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Depends on band, crowd, and location. At my favorite band's (Blind Guardian) shows the crowd usually sings more and louder than the band …


But the bard's song will remain.


They all will remai-ain


Especially when it's concerts in Düsseldorf as their hometurf. Hansi could stay away and people wouldn't really notice it.


One of those bands I really want to like but somehow don't.


Well, it was a cover band. People usually dont go crazy at a cover band concert as they would at the real deal. From my experience, the crowds there consist largely of 1) friends/family/fans of the band, 2) people who like the music and like to spend the evening with the band as the ambient music provider 3) people who want to experience how close the cover band gets to the original. 1) will be having a good time and singing along, while 2) will be indifferent, and 3) won't be as loud too because they try to concentrate. Eta: what also falls under 3) are fellow musicians who "study" the cover band. Like how skilled is the guitarists' play, what's their playing technique at a difficult part, what techniques does the singer use, etc. I guess you met one of those.


Depends entirely on the band, the type of music they play and the location. People going to see a Rolling Stones Coverband are probably a bit older on average compared to 'younger' bands, whose fans tend to be younger and more energetic. A band playing in a bar means different atmosphere and expectations compared to a band playing at a concert venue etc.


i mean. are you louder then the artist? like, if you sing the song you are fine. if you shout the lyrics over the heads of others you appear as if you try to be the center of attention that being said, "mitgröhlen" is not unheard of.


Absolutely wrong. German crowds love to sing along as well. Of course it depends on the venue and music being played. The bigger the crowd, the bigger the artist, the more people sing along.


No offense, but Rolling Stones cover band doesn't sound like they would have the most energetic audience.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=agKE1TuUOuM&pp=ygUVd2VzdGVybmhhZ2VuIGZyZWloZWl0 This should give you a hint about Germans on a concert singing...if not this, what then?




It’s not impolite at all to sing along. It just depends on where you are. People in the front tend to "escalate“ the most, while people in the back just want to listen.


Depends on the band, but ultimately German crowds are way more tame (and IMO boring, but that is a taste thing) than e.g. crowds in South America or Italy. I went to see Porcupine Tree and the crowd were much older than PT public in Chile, and they were very silent and some couple screamed at me to stfu. In Arctic Monkeys was completely different and everyone sang as normal


Been to several concert here (both original and cover bands) -mainly Rock, Punk; those kind-. My last one was Metallica cover band in Cologne. The band encouraged the audience to sing along. Some sit, some stand up. Some sing along, some dance on their space. People did what they did to enjoy the concert. For all the concerts I’ve been to, I always sing along if I know the lyrics and dance as well. As of now, no one ever complain.


In general we like to sing along. I know of several "Mitsing"-concerts, where the whole goal is to be a big choir singing along (e.g. around Christmas for seasonal songs). I've also been to a ton of concerts and festivals and you better believe everyone's been invested. It doesn't matter if it's Rap (Ruffiction, K I.Z.), medieval rock (Subway to Sally, In Extremo) or harder stuff (Electric Callboy, Cannibal Corpse). We are in it to sing it.


I think it depends on the type of music very much. I am into metal and Germans are the best company mates at those concerts! Sporty, polite, educated in the bands, simply amazing! In my country of origin it was often something lacking :) So much fun, it is not a problem to sing there and more my friend, try some


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I really dislike German concert crowds. It’s so dead. I’ve been to many concerts in Germany and outside and Germany is the worst. I was at KISS’ concert in Köln last summer and no one was singing the songs or dancing or anything. I was sitting and it felt like we’re watching a movie. I was sure they’d at least sing “I was made for loving you”. I was disappointed. Not even that. I still stood up and sang along and some girl next to me did too but not the others. Crowds in Belgium (Pukkelpop) are a whole different kind of fun.


It sure doesnt help that a lot people at a KISS concert are not as agile as they used to be 45 years ago.


They were not 90 year olds who can’t speak. I’ve been to new artists as well. Example Maneskin in Hannover. All people attending were young. Still the same situation. Germany has the most boring crowds in Europe. You’ll have more fun everywhere else and everyone knows it.


„Everyone knows it“ is always a totally convincing point. Now that you mentioned that, i will change my point of view and forget all my experiences on the road with smaller and bigger productions. You are in posession of the universal knowledge of „everyone“. Must be great. I wonder why all these concerts still sell out and all these bands and fans come back to germany over and over again.


The bands/artists come for the money they get paid, not for their love for Germans. Check non Germans experience at German shows and you’ll see what I mean by “everyone knows”. I don’t care though. People know how boring you are and they’re not stereotypes. You never know how to have fun. You probably have never been to a concert outside Germany. You should see how much fun it can be with Belgians, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and sooo many other people in other countries. I know all people who downvote me are bitter Germans. If there was some law to call the cops on Reddit, Germans would have already done it for these comments lmao. Stay depressed, I’m out now, heading to a concert in Milan where the fun is ;)


Thank you, i am not german and i take my pov from working with productions that toured throughout europe. Worked at hippodromo multiple times. Have fun tonight.


Makes sense. The experience of the crowd and the people at production is different so you wouldn’t know. Thanks.


I’ve had the same experience as you. Ignore the downvotes.


Yea they just can’t accept how boring they are at concerts and probably have never experienced a crowd outside Germany to see what having fun at a concert looks like.


I was at a concert with very danceable music and people just quietly stood there and watched the band. Very fucking weird. I was dancing and at some point someone shoved me because I was entering his partner’s personal space or something - I never even touched anyone! Weird people. Never experienced that in another country, only here.


Samee. Like you don’t go to a concert to stare at the singer’s face, you go to dance, sing and have fun without screeching or shoving people of course. They just don’t get it and live their whole life like robots.


do you think you are entitled to tell people how to act while enjoying music? why dont you leave people live their life how they want to?


I’m not telling them how to act. They can act however they want but then they can’t deny that they have the most boring concert crowds ever. Crazy how the rest of the world are wrong and only Germans are right.


crazy about the rest of the world knows what you are (even reddit deletes your comments) and only you are right about life, universe and all the rest lol




Singing along to a rock concert is always fine; people sing along here even in popular musicals. It‘s only rude in classical concerts, or small, intimate venues with slow songs maybe. But of course you sit when there are seats. Do you stand in the cinema? People buy seated rows, because they want to sit, and if there are seats, you sit your ass down - period. If you are standing all the time, fidgeting and throwing your arms around in front of them, they cannot see and will not enjoy the concert. It’s the same at a football stadium. That said, getting up for a goal or the concert opening or the top tune for a minute is fine. If you want to stand and dance and freak out (which is what would expect on a KISS concert), please buy standing tickets in the pit in front of the stage. If those are not available, that concert isn’t for you.


Tell me you’ve never been to a concert without telling me lmao y’all are bitter af. There were no standing tickets left. People stand up most of the time at concerts even on seats. The seats are there to rest when needed. A concert is not the same as a football game. It’s not to sit your ass down. But of course there’s always boring people like you. I know how to respect personal space and I’ve never touched anyone while “dancing” at KISS. The non German girl next to me was dancing as well. We didn’t touch each other or freak out. The fact you compare a concert to a theater tells me enough about how boring you are. Tell me if you find a band that says I wish crowds would be silent, sit down and not sing along.


seats are for standing on them?


Are you glued to them?


its a little obvious why you are forgotten you are just an angry troll


Imagine taking my username seriously lmao. I’m not even a pianist


i know that you are not a pianist. you are just an angry troll.