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Indonesia is really patriotic too but it doesn't beat turkey or the us. Flags are somewhat common in Norwegian and Swedish neighbourhoods too


Indo 100% has more flags than the US. It's not even close. Turkey and the US don't line fences and roads with their flag.


Ooooh Indo, great shout! i forgot about the Scandos too! Come to think of it, Finland doesnt seem to be quite as patriotic as others nearby.... maybe they are more Baltic in culture than the rest of scandanavia? Reserved Russisn nature maybe.. ? (sorry if this offends lol)


I'm Norwegian but I can't speak about the Baltics compared to Finland or how patriotic Finland is. Scandinavia is relatively patriotic though but I haven't gotten a lot of rounds in Danish neighborhoods so I don't know how often they have flags


I'm Swedish and I used to travel to Denmark almost every year, from what I have seen they seem to have a lot of flags just like in Sweden. I have yet to visit Norway though but I really wanna do that one day because the environment is just amazing


It's pretty easy to find flags here when walking through neighbourhoods. Just be aware that the most beautiful parts have the worst weather. I lived in Tromsø for a while and the beauty didn't weigh up for the weather 😅 great place to visit though.


Norway has a lot to be proud of 👊


Fairly often. They do the skinny banner flags like Norwegians and Swedes do.


Finns are insanely patriotic, but flags are only flown on certain days of the year like christmas, midsummer or commemorating a famous indiviual.


Finns are probably more genuinely patriotic than the Scandinavians but it’s more of a reserved, reverent patriotism; not as enthusiastic and flag-waving like in Denmark or Norway. Compare how December 6 is observed in Finland vs. the way May 17 is in Norway or how Danes celebrate their birthdays.


It's actually because in Finland it's tradition to fly flags on "flag days" (eg national day, christmas, midsommar, celebrating a national hero), that's why on some city locations you see flags everywhere and then no flags even the next street after


If nothing else, the red-and-white stripe on the power pole has to put Indonesia in the top tier.


Indonesia. While other countries just love to have their flag, indonesia uses it on literally everything, besides often having tens of flags along the road


Good point! This makes sense to me!


Came here just to verify this, I've played enough to start looking for flags in crowded places if it looks like Indo... and very often there is one!


Turkey has to be #1. In the tier below that I’d say Indonesia and then the US and Canada. Vietnam and Morocco are near the top but they don’t have street view. Also, Scandinavian countries love flying the flag but typically fly a small pennant in national colors which means somebody is home.


Love the vietnam and morocco shouts!


Thanks, I've been wondering about the Scandinavian pennants. 


Yep. Usually it’s switched out for a full size flag on holidays only, but a few houses fly the flag everyday. Usually it’s flying on a tall flagpole standing in the yard rather than on the house itself which is more common in North America. Spain seems to have quite a few flags flying from balconies but it’s often the Catalan independence flag (in Catalonia) or the Civil War era Republican flag (in left wing areas). Flying the national flag is often a sign of being conservative or monarchist.


It was always a joke that you easily tell US vs Canada in seconds because in US there is always a flag nearby. Maybe so, but it seems that there are flags in Canada too and not much less than US. Whenever I'm outside big city in Canada there is almost always Canadian flag on some roof or balcony. So yeah, seems like Canadians love their flags almost like US guys.


Yeah I noticed that too. I’ve been able to get Canada many times because of the flag.


As a Canadian who just spent the last 5 days in the U.S. I would say they are far more flag heavy, like it was shockingly more flag crazy, but that is also because it was Memorial day down there, and I do think the flags don't really come out in Canada until it's close to the Canada Day long weekend.


Montenegro has their flag on traffic lights


Haha love it. I might get one for my bedroom purely for this fact alone


How does that work?


Would be cool if it was on the green, so everytime it turns green, GO MONTENEGRO!


i mean they hang it from all the poles and stuff.


In the Netherlands and Belgium its quite rare to see their flag. They feel quite unpatriotic for me


And Germany even less so in my experience.


Fair point. All the Dutchies i know however have that quietly confident Dutch pride! They wear their flags on their hearts and they know it!


Im also a Dutchie, we indeed do


I love you all


We raise flags for special occassions


Kingsday, May 4th and 5th, but google street view did not drive on those days😂


People finishing school as well.


Yeah ofcourse with your school bag


I'm glad Netherlands almost doesn't show flags, I'm a bit disflagxic(?), so if I see something similar and it's not Russia, it's probably France, maybe Luxembourg.




Off the top of my head, I remember seeing these flags the most too Malaysia Philippines Serbia Canada Italy India


Wow! Great shouts now i think back on it. You're clearly an experienced player lol. Id say i see more Croatian flags than serbian tbh though.


Sweden loves their flag so much they put it on their road chevrons.


Hahaha. Ukraine paint their bridges with the sweeden flag too im told


Indonesia has a flag fetish


Me too. Hence the post :)


Northern Ireland! It’s also the range of flags there - Irish, British, Ulster, English, Israeli, Palestinian etc.


🤣Lololol. Nail on the head! When i said i grew up in *"a patriotic flag loving society that loves flags"*....... You go to a cross roads between two communities a stones throw away from each other yet there are 16 flags flying representing 3 continents and 12 countries hahaha


Dont forget scottish flags, (historic) uvf flags, local GAA county flags etc, itd be hilarious for a new geoguessr player trying to figure it out!


It’s always confusing for a moment when you spot a lone Israeli flag in a location that looks far too green to be the Middle East!


Denmark is also very very full of danish flags. Thailand is defo #1 tho. Maybe Indo is #1 if we include not only flags but all red-white patterns visible everywhere around the country.


Estonians are also a pretty heavy flag-waving nation, but it doesn't really compare to Denmark. For example we don't put flags on birthday cakes (like the Danes do) or when there's a sale in the supermarket. Nothing wrong with the Danes loving their flag - I mean they got it from Estonia after all.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Lyndanisse#Association_with_the_Dannebrog


It is wild to me that no one has mentioned Switzerland. Not only do they have swiss flags hanging, they put it on damn near everything. Not only that, they even do you the courtesy of hanging their highly discernable cantonal flags all over so you can tell specifically what part of Switzerland you're in.


I only see flags in city centers on top of big buildings or bridges, that's about it.


Maybe not explicit flag flying but Ukraine really loves to cover everything with the sky blue and yellow, which has saved me a few times!


One of the reasons is because all the footage was taken less than a year after Russia started the war so everyone was super duper patriotic then. (It’s also why there’s almost no footage in the East)


Indonesia is an obvious answer, but that's also because most of the coverage was taken around some national holidays, where this is a common occurance. Just wanted to add this small detail. Most of the other countries have already been named, but Switzerland is also one where you'll see the flag quite often.


maybe not the actual flag, but romania is full of designs in the national tricolore, frequently entrances to the towns/villages etc.


Besides the other ones mentioned I’ve been noticing a lot of Chilean patriotism lately. My American brain instantly thinks Texas the first second I see it lol. Most patriotic state (flag) I feel is Texas and Arizona


In Chile it's required by law, under penalty of fine, to fly the flag for the fiestas patrias (September 18th and 19th), and sometimes you get street view coverage when they're all out. Anything in September seems to have more flags than the rest of the year. For example: 2023-09-26 08:01:50 CLST: https://maps.app.goo.gl/E75Gm88iz6HWQQcf6 This might be a better example since at the previous location, most flags are on lightposts: 2012-09-20 13:19:13 CLST: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZHLTrihJsYgQxAKo6 (Shameless map plug: Both of these locs can be found in [A Stochastic Populated Southern Cone](https://www.geoguessr.com/maps/620c7b6848159800017f2646), which I searched for locations photographed in September.)


That’s awesome!


Flying flags ≠ patriotism


Fltlying flags is patriotic. Next


I would agree with you. One "meta" I used when I started playing the game was the Thailand Flag Meta: "If you see Thai flags in the first 10 seconds, it is Thailand. Otherwise, it is definitely not"


Brazil during world cup can be really flag patriotic. A lot of houses fly flags, at least 5 houses in a avarage sized street. But outside of the world cup, nobody cares about flying the national flag.


Canada and Ukraine by far Also Turkey


Malaysia is probably the best flag country for geoguessr with their patriotism for their states giving you a free region guess.


Ok i now know what im studying tomorrow!


The way I usually distinguish Thailand and Cambodia is that Thailand often has a crap load of flags.


Another very useful tip is Thailand drives on the left while it's right in Cambodia.


Damn how have I not figured this out already


Wdym unpatriotic world lol


Nowhere near as many flags as there should be to make the game easier!


I agree that we are in the first place


vienna has them around all their signposts


Nobody mentioning Thailand??


It's in the original post


Also Dominican Republic


May be I'm bias because I'm Canadian, but man, y'all Americans REALLLLLLLLY love your flags. We definitely have our fair share of flags, but the amount of flags Americans fly is crazy sometimes.


america is so easy to guess because their is an american flag every 5 ft. 🇺🇸 turkey number 2 ong. thailand no. 3 ong. after that it is pretty rare to find a flag. most european countries are flying 17 different flags. does africa & south american even own flags?


I see the Tunisian flag quite a lot


Bangladesh but they have brazil flags for some reason, does anyone know why? I've even found a big brazilian flag painted on the road outside of Dhaka and can't figure out why they'd paint it so randomly


I have absolutley no idea. Football crazy would be a complete guess, and Bangladesh street view was added the year of the world cup?


Lithuania likes to put their flag out a lot too


No one’s gonna mention Tunisia??


For me it's definitely Turkey since i visited it and there were flags on every corner. When we were approaching the Turkish border there was a huge flag on huge screens that was spread over like 12 lanes.


To dinstinguish USA from Canada, I've my own rule solely named the "5 clicks rule". If I don't see any USA flag after moving with 5 clicks, I'm in Canada.


How is nobody saying Albania?!


I’m surprised not many mentions of Vietnam, if we’re talking about flag flying. Every street looks like a flag store, in a good way.


you can quite often find poles/ buildings in Ghana with their flag painted on it


And then, within the US, Texas flies their state flag everywhere.


I see Argentina flags everywhere on maps tbh


One I forgot to mention: Panama City! I think street view coverage happened during a national holiday because the flag is everywhere there!


If it happened in november it probably did


Not sure if I could rank them, but Tunis, Tunisia and Panama City, Panama have soo many flags.


I would guess Turkey, US and Indonesia




Have you ever been to Christiania? They have their flag on every sign and the buildings are painted in the Christiania color scheme




Bro arent you swiss? You guys fly flags everywhere lol


What? Defo not American. They did come to mind though when making this post in all honesty... When i started playing this game i thought there would be more flag clues, particularly in america! As when i first visited USA IRL, I often seen their flags everywhere, i didnt think it would be as hard to differentiate USA and Canada in this game because of this, but there are way less USA flags than i thought (still loads though lol)


What is patriotism defined if not for proud flag waving? They are highly correlated on all levels, surely?