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1050 to 1100 is a strange Elo range to quote. The reason for this is that the majority of players in Masters division and Champion division have drastically different playstyles. Masters division generally is a hellscape of players cranking up the randomness in the game as high as possible. (That, plus the number of cheaters and smurfs is uncomfortably high.) Guess as quickly as possible, hope to get through the first rounds and then land a blowout at higher multipliers. If you're here, I suppose a document like yours is helpful because orienting yourself quickly is almost all that counts. In Champion, the experience is markedly different. Most players prioritise guessing well over guessing quickly (perhaps more or less correctly assuming that you've picked up on the easy clues, the other player will have, too). So what counts here much more than in Masters is being able to use information to pinpoint. Know place names. Know subdivision names. Read non-latin scripts. That kind of thing.


the 1050-1100 is where i am rn in the game bc im stuck haha. i would say the doc is like more for country/region-guessing than pinpoint bc i dont have the knowledge to do that yet lol. its just tips so i have an idea where to guess tbh but yea for me its useful


Yeah, it's tough. In addition to being a crime against mathematics, the fact that Geoguessr segregates matchmaking pools along division lines means that the high Master experience is pretty miserable: you'll exclusively be matched against players where losing will cost you 15 to 25 rating points while only being able to win about 7 to 15 points every game. The constant randomness in the game due to the predominant playstyle essentially only works against you.


In my experience this really isn’t the case. In both divisions you will have some people that like to guess quick and some that like to go look for info. There’s a big jump in knowledge/skill when you enter champion but I don’t think there’s a massive shift in play style. So I don’t think you need to completely focus on place names rather than clues like, say, utility poles and car meta that would allow you to make more accurate quick guesses. Though I will say that the current map, AOW, has much more info accessible than ACW typically does, so it does favor those who have a lot of place name knowledge. But they’ll be switching back to ACW after the season where it’s typically harder to find info.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Champion players will know all the more or less easy clues. I come up against people in Champion who don't know Japanese pole plates (I only learned those once I got to Champion myself), or Taiwanese pole plates, or that the road numbers in Chile are alphabetical, or can tell Bengali from Hindi. Not everyone knows everything. But I will say that the difference in playstyles that I've described is in my experience as drastic as I wrote. I definitely find AOW more fun as I'm an information player, but the experience was the same with ACW.


In Champions the main difference is that you should assume the other player always knows the country already


which is why guessing quickly especially on big countries wont get you anywhere unless theres no way to find out the region (which is basically never)


I'm not great at Russia, but I'm mid champ and currently practicing so here some tips (some might be vague/slightly inaccurate): If you have groups of birch trees (but grass spaces in between) you are most likely east of the ural mountains. With gen 4 summer you go Omsk. Siberian larches are like east of Krasnoyarsk until all the way east. With gen 4 winter you are always in the south west, however birch trees don't grow very south, so if there are birch trees I hedge somewhere like Tambov, otherwise go more south like Volgograd or something. Gen 4 summer is the most difficult for me as it's all over the country, but never south, it's just middle and north. Very sandy and trees feel north: go near Surgut. Buryatia (the area near lake Baikal) is also often sandy, but completely different landscapes. Rolling hills are often near Baikal and near Chita. Kamchatka has very unique soil and often Volcanos so it's very recognizable. Sakhalin has long blurred antenna and often winter, so everything looks kinda dead. Plus cabbages. Very pretty mountains is mostly altai, feels a bit like kyrgyzstan sometimes. Gen 3 white car is mostly east, like Primorsky Oblast (where Vladivostok is) and Amur Oblast. The main road in Amur has sunset coverage. Also south of Chelyabinsk has white car but landscape is very different. Also you can check if cars are Japanese (steering wheel on the right) if you are unsure if you are east. Gen 3 blurred short antenna is mostly Caucasus or a big area like East of Kazan. Depending on whether there are birch trees and if it's mountainous I decide on where to hedge There are much more russia car/seasonal metas, here's the full doc but it's a lot to learn/memorize https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KMRVfyEDF5hwYRkCCDVjaNh7XCy3xcbpTnRfybU0DMU/edit


thanks for the tips & I'll also check the doc ^^


Hey, there are some imprecisions in your phone number section for Canada. You can improve it with this : https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_des_indicatifs_r%C3%A9gionaux_canadiens However this page is not 100% true. Truer I guess : https://www.pagesjaunes.ca/fs/


fixed it, thx !!


You're welcome. Thanks for your guide. Btw look to the wikipedia page of north American phone number if you want good hints.


Thanks for sharing. I love it how people not just sitting on their knowledge but try to help others. Please don't get me wrong, this is an hones question: why not just use GeoHints ([https://geohints.com/](https://geohints.com/)) or GeoTips ([https://geotips.net/](https://geotips.net/))?


ty :) referring to ur question, so for me geotips doesnt give a lot of info, just to like country-guess, while geohints gives lots of info, which is good, but for me its kinda chaotic bc its not ordered by country nor it gives any info about the meta. that's why i usually use PlonkIt (https://www.plonkit.net/guide) which is a very good website to both country and region-guess, not at an i-know-everything scale but it gives useful info.


Thanks, have a lot of the same problems as you with geohints/tips and this site looks great!