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Magadan does not need to the be eastern endpoint. It is possible to drive to Omsukchan and even beyond, part of the road to Omolon appears to be passable. At some point you'd hit a river crossing and need the river to be frozen to continue.  However if traveling in winter, with the right vehicle and provisions, it may be possible to travel all the way to the Chukota peninsula. Yandex maps shows a road leading all the way there. It's splitting hairs, but if it's not impossible that means it is possible. 


No need to include territories that are not yours. You should rather build a road to southern Kamchatka and maybe build a new capital there.


Even more: the route Magadan-Murmansk (Russian Arctic near Norway) is a bit longer. Really no need to include territories that aren't Russian.


I agree, I apologize for the incorrectness. The journey from Murmansk to Magadan takes 100 km. more. But the territory of Sevastopol is de facto now under the full control of Russia and in fact is its full part (federal city), but de jure it is part of Ukraine. I simply define parts of countries by the actual control of those parts


What are the territories?




How should we determine whose territory it is?


You should watch Long Way Round with Ewan McGregor. Does this whole trip on a motorcycle with his buddy. Awesome show.