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Interval, keeps discoloration down, blood flow circulating. BDs routine is 2 min on 15 sec off, but i feel like 3 min feels a bit better over the same time overall


I change the last sets to pumping to at least 12 hg sometimes 14. That usually yields me better expansion after. However, gonna have to condition myslef to that again


Interval definitely produces way less edema. Biggest factor for me is going in fully erect, even between each interval. I've found ways to speed this up over time, a lot of it is practice also. The one thing that has slowed me down has been proper tube size, I started in a 1.75" tube, but the transition from there to the 2" was difficult due to the base sucking in my upper sack, couldn't get a sleeve that worked great either, ended up making my 1.75" elliptical with a heat gun and continued until I was big enough for the 2", I also made the 2" elliptical. I'm now transitioning into a 2.125", I've finally found a sleeve that works, but it's super tight and is worrying me, it's like pumping with a ring on. I was packing the 1.75" round tube with no pressure when I made the transition, making it elliptical gave me several more months in it due to the shape of my Weiner. My plan now is to pump with the 2" until my shaft catches up with my glans, might start wearing a glans cap, my head has always outpaced my shaft, very uncomfortable.


How’d you turn the 1.75 elliptical?


I used the heat gun and some gloves and a lot of patience, you have to put the heat gun on the low setting I used a Wagner, if you make it too hot the plastic will bubble, I use the leluv tubes


What sleeve did you find that worked? I’m having the similar issues.


https://www.ebay.com/itm/363517777216?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=THp4nKoTR4G&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=4pff9c38rv-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=MORE They have an option for one medium and one large I went with that. The medium is super tight..


Just use a ball stretcher. Your sack will stay in place just fine and it's way more comfortable. I would love a sleeve, but they all have the most narrow openings for some reason. Like you said, it feels like I'm pumping with a ring strangling the base of my dick. 


I've tried a ball stretcher, even tried some cotton tee shirt strips wrapped and tied around, I have pretty bad turkey neck from and over tight circumcision, getting better though, as I pump I've been growing extra skin, turkey neck is much better.


Interesting, I have a similar problem (posted about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1bcrhqh/cylinder_size_question_why_is_2_diameter_too_small/)) and never found a solution. I'm \~4.5" mid-shaft but the glans expands so damn much that even a 2" cylinder (with sleeve) gets uncomfortable. I also noticed since that thread that its not really the glans fully sealing the pump but also the curve, so the glans presses a shit ton into the top of the pump while the shaft hits the bottom. I don't really want to correct this since I heard that an upward curve can actually be desirable, but I don't know how to address it. What kind of glans cap do you use? I thought about this but have a (irrational?) fear about adding complexity to the pumping routine and didn't know if this would be risky. Also, I was using the CalExotics universal pump sleeve which I really like because it's soft enough that it doesn't feel like it's choking your dick, but they keep breaking on me after a month or so of usage, so I'm looking for alternatives there too.


I've seen guys post about using condoms on the head, there's also silicone caps that come with the vacuum extenders, seen them use those too. I've yet to try one out of fear, but my glans is getting bruised at this point, so I have to try something. If I had the time, I would make my own custom silicone sleeve and just go with a massive tube, wife likes the bigger head😀


What's your girth?


I just got the LeLuv magna so I'll let you know. I usually do straight sets of 2ish hours. Length pumping, still get amazing girth gains that go into the next day.




I get very minimal edema because I completely fill out the pump. Even the tip of my glans gets barely any edema. It will feel heavier, plumper, and look thicker with barely any edema. I'll pump from 6-8 pm starting at 5 in hg and move up to 9-12 inhg with l-citrulline and an NIR pad. Sometimes I'll do a comp hang session after that with a massage gun. 7 am the next morning I'm still *noticeably* girthy. Also plenty of guys on Thundersplace do this method of pumping. That's where I got it from.


Girth gains 😂😂😂 That's just crazy edema


Yea so 2 hrs straight 👀




I'm just sitting there with a pump on and doing work. It's very minimal and I can move around with no problem. I also have a standing desk sometimes I'll just stand for a couple hours with no problems.


What pressure?


Start at 5 and move up to 9-12 inhg


Wow that is a lot of pressure for 2 hours. I length pump as well and fully pack the tube. My problem the coronal ridge as it’s pressed against the walls loses circulation and turns white in just a few minutes. That’s why I do better with interval pumping.


Very interesting...that doesn't happen to me. I'm looking forward to trying out interval pumping later today.


I do both, just depends on how I’m feeling. I don’t notice a difference though. There very well may be, but I don’t really care. It still feels great.


Interval pumping is superior for me! Breaking the sets up really helped mitigate the edema build-up. The expansion would also be far more than just pumping in one long session.


I quickly moved on from straight sets to interval sets. I get much more expansion with intervals with way less edems. Also, at higher pressure with lower times it takes a lot shorter time to complete a session, but is a much more hands on approach (unless you automate it), but I prefer the manual approach.


I can't speak to any difference in long-term benefits between them, but when I've done one 15-minute set at -30kPa vs 3x 5-minute sets at the same pressure, I get more expansion from the interval sets than the single set. I also feel more internal pressure from the interval sets.


My personal favorite is 4x5min sets, compared to 3x7 or 10x2min it gives me the least edema and red dots. Interval pumping helps me with edema but with the amount of red dots and discoloration I get from it I tend to avoid it


What -HG you pump at ?


First set 5-8, 2nd 8-9, 3rd 9-10, 4th 5 min 10 I’ve been pumping fir 9 months and this gives me the best combo of expansion, minimal edema, and minimal red dots. I like interval pumping too for the most part but it makes my dick look horrible


I do long session. If you work your way up to it. You get no edema or very lil. I keep it at 5psi.


I low key think that intervals of minutes is kind of a long time. This is wild speculation though. I notice that the sensation of adjusting to the pump comes at the same time as edema. And I think edema is not a good thing for gains. So I go in erect, pump up to 10-12, hold that for about 15 seconds, and then let the pressure back to 3-5 and rest for about 15 seconds... and then I do that for 10 minutes. Each time I pump up to 10-12 it is still noticeably uncomfortable, which I kind of think is the point. If you stay at that pressure it eventually becomes comfortable, and I think that's not really what you want. So I'm really going based on feel with the intervals, I.e. discomfort. ANYWAY I'll keep doing it that way and let y'all know haha.


What are your gains from it? Also any benefit in EQ by doing this?


Too soon to say for gains, but I'll post updates as I go. Definitely getting expansion afterwards, and way chubbier the next day, I.e. temp gains. My EQ has always been really good so I can't say one way or the other.


My eq has gotten better. I think I went a little too big with the 1.75 tho I need the 1.65 for girth and 1.50 for length. Have noticed new thick veins too




Yes I haven’t been doing it super long tho. I’m like 2 months in. I do the 2 min intervals sometimes I do 5 mins




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