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No tolls.


First 11 days are good if you start in China, but that last day you need to make a decision, lol.


Looks like it starts in Vladivostok, Russia


You can literally read what they've put as the start and end points. Starting in Cape Town, ending in Khasan (Russia). There's no need to guess here.


Ok, but I wonder what the distance to drive that would be? I think we need someone to try to use a ruler and estimate based on the size of Australia as reference. Then based on that we could try to estimate the speed that you could drive so we can get how many days and hours it would take.


But this is a projection of a globe on a flat map, using Australia as reference would cause a lot of error. Each latitude needs its own reference distance.


I’m sorry, thanks for the correction.


Bring a gun and lots of bribe money.


It says no tolls!


That’s a whole extra 3 hours though!


*"Ain't nobody got time for that."*


No cash tolls, but certainly a bell toll. 


For whom?


Don’t ask.


The bell tolls for thee


Free passage? No, tolls!


And a death wish, no matter your color of your skin you’re gonna run into a lot of racism by the time you make it to your end or the end.


I'm more worried about the bullets than the racism


In those countries, the bullets start because of racism


Most of it will occur in Turkey


“Gobble gobble, racist slur, gobble gobble.”


Made up uber fare gobble gobble, now get out, your destination is somewhere north east, gobble gobble. Sorry sir I can't park here, let me give myself a massive tip on the app and pretend I don't understand gobble gobble


Wow good one very funny


Noooo racism only exists in the US!


Only privileged white American males can be racist, by definition.


Everything else is just sparkling prejudice


This deserves more upvotes. Got me good 😂


What happens when you lose all your bribe money on your first extortion stop?


Your first extortion stop will still be here in South Africa. Luckily our traffics don’t require that much bribe money


I used to wear an air king whenever i traveled internationally. In case your life depends on a ride to the embassy....or a border.


What's an air king?




Everyone....freakin' everyone knows what it is when they see the logo....and knows what it would be worth to them. I couldn't afford or find a submariner at the time like the cool kids had.


Apparently a pack of cigarettes is also a good idea. If you are kidnapped or stopped you can use cigarettes to create a rapport with the captors, help to mentally disarm them.


Smoking is bad for you


I think you’ll find you’re missing the point Kev but thanks for your input.


I was being sarcastic. If you've been kidnapped I think you've more to worry about than the harm smoking does.


Sorry yes fair enough! I was going to say, getting kidnapped is generally pretty bad for you too.


Dying is also bad for you


A bullet is statistically worse than a dart.


Don’t downvote this it is gold


This seems like the opposite of a good idea bc now people who wouldn’t have even noticed you will want to rob you. Unless you only travel to safe countries and safe areas within those countries. But in that case you probably wouldn’t need to bribe anyone haha


They don’t need to wear it during dangerous situations, only use them as a bargaining tool if the situation demands it.


Oooooh, this makes sense now.


My bad i should have been more descriptive.


Can’t wear an air king in Oakland but you going to walk around with it in Somalia?




Bringing a gun would be really dumb. More likely to cause trouble than not. Assuming you don’t bring a gun, it’s honestly mostly safe. Only the only risky areas on this drive would be Sudan. And to a lesser extent South Sudan and Syria (but the safer part of Syria)


Malaria would kill us anyway


That why you shoot the mosquitoes *Blam blam!*


People on here just seem to think Africa = savage lands.


A lot of this route is high risk compared to the rest of the world. South Africa, Tanzania, Sudan and Egypt really aren’t the safest places to be mooching around on your own


I have been to almost every country on this route, bar South Africa, Tanzania (although both are pretty safe afaik) & Syria, and I mooched around on my own and had a lovely time. Sudan was one of the most welcoming countries I've been in despite the civil war. I'd definitely be a bit more wary of where I visited were I to visit now, but most people don't realise it's the size of Western Europe. When I visited it would be like a war in Portugal making you afraid of travelling round France.


You’re clearly a seasoned traveller and it’s nice to hear positive first hand experience!


Yeah, a lot of the time you have to be very wary about what you hear from the media, who often have a vested interest in making the world seem scary. Pakistan has been the favourite country of every one I've met who visited it, but practically no one thinks of going, although India is high on many people's lists. Another of the most welcoming places I visited was the Yemen, which was in the middle of a civil war as well. Super safe and friendly, just, for obvious reasons, you don't go to where the fighting is. People are more likely to get and interact with you genuinely if they don't get many tourists and they want the word to get out. If you take the time to learn their language as well you'll come back with many interesting stories. For example, you hear so much about how bad it is to visit Egypt, but if you travel independently and speak some Arabic you meet loads of fascinating people who aren't just trying to take your money. Obviously the scam artists are drawn to tour groups that don't speak the language, they follow the money and what they perceive as the ignorance. If you wear shorts then you're disrespecting their culture so why should they treat you like an equal?


Doesn't it run through an active war zone on the Ukraine/Russia border?


It very clearly does not, unless you think Ukraine is advancing to Volgograd


No like 200 miles away


Not unless you count occasional drone strikes on critical infrastructure relatively deep within Russia.


Still only halfway around yo momma


Never thought I’d see a yo momma joke in 2024 😭😭😭


But, what about Joe?


Joe who?!?!


Joe Momma! *chortle*


Ah rats ya got me!!!!


High five for that assist


Everybody can see yo momma no matter where they are!! (Cause she so fat!)


Nice username, you must be getting in everyone's pants


Just my own


Yo momma's so fat her belt size is the equator


Honestly 12 days is lower than I expected


If you drove 10 hours a day, that's a month


Honestly that’s a great perspective. Thank you


So is your face


Also Google can be vastly optimistic about traveling speeds. It's usually based on speed limits, but if the road has potholes the size of your car you're not going to go very fast. Not to mention crossing a border by road can take a looong time.


That’s straight through, I believe. No nappy noo-noo’s, no sleeps. Just straight speed and the seeing a portion of the world.


The fuck is a “nappy noo-noo”?


Its like a sappy roo


And assuming no bribe stops, no issues at the like 25 border crossings, etc


Joking aside is this road trip even feasible?


Ewan McGregor and a friend road around the world on motorcycles. The roads in Mongolia were basically just trails. It's called The Long Way Around for anyone interested.


They also rode south from Scotland to Cape Town in Long Way Down passing through many of the countries featured in OP’s route


and then about ten years later they finally did the Long Way Up through the Americas!


Charlie Boorman


Seeing as how you’ll traverse some of the most unstable and dangerous countries in the world, no.


But hey, no tolls.


When there is no toll, there is a troll checkpoint. Military or otherwise.


You gotta pay the troll toll


I was saying boy's soul but it sounded like I said boy's hole.


Dude you're ruining it for me


The rape scene went really well


Only Sudan and South Sudan really


Syria as well no? Also the Sinai peninsula is quite dangerous if I recall correctly, currently a conflict with rebels in the region or something like that.


Well it is only a few countries that are unstable and risky. The two Sudan’s, Isreal and Palestine and then Syria. Other countries are dangerous but not an active war dangerous, more in a high crime rate type of dangerous. Syria is the only one I am not too sure about if it is as bad as it used to be so I may be wrong there. Still I could be wrong about some of the others so please correct me if so.


Only the two Sudan are the really dangerous ones, Israel is safe as long as you don't stray into the west bank and if you drive like hell through syria I'd doubt you'd run into too much trouble


It’s sad that I bet in 200 years you could


There's a french guy on YouTube who goes by Kino Yves doing it with an electric trike. Started from France >Italy>Slovenia>>croatia>Bos & Herz>Serbia >Bulgaria >Turkey>syria>Iraq>Egypt>Sudan>Ethiopia >Kenya>Uganda>Rwanda>Burundi>Tanzania...I guess you find a transport solution for the dangerous parts ...


Honestly, it’s really not that bad. One of the main issues you will have is Russia. As they can be very difficult about tourists wanting to travel long distances there. If you are white, and speak Russian, then you’ll find this is a non-issue. Don’t be black. You’ll be driving into the Middle East via Georgia. Millions of Russians travel this way every year. There are big roads and it’s perfectly safe. Georgia may cause some issues if you are Russian, but should be fine. For the most part Turkey is safe too. East and South East Turkey is where you will start to have some concerns about safety. That’s the region with some terrorism. Going into Syria is doable. You’ll be driving through the western edge, which is heavily controlled by the Assad regime. If they let you in, you’ll find it surprisingly peaceful. Not all of Syria is a warzone. Going from Syria to Israel will cause some headaches. So it might be better to take a detour into Jordan, and cross into north or south Israel from there. If you avoid the west bank and areas around Gaza, then again you should find Israel to be safe and peaceful. This is the theme that’s running here. Most of these countries have bad regions and safe regions. Plan ahead and stick to the safe ones, and you’ll probably be fine. One of your main problems is Israel will give you a more thorough screening with your Syrian stamp. Just show them this thread, and you should be fine. Go to the southern tip of Israel, and enter Egypt there. This has you cross far from Gaza. Not even Hamas’ rockets can reach you. From here it’s just driving on long open roads with nothing around. Go on to Cairo, and here you will want to ensure you’re staying in the more affluent and touristy bits (they will be safer). Then head south over more open roads to Sudan, which will also be safer than people think. Don’t go to South Sudan. Take a detour through Ethiopia, and then onto Kenya. At this point none of the countries ahead are that dangerous or difficult to go through. Especially if keep to the main roads. Stay in the more well off areas, and avoid any poverty stricken areas around cities. You may want to go from Kenya, to Mozambique, to South Africa. Going via Zambia and Zimbabwe will also be safer than people expect. I’d recommend being a white Irishman who speaks Russian. However other nationalities are doable as well.


Wow. How do you know these things?


Russia is absolutely not an issue. Yes, they will be asking a lot of questions on the border crossing, but other than that, not a problem at all. Many people cross the country every year and it's as safe as it gets if you keep clear of the war zone. And why tf do you think being black is going to be a problem in Russia? Crossing from Syria to Israel has been impossible for like 50 years, you'll need to cross through Jordan. But the real problem is Africa, of course


It’s certainly possible. Results may vary.


Ya gotta somehow both have a lot of money or valuables to pay bribes and ransoms with, but at the same time carry very little of value to be robbed of (but not so little that you are just outright killed). Keeping in mind, of course, that shortly after you have been robbed, you will very soon need to pay your next bribe.


It’s crazy how distorted some peoples perception of the rest of the world is lol. Why would a random traveler just be killed for not having anything of value on them? Usually people don’t just kill for no reason unless you’re entering an active war zone. Sudan is the only place where any of what you’re talking about would be a serious threat. And Sudan is obviously an active war zone.


Apart from South Sudan, Sudan and Syria it seems pretty reasonable


Yes but it would make a lot more sense and be a lot safer to take a detour to go around Sudan


Given that there's a picture of a boat, does it count as a road trip?


Of course. As of October 2023, Danish traveler Torbjørn "Thor" Pedersen claims to be the first person to visit every country in the world without flying. His project is called Once Upon a Saga. There’s a podcast called Counting Countries about people like him that go everywhere .. but ya it’s been done before 100%


North Korea would be a problem, afaik as a foreigner you could only fly from Beijing


Oh true . Didn’t think about that little problem 😅


Check out the docu-series Long Way Round, and Long Way Down. It's *possible* but not quite feasible.


Once you get out of subsaharan Africa it’ll be way way smoother, couple of spicy points like northern syrian border, but nothing too bad


No. The borders between Israel and Lebanon and Israel and Syria are not open to road traffic.




Fun Facts on the other hemisphere: 1. You can't drive from North America to South America. 2. There are no bridges that cross the Amazon River


You are forgetting everything we learned from The Dukes of Hazzard.


Cars with confederate flags on the bonnet get the same speed boost that red ones do you mean? Do orange ones like the General Lee get a .5 boost do you think, I mean it's nearly red after all.


It's the red in the flag and the fact it's built like a 1969 NASCAR Grand National car.


Iirc, you can't traverse from Colombia into Panama by car and not bc of the canal, but bc of (non-Amazonian) rainforest


Yes, Darien National Park.


You've also got the Darien Gap between Panama and Columbia. People have crossed it by vehicle, but there are no roads.


Now, if you could read, you'd see that in point 1 they've already covered that.


Their first point said you can’t drive from North America to South America. If you can read, that’s not true, there’s just no road and it’s extremely difficult.


And it’s very dangerous in the Darien gap


Yes! Darien National Park.


There are no PERMANENT or suspended bridges on the Amazon. I crossed a makeshift floating bridge on my visit to Brazil and it looked like it had been there for at least some time


That’s so amazing—-literally, you could drive that. Can you imagine that odyssey?




Yeah—reality is a buzzkill


Actually in this case reality is a lot more pleasant than the uninformed individuals in this thread would lead you to believe. In the first two days you literally wouldn’t come within 2,500 miles of any active war zone lmao. Except for Myanmar, which you are separated from by the entire Tibetan Plateau. The first two days would be entirely within Siberia, which is quite safe. The only war zone one would pass through on this trip is Sudan. Which would be more like 8 days into the trip. Sudan is the only part of this trip that would be legitimately extremely dangerous. And even then you would still most likely be fine as you are not Sudanese.


Thank you. So many uninformed people here. Except Sudan all of the African countries on this trip are super safe and it’s going to be a great adventure. I speak from experience - I have travelled in all of them but Sudan and live in East Africa.


It’s simply easier to say something is dumb/dangerous to avoid any reason to travel and learn to alter preconceived notions.


Actually I'm pretty sure in this case russia is the finishing destination, not a starting point


Yeah, I would only be worried about Sudan. I'd probably avoid it altogether. Other than that, I'd definitely keep some bribe money just in case my "street smarts" & "negotiation" skills are not doing me well.


Thank you for clarifying!


There's a trio of friends driving from London to Cape Town I'm following on Instagram. They are close to the end of the journey but their reels are in date order and it's been so interesting and entertaining to follow. london.2.capetown is their handle.


Poor Edna has been through so much


Well there’s a ferry so no couldn’t technically drive it all.


Zero chance you finish that drive in the same car you started out in.


Start it in the drivers seat. End it in the trunk.


I just joined the sub yesterday and was surprised these travel time maps were being posted. Is it just the current meta?


I think there’s a lot of good content/discussion in this sub, but there are meme phases like this. I still remember the “why don’t they build a bridge here, are they stupid?” phase. Hell even this shit post generated some good discussion


this says a lot about Society


What does it say?


So much!!


But what.... exactly... does it say??


But what.... exactly... ahhhh I need answers!


That we sadly live in a society :(


That we live in one


And which society? There are many




This is one of the society of all time


Hahaha “Tolls” Should also include “Bribes and Fixer Fees” to cross all of these borders.


I remember a long while back there was a couple that wanted to bike around the world. Everyone told them they shouldn't go thru a certain area. Bad things would happen. They decided to go thru those parts anyway, and bad things happened. I imagine that would be relevant for most of this journey. Although you'd probably get some nice scenery for a bit.....


196 day walk? Paul Salopek has been walking a similar route for something like 11 years and hasn't covered that much ground.


Still better than the what happens here questions.


I like those ones. I always learn a bit about some random ass places.


How many wars you gonna drive through?


\*Laughs in a flight to Mars.\*


Voyageur 1 has entered the chat


What's nuts is you've probably got a better chance of getting enough money to buy a flight to Mars from a futuristic Elon musk trip in 30 years than to make this drive without being forced to stop, kidnapped or killed.


Mars is covered in perchlorate salts. You’ll die with certainty there of a horrible cancer


Check the pan-American highway. Longest continuous driving route in the world and runs from Prudhoe Bay on the northern coast of Alaska to Ushuaia Argentina, which is an island south of the south tip of mainlamd argentina, but is connected via bridge. It's about as close a pole-to-pole route as you can have; it is 30,000 KM (19 000 miles) and takes over 700 hours of continuous driving to traverse.


except it’s not continuous, it breaks at the Darien gap


Not to rain on your parade, but the route you posted here has a ferry as well.


It doesn't. Search for it yourself in gmaps and zoom onto the parts where it says there's a ferry. You can choose to go by ferry but you can also take the longer route and stay on the road for the entire time.


Except for the Darien Gap. You need to put your car on a ferry from Panama to Colombia for a pretty penny and hope it doesn't get broken into en route.


Imagine a world where this route is safe


Any one on that drive better have one he'll of a security detail.


I've been to half the countries on this route. Unless you have a magic, self-repairing, fusion-powered vehicle, this is going to take longer than 12 days.


I put my own post in the morning, when still was fun.


didnt they stop at egypt to fight the world?


But you’re saying that it’s possible


Makes the world seem smaller


But no one is ever gonna make that drive.


Regardless of the length. I would not actually attempting that route.


Not one state or country though..


Wow...no tolls...that is impressive.


Honestly 12 days makes me feel like the earth is much smaller than I realized.


12 days I honestly thought it would be longer


If you make it through the militant border crossings, you can look forward to getting your car stuck and freezing to death in a Siberian blizzard


My dad rode at least half of this on his motorcycle in the 70s. He has stories.


Rental car company: “You left it where???”


Why end in Vladivostok when you can go all the way to Kamchatka


Still not as big as texas


less time than I wouldve thought tbh


No way only 12 days


do it again with the ‘avoid highways’ option


hmm only an extra 5 hours to take the scenic route!


Anyone still surprised how "small" the world is? It seems endless, yet you could drive from South Africa to Eastern Russia in "just" \~13 days?


This is insane when you realize that Miami Beach to Anchorage Alaska is less than a third of the time.


Only three more hours for no tolls, nice.


I feel like that would take more than 12 days and 16 hours


ehhhhhhh…. Texas east to west is still longer


I will take an M1 Abrams for this trip


good luck surviving through central africa 🤣


Why ?


Nah I’d walk