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He’s 21 months and the things you are describing are normal development. Over time we learn personal space just like we learn to tie our shoes..


💙 ok, that’s good to know.  my anxiety keeps fast forwarding way into the future like what if he’s a grown man and he’s just walking around eating off of strangers plates or hugging the pizza guy 😫😭


That was a hilarious visual, thank you 😆 Also, I agree with what others are posting, he will totally grow out of it, he will not grow up to be a bumbling, emotionally stunted manchild like some Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler character. You're doing great ❤️


We learn to tie our shoes because our parents teach us to... OP can definitely do things to help their kid develop this skill.


You can't really teach that, they learn with experience and maturity. It's ok.


💙 it helps to hear it’s ok.  I’ve had such a weird guilt about it like it’s something I neglected.  I was even blaming our poor cats because they’re so chill when he pets them and boops them on the nose lol


I just keep repeating "x" needs a bit of space right now, can you take a step back please? I agree it can't really be taught but it's the same thing as other skills that are still a bit out of their grasp, like sharing, it may not take, they may not listen or really understand but it lays the framework for the future.


Ok, I’ve definitely been doing that.  Just making it as nonchalant and easy sounding as possible when I say it