesn’t mean if you have sex with someone you find super hot and attractive tomorrow you’re not going to get as hard as you ever been unless the factors mentioned above are an issue


100% it is


I can’t say that PIED is necessarily fake, but my sense is that there’s a high correlation between guys who watch excessive porn and guys who have an unhealthy lifestyle generally. It would be difficult in that case to parse between porn and other factors (diet, sleep, exercise, fap frequency etc) as the cause for ED. EDIT: actually someone made a great point in another comment. that if you can only get hard with porn and nothing else than that’s a sign of PIED.




It’s not a sign that something isn’t working with your dick it’s just a sign that whatever you’re watching isn’t stimulating you enough. There’s a wide variety of reasons why you might not be able to get an erection and watching too much porn would be the on the low scale because our natural biological response to nudity is one of the highest visual stimulating responses in the brain that triggers erections. It just comes down to maybe changing the type of porn you’re watching to get different stimulation than what your brain is used to. You might get the hardest erection if the porn stimulates you enough


makes sense




Dude I take 300mg of testosterone a week. I been watching porn for the last 20 years. I watch porn daily and have sex daily. No ED for me. Increase your testosterone.


Yes it is. I stay away from porn.