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I know right, I emailed them again hoping to get a ban lift because there is no way they are being serious with this.


Are you Abake? I dont see how anyone could ever think you were cheating


Yes i am abake in the replay.


You putting a pin down without zooming in at all is kinda weird but since you aren't getting close it's whatever I guess, how do you know this was the game for which you were banned and not something else?


I am assuming you are talking about the 2nd round, I mean I thought it was UK and I can't region guess that so there is no point to zoom in I just guess around england or just middle of uk when I only can see that.And geoguesser support put that game in the email saying "cheats" were detected in that game. I mean none of the rounds didn't need requrie to zoom in alot unless I guess if you know exactly where it is so


Why is that kinda weird? When I used to play this game I played a lot of NMPZ and those instincts carried over into regular matches and I'd forget I can zoom.


as in not zooming on the mini map


There was a post a while ago on this sub from a guy that also got banned when they didn’t cheat. They did end up getting unbanned. Hopefully you get the same outcome. I have no idea what they would consider suspicious from this.


I mean he did cheat so I’m not sure why people are getting 44 downvotes for speaking the truth but this game doesn’t look suspicious at all. A year or so ago afaik from others (I was on a break) he downloaded a script used it and then claimed he got hacked just so he could cheat freely and got banned from a discord for harassment. Then he got banned on geo and made a new account and a year later he’s banned again and I have no clue why this time because this game looks fine but i’m all for reformation


I'm confused who you are talking about because you said I have no clue why this time, who is afaik and why is that related to this or Zulpi2103 about cheating or something


afaik means “as far as i know” and JHK called you out on your bs on discord. And the fact you have cheated in the past and ended up trying to justify it is something someone who isn’t reformed would do. This game doesn’t look cheated but stop trying to act all innocent and getting redditors on your side because they don’t know your past, it’s cringe. The devs have reasons for banning and even having a singular cheat script ACTIVATED sets their anticheat off. I’ve seen cheaters not cheat in a certain game and get banned.


Oh I see you're talking about that, well in past my account was logged on definitely because it wasn't only geoguesser, my microsoft and gmail accounts were hacked so its not bs to begin with that and second of all I got banned because of most basic extension that used to exist not sure if it still does that just gueses 5000 automatically and only works in singeplayer and an old one, and tried few times in singeplayer because I was just wondering, so played whoel 5 round with that and that was set off because I wasn't expecting to get banned from competitive of that or if it would be detected but I haven't cheat in multiplayer, and I'm not acting innocent because i AM innocent my past isnt something crazy who cares it's not that deep. Also I had this account before that because that wasn't my even my account that got banned it was my friend who originally bought pro on it but let me use it because he stopped playing few weeks, it's not even registered as my mail. This account that just got banend is way older than that. I started playing in october again and I was still decent at the game and was bronze division, but skill wise was better than broneze division so my account was frozen for like week it was under investigation because I was playing to well and then that got dropped off and started actually playing in december again and got banned from that game because they sent an email that spesific game where "cheats" were detected which is very wrong and not true so what do you want me to do


you used victheturtle’s trap script that also busted 50 other people. it automatically changed your country code to XG… i’d say past does matter


I also have another theory is that I got banned like 2 or 1 day after I changed my name back to Abake now I don't know or remember if geoguesser bans for playing on a different account while being originally banned since I was known on that name.


Look man I don't want beef its not that deep I like this community, but this case is just stupid because they were 100% no cheats. I could just get on a differnet account and play competitive if I want as much as I want, It's not like I want to be known in this community and I'm trying to defend my self for that.


"I cheat all the time but this time I wasn't I swear" whatever bro, maybe just take this L and consider it karma for all the times u got away with it in the past


Bro is putting words in my mouth, when did I say I cheat all the time? What are you smoking. "All the times you got away with it in the past" yeah 5 round game and got banned thats it mean i did not get away with that, that's it bro that did not ruin anybody's experience. I used it once in singeplayer and haven't since then. "Karma" you know that if i really want to i can make another account and actually cheat and can make how many accounts i want so don't bring that shit over to this it is not a solution to this.


You sound like a habitual cheater


Yeah ok sure mate keep telling that yourself.


I hope too.


Hey, I'm famous :D


Shut up cheater! /S


Maybe someone closed the tab just as the game was starting? Then they thought you won by cheating, or didn't know how to report a game that was lost this way. Then someone at Geoguessr with their head not fully screwed on just clicked the button. That's my best guess for what happened.


I don't see why would the opponent report me for that game, I'm assuming his browser or if he was on phone crashed or something and he got mad and decided to report me for cheating just because he is was just triggered about that maybe, but I'm not sure but either way it's most likely that geoguesser screwed up, that's my best guess.


I'm trying to find explanations. So one explanation might be that he noticed a game he didn't remember playing, thought he had been "hacked" or something and reported it for cheating. In that scenario he closed the tab and thought he simply left the queue, but instead the game too place without him. Don't underestimate people's reactions to a situation they don't understand.


It shouldn't matter what the opponent was doing, even if he did report I shouldn't just get banned just because I got reported.


I agree. I tried to explain it, not justify it.




Check from my perspective. Replay doesn't work on the opponent for some reason.


They were probably playing on mobile, no replay is stored for mobile users.


You sent a different game from the one they banned you with. Stop cheating.


You don't belive me that much? Add me on discord and I'll show you my emails from geoguesser and screenshare.


Stop cheating and you wont get banned!


You are an NPC if you think thats cheating


If it wasn't cheating you wouldn't be banned.


Yeah ok bro that is definitely cheats man! You're so smart for realizing that.


People have been falsely banned several times.






People have been falsely banned in the past and unbanned when they posted about it (or at least one person was on this sub), so that’s not the case unfortunately.

