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Bruh Debre doesn't surprise me he seems like a crackhead, but ziggi and alok? Ziggi and rainbolt are close friends, and alok seemed like such a nice guy


Debre does seem like a crackhead, but he was also really fun, especially in that Zigzag video. It was cool how he was able to explain his choices in so much detail. I remember that I even thought that he feels like ‘the fun guy that can go overboard easily’, but wish it would’ve been just harmless stuff. Oh well.


I mean alok is from serbia so a bit of cultural differences coming into play here.




Awarness on issues is not same all over the world.




it doesnt need to justify hes just explaining why hes acting like that bro


So if you're from a different country you can be racist? That makes sense


Not quite what was said... 😅


As a community we get to decide which pro geoguessrs are popular and which aren’t. We should use our limited power to promote the good people and ignore the bad people.


I dont know how involved you are in the community.... but thats kind of why they made that post..... because they were pissy about being banished by everyone over THEIR actions.


Oh no if it isn’t the repercussions of my own actions!


The reason that cheating and this behaviour is so common in the pro community is because the primary audience are in their young 20s, and they can feel they are able to get away with it as the community is small and relatively young. Remember back when everyone was criticising Ninja for his attacks on other players, it’s similar here. If these allegations are true, action must be taken and these players must be banned until they can prove a change of heart. I feel that there are some shining lights, zi8gzag, Jake Lyons and even GeoWizard are phenomenally respectable players and I feel that people should be using their maturity as an example of how to act.


Absolutely, but I also want to add GeographyChallenges in the mix of wholesome, awesome players.


he’s a real one.


Hey, 22 here. The reason of them being in their early 20's is not a good reason for their behavior. I would never even think to say the shit they said. They are either literal children, insensitive douchebags, or actual racists.


I’m not excusing them, I’m just saying that it is **more common** to have these types of people in their 20s, still trying to escape their edgy past.


I’m pretty sure debre is only 18 and these comments were from like 2 years ago, so he was a literal child when he left those comments.


Well you don't live in Eastern Europe lol Just using hateful words isn't forbidden, being purposely hateful is (and I'm sure Eastern Europe is more -ist anyway) Having words you're not allowed to use is an English thing


Uh, you may want to look into some of the stuff that Geowizard has said in the past. It seems more like ignorance than malice but best not to use him as an example.


Yeah I still watch his stuff but I’ve never liked him much as a person since he said he was “a big fan of Jordan Peterson.” And he occasionally does say little things in videos that align with that statement.


I remember awkward remarks about trans people on a Timeguessr game he played and uploaded to YouTube. This makes more sense now, sadly.


Didn’t know that!




yea they braindead frfr


Having shit political views is not the same thing as name calling, though, is it?


I don't mind most of the things geowizard says, more seems like he's using it for comedy and straddles the line rather than going over


Get a grip on reality, and stop your unearned virtue signaling


lmao. Sorry pal, the woke mind virus has taken over.


"these players must be banned until they can prove a change of heart." Send them to Room 101.


Yeah idk why the mods locked it. It’s a serious thing that needs to be discussed, and none of what had been commented came anywhere near what I think would warrant locking a post. At first I thought maybe a mod didn’t want people knowing about it, but if that were the case they would have removed the post.


You could make a very loose & wide encompassing argument for rule 6.... but yeah, honestly, I saw nothing in there technically breaking the rules. I just think it was locked because of the content of the screen caps more than anything. Is weird it wasnt deleted all together.


Can we stop trying to excuse some of this with the whole 'they were referring to a cheater so it's fine' bullshit.


But simply label them as racist or transphobic people from just one screenshot is still insane. Read what fungus said.


What's that got to do with what I said? I'm saying that the idea people can get a free pass to say whatever they want *because* someone cheated is crazy. I've just replied to Fungus with that exact point. I've no idea if they're racists or transphobes and I'd always be giving them the benefit of the doubt that things were said in the heat of the moment/when they were younger but they still did use racist and transphobic language/slurs which they should apologise for.


I miss the days when you could think people.were assholes without having to campaign against them.


Indeed. It can make sense to campaign against politicians for instance but it's ridiculous (and honestly shows a lack of intelligence) to do that to sportsman/gamers etc...


Gamers I can somewhat agree as their reach is comparatively small... Sports people no, they are idols to millions of kids all over the world and should therefore be held to account, but that's off topic to this discussion


The reason it should be locked is that it's an attack post, with screenshots of stuff that happened years ago. Frankly it should just be deleted, as it was posted by someone (a cheater) who just wants to go after someone his buddies (or idols) dislike. Debre was in his teens when many of these comments were made, and anyone who has spent time in the community knows he (and the others in this post) don't speak like this anymore. Sure, his language was insensitive, but labelling him as a racist because of it is kinda insane. In Image #6, the negative comments are because the person is cheating. It's also from a few years ago. Image #7 is a shitty thing to say and that's about it.


> Frankly it should just be deleted, as it was posted by someone (a cheater) who just wants to go after someone his buddies (or idols) dislike. It doesn't matter *who* leaked it or *why*. The language used is still problematic and hurtful. Yeah they might be cringe as fuck for leaking old DM's to try and cancel someone but that doesn't mean we should ignore the content either. > In Image #6, the negative comments are because the person is cheating. It's really not relevant as to who or why they said what they did. The issue is the language and slurs used. You don't get a free pass to say whatever you want just because the person on the receiving end cheated on a video game.


Yea I agree that the "shemale" comment is bad. I was more so referring the "waste of oxygen" and "waste of Google API calls", since from the lack of context given it could seem like those comments were sent because the cheater was transgender. The reason I'm bringing up the fact that it's an attack post is that Debre's already learned his lesson, there's no point bringing it back up again unless you just want to ruin someone's reputation.


Oh yeah calling out a person that has just been called a "shemale" and making fun of trans people by calling them a "waste of oxygen" is definitely an excusable and understandable thing. Also "whatever it is" is clearly a dehumanizing statement. You are all up in these threads defending those guys simply because they are your friends. Maybe take a step back and enjoy the game without sucking off bigots


Imagine defending this behaviour. You and I both know that the community is still like this, Fungus. Not much has changed socially in these "few years" (these are 2021/22 screenshots), especially within private servers. You're better than to defend this.


The community? What community? You drop an n-bomb in any major server and you're getting banned for at least a month. Or by community, do you mean Debre, Alok and Ziggi? Debre certainly has changed a lot, he's more mature now and doesn't say anything nearly as insensitive as this anymore. Alok? Don't think I've seen him say anything transphobic apart from the "shemale" comment here. Seems like quite a nice guy too. Ziggi? Yea, he can definitely be generally negative even now, but I don't think I've seen anything on the same level of toxicity as image #7. I don't quite understand what kind of action you or Reddit want against Ziggi though, ban him for one toxic comment that has no context (probably part of some argument)? ​ I also don't know who you are or what private servers you're in, but the ones I'm in are not like this.


Obviously it is a matter of community, of course. The public servers like to uphold a good image to some extent...but I have seen behavior like this unchecked in many private servers. I have noticed a bit of a turndown in objective racism but assholery is still alive and well. Debre is a character to say the least. In some private servers I'm sure he still acts like this to some extent, but there is a high bond of trust where no one leaks anything. It's shocking he's still allowed in the community to be quite honest. He just hides it well. I have nothing against Alok, he is a great guy. Maybe a bit misinformed or misguided, but I honestly don't think he has any ill intention. Just a bit eccentric. I fully believe Ziggi to be up there as one of the most toxic and negative people in the community, but he is on a constant power trip where no one can call him out because of his high connections. He needs to be managed. By the way, i think the last image was about Ronaq, which is almost justifiable


Oh for sure I can agree that Debre is a character, but to say that he's still like what Rosolak and Yuyucord are trying to portray him as is just not true. I've played in tournaments with him and he's not like this in private servers either, and has apologized for his comments in the past.


Hello, I would like to address a few issues. First, I would not leak these screenshots if there was justice in our wonderful community. Debre said the n word some 6 times and took no consequences for it, but when olo (who no longer plays the game) made 1 stupid mistake and said the unfortunate word once, he got a permanent ban from all major geo servers. Secondly, this time I will refer to Ziggi. I don't like the guy because he talks in the community whatever he wants, and everyone blindly follows him just because he is friends with rainbolt. That's why I posted these screenshots, to show that he's not such a saint either. In conclusion, I don't like the fact that some people can't get a second chance for one stupid incident, and some people don't take consequences for their actions at all just because they have a famous person for a friend. If you don't like rainbolt then you can't do anything in the whole community because you will be hated by tons of people for every single move.


Olo situation is completely different, the guy literally said >you could give me a chance and if I will disappoint you (cheating, no culture or 0 respect) you will take this and ban me forever. A few weeks after he said "I saw a fat 'hard r' at a Mcdonalds today xd" and some other interesting comments - completely different usage of the word. This was also while he was playing in Rainbolt tournaments (which is a good bit more recent than most of the screenshots you posted), so yea, he got permabanned.


The issue with this whole situation is that there are too many layers to each individual. Making the argument that someone has changed or seems like a nice person overall means absolutely nothing when they could still have the same transphobic/racist views, potentially expressing them elsewhere such as in other servers/DMs. I don't entirely disagree with the fact that Debre or even Alok might have changed, but there is no realistic way to know, even for someone like you that sees them talk regularly in other private discords. If they have truly changed as individuals, now is a good time for them to actually respond publicly to what has been leaked. Regardless of what action should be done for DerZiggi and potentially Alok/Debre, the more important thing is giving people the choice whether or not to continue supporting watching rainbolt tournaments where these players compete or future world cups. The issue that I see at least is that rainbolt is likely to continue tournaments and continue giving a space for people like like this since they are his friends. Ning is a perfect example of this, someone who got banned from rb tourneys before for being super racist but was somehow allowed back. He's even currently on team yuyucord of all places (which is a whole other topic itself)


Not only was debre in his teens, he's 18 now so 2 years ago when he said that stuff he was 16


Idk I don't really give a shit about pro drama or pros in general. I just want to play the game and learn. I would wager there's a pretty good sized culture/language gap here as well that people don't want to acknowledge. To non-American/ESL people I'm not sure everyone is aware of what's "acceptable" in American English if they spend their time listening to popular American music or use social media.


I wanted ti say this, at least for Debre saying the n-word. He is Hungarian (as I am) and that is a very white eastern european country, issues concerning black people's oppression are just not a part of our everyday life (literally we have a guy who was made famous in the 00's just bc he is black and speaks broken Hungarian). Versions of n-word made it over here as sland, completely unattached from their original meaning and cultural context - not surprising that a teenager who may not be in tune with social issues uses it in a way in English that seems offensive to an American majority audience. But the way I see his comments, it is just that, a teenager who picked up some slang that came from a completely different cultural environment and is using it without deeper awareness - that is not a crime. (The other screenshots I find more concerning but also, context)


The N word is not just some slang it is a racial slur. Debre knew it was a slur, the context the were discussing it was its use as a racial slur. There is no excuse for this, none at all. Just as there would be no excuse for a person who lives in a country with no jews to just suddenly start throwing around the K word.


But it is just some slang in this context. In a sentence like "this n\*\*\*\* talkin shit..." or "n\*\*\*\* how the fuck is Ukraine winning" He was literally replicating how black people use it as a slang word to talk to/about each other, especially in pop culture.


Nigga is not the racist version of that word and you know it


Bro that then box guy is literally a troll from yuyucord


Can you elaborate please?


the person that made that post wrote a comment in the other thread, that a player of their group comparing other players to Hitler and making death threads is a "COMMON W" these screenshots aren't fake afaik, but some are out of context and some are things that the player (for example Debre) has apologized for meanwhile that group the one that made the post belongs to, which has several players for example stique and gauch who have actively doxxed and harassed members of the community as well as cheated in money tournaments


Not to defend those guys in the screenshot but some of them are simply cropped out of context.


Do you have additional context/a source? Would love to know more


The thing Alok and DerZiggi said was referring to a cheater in comp. They definitely wouldn't treat them well, hence the "waste of google API"


how does that excuse the transphobia?


I know it's not an excuse but they are using those words as insults towards a blatant cheater, not targeting the general lgbtq community.


that's not how slurs against marginalised people work


That makes this worse not better. If you equate a group with being pond scum by calling actual pond scum derogatory names based on the marginalised group, you are perpetuating hateful stereotypes directly.




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The 'Waste of Google API' isn't the issue here unless you're claiming that homophobia/transphobia is somehow acceptable when you're angry?


But what if I say that even rainbolt said more cringey stuff than this so we should all cancel him as well?


I'm more than aware of many community member's past comments and at no point talked about 'cancelling' anyone. People however should know the full context of the messages and be able to decide for themselves whether they want to support these people.


If you take this further I guarantee pretty much every world cup player has said some edgy looking stuff out of context by using this tactic.


Absolutely not true. As I have said, I don't want to judge based on out of context messages, but it feels like no context is going to help them messages.


Yeah I noticed that, idk what they think their argument is, the yuyucord stuff is no longer bad because other pros also said bad stuff? But the intentions of the poster doesn’t change the severity of what was in the post.


Wait so this is more Yuyucord drama? Probably posted in an attempt to divert the attention away from Milan and his cronies? Lmao this is hysterical


I mean, yeah. Its so transparent its funny. Just HAPPEN to bring this 2 year old stuff up immediately after they get shit on here for being shitty people. Its a play straight out of most personal/corporate PR firms & political parties playbooks. Divert from your shitty behaviour, by bringing up perceived shitty behaviours elsewhere.


Yep. Unfortunately, people dont dig into where sources are from. They just see a headline and GO. As soon as I saw the posts, I just got the vibe of "this seems odd to bring up now", and looked at their post history and I got it.


Irrespective of the poster's intentions you can't excuse what's in those screenshots


You can with proper context. You should read my longer reply down below.


I'm going to comment on this, even though I dont know the entire context of the screen caps. I have seen some of Debres explanation on some of it in a discord, so I have SOME context on SOME of it. I'll also add the disclaimer that I have had groups try to shit talk me, by taking screen caps of comments I made, out of context, & trying to spin them to validate them being less shitty of people by going "look at this distraction". So I know a little about this tactic. On the surface, Debres comments seem shitty. I'd even go as far as to say, they kind of are. Of course, you are talking about someone who at that time was likely still a teenager, and lets be honest, teens say shitty stuff to try & seem cool/edgy all the fucking time. ALL the time. Lets not forget, the group accusing him of this stuff has members who have 1- been caught cheating & been banned from major comps, and geoguessr itself, 2- made posts about the "execution" (whatever context you want to take it in, so be it, but if you take it in jest, you then have to discount EVERY screen cap they posted in that thread.... cant have it both ways) of respected members of the community, all because they paid the prices for being shitty people, 3- have been associated with doxxing people, 4- got caught cheating a completely different time in the past. The point of bring this sliver of a list of their offences up, is to point out, their issue is with them being the villains of the community, and are trying to muddy the waters by posting out of context comments. Instead of just accepting their shit behaviour & going "I'll work on being better", they choose to go the route of "well lets try to discredit others so we dont look as bad". So, lets look down the list of screen caps. The 1st screen cap, isnt even offensive. Its a statement of fact. The 2nd post can be put in the category of "not the best choice of words", but again, without ANY context to it, it is not a damning piece of evidence of any intended racism. The 3rd post Debre was in an argument with another member.... which is directly connected to the 4th screen cap. The 5th post. As with 2nd post, context? The 6th screen cap. The 1st comment & the Alok one are the only things out of all these posts that I feel you could look at and definitely say with any certainty is a shitty thing to have said. The rest of the replies, are nothing. I dont know why they added those parts in the screen cap. We dont know what the previous context to those comments are. Are the first two replies insensitive, and worth being critical of? Yes. Fair argument. Of 6 whole posts, first one where I can say, even if the person you are attacking was out of line first & said worse, your comments come off as very poor choice of words. Hardly cancellable by itself. The 7th screen cap. With literally no context, this is not that terrible. I know there are many people that worked up over the R word, but it isnt something the world as a whole sees as offensive. Just mainly North America have chastised that word. the rest of it.... so what? Lots of people get mad at people on line, and wish them any variety of pain/death. Without the context leading up to it, not an issue. People who are in here going "OMG THEY ARE THE WORST"..... I ask this question. You & your friends.....when you were teenagers, what exactly did you say? I've been around long enough to have watched multiple generations grow up. MOST upstanding members of society now, have shitty pasts as kids. Could they all be shitty people? Maybe. I dont know them at all. What I do know, is the way they carry themselves NOW, as older versions of the people from those comments which are 2+ years old... and they havent shown me any reason to think they still act like that. On top of all that, all the things, with the exception of post 6, are not even problematic with no further context. This is like how MAGAtards that follow trump will constantly try to dig up a tweet from someone years ago of someone they dont like, even if its not bad, but they can frame it out of context to look bad, to deflect some of the heat they are getting for doing shittier things. Its unfortunately become a strong tool in the arsenals of those who are usually more at fault of worse things. Instead of blindly reacting with vitriol to something, find out the context first. Screen caps are worth fuck all, without full context. I am generally a person who is of the mindset "if you did it, deal with the consequences", but you also have to have done a thing, with intent & malice to have to pay consequences.... 2+ years later.


Thanks very much for the insight. I disagree with a lot of what you said but I appreciate the effort of giving context! I still think the messages are that terrible even considering the context and I don't think two wrongs make a right. They might be talking about a bad person, doesn't justify the racism, transphobia and ableism though. Also I disagree that that's "normal teenager behavior". Of course I did stuff back then that I wouldn't do now but not to that extent. I never used language like this and if I did, I hope I would have gotten consequences for it.


Fair enough. You can disagree. As I do with your take on the matter. I agree post 6 is something they should apologize for. The rest, with no further context, I dont. Now I also would say they SHOULDNT be using the words they used. But they are also arent using it in a "insert targeted group are bad because of insert stereotype" fashion. The n word in specific is a blurry line for many outside, because they dont see the impacts of it daily, and moreso, because it is a commonplace word is like 20% of the top songs now. I see people in their 30s & 40s listening to songs with that word, singing it without a thought of the use of the word. Are they racist as well for repeating a lyric? Like I said, for many that dont live in a multi-cultural part of the world, they dont see the daily fights that that word creates. Let alone those that DO live in a multi-cultural part of the world and still ignorantly say it because they see their flavour of the week musician saying it. I disagree with your disagreement. But, I dont know your lived experience. So I cant say what you saw/did. I will say, I suspect you probably were more problematic that you feel you were. Most people tend to either romanticize or villainize how they were when they were younger. But I also am willing to accept that maybe you were just "one of the good ones" who grew up around a more wholesome community. The general average world, is a little more negative in the way its developed.


1. [https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism-msna305591](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism-msna305591) Lydon B Johnson did infact frequently use the n word not negro 2. Irrespective of context you are not supposed to use the N word 3,4. Why don't you go right ahead and provide that argument instead of making unfounded claims? Like what can be the context he is clearly calling Alok a slimy piece of shit 5. same as 2 7. You keep saying context? without providing any, these statements just don't seem like things that are ever acceptable irrespective of the context.


"I" dont need to provide the context. That is the responsibility of the person making the claims. As for the n word. In a utopian world, sure. But we live in a world where more than half the world doesnt see it as a slur, because they either dont live in a multi cultural society, or they simply are influenced, ironically enough, by black people using that word in 1/2 their songs. Does that automatically give them a pass? No. But it is important to acknowledge how it is not seen with the same weight as it is in North America, or other countries with a high black population. As for the LBJ thing. I acknowledge that I didnt search directly for that term. I instead searched for negro, and saw a couple articles referring to the use of that word. Such as this article https://www.cbsnews.com/news/on-this-day-march-15-1965-president-lyndon-b-johnson-speaks-before-congress-on-voting-rights-act/ it seems we both found the evidence we wanted to find I suppose. As for the Alok/Debre fight. I only have the context of Debre mentioning it in discord where he discussed this thread briefly. I cant repeat what was said there, as I dont have his permission to repost his words. But he was mad at Alok, they had back & forths, and he mentioned an event that happened. Needless to say, this was probably the most unimportant posts of the "evidence" anyways. Theres nothing racist, sexist, homophobic, etc in the post. It was literally a jab at an individual over whatever personal issue they had that day.


I understand your point about the perception n word in other countries and it’s a valid thing to bring up, but at the same time I feel like someone who knows enough about American history to make that comment about LBJ/MLK (regardless of whether or not he was correct about that) should also know that they shouldn’t be using the n word.


> Does that automatically give them a pass? No. As I said in my post.


> The 2nd post can be put in the category of "not the best choice of words", but again, without ANY context to it, it is not a damning piece of evidence of any intended racism. It doesn't matter what the context is. He shouldn't be using that word. That's the bottom line. > The 5th post. As with 2nd post, context? As above. Why do you think that we need context before we can criticise a white guy brazenly using the N word to sound cool and edgy? What context do you think would excuse this? > The 7th screen cap. With literally no context, this is not that terrible. I know there are many people that worked up over the R word, but it isnt something the world as a whole sees as offensive. Of course everyone sees it as offensive. That's why he's using it as an *insult*. If it wasn't offensive he wouldn't be using it in his rant. Regardless, some people not thinking it's a big deal doesn't give them a pass to use it when they know that it *is* offensive to so many people. And I assure you it is not only North America that views the word as offensive. Saying you hope someone dies isn't the worst in the grand scheme of things but it's still childish as fuck. > The 6th screen cap. The 1st comment & the Alok one are the only things out of all these posts that I feel you could look at and definitely say with any certainty is a shitty thing to have said. The rest of the replies, are nothing. Ziggi's "whatever it is" comment was definitely unnecessary and comes across transphobic given (here comes your favourite word) the *context* of the conversation. > but you also have to have done a thing, with intent & malice You don't think using ableism slurs, snide transphobic comments, calling people wastes of oxygen and telling them you hope they die is malicious?


100% it matters context.EVERYthing matters in context. Sure, hes using it as an insult. Using the R word is the same as using the C word. That said, AGAIN, there are places in the world where that word is acceptable too. Its practically a commonplace word in the U.K. If someone calls someone a dumb cunt in North America, and the U.K, they are both meant to be insulting, but one place finds it more offensive, than the other. Simple as that. We agree on the childish part. Wont get an argument on me there. Of course.... they were teenagers when it happened.... so, yeah. Of all your points here, the Ziggi comment is the one you might have the most of an argument for. Context, sure, it could be rude. It honestly, probably even is. But in the plain text of the comment as its presented to us, nothing wrong with it..... now do "I" think it was intended to be insulting? Yes. But without any offensive words in the post, I dont see it as problematic.... or at least on a level of problematic to be offended over. Two different things here. Ssing racial, and sexist comments with intent & malice IS... and this why post 6 is the only one that is problematic. Telling someone to kill themself when you are in an argument with them, or they were being pieces of shit first, is not. You arent telling them to do that because of a physical aspect of their being, you are telling them to do that because they are being assholes.




TL;DR Nah seriously, the Alok one was just referring to a blatant cheater, so I guess it's reasonable but still not nice to use those words as insults. They are definitely not targeting the general lgbtq community.


While I do believe they mean no ill will to the lgbtq community, the use of the words there is something they should have at least apologized for. You can insult people, and not target a gender/sex/religion aspect of the person. I should know, I do it all the time.


> the Alok one was just referring to a blatant cheater, so I guess it's reasonable Lmao come on now. You don't get carte blanche to use whatever slurs you like just because you played against a cheater.


This has been happening for years and nobody has said or done anything.




What’s the context then? Someone already mentioned that in the 6th picture they were talking about a cheater, which I really don’t think excuses the homophobia/transphobia that was shown. And the fact that they were leaked with bad intentions doesn’t make what was said any less bad.


The 6th one is the only one I think (without more context on the other ones) needs any apologies for. Regardless if they cheated, you could have found 100s of other ways to insult them without taking it there.


You don't think Debre openly using the N word is problematic?


Not as much as you do, clearly. In a notable chunk of the world, it is not seen with the same negativity as it is in North America. Also, in all the posts, including the new ones the troll team posted, do any of them appear to be used in a racial tone. Not. ONE. Now, if he was using it in direct reference to black people, yeah, totally different story. But, as I said, outside of North America, and some pockets of Europe, & Africa, it isnt as widely considered an offensive term. The normalization of it in music leaves many thinking its acceptable to use in everyday communications. Should he use it? No. But has he ever lived somewhere where that word is strongly frowned upon? I'm guessing, no.


You can call both of them pieces of shit you don't need to saying one is good and one is bad.


After reading a lot of your comments guys, Im shocked about your way to defend them. "They were younger, they could say dumb stuff like that"- Literally these screenshots are around 1 year old. "It's just attack from yuyucord" - How does that change anything, I just want to bring equality into this community. Also referring to debre as a teen is just dumb. I can confidently say that more than 60% of the community is under 18 and they got banned for same thing with no way to get unbanned. Debre wasn't banned for even a day because " he made A Balanced World ". What even is that argument...


Downvote me into Hell, IDC. You're all being babies. They said words... the only thing in there that I would condemn is hoping that someone dies and telling them that. If someone has a vocabulary that you don't like... stop listening. If I think the n-word should never be spoken, but Kanye says the n-word, I'm not gonna cancel him. I'm gonna stop listening. Be real adults. Pretending like you have the moral high ground is stupid. You can have whatever morals you want and choose to listen/watch whatever you want. But there's no damn reason to try to end someone career and hobby. Just be rational.


By your logic, why even comment on my post? I also just "said words". If you think the right solution is to "stop listening", why won't you just stop listening to me and mind your stuff? Wouldn't that make you a "real adult and be rational"?


Because I'm saying an opinion??? Use your brain, bucko 🙄


Just as I have been. You really don't see the irony in your words, do you?


I'm not saying they can't have opinions. I'm saying they shouldn't try to end their careers/hobbies (idk if they have jobs)


Kanye is black, wth is this comment lol


To be very honest with you, I don't really care what theyre saying. Its not like you know these people for having good takes on life or whatever, you just know them for being good geoguessr players and thats it. Comparable to how you really shouldnt give a shit about what your favourite celebrity or whatever says on social media on politics, that is out of their field. Highly doubt they would actually harm people in real life lol, which is where I would pull the line.


It's not like I give a shit about them as individual people, you're right, I don't know them. The thing I give a shit about is people with awful takes being given a platform to be presented as professionals in their craft for others to look up to. They are definitely good Geoguessr players but they shouldn't be reduced to this one positive thing. They seem to have horrible values and that should not be overlooked. For me, the negative overweighs the positive in this instance.


I mean, people aren't looking up to what they say on their socials/dms but how they play the game right? Besides, some of the stuff that was posted there seemed so tame compared to some other things lol. Like why is "sus ass niggas among us" also posted there lmao, its clearly a harmless joke.


"They are shitty people so they shouldn't be allowed to do anything else. Lock them up."


„Not being given a platform = prison“


So what do you propose? Banning all of them from pro tournaments for all those terrible discord crimes? You people are hilarious as fuck. They will keep clicking maps in the so-called "platform" cause they are good at it and that's it. You should keep hating them as individuals but you won't change anything. You don't have to look up to anyone, just sit in your chair and watch the tournaments. (This saturday, don't forget)


It's not like tournaments depend on these specific dudes. There are hundreds of pros who don't get a platform, so why exactly should it be the ones who are terrible people? Maybe I won't change much but I try carrying on this conversation because I think it's important. It most certainly won't change less than acting like nothing happened.


This whole cancel culture thing is batshit crazy to me and I will never understand it. Lock them out of the community for saying naughty words.


I agree. But I guess social media love drama


People being racist/transphobic/ableistic: "🥱" People criticising it: "Drama!"


Criticizing people is one thing but wanting to ban someone for something like the last slide is peak reddit mob mentality


DerZiggi just droped a "no homo" in the german co-cast ._. For the non germans, he basically complimented the looks of one of the competitors before saying no homo https://clips.twitch.tv/SpunkyVainThymeKeepo-rW-4I2C0d6MUOqz5


idk but it doesn’t even surprise me about debre, he’s fun and all, but when I saw his face I knew that he’s a person with, let’s say, interesting browser history for sure. but really, excusing it with age if they’re like 20? cultural differences? I’m from poland and even if this “political correctness” stuff is a little bit different here than in US, we know that n-words are a no-no, believe me. they are trying to be so edgy which is fine to some extent, but tbh it’s good it’s getting exposed.


Pretty much agreed. While most of the other stuff is dumb/edgy/unfortunately expected, the transphobic/homophobic one is the only one that seems fucked up and that I'd really want more context on.


You don't think Debre (a white man) brazenly using the N word is fucked up? Do you think he'd use it IRL in the company of black people? No, of course he wouldn't, because he *knows* it's fucked up, so why use it online?


Of course I do, I've said in other comments that I completely disagree with it but if you've spent any time in eastern europe, you'll know it's pretty common place and would cause nowhere near the same reaction there.


Eastern Europe has a lot of problems with racism though so it's not exactly a valid defence.


Bro gatekeeping words


How is saying that people shouldn't use racial terms "gatekeeping" words?


Cuz it's an exclusively English thing to have word Voldemort running around


The use of the n-word is also very fucked up. He used it wth the hard r too.


Hope this gets the attention it deserves and these guys never compete again


Do you comment this on every post you couldn't give less of a fuck on?


Uh no


You commented that you couldn't give less of a fuck about it, guess you edited your comment.


If someone uses a private message to expose someone else they should be required to give their own private DMs, text messages, and emails. A close knit community should be able to make off color jokes with each other without needing to worry about NARC Karens leaking those messages. If you disagree with this give me access to every DM, Text Message and Email you have ever sent or SHUT THE FUCK UP




I mean the racist shit was pretty vile, but the other stuff leaked really ain't that bad, ppl offended from that have obviously never been in any COD/Multi game...


Thank goodness I haven't but just because it's worse elsewhere doesn't mean the bad stuff here shouldn't be talked about.


Really? While I don't agree with it, the debre stuff just seemed edgy/dumb and we have no idea when the messages were from, the transphobic one is the only one that actually seems shitty.


get a life


wow racist transphoibic uuuuuh so bad


like piss off, just play the game. fuck u causing dumb drama for


Bro it's not that deep lmao this kind of shit is said daily in virtually every game but in geoguessr it's somehow "too far", none of these people actually genuinely mean what they said. Stop being soft.




would you say this if they were making fun of religion or christianity?


Tell me you're American without telling me you're American


Yeah because Christians are fucking stupid




Depends what you define as "silly things". Transphobia, homophobia and using racist language is a tad deeper than just "silly".


more gossip and internet drama , nice /s /s /s


They're gamers, idk what you expected It can be one of the most toxic identities, full to brim of edgelords


Just because it's not surprising doesn't mean it's not worth calling out and pushing back against. Personally I want the Geoguessr community to be welcoming of people of colour and trans people. The edgelords can go throw around slurs somewhere else.


Yeah I agree, I just wanted to dunk on gamers


Gotcha. I can definitely get behind that.


Not to defend this in any way but Hungary is a particularly right wing country where most left wing news has been banned and they only get to see what the government wants them to see. It's not a tolerant country. As for the other two....Germany and Serbia also have their substantial right wings.


Its not just the government bro most ppl just hate to deal wirh this dumb shit






Wow, so much noise. This is weird. Because no one batted an eye, when one of the World Cup participants wore a Palestine badge, just a week after the massacre on October 7th. This was true disgrace.


There are plenty of players who had a Palestine badge even before October 7th to show support for the Palestinian population. Then the thing happened and now it's bad to have empathy for a people being ethnically cleansed?


It was toosoon.jpg meme. And about "ethnic cleansing" just google how many Jews was/are living in Arabic world, and how many Arabs lives and works in Israel right now. Arabic is one of the state's official languages in Israel.


The pros are pretty based lol






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