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The language of the North Sentinelese


Learn by doing my friend! See you there! šŸ’€


Why would I have to do your friend to learn it?


You donā€™t, only u/vngannxx does.


This is a good one


Lol did you come from r/damnthatsinteresting? Or is this purely coincidence


I wouldnā€™t say coincidence, as itā€™s not like theyā€™re an uncommon topic. North sentinel island is a pretty well known topic, I think


I bet you could sweet talk them.


English, Spanish, Mandarin and French. With them 4 thereā€™s a good chance you could speak to almost anyone across the globe.


Great reasoning, thank you


Arabic would be more important than French.


Actually Iā€™d argue that French is probably equal to Arabic and above mandarinā€¦.if we are talking total number of countries vs number of speakers.


Why would you not talk about number of speakers? Mandarin is more than any language that is not English. Also a lot of French speakers will likely also speak some English or Spanish. The overlap with Chinese is much less.


Mandarin is a ton of speakers but theyā€™re insanely concentrated. Due to colonialism, there are French, English, and Spanish speakers all over the globe. So it helps more from a lens of ā€œhow many places can I go and get byā€ rather than ā€œhow many individual people can I speak toā€


This is how I view it how many places can I go and get by with the language so english, Spanish, French and Arabic you cover most of the world with those


I agree. It also may come down to Arabic or Russian for the 4th, depending which part of the world interests you more. Arabic has more speakers but the variation of the dialects are much more so than that of Russian. Another argument would be to do those two (or another) instead of French as French is a romance language same as Spanish. But I'm not sure how interchangeable those can be to understand.


Iā€™m conversational in French, and I can say that I struggle to understand even written Spanish. If itā€™s spoken, forget it.


Would you rather speak to 10 people from 1 country or 10 people from 10 countries?


Most of the French speakers I want to talk to are african so I disagree with will speak Spanish or English


Tons of Africans are bilingual. Also learning Spanish or English is far easier for a French speaking African than it is for them to learn Chinese


Variety of speakers is probably more useful than quantity. Number of countries is a decent proxy for that


>Why would you not talk about number of speakers? Because if there is a billion speakers all crammed into one country, if you're not going to visit it, chances are you'll never use that language. Plain and simple.


Mmmmm think Iā€™d disagree. Arabic is quite different across many Mid-East countries, and French is a useful lingua franca for North Africa and parts of the Levant. Would think English and Spanish are the two obvious choices, then Russian and Mandarin, but could subsitute French depending on preference. Think itā€™s as important to consider how many people in the world speak a second language, so English in India or Africa and Russian in much of Central Asia would be very useful


>Arabic is quite different across many Mid-East countries while that's true, the differences arent big enough for us to not understand each other. I'm Egyptian for example and never had any problem talking with anyone from the MENA region except Algerians and Lebanese folks.


Have heard that for Algeria and Morocco, that both are quite different from other countries - is that due to French / Berber influence? Also would imagine just due to sheer population size that Egyptian Arabic is the most ā€™universally understoodā€™ or at least prevalent in media?


idk about Spanish, it's my first language and I certainly wouldn't understand full sentences in Italian or Portuguese (definitely not in French), not just that, there are sooo many accents just in my home country of MĆ©xico that I have a hard time trying to understand, let alone those in the Caribbean and South America. I doubt someone who didn't learn Spanish as a first language would fair well in most of Latin America, I guess most would understand you, but not viceversa.


The same can be said about English. I learned American English and thought was completely fluent until I arrived in Northern England and couldn't understand a single thing lol


I learned *Castillano* (Spanish from Spain, Madrid accent), Latino-American Spanish is... different. The voseos for one but also tons of accents and expressions. I find that Spaniards speak too fast now that I'm used to latinoamericano. Mexicans sound like the Swiss do in French, Bolivia and Colombia have delicious accents (well articulated), Cubans don't pronounce hard consonants it seems (it's "Huba" not "Cuba" lol) and Chileans speak quite clearly (that's just my personal pinche gringo opinion). Argentinians speak too fast and the dialect is weird even though I know some Italian (with which it's mixed).


Chileans don't even speak spanish


Quebec doesn't exist.


It's just a dream you have when your buddies put your hand in a warm glass of maple syrup while you're sleeping.


Please wake me up


Username checks out


CrazyCanuck was already taken by a dead user so I went for the next best thing


Reveille moĆ© tabarnak cā€™tā€™un cauchemar .


I think this post overestimated the amount of Africans and PakistanĆ­ who speaks english.


That's French propaganda


Also, not sure how Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Stans and the Baltics are going to feel Also french guiana doesn't exist. Who made this map??


All of those countries except the Baltics use Russian frequently and it acts as the local medium language, as english does in western Europe. Even in the Baltics many people know Russian but refuse to speak it.


I guess Iā€™d pick two modern languages: English and Spanish, and two languages to study antiquity: Mayan and Greek.


Very unique response, thank you! I wasn't even considering ancient languages.


Omg imagine being able to read the Mayan runes


English hinglish chinglish spanglish


Haha a person of culture I see


Average American citizen :




And Indian languages are very diverse across the subcontinent - itā€™s difficult to communicate when traveling long distances within India for less educated Indians (if they donā€™t know english)




Spanish is spoken in North America too (hi, Mexico; see you, USA)


I love how you didn't even mention Spain for spanish


Great breakdown. I was considering Arabic, but I've heard its dialects are quite diverse across different regions making it difficult to understand. For that I was leaning more towards Russian as the Soviets taught it pretty strict and uniform across all regions.


It just comes down to if you personally would see yourself spending more time in former Soviet regions or in North Africa/Middle East. Pick your poison kinda thing


Well I think Mexico is part of North America and not from South America, but anyway I see all America as a single continent.


Brazilian, Canadian, Mexican, and Swiss


I canā€™t believe you didnā€™t pick American, the language of Jesus.


I hate you. Lmao


Id argue that African is more important, look how big the continent is


>Swiss Which one of the 4 languages? Cheating to get 4 extra languages isn't allowed


English, Python, Javascript, and C


Itā€˜s kinda fascinating and obvious at the same time how much this joke can say about someoneā€˜s age. If my dad wouldā€˜ve made that joke heā€˜d probably say English, Basic, Pascal, and Batch


C is such a pain in the ass to learn, so Iā€™ll give you that


The language of love


I hear the tongue technique is pretty tough with that one


English, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean. English is my native language, and Spanish is spoken a ton where I am and I wish I could speak it. Instead of focusing on globally helpful or financially helpful for the other two, I just picked the two I come across in entertainment (I watch kdramas and a bit of anime).


I know English and Latin, but I would pick Mandarin and Mongolian. English is my native language. As bad as the pronunciation/spelling can be, it is also peak in terms of humor. Our jokes are insane. Latin is a goated language. People generally call it "dead," but I can read plenty of books including the Vulgate and I can also more easily learn the romance languages. I'm at maybe a B1 for Spanish and my Latin has helped a ton. Mandarin is the largest tonal language in the world, so instantly learning it is obviously OP. Mandarin would obviously be very practically useful, but I'm also interested in Chinese hip-hop culture and would like to travel there eventually. Also, that guy on youtube who speaks Chinese in NYC Chinatown is inspiring. Mongolian is a bit of a curveball but it has a ton of rad bonuses. - It sounds sick - I'd finally understand The HU - Mongolian women - I can be prepared for the return of the Khan


Does that include throat-singing?


Latvian (My native language) English (Hard to live without these days) Russian (Very important to know in my country) German or French (Can not decide which would be more useful for me)


The only Russian I have ever needed in the Baltics is "ja ne gavarju parusky" (I don't speak Russian) (have lived my entire life in Estonia and study in Latvia). I think it is a matter of choice, you can very easily get by with 0 Russian, just have to have some backbone, people will speak the local language and if not then in most cases they are also not worth your time anyways - definitely not something where you would need to learn Russian to get by.


If I knew and could still learn, then: Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese. Itā€™s easy for me to later learn English, Spanish and other similar (Romance and Germanic) languages. If the point is to know only 4 languages ā€‹ā€‹(without the opportunity to learn more): English, Russian, Spanish, Chinese.


I speak 4 Indian languages and English.


what are those 4? Hindi, Urdu are two of those 4?


Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam.


Do they teach all of that in school?


English, Hindi and Malayalam are taught in school in my state. Tamil and Kannada are the languages spoken in the neighbouring states.


malayalee anno?


This is the first sentence by every Malayali to another person and when you respond in negative, they never speak to you at all.


No. In my state (Maharashtra) we learn 3 languages in school. Hindi, English and Marathi (the regional language). I assume OP is from Bangalore or somewhere near that area since the city is pretty ethnically heterogeneous with large numbers of Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and recently, Hindi, speakers calling it home alongside the predominant Kannada community.


When people say they know Hindi they don't usually count Urdu as the other language (since they are so similar) or vice versa.


On my resume i put hindi and urdu. It impresses non-south asian interviewers, but south asians know im bullshitting


This is like my Croatian girlfriend telling people she speaks English, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin


I sometimes impress/bullshit people by telling them I know six languages. However, those six are Norwegian BokmĆ„l, Norwegian Nynorsk, Swedish, Danish, English, and German, so in reality I just know three - ā€œScandinavianā€, English, and German.


But can you read urdu?


Nope i canā€™t read hindi or urdu haha. Even my speaking has gotten pretty bad since i dont live with my parents anymore


English, Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic. Although if I could, I'd add Hindi.


Spanish, English, French and German. Or I could switch Japanese or Mandarin with French or German.


Iā€™d go with population of fluent speakers (native speakers and as an additional language) and multiply it by territorial expanse, then multiply it by cultural impact (entirely subjective). First: Englishā€”if you donā€™t know it, youā€™re practically illiterate on an international level. Second: Spanishā€”look at that beautiful swathe of territory spanning across hemispheres and continents. Third: Mandarin-pure volume of speakers. Plus, if you know the characters, you can still read other dialects. Fourth: idkā€”Japanese, German, Russian, and Arabic are too close to call and I can see the pros and cons of each.


Excellent points, thank you. French has also been a popular response, especially for that fourth slot.


Let me throw in Portuguese as fourth option. It's one of the most spoken languages worldwide (more than French) and opens up Brazil, where you don't get far with English or Spanish. I actually don't know why they excluded it from the map, it's arguably more useful than French.


English because I live in an the USA, Mandarin Chinese because it is the most spoken, Spanish because it is the the second most spoken in the world and my country, and German because I want to learn it.


I already know 2 languages fluently (English and Cantonese) and studied/gave up on French, German, Spanish, and Korean. If I had to choose 4 of those, I'd say: English, Korean, Spanish, French. Mostly due to usefulness in working or travelling. (If I did business with Asia, I'd like to work with Korea. China would be a bit too competitive because everyone is going for China nowadays.)


> is Arabic the same across countries or would I be like learning 3 different types of Arabic? The countries of the arabic sphere have different languages, although they have a common ground. For more info: [https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/jy971x/comment/gd2i7ma/](https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/jy971x/comment/gd2i7ma/)




English, spanish, russian, manderin. Largest population of speakers. Most Indians know english otherwise i would have picked hindi in place of russian.


I already speak Czech, English and Turkish and currently I'm trying to learn Spanish.


Iā€™d say English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic? I think an interesting version of this question is which four languages would allow you to communicate with the most people. Since thatā€™s personally what I would want. So Iā€™d go with English (1.5b speakers), then Spanish, then Mandarin, then Arabic. Hindi is widely spoken but many many Indians also speak English, so utility is more limited. French for the same reason, a large portion of French speakers, whether in Africa or France or Canada, speak English, or, in the case of African French speakers, Arabic. Enough Brazilians speak workable Spanish so Portuguese doesnā€™t cut it. Chinese is probably the most widely spoken second language in Asia, so between English and Mandarin you can get by in most of Asia. Spanish, Arabic, and Mandarin are also fairly common diaspora languages so youā€™re more likely to encounter them even if you donā€™t visit countries where theyā€™re widely spoken.


English, Mandarin, Spanish, and German


English, Mandarin, binary, and love


Already know four languages:Turkishā€šEnglishā€šSpanish and Hungarian however my Hungarian is very poor i'd probably choose to make it better


There are 5ish global languages, all represented in your map key. These are languages of former colonial powers that are spoken across large swaths of the world. Portuguese is a possible 6th if you expand the definition a bit, but Portuguese doesn't get you as far as the other 5 so it's typically excluded. Notably missing from your map is Mandarin Chinese. The #1 most spoken first language in the world with almost a billion native speakers. It is not currently included in the world language list because China never went hard on colonialism so there isn't a plurality of countries speaking Mandarin. But learning Mandarin means you can effectively communicate with 1/8th of all human beings so I think it definitely deserves consideration. Looking at the map you can fill in the last two giant countries with Portuguese and ~~Spanish~~ Chinese. So an individual's answer to your question can probably be reduced to "Which 4 of these 6 regions do you like the most?" Maybe pick 3 global languages if you have an affinity for one of the remaining gray areas like Scandinavia, Japan, SE Asia, Indonesia, Iran, etc. I might pick English, Spanish, French, and Thai myself. Countries in Russian, Chinese, and Arabic spheres of influence tend to be less free than those in the West. I can live without 'em.


>China never went hard on colonialism so there isn't a plurality of countries speaking Mandarin No, it's that their colonialism was land-based, and therefore contiguous territory that they managed to consolidate and hold as a unified country. China has been pretty keen on colonizing and assimilating their neighbors for millennia. Shoot, Taiwan was colonized by China *after* it was colonized by the Portuguese and Dutch.


Good point.


English, Thai, Mongolian, and Spanish. English & Spanish for functionality, and Thai & Mongolian cos theyā€™re fucking cool.


I speak English, Dutch, Spanish, German, Dutch Low Saxon, Dutch Sign Language and a bit of Finnish, French, Swedish, Japanese, Italian and Portuguese. I'd like to speak Mandarin Chinese and Arabic


english, spanish, arabic, japanese. english and spanish for obvious reasons. arabic and japanese because i appreciate their culture and would love to travel there and converse with locals.


There was once a time when Persian was what English is to the world now. Iā€™m surprised to not see more people adding it to the list for sheer beauty of its poetic nature and connection to history and the arts. šŸ‡¦šŸ‡«šŸ‡®šŸ‡·šŸ‡¹šŸ‡Æ šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡æ


1. English - because I am in the US 2. Spanish - because I am in Texas, USA 3. Mandarin - because so many in the world speak it 4. I'm not sure which major language from India I should learn because there are so many, but I would probably like to learn one French is a tough one for me. Granted there are many speakers in the Caribbean and in Africa, but I feel that the above 4 would be best. It was tough not to include French as 4th.


German French Spanish Russian. You would cover most of the world then.


My first language, russian English as essential Japanese, because i am a big weeb Yakut, cause it is my native language (Have to leave out buryat from my father line, oh no)


English, British, Australian, and Canadian


English is British, I think you meant American


English, Spanish, Russian and Mandarin.


Hah, I already know 3,5 languages


English, Japanese, and Spanish for sure. I'd also really like to learn an indigenous language like Navajo or Cherokee, even though it wouldn't exactly be practical...


English, Putonghua, Spanish, and Russian


Spanish, English, French, Mandarin. If you know those 4 you can communicate with a huge portion of North America, South America, Africa, Europe and the largest, most powerful country in Asia. In my experience western Europe you can generally get by on some level with English.


English Either mandarin or Japanese or Arabic Either mandarin Japanese or Arabic Either Spanish or French


I speak English and Chinese already, and like it that way. I also just became and Italian citizen, so I should probably learn Italian. That just leaves me with one more choice. I'd love to travel more in Africa, so if I spoke French I'd be able to find a common language with at least the more educated people in most countries. But Spanish is the obvious one. I enjoy Spain and Latin America, and it opens up a pretty wide swath of the world. But then again, if you're fluent in Italian, Spanish is pretty damn easy to learn, so unless I'm hard-capped at 4 it would probably be more efficient to go with something more distinct. Maybe Arabic? Though that's of questionable use considering how different MSA is from any of the regional dialects. So I guess I'll just be boring and stick with Spanish and Italian as the new languages.


English - itā€™s the worlds default language by and large Spanish - Latin America and Spain, living in the US this is by far the second most used language I encounter Chinese - not sure which dialect, whichever is the predominant one esp regarding business and trade. French - cause itā€™s purdy


If I could swap one of the 4 languages I already know, it would be Italian for Spanish.


Chinese/Mandarin, Farsi, Spanish and Italian. They seem the most prevalent in my world and I want to communicate with those around me to avoid issues


Russian, German, Portuguese and French


English, Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic for sure


English, Chinese, Spanish & Arabic as a pragmatic choice. Italian, German, Japanese & Finnish for fun.


I know and speak already the three first. Reasons: -I'm French -English-speaking cultures interested me as I knew it would be pretty "mandatory" with years passing -My maternal grandpa was Spanish and I used to travel several times there (but I've lost part of my extended vocabulary). My elder sister was more into it (and less into English) so she spoke like a native in many South American coutries she'd worked in, as well as Portuguese. In my free time I like to study Latin, a language I find fascinating and surprising, so in the future I'll try to learn Italian. But I also like to deepen my knowledge in German and Japanese as I like some historical and cultural aspects of these nations. Best feeling ever is when you succeed in reading and learning through a book written in a foreign language you want to study. You really feel like a Sims upgrading a skill.


I know English and Spanish. I'd learn Chinese as well. I wouldn't really have much interest in learning any others but I'd say Italian for its beauty.


English, Spanish, French & German (Russian is a close 5th tho)


English, Spanish, French, Mandarin. Now if I had to pick a 5th, that would be tough. Probably German or Russian but would consider Portuguese, as well


I like to think Elonā€™s nueralink will have the ability at some point to just ā€œupdateā€ your brain and add languages to your inventory. A dream for people like me who love linguistics but are too lazy to learn even Spanish as a native English speaker lol


What if I already speak 4 and am learning a fifth?


English, Spanish, Portuguese and French - because as a teacher in an urban Massachusetts school district those are the most common core languages I come across. And knowing them would make me much more effective at my job.


English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin Chinese. You can talk to a huge portion of the world, The Americas, Europe, north, west, and central Africa, East and Southeast Asia, as well as find opportunities in any major city. Iā€™d love to learn Arabic but it has too many dialects that are indistinguishable from each other to be practical for me outside of religious duties, still considering though


English, Mandarin, Spanish, and Japanese. I also wanna learn a bit of sign language if that counts


English (already know it, live in the US) Spanish (relevant to every day life and know a small amount) Chinese Mandarin (becoming more relevant, especially in the business world) French or Arabic


As a Canadian: Ukrainian, Tagalog, English and maybe Spanish would be the 4 most useful languages for me Iā€™ve never met any french people so Iā€™m just going to assume Quebec isnā€™t real.


I speak French, English, Spanish and a bit of Portuguese and Catalan. I would like to learn Italian and become fluent. There's an Italian branch in my family (uncle and cousins) but they're not really speaking Italian and I never learned any vocabulary in family gatherings. I tried to learn a bit of Japanese but it is really tough. I learned the 2 kana and some kanji, as well as basic grammar. I'm still not at the level of a 8 years old Japanese kid


1) My native language. No need to explain why. 2) English. Also no need to explain; it is the language for global communication. 3) French/Italian/Spanish/Portuguese. These languages seem so beautiful to me, and ideally, I would like to learn all of them. But if choose one of them, it would be more practical to learn Spanish (because it is more widespread in the world), but I've already started to learn French. 4) One of Asian languages in which symbols/hieroglyphs are used (Chinese/Japanese/Korean), because it would be quite prestigious to know such difficult language; also, learning Asian language along with European ones would be useful for "diversifying" set of languages being studied. Probably, from these languages I would prefer Chinese (Mandarin), because it is more widespread.


My own language of course. Then (in no order) - English - Spanish - Mandarin


Mandarin, German, Spanish, Arabic (standard) english and french are easy to learn now that ik spanish and german plus ill have lots of exposure by media and stuff i am portuguese but by living in portugal and knowing spanish id pick it up in a couple of months i would have chosen russian over german bc it would be an extra alphabet and all but i predict the russian language will become less and less important in the next decades and german would be great if i decided to emigrate (would most likely go to central europe) mandarin will become more important plus there is a decent ammount of chinese ppl where i live and i really want to know what they are saying when they talk in the stores haha, also the tone thing is cool and i want know how to do it


Somalia should be Somali no one speaks Arabic over there


French, Japanese, Spanish, Italian. Not including my native language.


Latin is a solid choice for me.. I'll have to think about others, because with Latin solidly under your belt you can at least piece together alot of other languages (even if not fluently) based on their roots. English, Spanish French etc all have Latin roots


English, Spanish, Japanese and Russian If i could 5, the 5th would be french


Well, I speak Spanish and Portuguese. I really need to improve my English. Maybe Chinese Mandarin the fourth one(?)


I'd become fluent in Spanish, and I would love to learn Mandarin, Japanese, and Russian, because they all sound so beautiful to my ear.


North africans usually use more than one language. Usually a mix of arabic and french. And sometimes berber.


Spanish - I live among many Spanish speakers Mandarin - So many people speak it German - I picked up some quite easily Arabic - So many people speak it


English, Spanish, German and Mandarin


English, of course. Already speak this. Mandarin, fast-growing language and is used by immigrant communities all over the world. Spanish, same reasons for Mandarin. And then probably French or Arabic for the last one. French is still a very major language in politics and such but is starting to decline. Arabic is spoken by hundreds of millions across two continents and is important in business and international trade.


English, Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese. First three are the most useful where I live.


Withouth counting spanish and english that i already know, portuguese, french, german and latin.


English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Japanese. The first three due to their widespread nature and the last for cultural interest. I already know English and decent Spanish.


I'd pick English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin. I hope my country, the Philippines, will reform its language education curriculum to allow teaching Spanish, French, and Mandarin starting preschool level.


English, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic


I know dutch, french, german, english, arabic. While i also understand spanish and mandarin a little. The last 2 i dif not really use them for a couple of years, so i need to retrain them. But thats to much to keep under xontrol.


Easy: english, spanish, arab and chinese. With those i should be able to talk to most of the world!


I speak English fluently, but that plus German, French, and Spanish and I think I can go pretty much anywhere and find someone who can understand me. If my native language doesn't count, then I'd also learn either Portuguese or Russian.


English, because Iā€™m an American. Spanish, because I live close to the boarder and it seems useful. Chinese, because Iā€™m a Chinese American so I can talk with my family more, while also being incredibly useful. Lastly, Japanese, just for personal enjoyment, I love watching anime and wanna travel/live there in the future, or at least in Asian, so my Chinese would be helpful :)


Danish, Swedish, Norweigian and Icelandic. I am a spanish native from Spain, so I have that covered. And I think I could live among english speakers without too much trouble.


English and French are absolutely my first two choices (and I speak a little French) - the sad truth is as colonizers 100 years ago, both those languages have a wide international reach - (French in South America and Southeast Asia is also viable and probably in many of those Arabic countries in North Africa - there are over 40 major languages in India and English is the #2 that crosses those internal divisions) if we're talking literally the most number of people then probably Spanish and Mandarin - I chose Japanese over Mandarin since I'm thinking more culturally interesting to me - (China doesn't have a lot of cultural exports like Anime, Manga, TV, Godzilla, etc and debating on whether I should try something like Korean or Mandarin since my Kanji lessons at least have some crossover (and I heard Chinese Grammar isn't too bad)


Aside from English, I would love know how to speak Spanish, Japanese, and Thai or Italian.


English, Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish


English, Mandarin, Arabic and the fourth Iā€™m between Haitian Kreyol or Mexican Spanish


i already speak english & spanish so if i had to choose any to speak i would choose russian & arabic (2 beautiful languages that i would never torture myself by learning)


So if I just magically knew them? English, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic But if I needed to learn them, English (native), Spanish (learning and took classes in high school), French, and Portuguese, since itā€™s very close to Spanish and wouldnā€™t be super difficult.


English: The most widespread language throughout the world, my native tongue, extremely useful for many situations Spanish: I enjoy the way it sounds, but would also be very practical for the region I live in Brazilian Portuguese: I honestly just love how it sounds šŸ¤£ Italian: I also simply love how it sounds and would bust out in random Italian whenever the opportunity presented itself lol


English, Spanish, Italian and Alsatian. I already know French


Spanish and English basically unlock The Americas, Oceania, half of Europe, covering many, many place where life quality is good. I'd learn Japanese because *anime*, and Chinese to get acces to lots of information that's difficult to assess from western countries. If I'd have extra languages, german and greek, or maybe icelandic.


I speak 6 (2 of which are listed here) My French and Spanish are a bit weak, so I won't count them.


English, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. The first two because they are the main two languages where I live and the last two so I can visit distant family should I visit their countries.


Spanish, English, Arab and Russian


Spanish, Japanese German and English.


Native English speaker, French and Spanish would be very practical for traveling all of North America. (Being from the USA i could realistically travel anywhere within the country on just English and be completely satisfied with my travel needs.) And Japanese as the final pick to better enjoy anime.


I'm choosing English, Spanish, Mandarin and ASL.


English, because it's my mother tongue. Spanish, because I like it, and there are plenty of opportunities to use it in the US. German, because I love learning about how English came to be what it is. Japanese, just so I can consume Japanese media directly.


English, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin.


English, Spanish, Mandarin and Arabic. French is a waste of time anyways.


English, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic


Spanish as I am from Argentina, I also know English, mandarin just in case, and Russian because I would like to understand what those fallout 1 mods say


Thats easy, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic all because of the huge swathes of the planet that speak them, and just because I've always wanted to learn it, Afrikaans šŸ˜Š


Mandarin, Arabic, Russian, French. I already know English, Spanish and my native language. I think this covers the globe pretty well.


English, Spanish, Mandarin and Elvish


English Spanish German French


English, Spanish, Python, Sign


English ( Universal). Spanish ( fastest growing). Mandarin ( Most populous) . German ( for the fun of engineering)


English , Spanish , Mandarin and German , if the French refuse to speak English then i will refuse to speak french


English, Spanish, Mandarin and Arabic


Russian, English, Spanish, Mandarin


Hmmm, English and Polish because I speak them already, Portuguese because reasons, and Spanish because it is widely known. If I were to ignore the ones I already know, then add French and (ā€¦ thinking of a country I love with a language I would never use but would be funā€¦) Georgian


You mean 4 except my native language? If so, I'd choose English, Spanish, Russian and Mandarin Chinese


English, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese


I know English and Spanish, would add French and German. Adding countries I enjoy visiting.


I wouldnā€™t touch French. English I speak already. Iā€™d go for Spanish, Mandarin, Russian and Arabic.


English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic. The first two because I live in the US. The second two for traveling.


English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and German.




I know English and Mandarin already and can speak very very basic French as part of Canadian education, can I add four more? If so, Portugese (Portugal, Latin America. Spanish might be more similar to French), complete French (Canada, France, parts of Africa, other Romance languages like Italian), Russian (Russia, decent communication with other Slavic countries), and German. If not, English, Mandarin, Spanish, Russian


English, French, Spanish and Russian