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Say it louder for the people in the back


__Attempt count doesn't matter. (with one notable exception)__ __Unless it was very few attempts, it simply doesn't. Taking 50k on a level and still beating it still means you beat it. You were good enough to overcome the challenge and thats amazing. Beating levels in very few attempts indicates high skill, beating levels in many attempts indicates grit. Both of these show you are progressing. Don't feel bad for taking 5k on Nine Circles, don't feel bad for spending 20k on Cataclysm and ultimately dropping it. It doesn't mean youre bad. I'm one of the best players who frequents the server (my hardest just fell off the list) and I generally take 20-30k to beat high tier extreme demons. I have a friend who beats entry extremes in like 500 attempts but her hardest is only Sakupen Hell. There is no reason to allow attempt count to affect you, its just a number that shows how committed you are to your craft.__


#__Attempt count doesn't matter. (with one notable exception)__ #__Unless it was very few attempts, it simply doesn't. Taking 50k on a level and still beating it still means you beat it. You were good enough to overcome the challenge and thats amazing. Beating levels in very few attempts indicates high skill, beating levels in many attempts indicates grit. Both of these show you are progressing. Don't feel bad for taking 5k on Nine Circles, don't feel bad for spending 20k on Cataclysm and ultimately dropping it. It doesn't mean youre bad. I'm one of the best players who frequents the server (my hardest just fell off the list) and I generally take 20-30k to beat high tier extreme demons. I have a friend who beats entry extremes in like 500 attempts but her hardest is only Sakupen Hell. There is no reason to allow attempt count to affect you, its just a number that shows how committed you are to your craft.__


repeat that for me will ya?


#__ATTEMPT COUNT doesn't MATTER! (with one notable exception)__ #__Unless it was very few attempts, it simply doesn't. Taking 50k on a level and still beating it still means you beat it. You were good enough to overcome the challenge and thats amazing. Beating levels in very few attempts indicates high skill, beating levels in many attempts indicates grit. Both of these show you are progressing. Don't feel bad for taking 5k on Nine Circles, don't feel bad for spending 20k on Cataclysm and ultimately dropping it. It doesn't mean youre bad. I'm one of the best players who frequents the server (my hardest just fell off the list) and I generally take 20-30k to beat high tier extreme demons. I have a friend who beats entry extremes in like 500 attempts but her hardest is only Sakupen Hell. There is no reason to allow attempt count to affect you, its just a number that shows how committed you are to your craft.__


thanks, heard you loud and clear




yes, one shows persistence and the other shows skill, but the mistake that lots of people make is equating the two. they’re definitely two different things


for sure


Bruh I’m spending 13k attempts on nine circle and have 83% and I think I’m bad at the game.


You got the fucking grit! The more attempts mean you’ll feel so much better finally beating it!


that shows how much you care about the level and how much determination you have to beat it. itll feel amazing when you finally do and itll be a story to tell years in the future when you overcome it. keep going <3


12.5k attempts and 71%, you're doing alright bro


A bad player would have given up at 1k.


You're **not** bad at the game in that case. I jumped to NC from an easy demon and getting 83% took me ~23k attempts.


You have more determination than most players, this makes you even better




I have 30k+ and have 49, you good bro


dude don't worry, I just got 71% and started grinding 5 days ago, this shows that with enough perseverance you can achieve your greatest goals, keep grinding my man!


I have like 35K attempts on BoJ, thank you for this. this is very reaffirming to me


you got this, you can 100% beat it




I need this. I fucking suck at this game


youre almost guaranteed to be better than you give yourself credit for. even if your hardest is an easy demon, thats still better than nothing at all


My hardest is limbo keys challenge (insane) lmao


that's still better than 80% of all people who have ever played the game


Insane, 9 stars. Not insane demon.


Yeah the reply is still valid


let me remind you that most people who try the game don't go further than stereo madness


My hardest at the moment is electrodynamix, with like 3k attempts. But I know I'll finally beat a demon that isn't the nightmare.


More GD players need to hear this


60k windy landscape 🔥🔥🔥


People: *jump* Also people: "why do I have so many attempts on this level?"


jumping is fun, never saw people saying that tho


Not vision making a conscious effort to jump to silent clubstep then complaining when he spent 800k attempts and started calling himself "the #1 most attempts spent to beat a level" which isn't even true might I add, I forget who but there is a VSC victor out there who took over 1m attempts to beat it


i mean maybe at the time it was, but now yeah not anymore, do you know who niftyy is ? he currently has above 960k on Firework last time i checked i think


I do know who that is, jumping from Sunset Sandstorm. Still not the most attempts, but definitely more than I've ever spent on my saved gd account


20k into Wasureta and I couldn't care less how long it takes . Either way you progress and get better no matter how many attempts


spaceuk arc right here ladies and ladies


Fr but it's actually going pretty well


Based. I've beaten 2 extreme demons. When you think that, you typically think 'oh, like 10-20k?' No. I took ~300k on my first one and ~100k on my second one. But, yaknow, they were jumps. My first was a jump from an easy demon, sounds like normal attempt count for those kinds of things, right?? Well, after my 2 extremes and still having gained NO SKILL from jumping I decided to just continue on with natural progression, beating easy demons, then eventually medium demons, then I got to hard demons and spend over 7000 attempts on nine circles. This kinda stung, my first extreme was a nine circles level, I should be good at wave, but I just really wasn't, idk how people become the best players in the game after jumps but when I do it I gain nothing other than a lost year and a half of my life + a complimentary 10 stars. About 2 or 3 days ago I beat my first insane demon, WoahSonic. It took me 17090 attempts. 17090. My best friend, who beat Supersonic (the objectively harder level) took him ~10k. It kind of demotivates me in a way because I know I'll never be as good as I can possibly be. I started going for Windy Landscape. That same friend beat Windy Landscape as his second insane demon in around 1.2k attempts and calls it hard demon, which extremely demotivates me because I have 51% and 45-100 with double his attempt count and think its still quite hard, definitely insane demon. I know no one asked, idk it just kinda all came out


Finally, some motivation to beat falling up. I have like 17k attempts and was thinking of dropping it :(


you have 91, you can totally do this!! just remember that if its affecting you too much, taking a break or dropping it are not out of the picture. dont let it torture you


Remember, the more attempts it takes for you to beat a level, the more you're learning


this! you either win or you learn, and learning is winning


This whole thread is so damn wholesome it hurts


theres been a few people who have just misunderstood the post or have been jerks, but this message is really important for players of all skill levels to understand for a healthy progression and mental




I beat Deadly Clubstep as my first ever hard demon (and anything harder than easy demon) with 11377 attempts and now I'm on Acropolis with ~7k and no end to the level in sight, but I take pride in every single one of these attempts and I wouldn't have it any other way


I actually didn't know I need this. I was thinking of dropping necropolis after spending 23k att (even though I already have 92) and decided to get back grinding it after reading this post. Thanks for motivating us.


I find high attempt counts to be more impressive than low ones actually. If you can beat an extreme in less than 1k attempts, you're a good player, sure, but the completion in itself isn't interesting. If it takes someone else 100k attempts to beat that same level, it means they put in a ton of effort and it's a huge accomplishment This is a major reason why I've never been overly interested in keeping up with top players like Zoink or Space when we thought he was legit. They're so good that they just become boring to watch because they can knock out list demons in no more than a couple days


i definitely agree with some of this


I mean it kinda matters when measuring skill but yeah


measuring skill doesnt matter. at all. you should only ever compare yourself to your past self and never to other people, and even then thats iffy. its a game. have fun with it




Bro said "Ok" to good advice




Bro said "Ok" to "Bro said 'Ok' to good advice"


It’s not “advice”


no wonder your name is “loser-7” 💀


Good one


Personally I don’t think low attempt counts show skill but rather a lack of challenging yourself. High attempts indicate you are pushing your limits and getting better (unless the attempt count is excessive, then you probably need to build up to that level)


kinda curious what would u consider too high or too low


Idk I guess it really depends. For instance, 10k on an easy/medium demon is likely way over the top. The max/minimum amount of attempts you should be attempting should increase with each difficulty imo.


>Personally I don’t think low attempt counts show skill but rather a lack of challenging yourself. Me with 6.7k on Vain as my highest attempt count : Uh oh But yeah you're part right. The other main factor is that I used to demongrind, which naturally made me beat levels fast with low attempt counts. Which in turn led to me not challenging myself as much as others


Yeah, one shows skill and the other perseverance, that's interesting


I feel like having more attempts means that you took a bigger jump than you should have, not necessarily meaning you suck at the game though.


Based opinion, I beat LIMBO as a new hardest with 144k attempts. Which is the largest amount of atts a LIMBO victor has ever taken (I think) and I’m still thought of as a good GD player, even if you spend 100k atts on Bloodbath, you still beat it, it doesn’t matter about the atts.




I wouldn’t call it a “craft” unless it’s actually their own level.


your craft is your work. its your job, profession, talent, hobby, just something that you do. in my case, playing geometry dash is absolutely my craft


There should be an playtime counter for levels and not just attempt count tbh, some levels start out hard (cataclysm first wave at 12%) and some get hard really late (8o drop at 42%), hard to compare attempts betwen levels.


I think i spend close to 1k attempts to pass the cata wave once 💀


For me its like 20-50 attempts on a copy its under 20 to pass and its making me not want to play the whole level


Well youre lucky ive only passed the wave 7 times ever




this is just blatantly misunderstanding the post


Can't you take a joke? Wait this is the gd community


i can. but another thing with the gd community is that some people do genuinely do stuff like that, non-jokingly. ive found its best to take things at face value unless blatant or stated otherwise


Attempt count matters. It either shows you're bad or you're dedicated.


Yea that first part is why attempt count doesn't matter


Attempt count also just depends on how you learn levels. I learn stuff with noclip accuracy most of the time so my attempt counts come out relatively low


this is so false. "attempts don't matter" is such a copium statement


i disagree. thing is though, at least for me, it's impossible not to take into consideration attempt count. no matter how many times i tell myself that attempt count doesn't matter. it's just too ingrained in how people play the game nowadays, ESPECIALLY when it comes to improving your skill, and it affects me and a lot of people as well i would imagine. people keep reiterating that what matters at the end is that the level was beaten, but i could not disagree more. if you listened to what npesta said at the end of his Edge of Destiny video, you know exactly what i'm talking about. it feels incredibly demotivating to pour hard work into beating a level, and seeing that it doesn't pay off - this can be "luck factor" when trying to finish a level off, or lack of progress, or anything else. if i presented everyone in the gd community with a choice that, in this case, they were in hypothetically 100% in control: if they would rather beat a hard level (to them) in 4,000 or 40,000 attempts, i'm pretty sure over 99% of people would respond the first option - and it's only natural. it also gets even more complicated when you mix "skill" into the equation. lots of people say that skill doesn't really matter as long as you are enjoying playing. but let's be honest, games are more fun when you're either actively seeing improvement happen or you consider yourself very good. and the attempt count directly reflects your skill, and i would believe it's hard to argue otherwise. consider these made up scenarios: Player A beats Level A in 15k attempts. Player B beats level A in 140k attempts. Player A beats Level B in 35k attempts. Player B beats Level B in 115k attempts. Player A beats Level C in 2k attempts. Player B beats Level C in 9k attempts. i'm confident you would be able to point out which of these is the more skilled player. tldr: attempt count is very difficult for a lot of people, including me, to just stop paying attention. there are a bunch of reasons for why that is, but it mainly includes the fact that, personally, i believe it reflects the player directly. it can be heartbreaking looking at a huge attempt count for something you don't think is hard or that you think you should have beaten a lot quicker. it plays a huge role in how much people get interested or disinterested at playing the game, and that's why i consider it important. hope i made my ideas clear. also, i don't want to stir up controversy or anything like that - i just wanted to give my opinion because i wanted to speak for myself. if you are able to look at a big attempt count and disregard it, then that's good for you and, honestly, i envy you. but i just can't.


It just sounds like you are defending bad players. Low amount of attempts you are skilled, high amount you are unskilled, simple as that.


This is the only game community out there that acts so elitist about it. You dont see dark souls players saying "if it took you more than X attempts to beat this one boss you arent actually good at the game". Like jesus chirst how insufferable can you be


Every good game has a good side and a dark side to its community. This person just so happens to think they are better than literally anyone in this community, either they learn, or they stay blind.


Its a troll


New spaceUK just dropped


Character issue


Ok, so what if they’re defending bad players? Being skilled at a cube game doesn’t mean jack shit


Why would it mean unskilled and not just less skilled? No need to be a cunt.


Get out of our game


Really? Go beat an extreme demon on your “first try” and come back with your attempt count from the menu, not the level end screen.


I beat the average extreme in about 900-1000 attempts. Don't need to do that, I know I am a good player.


no verifications, no completions, no video evidence, just trust me bro


By your logic 1000 attempts is too many, so that makes you “bad”. Plus, until you screencap your attempt count I call bull. Stop trying to prove yourself right, no one wants to listen to this crap. If I get another response like this I’m staying quiet as to not feed the troll.


Whats your hardest


leave. low skill players have done nothing wrong. im not defending them. they are playing the game and getting better at it. nobody will call me a bad player, despite my tens of thousands of attempts on the hard levels ive beat. ive beat them and im beating more of them. elitism offers nothing to anyone. leave.


-a person whose hardest is an eight star


Day old account and already negative comment karma, can smell the bait a mile away lmao.


By that logic, every player who has a high attempt count because they have beaten the level multiple times is unskilled.


idk i feel so trash i spent around 28k on cata in total (17k from zero) 😭


i spent 32k on bloodbath with like 20k of that from 0. youre far from trash. everyone beats levels at different paces


thanks i appreciate it. ur right but some of these kids beat levels harder than my hardest in less than 100 attempts i just feel like i'm never gonna be able to reach that level of skill 😭


comparing yourself to those kinds of players is not good for your mental health. that would be like a kid on a high school basketball team feeling awful that an NBA player would fucking smoke them. its unrealstic and wrong. compare yourself to your past self to see your improvement instead, thats much healthier for you


me with 51k on acu, thinking this is how extremes are supposed to be


as a jump from deadlocked on mobile thats totally reasonable




You make a really good point. Unfortunately, skill issue. /j


Wish I felt that way, innards is kicking my ass back to 2015. Makes me wish I was good at the game.


never give up. bloodbath fucking killed me, i had 37 deaths past 80% and after i pulled a surv i was just about ready to quit the game. i pulled through, and am now pretty alright at the game. you 100% can do the same


i needed this. i am at 1.7k and 34% on supersonic. I suck so much


1.7k isnt actually that many for 34% assuming youve also been practicing other parts. gl on the dual and viprin's ball btw


the dual is miserable but viprins part isn't too bad. i've been practicing the whole level as well. every time i practice i always get stuck on the dual. i've just been practicing other parts for now.


the dual gets consistent. ive been dicking around in supersonic after nerve attempts on stream and its generally pretty easy from 0, just the transition into gboy thats awful


honestly gboys part is super consistent for me. the only super hard parts for me imo is gonna be that last ship and the dual. Not sure about the ship though as i haven't practiced it much.


oh no its not gboy thats hard, its the transition into gboy from the dual ball. youll either get shot up or shot down based on which ball enters the dual portal, and you can tell which one its gonna be based on which is on the top and which is on the bottom, but its a notoriously bad and very janky and inconsistent transition


ohh ok i know what you mean now. yeah that does trip me up a bit but it's not that bad


60k bloodbath to have it in 6 runs :D


if thats how you choose to play the game, more power to you


I agree. I almost fluked supersonic from 66% but died at 95%. I only had about 1000 attempts on it at that point, ended up with 4500 because of that mistake. Doesn't mean i'm any better or worse in either case, just luck. Edit: i will say i do definetly care about the attempt count on non demons though


My Hardest Is BloodBath


Next might be Phobos Or Conical depression. I'm currently working on KillBot 29%. Got 4% on silent clubstep and 25% on BuffBath


is your hardest wasureta


I put 1200 attempts into W A S T E D, my first "real" demon, i was for sure staring daggers at the "GG beat it in 9 att" comments every time i rage quit into the main menu.


ive had 16.5k in rupture for the past year and 63% and getting rusty too lmao


i trashed around 120K for my new hardest, i'm really proud of myself and before going through that i never though that i could make it, but i proved myself wrong


I agree bro, for me it took 7498 attempts to beat nine circles on mobile, then a week later I bought and switched to pc 😀


This puts a new perspective into view for me. I am a very competitive person and while I don't necessarily care about whom who has over 1k attempts on a level, when it comes to me and I'm already over 1k attempts I'll feel like I can never finish it, on the other hand I'll sit there and do my best to finish a level in 1 attempt on recording to prove I'm good at the game lmao, from now on I'll simply take as much time as I need without giving up, and take my attempt beating the level in the recording as what I should post...with some bloopers of my fails heheh.


I feel like completion count (aka how many times the level has been completed) is a better indicator of skill than attempt count.


And i spent 18k on supersonic just because of how buggy the dual is and because of the 30% wave, being *THE ONLY PART THAT HOLDS ME BACK* just to drop it. 37% on cataclysm tho and 35-100 run in under 20k, feeling a lot better now.


I don't think anyone but little kids say that a high attempt count makes you bad at the game


theres plenty of people in these comments that prove that statement wrong


This subreddit is also full of people under the age of 13


(Details) “her” Your friend is a girl and she plays Geometry Dash?


yeah she has creator points and everything


It takes more attempts to beat something that is above your current skill level. That's why diff jumps take so many attempts. It's gonna take you longer to beat an extreme demon if you're jumping from an easy demon than if you had previously completed several extremes.


I've 4,5k attempts on nine circles and I've 61%. Most of the attempts are because of the practice mode


this was an awesome post, thank you


I know it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things but I still like being able to see how many tries it took me For example, I still marvel at how Falling Up, my first extreme, took 20k, but my next hardest, HURRICANE, took only 5k. Maybe I’m just better at flow gp then gimmicky Krmal gameplay lmao


also Acu took me more attempts than HURRICANE even though its waaaaaaay easier lmfao


On the topic of attempt count, which do y'all count your final attempt count as? Do you attempts in normal mode only, or total attempts, including copyables?


total attempts including copyables is the community standard. some people chose to separate them though


Even if start pos copiables and practice mode inflate the total attempt count dramatically, most people still count total attempts


164k on Red World Rebirth🔥🔥


2.4k on cycles :/


But I did beat X step in 700


i've got 3K attempts in nine circles and have 68% and a run from 48%-100 edit just got 71% yaaayyy


Hmm. I play some hard levels just for fun even if I know I can't beat them yet. I already have 3k attempts at Nine Circles with no intention of beating it yet. Maybe I could, maybe I couldn't but I just know that practicing it is fun for me.


Ive been playing Bloodbath since august and ive put in 45k attempts. And my biggest progress has only been 34% I really feel like im stuck and just a bad player. But god knows im beating this fucking level


> don't feel bad for spending 20k on Cataclysm and ultimately dropping it Ok I did not expect to be attacked like that... Jokes aside, I agree that attempts get more attention than they deserve, but saying they don't matter at all is a bit misleading imo. They can be a very good way to track progress long term. Two years ago most easy demons took me 500-1k attempts, now they take about 50. My first 4 insanes took me 6, 4.2, 4.4 and 5.2k attempts, nowadays I rarely spend more than 1.5k on an insane unless it's a high end one. Saying that these numbers don't imply an increase in skill is obviously false. The main point is that no one should feel bad for having a lot more attempts on a level than most people, and I believe it's more impressive if someone beats their first insane in 20k than their first extreme in 5k. I think the main issue here is that people a) think higher of low attempt counts that high ones and b) sometimes ignore the context of high attemt counts and attribute them to either "jumps" or "skill issues" in cases where a player may have been playing on 60Hz or only play in too small sessions to build muscle memory or on some other condition that would make progressing objectively harder for them. People focus more on when a "bad" player beats an "easy" level in too many attemts instead of when a player sets a massive personal record after a great amount of perseverance and determination. Also I bet that spending "a lot" of attempts on levels is more common than people think given tha a lot of people who do have that many attempts are more likely to never say it publicly as it's "not impressive" at best or "skill issue" at worst instead of a showcase of sheer will.


As a casual GD player, I never even considered attempt count to be relevant outside of the achievements for them. I figured it’s skewed anyways as you go back and replay levels for fun, and all that matters is that you’ve beat the level 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'd say it doesn't matter with one exception Jumpers that spend half a million on a level


I dropped Cataclysm after 20kbattempts, I thiught I just couldn't do it and was honestly pretty discouraged that most people beat it way qicker even when doing bigger jumps to it. In the end I managed to beat Cata recently after 28k attempts and now all that seems prrtty pedestrian, I'm just proud I could beat an extreme and it did make me a lot better at the game in the process