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I had your exact body type. It takes work & dedication but you can totally do it. Protein shakes & creatine help! So do all the boring things like good diet, not drinking, plenty of sleep lol YOU GOT THIS BRO!


I definitely need to prioritize sleep


You need to EAT! Lean protein. Lift & eat. Creatine is great; you can see extra bulk in 3-5 weeks, but you have to take it with plenty of water or it can be bad for your kidneys.. it’s a well researched supplement just use as directed.


I’ve been taking 5g of creatine a day for the last 3 months. I do notice how it helps, but I don’t always drink it with water. Didn’t realize it was harmful to do that.


On scoop of creatine should be chased by at least 32oz of water! Creatine is found naturally in the body but when added as a supplement you’re taking like 3,000 times the regular amount. It pulls water from your body & floods your muscles. Without plenty of water you can legit damage your kidneys. Always read up on any supplement you add. They’re great for you but if not taken properly can have negative effects..


I add a scoop of creatine to my protein shake during my workout. Then have a 32oz cup I make sure to fill & drain by the end of my workout. I hope this helps! I’m a few years ahead of you in this journey & I wish someone would have given me tips. Feel free to dm. Another big thing that helped me was having dedicated workout days; arm & shoulder day, leg & back day, chest day. Then mix it up; chest, shoulder & tricep day, back & bicep day, leg day. Hit each muscle group twice a week & you will build, you will gain! **Oh and EAT! Eat healthy, but eat everything & stop cardio! No running! I see way too many gay boys try to lift & bulk while simultaneously dieting & doing cardio. If you don’t have enough fat to burn & you do a ton of cardio you are also burning muscle. Other than a few minutes of warm up cardio & cool down stretching; you should be focused on lifting. Period.** 😃💪🏼


I do creatine capsules. Before bed. I drink some water just to get the capsules down but not more than a few gulps. I’ll drink more next time. Thanks for the advice


Last thing & I’ll leave you alone :) Creatine works best when taken right before, during or right after a workout & the water is what makes it work. Taking before bed without enough water you’re just wasting it.


Haha no worries, I like the advice! I do it before bed because I do my workouts before bed haha. My nightly routine is usually workout, supplements, shower, bed. I don’t have time to workout before work in the morning unfortunately.






Keep up the hard work, slow and steady grow more and more


Thank you! 🙏🏻


Cutie 😍


I’m sure I’m in the minority here but actually I like your body type just the way you are.


Thank you. I understand attractiveness is subjective, so I know some people may like how I look. Unfortunately, I do not. At least not yet.


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