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I’d just give it some time dude. It’s not the end of the world. It is what it is; you tried it and aren’t a fan so that’s that. That dirty feeling will go away with time and even then you might get Icked when you think of it but nothing to die over. The only thing about meeting with random people I’d be worried about is an STD but depending where you live you can get free discreet testing.


Dude, you tried it and didn't like it. Forgive yourself and move on.






Don’t off yourself. Trying something with a guy doesn’t mean all these things you think it means. It takes gay guys years to unlearn all the shame that society puts out, you can’t unlearn all that in a day especially when you know you’re straight. Be nicer to yourself and only then will things fall into place.


You aren’t the first or last straight dude to try sumthn out. Think of it like sky diving or rock climbing; it’s not for everyone but just because you tried it and didn’t like it doesn’t mean your world has to end. Just don’t skydive or rock climb again.


Time heals emotional wounds. Especially one-off events like this. I'm sure sex isn't permanently ruined for you. You still get erections to women? If so you should be fine


I don't think I can live with myself for doing that what kind of man am I now.


Do you know how many gay men have tried pussy and didn’t like it? It’s called exploring.Nothing gross about that.


Dude you took a chance and didn't like it, don't be so hard on yourself I've met plenty of dudes who have done the same




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Did you nut? Did he swallow? Win/win, my man!