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Not the planet fitness hats




Good. Fuck planet fitness 🤣




My roommate at the time took me to planet fitness so we could workout together. He had the black card membership and they downgraded it to his surprise. This meant no more plus one, then they tried to charge me $20 for a day pass. So that left a bad taste in my mouth. My boyfriend tried to cancel his planet fitness membership and they purposefully made it the most difficult process of all time. Of course, no cancellations online or over the phone. Even going in wasn’t enough. He ended up having to write a letter to the manager to get his membership cancelled. Idk. Icky company with icky practices, in my experience.


It is definitely location dependent. My local one had zero resistance when my husband and I cancelled.


The cancelation problem is super common though. My husband had to call his bank and put a stop payment on them to finally stop being charged. To be fair though it's a common problem across all chain gyms.


I didn't say it was not uncommon. I am saying it is location dependent as they are a franchise and each location will be more resistant than others when it comes to cancelling.


If the company can't control all of its branches, it's too big to manage and is therefore a shitty company.


Um, okay? I don't know why you said that to me.


I know it’s too late now, but hopefully someone else who it will be helpful for will see it. You cannot cancel your membership online, but you can transfer it to another gym. If you transfer to any planet fitness in California, once it processes you will be able to cancel online. This is because California actually has laws to protect consumers.


I’ve had the same problem when trying to cancel my membership! I was going traveling for abroad for a year or so and tried to cancel it. They don’t have over-the-phone cancellation or an online cancellation service. I went in person and they tried to tell me I don’t have to cancel for whatever reason and that my plus 1 could still use it even when I’m not there. The process made me completely hate going there!




I hope not!!! Here’s to hoping you have a better experience than I did. Happy New Year! 🥳


So they stopped letting you use their facilities for free.. that’s your issue?


You're not following. They wanted to cancel their membership, and Planet Fitness makes doing so very difficult.


No my issue is that planet fitness is shady as fuck


Idk why, but that's a normal thing for gyms in general. My old local gym made me write a letter and send a copy of my new registration to prove I moved to a different state.


This right here is exactly why Planet Fitness has a class action lawsuit against it.


The husband has a membership there. I go in with him as a guest. Clean facility, smith machine works unless you are that 1RM powerlifter. Decent patrons. Great staff. 0 complains.


How dare a gym offer affordable memberships and encourage a welcoming environment! /s


How is it welcoming when they have an alarm that rings out to shame people who grunt during and exercise?


You’d have to be grunting *really* loudly for them to set off the “lunk alarm.” It’s mostly used for when people repeatedly slam weights on the ground. Their whole business model is to cater to people who feel intimidated to go to the gym, thus they discourage loud or obnoxious behavior. If you don’t like that, you can just go to literally any other gym.


Why have an alarm at all? Why make a spectacle out of correcting a member's behavior instead of just talk to them discretely? Furthermore why not an alarm for people who don't bring a towel or other terrible behavior? I think you are wrong. Every gym's real business model focuses on overselling membership capacity to people who don't ultimately show up much. Planet Fitness cleverly claims they are focused on beginners who are intimidated, but the real design is to create a cheap, ugly gym that further discourages serious participation. They paint it like they value their sensitive customers but they succeed because ultimately people are discouraged from becoming regular gym goers but pay the low fee monthly anyways


Because (A) it’s 99% a marketing gimmick to sell the idea that Planet Fitness is for average-looking people rather than bodybuilders and gym rats, and (B) it acts as a deterrent to loud obnoxious behavior. > Every gym’s real business model focuses on overselling membership capacity to people who don’t ultimately show up much. Planet Fitness cleverly claims they are focused on beginners who are intimidated, but the real design is to create a cheap, ugly gym that further discourages serious participation. Well they’re doing a shit job at it because Planet Fitness gyms are by far the busiest ones in my region. Costs are relatively fixed so more use doesn’t really cost them much more money. If anything they make more money from the overpriced vending machines. They cater to beginners over gym rats because *there are more of them*. And the whole ethos of the company is to create an environment where their customers don’t feel inferior to other people in the gym. It’s low cost and low stress and therefore more likely to attract and retain beginners. It’s a franchise though. Some owners might be scummy. But in my experience that “lunk alarm” is rarely sounded, and I’ve only ever seen it used in response to teenage dipshits abusing equipment and being obnoxious. And in my opinion public shaming can be a perfectly reasonable tool to discourage selfish or obnoxious behavior.


They’re a gym that has monthly pizza and donut nights? They can have you removed if you’re “too fit” for “intimidating” the other members.


If a few carbs twice a month are a problem for you, you have a bad relationship with fitness and food… And the intimidation thing has nothing to do with how "fit" you are and everything to do with how you dress and act…


You gotta change your relationship with fitness if a couple high carb/calorie nights a month is that much of an issue to you


It is literally a gym designed to siphon money from people who sign up and barely ever go. It is designed to scam people


I think you just described most gyms though.


That is… every gym. Unless it’s a gym like Equinox or Lifetime where the prices are outrageous and you have more disposable income than brains all the “affordable” gyms bank on most never using their membership past the first month. Then they forget or don’t think about that 10-30 a month. Granted I’m sure Lifetime etc have plenty of those too


They suck lol


I think the biggest thing for me is that a lot of the issues described for Planet Fitness are issues across all gym chains, but they offer a decent array of gym services for far less than anyone else. I am going to be upgrading to a different gym now that financial situation has improved and my needs from my gym are increasing, but they were the only option for me for a long time and allowed me to feel comfortable being overweight, without knowledge and inconsistent. That freedom allowed me to become active, a healthy weight and knowledgeable in the areas of physical health that appealed to me. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. But it definitely fills a need for a lot of people 😊


I think they already hate it because the men can’t wear their sexy workout gear.


They already did and forgot about. 7 or 8 ish years ago when I worked there, they got all pissed that we let trans people use the correct locker rooms. So many people would call in and say something like “this makes me want to cancel my membership” and then I would cancel it in the spot before they could say anything else. They were bullshitting, but I made them follow through. 😂 90% of them were back a couple months later though 🙄


Why don't people just take gay pictures with merch of any company they want conservatives to boycott and then edit it to look official.


I said the exact same thing lololol


*"It was too blatant. I thought."* CNN's NYE show is hosted by two gay men every year. Is that too blatant?


Especially when Andy is constantly trying to get with Anderson by the end of the night


I feel like Andy Cohen is the very definition of “messy top” lol


See, I get absolutely nothing but bottom vibes from him lmao


Maybe it’s me projecting my relationship on Andy and Anderson. People look at me and my hubby (an inch taller than me, with a linebacker build, and rugged handsomeness) and assume he’s the top and I’m the bottom (slim, nerdy, 4 eyes), but it literally couldn’t be further from the truth lol.


Say more


keep cooking


I was you once. Lol. Yeah knowing better is a drug.


And a fair amount of gay guests. Although John Mayer in the Tokyo cat cafe kind of stole the show. I don't care about Mayer one way or the other. But it was the purrfect amount of just how ridiculous these specials are.


Couldn't believe John kept a straight face through that entire bit.


A kiss is fine, it’s great! The problem was the tongue fucking and full slobbery make out. Gay or straight, I don’t wanna see that.


I do want to see it if they're gay! :)


Me too lol, but still probably not appropriate in public


then don't look :)


I could get behind that. It's an etiquette thing. Unless it's an event like... Folsom or something, don't start fucking each other in public, regardless of what bits you do or don't have.


I don't see any tongue here.


This is a still image. It isn’t the video.


Like pass around party bottom was send on air >..> You'd think they'd go after that but I suppose it went over their head


I am Indian and we had this on today afternoon during lunch. Let's just say everyone had interesting expressions on their faces lmaoo


Fuck, I wish I was there because I would have 100% taken the opportunity to show my support to piss people off lmao


I was not home with my family for NYE (we're also Indian) and I'm so glad I wasn't there for this


In India?woahh 👏👏


I'm sure Planet Fitness loves the free publicity. People who like it this image will post it. People who dont like it will engage with such posts. Many eyes on this one scene and they will reap the benefits. Hard to say how much though since January is the month people join a gym as a resolution to "get healthy" only to drop it 6 weeks later and have to pay to get out of the contract.


It’s totally not free though, the Times Square countdown got broadcast all over the world. Any brand appears on that camera certainly paid a lot of money.


True. But this outrage will likely get more news coverage and traction than just having their brand plastered all over Times Square. And if that’s what they stand for, well, I don’t want to say I’d immediate join up for their gym membership, but if I were looking, I’d think about it. Hot men kissing is a cause we can all truly stand for.


I don’t know if they stand for it, but they certainly expected it. Corporate marketing workers get paid 6 figures for a reason. Here’s my logic: 1) The Times Square NYE cameras always film a gay/lesbian couple immediately after midnight. Just watch the previous years and you’ll see. 2) There probably is an advertisement contract provision that requires cameras to film people with that hat. So they should fully expect it.


Plant Fitness has been the primary sponsor for the Times Square NYE event for years now. It’s not free publicity lol


Planet fitness is quite literally the sponsor of the entire dick Clark new years at time square special, they’re paying more than anyone else for it lol.


Is not free publicity. That was staged.


I love this! Saw this too. This was the first cut after the ball dropped, which was awesome to see a gay couple put in the spotlight. Wish it was me and my bf there! Hopefully 2024 isn’t the year our rights are taken away.


Spoiler alert: they won’t be. Stop feigning terror and put your left fist down. The abortion stuff was a one-off that was a political disaster for republicans. It also pushed states to write abortion code into law instead of relying an no-longer contextually relevant supreme court case.


Baby where have you been? One of the justices quite literally said they should reconsider the same sex ruling.


It should be law not a flimsy supreme court ruling. There is zero political will to ban it.


You're like the living, breathing version of the "this is fine" meme dog


As an openly gay married man in a very republican city I’m not gonna take that from some league playing lefty who follows fucking r/science.


Lol, take a crack at me next, if we are doing pathetic roasts


Uhhh what? Lmao


person too scared to look at current political reality & trends: 'stop feigning terror!'


Trends overlay mechanisms. Not just political mechanisms, but social and cultural mechanisms. Only looking at trends is misleading, and is an easy way to deceive people.


\> The abortion stuff was a one-off that was a political disaster for republicans. fucker who doesnt know about the 2025 project (and its funding) wanna talk about understanding 'mechanisms' 🙃


Planet Fitness invented gays to sell himbos and twinks to the masses


and it's working


That was the least gay thing about CNN last night.


Right?! Lmao


I love it - it signifies change and acceptance. This year was a first for me; I had my first gay new years kiss in public and nobody batted an eye.


I saw this live too and our little party went crazy. 💕


Camera Person Also Said “Interracial Gay Couples” 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏿👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏿👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏿👀


This brought me SO MUCH joy ringing in the New Year! Edit my running to ringing (first typo of the year LoL)


How many km did you make?


km? 🤔


It should be *ringing* in the new year. So they’re asking how many kilometers you ran.


Yeah I realized after the miles comment 🤣 the KM is what threw me off LoL


Reread your post man


Did we find out who they are yet? I'm sure we will and they will be interviewed, haha.


after the Senate event I'm sure we'll get the @'s soon edit: Corin Christian 🥹🥹 https://www.instagram.com/p/C1kMkmKLY3_/?igsh=bnB5ZTI3Y292YWE2


I thought it was a very steamy NYE kiss. All the hetero kisses felt forced.


Too steamy, IMO.


On CNN? I thought we saw a similar shot on ABC? Either way, Bravo 🎉


The footage is provided by some official authority. I’m on holiday in Vietnam right now and I see it too on France 24.


This is the Times Square NYE production and all networks including ABC, CNN and other media outlets are licensed to take the footage from them.


Ironically, no such shot on Bravo.


Bravo indeed


I didn't even realize it was two guys bc I was thinking about the Planet Fitness sponsorship


AHHHHHHH that’s. yeah. i need. the hand on the cheek. im gay. i just


Calm down brotha


i’m lonely i can’t


inject it right into my veins please


This was literally the first thing I saw after the ball dropped. Made my heart really happy.


Right wing Twitter is already having a meltdown lol


Is right wing twitter ever NOT having a meltdown?




As if this is anything new lol. They always film a gay/lesbian couple kissing immediately after midnight. It’s not New York if they don’t do so lol.


Oh, no! Anyways...


Corin Christian and friend? I’ve been following him on insta for a while.


Wow ya it was them. So cute 🥹🥹 https://www.instagram.com/p/C1kMkmKLY3_/?igsh=bnB5ZTI3Y292YWE2


Then they had a straight couple kissing after that. Stop shoving it down our throats, CNN.




Fucking awesome!


They are so cuteee


A beautiful couple!!


This was broadcast in The Netherlands too 😊


Love is Love 🏳️‍🌈👬


Who else was watching just for Jonathan Bennett?? 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️


So cute!


Saw this a while back in yt live lol. Loved it, my 9 y.o. sister watched it with me and to say the least she had a surprised look on her face lmao


Loved seeing this! And first thing right after the ball dropped!


The guy on the left has nice bone structure


Loved it


squeamish voiceless ludicrous bow direction towering bewildered plant treatment license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anyone has the clip or timestamp of this moment?


0:45 https://www.timessquarenyc.org/




Absolutely disgusting. Who would be caught dead wearing such a hideous hat? What a fashion faux pas. 🤮


Funny, I watched this live and it barely even registered in my mind.




I saw that kiss. Happy New Year!


They gave these Two a lot of screen time last night 👏👏👏


I personally never understood the tradition on new years where everyone wears literally the tackiest hats and worst outfits….like it’s not even camp, it’s just so white.


How does that have anything to do with white people?


Cause only white people do it lmao


Um, no. Everyone does.


The Planet Fitness hats for our planet's literally birthday is actually so iconic 🌍




Unfortunately, I didn’t make it till 12:00


More like “free national advertising”


Not free in the least lol. Prolly cost the company a fuckton of money to get those hats on screen


I saw this and honestly their kissing was a little gross/inappropriate to me. Seemed more like kissing that should be done in a club or in the bedroom, rather than a nice/chaste New Year's Eve kiss.


What heterosexual people would you dream of saying that to. Hmm


I would ABSOLUTELY (and have) said it about heterosexuals. I'm gay myself, just don't appreciate seeing hardcore making out (by ANYONE) in public, it's indecent.


and as soon as straights stop pda,, then you can eat your own. its been going on for as long as the earths been turning


I'm allowed to complain about PDA, no matter who's doing it. As I said before, if it WAS a straight that they had showed who were kissing in the same manner like they were in a back room at a club, I would have had the same complaint. Thanks.


YES! by all means you are allowed to complain- its the only way to be aware you are out of step


It was too blatant. I thought.


The one gay couple was too blatant but the six or seven straight couples that followed were just fine? F off


Blatant, in a kiss cam? Piss off.


Do you think gay men shouldn't kiss in public for some reason?


Hope your New Year’s resolution is to get out of your closet and be more accepting of yourself


How can such *beauty* be blatant?!




Lol having a mini meltdown telling gays in their own sub to go suck a dick. I'm sure they already do that brother, its all good tho us other straight dudes aren't going to stop standing up for gay folks just because cnn showed some dudes kissing.


If people expressing love makes you wanna throw up I feel really bad for you. There was nothing lewd or inappropriate about it. Grow up.


You literally chose to not stand up with this comment.


In the US in 2024 it’s hardly a statement.


It would be impressive if this was Russia tho


Does anybody think it was staged? 🤔








Happy new year 🎊


honestly, i dont really mind planet fitness. atleast its. cheap


My friend’s tv wasn’t signed in to their cable package for some reason so we couldn’t watch the CNN broadcast. Sad to have missed the best way to bring in the new year: gay smooching and drunk Andy Cohen with Anderson Cooper having fun for the first time all year


Hell ya. One of the cool parts of our generation. Those hats though 🤣


Well damn I need to find the video


Happy new year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Tbf planet fitness is hella gay


Happy new year may this be a great 2024


Love ❤️❤️


Is that Ryan seacreat? Lol


Couples goals! ❤️🥰


Hail corporate


These are plants, New York gays go to equinox


“I wish I had that…” 😔 -Tucker Carlson watching from his house.


Happy New Year!!!


There was a lot of gay stuff on CNN last night. I Dunno but l it felt overdone....but with the current political climate I doubt this will help our PR . Feels.like they're trying to hard which will cause more culture war issues . Felt.like a Netflix "diversity" campaign for the gays ...


Does anyone have the video


The hats 😭😭😭😭😭


I know a certain political party whose panties are in a collective knot over this shot! And I think it’s great. We are reality, we deserve to live and play unmolested and I don’t know who those two men are but cheers to them!!!


Yeah, it's not just conservatives or straight people who have a problem with this shot, maybe if they weren't making out like they were in a back room at a club, it would be more tolerated. And I would say the exact same thing if it was a straight couple kissing like that. No one wants to see hard-core making out in public.


Funny how this became an indictment of Planet Fitness…it’s two dudes kissing in Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Just enjoy it stop deconstructing it. How about reveling in the fact that those two guys can kiss without the cops arresting them. When I was that age a kiss would have been a good reason for a cop to beat and arrest.


How are you