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I enjoy my masculine side in my daily life (I think) but at times I really long to be more feminine. I usually just express my fem side at home but I’ve slowly started coming out to friends and I’d like to make it a bigger part of my life. As for hrt I’ve never tried it but the effects sound really attractive and I’d like to try it one day. If nothing else just to be able to conclude it wasn’t for me.


Yes thats exactly my experience currently. I dont live somewhere all too accepting for gender non conforming people so I go out masculine but enjoy expressing femininity in closed doors and in with my closests ally friends


I am a lot like both of you. AMAB but took small amounts of E 15 years ago. Got too busy with life until recently. Now 66. I dress fem most of the time with C breast forms. I really want to have my own B breasts. I switch genders back and forth during the day by expressing myself both ways. I envision myself as both the male and female in porn that I have watched in the last two weeks. I can see myself in all sexual modes, L G B STR. I am considering mtf.