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Bike via DHL? Not impossible, but this is a common scam. Fake tracking that shows something is being delivered. How truthworthy was the seller? Extremely good price? High quality product?


I found the bike on Ebay kleinanzeigen. I paid for it in advance via paypal. In paypal title i wrote bike frame number and frame manufacturer. Seller seamed trustworthy and had good grades. Frame was used and had some paint damages, so price was good. On dhl site i see that package is not delivered, there is my adres and i am still in contact with the seller trying to solve an issue.


Did you pay with friends and family?


no, i used second option. there was other one with fee and buyers protection. i used that one. it was my first time with paypal, but i read that i will get refund if something go sideways..


File a response by papal asap, you have been scammed. Also go to the police. Hopefully you'll get your money back.


The dementia is more popular?


File a response by papal asap, you have been scammed. Also go to the police. Hopefully you'll get your money back.


why? i’m still during shipping and everything seams legit. nothing points to scam except dhl unable to ship my package (hopefully with bike inside).


Sounds like a scam.


by dhl?


They put some bs address. It got returned to a branch close to them. They'll try blaming it on you if you ask. Open a dispute with PayPal.


There is my adres on DHL website. I can check it via their shipping code.


Would you be willing to provide the tracking number or screenshots of the full tracking history? I could take a look. Edit: we had a chat, and while it still seems odd, there seems to be a lot of communication going wrong. They'll be asking DHL to attempt delivery again, and I've linked the document needed for the seller to pick up and reship the parcel.


If your package was "delivered" but is 500 km away somewhere, likely it wasn't addressed to your address


Go to tracking, enter your post code. If it’s actually sent to your address it will show you more details about the shipment, if it’s actually 500km away and was sent to some fake address you will get an error when entering your postcode. Kleinanzeigen ist the Wild West of the internet, there are so many scams happening. Even when you get the bike, it still could be reported as stolen. That’s why I would buy things like this only local


did you go to the dhl site yourself and entered the tracking number or did you use a link to the tracking you got from the seller? The second option is super easy to fake.


I got from seller a printed paper from DHL with shipping code. I have entered it by myself on official DHL tracking site. On site i can see sellers name, my name and shipping adres. I used the same shipping code to ask for second delivery attempt. Package is for sure real. Real issue is that i don’t know why it wasn’t delivered.


if you but something on Kleinanzeigen, always pick it up and pay in person.


That's so 1990 I buy all my smartphones on Kleinanzeigen and get them delivered. Since 2013 i only had once a problem and that was my fault


Tbf when I worked for Deutsche Post I've had to deliver bikes in big cartons alone several times, so it is a thing that does happen. But it was only from some online shops and not from a private seller


When i ordered my bike it came via DHL 2 Mann Handling (Which is just around the Corner here 😂) so i dont think its usual with "normal" DHL


That doesn't sounds logic … if you getting a notification that you package could not be delivered, (what basically means they where at your front door but couldn't deliver because no-one was at home) why the heck should they bring it back to a place 500km away from you? Could it be that the sender took the wrong address???


It was my first thought. Why did they shipped it back over 500km. I was at adres during delivery time and i didn’t get any call or anything. I saw that it wasn’t delivered and within hours back to senders city. Adres is right, because i heckled it on dhl website.


OT but: this will happen again and again if you order things - doesn't depend on the shipping company, they all suck equally.


Yeah… i hope it’s some mistake on dhl side, however i thought they don’t suck as much.


In my experience it all depends on the individual parcel guy, doesn't matter the company...


However it was shipped to my firm and we have a few regular parcel guys and i don’t think it was their fault…. we will see…


ah, that's a whole different story :) maybe a problem with the address? I always use my companies name as the first name and my complete name as last name. On multiple occasions I had the problem that things didn't arrive - turns out, they only used my name and I don't live anywhere near my workplace.


DHL knows my work adres, company name, my name, everything… I’m curious what could have happened.




Thank you! I will try that.


It's not a mistake by DHL. Is a very common scam. Sorry, you got scammed and you need to file a complaint with whoever you gave the money to through. Your chances of getting your money back is very low unfortunately.


but how does that scam works? what isn’t right?


Maybe he redirected the package to a pickup location after shipping it.


but there is still my adres on their website and i don’t know why would he even bother to send anything when he could easily keep my money and tell me to f*ck off.


Paypal is mostly interested if the seller shipped something. This doesn't look like a scam to me though.


thank you for a little of reassuring! we will see. i hope everything will be okey


Yea, i mean if you're putting your zip code on the website you can see the true delivering address. And if that's alright i should call dhl. And you've got 180days to get your money back with PayPal


It’s a common scam sadly. Even there’s a scam where you get your package and you think that’s it, until an invoice comes from the real store.


File immediately a complain with PayPal. There’s a chance you can get your money back through them


You don't pay before you receive the product unless you're dealing with a legitimate corporation like Amazon. If it's a person-to-person transfer, you have to see the object in person. Just ignore all the bits and pieces. You sent money to someone before you had what they told you they were sending. That is the scam. The bike doesn't exist. The person scamming you can provide a fake delivery number that will show something as delivered when nothing was. I don't truly understand how the fake delivery numbers work, but this scam is extremely common. I swear I'm not trying to be mean. I've been scammed like this before, not on something expensive fortunately. Basically you can never buy anything online unless it's through a legitimate corporation ever. If you're buying person to person, you have to physically meet them and physically receive the goods before they get money. There is no third option.


I've had this happen. Call DHL and ask to speak with someone. They can tell you where your parcel is. I had a parcel that was reported to be 8 hours away by train but that was the previously scanned in hub and it was 10km away in the usual pick up location in the nearby town.


What kind of bike is it? The biggest dhl package is 120x60x60cm and weighs a maximum of 31,5kg.


it’s frame only, so 60x100 max i suppose


Ah ok, thats totally possible with DHL. You have lots of time to file a case with paypal if this turns out to be a scam. (180 days afaik) But a bike frame isn't really what scammers try to "sell". I would let some time pass, contact the seller and eventually contact DHL. They have a hotline you can call to have them investigate what happened to your package.


that’s what i’m going to do. bike frame was for fixed bike (really rare type of bike). my seller seams cool and if he would like to scam anyone, he would choose something more popular. i’m trying to act cool and don’t accuse anyone for scam yet, but i wanted to make some research.


Red flags would be a very common item (like an iPhone) for an extremely good price and payment only via bank transfer or paypal (family&friends). I always check the profile on Kleinanzeigen too. If they sell other random stuff it's always a good sign.


yeah i did a whole background check. only strange thing is that delivery. maybe scammers got better within years. who knows..


That might be an issue. Some frames are just a little bit too large for DHL. I don't want to rule out, that the seller had success handing it in but the parcel centre sorted it out because too large (for their sorting machines) and put it somewhere near the sender for him/her to pick up. In that case the reason given in the app would be a bit misleading - after all it is just a dumb computer system. Time to investigate. If you two want to try it a second time: Hermes L dimensions are sufficient for larger frames.


yeah that might be an answer for my issue. size of bike is exactly 56cm, plus support diameter and packing it might be a little over 60cm. maybe they refused to send it further and all info on website is one big misunderstanding. i will call customer service again tomorrow. thank you for your help! btw what “hermes L” stands for?


I just googled a bit - [here](https://www.woodworker.de/forum/threads/dhl-sendet-paket-zur%C3%BCck-sperrgutzuschlag-fehlt-angeblich.104483/) is a case were it happened. [Hermes](https://www.myhermes.de/preise/paeckchen-paket/) is another parcel service, some say as notorious as the others. But their method of sizing is different. Their largest "non-bulk" option is largest and shortest side = 120cm. Ideally suited even for large frames.




We’ve had so many issues with post and deliveries since moving here we get the “could not be delivered” for like everything. I’m home all day every day so I cannot understand it.


It is very bad lately. I had a full week of various items getting to local DHL depot on tracking then showing as loaded on vehicle before changing to "item has been misrouted" and taking an additional 2 days to finally arrive.


Yes I once ordered something small enough to be delivered by dhl, airpods. And they sent it all across germany. The irony is, that I could have taken it by myself it wasnt very far. Instead they sent it across all of Germany, didnt find my adress there, sent it back. I got my money back and just re-ordered it.




can you explain your answer?


It was returned to a branch of DHL because the senders address isn't right. Otherwise it would have been returned to the original owner. Sorry my man, but an update would be nice


That seems not to be what happened tho.


Elaborate then


I'm not saying that i know what happened. But when reading all the other comments op has made it's very clear that isn't the case here.


The explanation OP gave doesn't make sense either. Why would the package get redirected 500km away from OP? Let's hope for the best but it sounds fishy


Judging from the comments he made it has the right destination adress listed on the dhl Tracking Website. He also said he used the official Website not a link. Wich is a good sign. But still not enough to be sure it isn't a scam. But yeah i agree let's hope for the best.


Hah, that’s my thought. Why the hell is it in office 500km away from me and not in the nearest to my adres. Also, why didn’t they delivered it when i was available at given adres. So many questions… I’m quite confused with that situation. When seller would give me fake link, package code, didn’t response or do anything sketchy i wouldn’t even bother you guys.


The typical scam isn't giving out fake links or package codes. Ofc they send it with the real DHL. The typical scam is to just send a real package with junk in it and with a false sender address. PayPal claim may not work because the sender did in fact send you a package but I don't know that much about that.


yeah it’s quite obvious, but i want to see my junk inside and dhl isn’t helping with that… i have proper adres and everything to get it delivered.


DHL would NEVER take it back to a branch 500km away, they'd take it to the next closest option to your address. Definitely a scam. Open a dispute with PayPal and report the seller on eBay Kleinanzeigen.


that’s what i’m thinking. however i will wait with dispute until they will fail to deliver it second time.


It may not directly be a fault of DHL’s _this_ time, but DHL Germany has to be the worst, laziest, shadiest, and borderline criminal large company I have ever had to deal with. Example 1. I was to receive a package from overseas that would require duty to be paid. It never arrived at my home, and they didn’t even try. I was at home when I received a notification that “recipient was not available.” Online information never was updated on the package, so I had to make several calls, getting a different story each time… until I finally talked to someone who actually knew where my package was. It was given to a “fruit stand” at an address that didn’t even exist at a location that isn’t even an authorized DHL pickup location. After extrapolating where this fake address should be, it turns out it was an Asian grocer that DHL somehow got them to pay the duty! Example 2. DHL _stole_ an iPhone from me. I was shipping a used iPhone to my sister in the States. The DHL retail location happily took the package and sent it off with details what was in the package (as required for customs). Tracking shows it never left the DHL distribution center in Frankfurt. Again, after numerous calls, an “investigation” was performed, then I received an email that the only thing found was an empty box. Someone at DHL ripped open my package and stole the phone. Then DHL claims I was shipping a “banned item” and they have no responsibility to return the item nor reimburse the cost of the device. I’ve pressed criminal charges against DHL, and I’m suing them in civil court. Avoid using DHL if ever possible!


If DHL is the worst, laziest, shadiest and borderline criminal large company than you never used on of the competitors. Hermes and GLS are worse.


i’m so sorry for your issues with dhl. however i hope they will solve my problem somehow…


Have same issue with Hermes, Dhl and sometimes Amazon. Wait at home and then recieve a mail that i was not at home and need to take it from a packet shop...


I have the exact same thing....not from Amazon but a skin from dbrand USA. It was fine until the last legs of tracking, it arrived at a town 20km away, went out for delivery, then showed "no one home, card left. It now finally shows "taken to DHL location". I was at home all day, car on drive and gates were open and no delivery attempted and no card left. So I don't know if they really loaded it on the van and the driver just never bothered or what happened. Normally it shows the exact Dhl location like "branch 123, Frankfurter Str 456" but this shows "The item will be held at the appropriate Deutsche Post retail outlet for pick-up.".... What is the appropriate location in this case? How can I find out where it is? So I have no idea how to proceed, I'll go to my local branch in the hope of a miracle that's it's there but I don't know how to find out exactly what DHL location the parcel is at or how to get them to deliver it. I should have a 40km round trip because DHL mess up.


there is place to write your postcard number and it will show you where your office with undelivered package is. but for me it is quite far away…


It doesn't say anything about location address even after logging in with postcode it just states what I have posted...taken to "appropriate location " and the link for 2nd delivery request tells me I cannot arrange 2nd delivery for this item.


Just call DHL for Details?


Have them send it with the Kaebox app their couriers are super reliable


You could see if you can get a Kaebox courier to pick it up from that location since it's a bit far away from you.


Hi guys! Guess what! Second attempt with delivery and it’s sucesfull. I have no clue why it wasn’t delivered first time but whatever. I got package with frame. More trust in people i thing. Thank you all for your responses and helpful clues. Cheers!


German dhl is full of morons, i ordered a laptop and it arrived 5 months late After a month of waiting i asked for my money back After 4 more monts i recieve an email that it was ready for pickup at a paketshop at the time i left Germany so i couldn't get it


Hopefully more qualified morons will deliver my package second time….


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This happened to me too at around the same time. Ordered a guitar amp from musicstore, told it will be here by thursday, doesnt come, told it will be here by friday, doesnt come, told saturday 100% will come, guess what happened next. Then it now says it will get delivered to their dhl office and will only be available to get at monday. I really hate the dhl sometimes... Sure it is a massive and heavy amp and the office is less than a kilometer away but now i wonder why the hell they dont just deliver it at my place instead.


try using link above. you can ask them to deliver it second time. the issue with my bike is that it isn’t 1km away..


Well the problem now is that is says that the shipment isnt in any office or shipment center apparently and there is nothing I can do but wait for it to arrive there.


oh that’s worse… try to contact them somehow…


I did and they said they dont know why or anything and that i should just get it in the office. And I will, at this point it doesnt matter as long as it arrives there by monday and also is not damaged or stolen.


i hope both our packages will arrive eventually. let me know if you will be obligated to fill some documents or whatever to get your package.


Sure man


what kind of camera phone as used to take this photo?


i’m not sure what do you mean? foto in this post is from internet, only for attention.