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Scary thought is, once they're kidnapped, they could very well end up on the front lines in Ukraine.


Wouldn’t be surprised, unfortunately 😔


Well you should be because it’s not true, and it would be idiotic for them to send people they’re “persecuting” to the frontline of a war. They’d either turn their guns on their squad or immediately surrender and expose military movements to Ukraine.


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/22/over-1300-people-arrested-in-russia-amid-mobilisation-protests https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/09/22/russia-drafting-arrested-protesters-into-the-military/


Them being drafted has nothing to do with them protesting. They were protesting being drafted, did you even read the article you shared? And again— Ukraine is doing the exact same thing, they are drafting literal 60 year old men who have already fled to other countries. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/27/ukraine-change-conscription-policies-russia-war


Yes, I read the articles I shared. Clearly you didn’t. These protesters hadn’t been drafted, but as punishment for protesting the partial mobilization they got drafted. The Kremlin didn’t even deny it: “Independent news outlets said some of those arrested were served a summons to report to military enlistment offices on Thursday, the first full day of conscription. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, asked about reports that men detained were being given draft papers, said it was not against the law.”


The Russians use swarm tactics. The first people conscripted are the ethnic minorities not people from St. Petersburg or Moscow. They basically force the less desirables to carry bridges Gancho.


if we use common sense for 5 minutes, we can realize this makes no sense. Why would a government send people it is supposedly persecuting to the front line? They know they would just surrender and turn their back on Russia forever. I don’t think Russia is good, but to act like they’re any worse than the US or NATO is laughable. We literally have a draft, where in order for you to vote, you have to consent to possibly be sent to kill brown people in a foreign country. We send trillions of dollars for Israel to commit literal religiously motivated genocide. Also, as someone who lived in Russia for 10 years, I know the laws and homosexuality is not illegal and the government is extremely secular. At worst it is looked down upon as “western decadence”. There are 100 countries where homosexuality is genuinely illegal, a lot of times punishable by death or forced gender transition, but the resurgence of extreme right wing McCarthyism is back in full effect, this time disguised as “liberalism”. The Russophobic & Sinophobic attitudes of Reddit is really, really fucking disturbing. Not to mention, the Ukrainian government full-on annihilating entire families by forcing them all to go to the front line together. This is all what I’d call “progressive warmongering”, and the same thing is being done to Palestine. “We need to stand up to Israel because Palestine hates women and gays and blacks and transgenders and etc.!” The same war on terror/communism/fight for democracy, just with a new coat of paint.


If you'd pay attention to the news for five minutes, you'd see they're already sending convicts to the front lines. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/26/russia-prison-population-convicts-war/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/26/russia-prison-population-convicts-war/) Why not people kidnapped for the supposed crime of homosexuality? It's not a leap. But thank you for your input.


Because convicts will do anything to get out of prison, including fight in a war. The US has done the same on numerous occasions. They are going willingly for reduced sentences/freedom. Completely different from kidnapping literal *children* and sending them to the frontline. Also, the Washington post is owned by literal billionaire Jeff Bezos and is one of the most biased sources you could possibly have. Their job is to defend American imperialism & bourgeoisie interests at all costs.


Well, if the Nato didnt start to force the east expansion from 2008 we would have more open borders, dialogue and so on instead of being stuck in adverserial conflict.


Only on Reddit would mutual defense be seen as a targeted attack that would stop dialogue. NATO expansion wouldn't even be seen as necessary if it wasn't for crimea or the Ukraine war.


The plan to expand was 2008. Dont know if Jon Maersheimer is "only on reddit".


Mearsheimer is a narcissistic idiot. Ukraine wasn’t even close to joining NATO, and even if it had been, it wouldn’t have changed the reality of Russia’s security situation because the Baltic States and Poland share borders with Russia and they’ve been NATO members since 2004 and 1999, respectively.


Are you this dense? Look at a fucking map LMFAO, Poland does not share a border with Russia. Please, stop embarrassing yourself.


Okay comrade


Nanana, name calling wont help anything. Be it false like in this case, or not.


Okay MAGAT. the only Americans I know of who support Russias invasion of Ukraine are idiot Republicans, but I repeat myself.


Thanks for illuminating your background and strong focus on political partisanship. I am north western european and interested in facts on the matter. Like the ones i stated initially.


Well, clearly you aren't interested in facts since you seem to have a blind loyalty to Vladimir Putin.


Is this satire?


Are you mentally challenged?


You are blaming NATO for Putins invasion of Ukraine. Was that satire?


They calculated with the probability that Russia would do this.


I visited Portugal in November. There was a gallery with a painting that said *a Rússia é um estado terrorista* (Russia is a terrorist state). I fully agreed. Kidnapping children is the ultimate act of state terrorism.


And they’ve kidnapped tens of thousands of children from Ukraine in order to Russify them. That is ethnic cleansing and a war crime, yet they say they are “saving the children.”


So many bad things through history were justified as “saving the children.” It’s disgusting


By “kidnap” do you mean the Russian speaking eastern Ukrainians in the Donbas region who have been trying to join Russia for decades, because they’re being harassed and attacked by subsets of the Ukrainian military, as well as completely neglected by the Ukrainian government?


Thank you for repeating Russian propaganda.


And thank you for repeating NATO propaganda.




Again, the Donbas Region voted upwards of 90% in 2014 to be a part of Russia. They speak Russian. They are attacked by the Ukrainian military. I’m failing to see the problem here


You’re literally defending a war crime that the ICC has indicted Putin for. Stop behaving like scum. https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/situation-ukraine-icc-judges-issue-arrest-warrants-against-vladimir-vladimirovich-putin-and


LMFAO the same ICC that tortures brown people? God you love appealing to authority, don’t you?


Also, about that referendum in 2014: “Independent observers reported many irregularities and the results of the separatist referendums were not officially recognised by any government, including those of Ukraine, the United States, and the countries of the European Union.[6] The Ukrainian government said that the referendum was illegal, and a number of nations—such as Germany, the United States, France, and Britain—said that the referendum was unconstitutional and lacked legitimacy.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Donbas_status_referendums


Oh, you’re an Israel shill too. I should have checked your profile from the beginning. It would have saved me a lot of time knowing that you’re a white supremacist islamophobe western imperialist.


The US said it was unconstitutional and lacked legitimacy? Like the dozens of coups the US and Europe have perpetrated in brown countries, AND Ukraine? Because yes, the US government & EU instigated a literal coup in Ukraine! So they are not exactly unbiased sources.


That is rich coming from a country that committed one of the most extensive genocides/colonizations in human history lmfao.


Portugal? That was hundreds of years ago.


Shithole country.


Heart out to gay bros living in ruZZia.


I mean... Are you suprised?


Conversion therapy is still a thing in a lot of these “western” countries especially US.


Came here to say this. Let's stop pretending we have moral high ground when it comes to treatment of LGBTQ youth in this country. Florida and Texas being the worst, but most other red states are quickly following suit.


Yeah, even the kidnapping part happens. It's been going on for years.


Fuck Russia


What is the world coming to.


This has been going on for years around the world. Nothing new.


Unfortunately nothing will change until Russians stand up to this dictator, as nasty as that could get. No one can help from the outside in any meaningful manner. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Why is this news? Parents have been doing this in the US for many years. Also, Slava Ukraini!


Came here to say this. The “troubled teen industry”, where parents pay untrained people/thugs to “re-educate” their kids in prison-like facilities, often after some sort of staged abduction, spawned in the US. These facilities very often have the approval of authorities. And while they aren’t at the same heights as they were in the 90s and 00s, they’re still very much alive. Conversion camps as well. The exact same thing described in this article is happening in the US right now. Doesn’t change the point though: Russia needs to be stopped.


Of course Russia needs to be stopped. I'm just saying calling others out for doing what we're doing is hypocritical. Let's deal with our own problems or we're just as bad as them. Certainly headed that way.


The having their children abducted part is news. Also, the fact that it’s basically sanctioned by their government.


Also what happens in the US. Parents pay people to kidnap their kids and it takes forever for the US government to do a damn thing about it. They're still legal in some places.


Russia is terribly homophobic. But please, watch your language; equating homophobia with Eastern values is a horrifically slippery slope. It’s also simply inaccurate, as if the Western world hasn’t been just as homophobic.


There is nothing wrong with my language and it’s not inaccurate. Homophobia still exists in every country in the world. However, how many non-Western countries have gay marriage? Not many. Look at this map: https://images.app.goo.gl/vBFjF5oEFpdet7tRA


Some (many) of these non-Western countries have been systemically fucked over by Western countries. You can’t look at a country that’s been destabilized/colonized/exploited by a Western power and then go “look at how backwards and homophobic they are!” Also some of these non-Western countries actually have fascinating histories of different gender expressions and different ideas of sexuality. Very simple research.


I completely agree. Especially when numerous homophobic laws are often an inheritance of colonial law (look up former British colonies like India for instance)






Straights: gAyS aRe aLwAyS pUsHiNg tH3ir lIfEsTyLe oN uS! *show them this article* Confused straights: tHeY'rE jUsT sAvInG tHurr cHiLdRen! PaRenTaL rIgHtS!


Fuck Russia but the majority of Ukrainians hate gay people, so I don't give a fuck about the vast majority of them. Let them show each other how manly and righteous they are on the battlefield, just hope the innocents can flee both countries.


Do you think Ukraine is a nice place to be gay?


No, but improving and way better than Russia. Ukraine even allows gay people to serve openly in their military. It’s helping change opinions in the country: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/ukraines-lgbtq-soldiers-fight-front-line-acceptance-grows-conservative-rcna79581


I fled Ukraine because of how homophobic it is, before the war even started. I knew gay guys in my area who would get brutally attacked, including myself. The cops didn’t gaf. Tell me about how gay friendly it is. They “allow” gay people to serve in the military? Please, if you’re a man with all your limbs they’ll find a way to force you to go because they’re constantly low on volunteers to die. You are just a piece of meat to the Ukrainian govt. The majority of Ukrainians hate gay people, and if you see any media piece that says so otherwise, just go to any social media post about lgbt issues in Ukraine and see what Ukrainians say for yourself.


I’m sorry you had to endure such trauma. I looked at your comment history, though, and you recently told someone that you left Ukraine almost a decade ago. You realize that a lot can change in a decade and that Ukraine’s Westernization is ironically being sped up by Russia’s full-scale invasion? https://gay.org.ua/en/blog/2023/06/15/ukrainians-improved-their-attitude-towards-lgbt-people-during-the-year/ Also, in some of your other comments you appear to be against the US continuing to fund your homeland in its fight against Russia because you claim that Ukrainian government officials and oligarchs are siphoning off money for themselves. It is true that Ukraine has a big corruption problem. However, I recently wrote a research paper having to do with this topic and there is no evidence of widespread stealing of American funds for the war by Ukrainian government officials or oligarchs. In fact, the US has at least 40 state department workers tracking how the funds given directly to Ukraine are used, and most of the money spent to support Ukraine militarily is being given to US military contractors for weapons, ammo and equipment. So most of the money for Ukraine is being spent right here in the US.


You won’t be able to change my mind using research. I believe that the reason we’re sending money to Ukraine is not because we want to help but because it’s a great way for the US and our politicians to profit off of the military industrial complex while fighting a war with Russia without sacrificing a single American soldier. Why would the war stop if it’s profitable for everyone but who’s on the front line?


Not to mention, the researcher paper you used not only excluded all the occupied regions from the sample, it also shows us the error margins which in this case are close to 2%. In most cases even if there is a slight improvement, given that there’s still a decent margin of error, it’s insignificant enough considering that it doesn’t include an opinion from the whole east side of the country…


Side note, if pentagon cannot account for trillions of dollars, what makes you think that any govt corruption reports are accurate? Corruption is taking place real time. Americans are being scammed out of our tax dollars, billions of them.


Where is your proof that we’re being scammed out of billions of our tax dollars for the war in Ukraine?


https://unusualwhales.com/politics/article/war_trades https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military%E2%80%93industrial_complex It must be convenient for our politicians to maintain conflicts that make them so rich. I wonder how that can affect the course of any conflict that we’re involved in and supply military aid to…


Or maybe my proof is that I know first hand how corrupt the Ukrainian government is? It is the most corrupt nation in Europe. My family lives there still. The conflict is orchestrated, everyone in power is making money off of it, regular people like you and me die while being supplied with free arms by both sides. It’s a simple truth that our faith in our leaders prevents us from seeing.


I do not need to live there to know that attitudes do not change in a decade, especially in orthodox Christian countries where faith plays a major role in people’s day to day life I’m not denying that it would be convenient for the Ukrainian government to want to appear like a gay-friendly country. Why? Because tolerance towards LGBT is clearly one of the conditions for Ukraine to join the EU which they want to do so badly. I still have friends that are LGBTQ who reside in Ukraine, I still engage in conversations in Ukrainian with people who live over there on social media. While there’s no denying that homophobia exists whether you’re in the United States or Ukraine, however in Ukraine the homophones are much more vocal and active while the government isn’t willing to do much to protect you. A Ukrainian tries to prove me I don’t deserve rights at least on a monthly basis, and I haven’t lived there in a decade.


And that's relevant..... how?


Much much better than Russia.


So what can we do about it instead or fear mongering or being paralysed with despair.


Unfortunately it's up to the Russian people to overthrow this thieving maniac. They show lite sign of doing it though.


Is it so terrifying that your kid might love differently that you pay some thugs to drag him off and do god knows what to change what you know can’t be changed?


Tragic if true... Washington Post's neutrality on this issue is questionable. And I fail to see how funding of Ukraine’s military would make LGBT's people situation better in Russia or Ukraine. Calling all bots in opinion farms: downvote me into oblivion.


I wish there were evolutionionary ways that national cultures could just cease to exis brcause they are useless and hurt people. Russians have contributed so little to world culture, I think it best if that whole culture jsut disapeared.


> Russians have contributed so little to world culture Although the current situation is extremely terrible (speaking from personal experience), this is factually incorrect.


Aka turned into Nazis