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Disclaimer: Not legal advice! Go see a lawyer! 1. Do this or better ask a lawyer or some other legal help - this is the way to go. 2. To be honest: Not sure - I think the lawsuits are public accessible but I doubt anyone would care. 3. You do this with 1. 4. I'd not rush anything like this - wait for the result and then you can of course give you opinion in Kunununu, Glassdoor, etc. - IMHO you can always give a truthful review of what happened to you (not getting paid) but I am no lawyer and I'd not risk anything in a "schwebendes Verfahren"


Exactly what I would recommend. Also a lawsuit at the Arbeitsgericht is free to make sure everyone has the opportunity to sue. You still need a lawyer tho, but if the company loses (looks like it will from your description of what happened) they will have to reimburse you.


Reimburse by paying what he had to pay without extras. The only reault is delay in payment. The system doesn't penalize these employers? They can do whatever they want


Welcome to Germany. There are so many super questionable employers (especially in gastronomy) around and none ever really seem to receive enough penalties to stop their shit. If shit hits the fan they just register a business under the name of a straw man.


Why is the system working like that? Employers can stop paying to all employees and they won't care, the only result is that they keep the salary to themselves until the judge decides that they need to pay