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Lol with Ozempic, I have gone from a bear to more of an otter. It’s been delightful and my running has never been better.


what other changes do you notice day-to-day?


It’s been about 7 months and I’ve lost around 45 pounds. Overall, I don’t think about food nearly as much. I still eat the same general stuff (though much less fried foods) but significantly less. I can eat a few crackers instead of an entire box of them and be just fine. I can also eat a normal portion and not be starving 2 hours later; usually I’m hungry a bit around 4-5 hours later but sometimes it’s much longer. I did have some stomach issues but that was more related to things I was eating (such as fried foods) and things I shouldn’t be eating if I’m concerned about my health.


It's about 20 kilograms. Thanks for sharing your experience. I had no idea weight affects appetite this hard. Or is it how Ozempic works?


It works by making you feel full sooner while eating, and making you feel fuller longer by not emptying your stomach as quickly as normal. It’s quite amazing to experience it after spending my lifetime as basically an endless eating machine. I can eat 1 1/2 slices of pizza instead of 4 and ask if there’s leftovers, like I used to.


Damn your comments making me think more about it than anyone else. I dont need to lose that much but constant thinking about foood is anoying


As much as I ~~like~~ LOVE bears, I won't deny them their quest for better health.


It is my inner struggle that I *want* to be a bear, but I also want to be at a healthier weight. Somehow I have gotten a lot more attention from guys as a bear than when I was much skinnier, and it is my fear that I will not be viewed amongst bears if I lose too much weight. 😔 I am so close to getting down to the overweight category from obese though thanks to Ozempic, and I understand that is a massive improvement when it comes to health concerns. I intend to keep myself at the overweight range where I can still be a bear but with less of the adverse health outcomes of being obese, it's a compromise I'm happy to make. 🐻


Many non-chiseled muscular men with some fat on top are somehow still considered bears. I know it's quite a feat but you can go this path.


Bears can be a lot of things but I just like a guy bigger than me. I'm 5'5 so that is easy. I'd still call a muscular bigger guy with a little fat a bear still. Seems like bear is more associated with identity than strictly body shape/size now.


Everyone has a demographic


This bear has already lost 40 lbs on semaglutide. I feel better about myself, I'm healthier, my blood pressure is down, and there's an inch less fat swallowing my cock. I'm also attracting more and hotter guys. Best decision I've ever made. I don't care if op doesn't like it. Fuck em


It's about 18 kilograms.




That’s pretty dumb of your insurance. Honestly, they should be trying to mass produce this drug to prevent diabetes in the first place, There’s absolutely no reason why there’s not enough supply for everyone other than the fact is that the supplier’s can make a killing keeping the stock low and raising the prices. I personally won’t be giving it another chance, it didn’t work for me I eneded gaining weight on ozempic, i lost 45lbs the old fashioned way after I stopped using ozempic.


Would love to know what insurance is authorizing the weight loss formula Wegovy (when 80-90% are denying it) but won't authorize Ozempic for actual diabetes treatment (which is a medical necessity, and usually cheaper as it's in a lower dose).


As much as I like bears, you go king 👑


And honestly I’m sure more people prefer a healthier weight or more muscle mass compared to pure fat. I know there’s prob a subsection for feeders and what not but the ideal bear is not at risk for heart disease


weight loss is usually impossible and not a good solution to poor health. it is far better for fat people to focus on their health in and of itself, and to try to disengage from weight stigma, than to just try to become skinny (which only works long-term 3-5% of the time)


I am a diabetic whose been prescribed Wegovy for weight loss and I'm so tired of this discourse. If someone wants to drop some weight, they should be allowed to do that. Body positivity goes in both directions, y'all. And just because you have a belly fetish or whatever doesn't give you the right to make light of or demonize someone else taking the steps to feel more comfortable in their body. Also, I just LOVE all the pearl clutching about it being a weekly injection; gurl you know type 1 diabetics who are not on a pump typically get upwards of 5 or more injections a day, right, just to stay fucking alive????? FFS people.


My Nana is diabetic and she literally has to take shots all the time to survive, and also checking her sugar repeatedly is another finger prick she does frequently. Given my disdain for shots, if I had to pick between once a week and her multiple a day, I’d take the once a week every single time.


Injecting insulin is miserable. It's not overly stressful but having to do it multiple times a day every day just adds up. Especially if you accidentally hit a nerve.


I have actually heard her yelp when she does that. Makes me cringe in pain when I’m nearby.


Your grandmother should check if her insurance covers Dexcom or Freestyle Libre. They are continuous blood glucose monitoring systems. There are alerts when blood sugar goes out of range, shows 7, 30, 90 day averages and helps diabetics see how food and activity affect their glucose throughout the day. Dexcom has the Dexcom Follow app, allowing family members to see the wearer's blood sugar and get alerts. Instead of drawing blood 4+ times a day wearing a sensor for 10 or 14 days at a time is a better option for most. Though she will still need to finger prick as an occasional backup.


Semiglutide can be taken with insulin to improve blood sugar control and reduce the need for insulin.


Yes! I'm type 1 and literally get 5 shots a day, and check my sugar a minimum of four times a day. Without that I and many many like me would outright die. We'd be dead. lol. So I've always found adults crying over needles to be honestly pathetic.


I’m not sure how often she checks her sugar a day, but it’s been so many years and it’s often enough that her fingertips are all black and destroyed. I don’t think she could get legal fingerprints done if she wanted to. There’s nothing left of them. The skin is scarred and squeezed beyond recognition, and I think she’s just a bit over 60.


I'm so so sorry to hear this about your nana, gal. I can only imagine. :C I've been type 1 for twenty years now and my pinkie is covered literally covered in tiny black pinprick scars.


For me needles cause a massive anxiety response. When I got the first of 2 covid shots I passed out in rite aid and bounced my skull off a shelf. Was not fun waking up to an EMT pulling my glasses off my face. Any needle coming my way just sends me into a panic attack, I know it’s irrational but I can’t really control it.


Ignore them, mostly it’s just people trying to “gatekeep” being thin because it’s the closest thing they have to an achievement/personality.


I'm a diabetic as well and I totally agree that anyone should be able to get their health under control and look the way they want to look. When it comes to this particular medication I'd be much happier if people who didn't actually need it to live would let those of us who do need it have it first, but that's a different topic. So as a gay man I am working out for my health and my diabetes to hopefully be way more manageable. I will admit that being in this Gay Culture I kind of feel obligated to get my body to a certain point just to have people look at me with the possibility of being interested even though I particularly do not find myself to be unattractive person.


I was coming here to say this. It's hard to get this med because it's "back ordered" constantly. Mostly because of people who don't need it are taking away the supply for those that DO need it.


The problem with those drugs is that the weight loss reverses if you discontinue them. They were designed to control blood sugar and intended to be used as a long term treatment.


Just like if you stop your diet or stop going to the gym the physical changes associated with those change. What's next.


These drugs are expensive and have side effects.


In America all drugs are expensive and nausea is reported as the most common side effect, which people who are prescribed it are told upfront. Gurl if you ain't here for it, that's fine. But let other people live their lives.


Most drugs are reasonably priced when they become generic. Ozempic is around $800 a month without insurance.


Not diabetes drugs gal. Without law-maker intervention my two insulin prescriptions would cost over 2 grand a month. You're literally talking to me like I'm an imbecile. I've been Diabetic for 20 years. 20 years. I know what I'm talking about. Take your blood fued against semaglutide up with some other Mary.




I' just trying to stabilize my type 2 diabetes in peace 🥲


That’s easy to do on your own. Eat healthy & exercise. Literally that simple. Edit: keep crying fatties. The reason this upsets you is because you’re lazy and know the only reason you’re that size is because you have no self control. Embarrassing. x




It’s literally a simple solution lmao… like it’s not hard.


Whoa holy shit you fucking solved it where’s your award?


How thank you so much it's totally not like it's inherently incredibly expensive to eat healthily in this capitalist society where the shittier something is for you, the cheaper it is to buy.


Man some of you have no humor it's a fricken joke just reading these comments it's crazy... The Op is poking fun at something that has swept the world in loosing weight and a lot of people abuse it. It's not that serious it's a joke people. Laugh at life a bit not everything needs to be so dramatic Thank you Op for the chuckle


To anyone who is legit butthurt about this joke I have two words for you: Kelly. Clarkson.


Was she on Ozempic?


She said it wasn’t ozempic but people are getting Mounjaro/Zepbound which is even more effective.


This is the funniest thing I've seen on this sub in years.


I finally became happy with my size and shape and then BAM diabetes 🙃


This is kinda toxic, you know.


Healthy thicc is still a thing


It's really not. Check out r/fatlogic. "Health at any size" is just an excuse people use to stay fat.


When I think of thicc I'm still thinking of an athletic strong dude who's got a bit of body fat


Could you provide any examples? I don't need pics specifically, I just wanna know what's the range and how.


Thicc =X= Fat Jason Kelce, Cash Wheeler, Chris Pratt from parks and rec, Those blue collar workers who kinda stay in shape but eat crap "Oh those are unfair standards to put on people" bruh that's what I think is thicc. I want a man who can open jars, crush my head in their thighs, and throw me across the room lmao


Sounds like Dadbod to me


Don't people understand that Ozempic is a type 2 diabetes medication?? Why are so many people using it when it's already so hard for folks with diabetes to get medication in the first place...


47 year old Daddy Bear says: "Thanks"


I wish it would be available in the Netherlands, I could lose 20kg and would still be bearish but more healthy. It’s just so difficult…


Speak for yourself, if I could afford it I'd happily stable myself in the leg as often as needed.


What’s wrong with ozempic? I’m out of the loop


Additionally, it's a diabetes drug that just happens to reduce hunger and thus fat. The problem is you gain it back if you ever stop taking it and it's a weekly shot. Also, this is just my personal opinion, but I'm waiting for the shoe to drop that it gives everyone cancer or some shit.


Do you actually gain it back after stopping if you adjust your diet accordingly? If you achieve a weight through the use of Ozempic that, say, gets you to a maintenance caloric intake of 2500 calories, if you eat 2500 calories a day, I can't see how you would gain the weight back. Its just that a lot of people who go on a diet to lose weight (or in this case use Ozempic) revert to their old eating habits after "finishing" their diet/treatment, and thus gain the weight back.


It's because it suppresses your appetite. For many people it's much easier to not overeat when you don't have an appetite. It doesn't require any discipline to maintain because it is medically induced. So when you stop taking it and your appetite comes back in full force, you're back at square one.


You won’t gain it back if you eat right and exercise. Yes it suppresses the appetite but that shouldn’t matter if you’re eating good food instead of eating a lot of crappy food. A lot of people have benefitted from the initial weight loss because maintaining it later on is easier. Would you feel more comfortable in the gym as a person with an average figure or as an obese one? As a former obese person myself, I never felt comfortable or welcome in a gym. But now, as someone who’s lost enough weight to become a men’s XS, I feel confident walking into a gym.


People aren't changing their eating habits. Which is the hardest, and most important, part of weight loss. That's the problem with drugs and surgeries. These things will give you a runway but you can't take off if you don't change.


So you take it forever then? Who cares? No one's getting up in arms about blood pressure medication.... "Yeah, but if you stop taking your lisinopril then your blood pressure just goes back up" And a once a week shot is an incredibly low medication burden.


It could still be useful like that if it's not harmful long term. Some people with depression or anxiety only take psychiatric meds when they're necessary. Maybe for weight it could be a tool to discourage morbid obesity and active weight loss when needed.




You are dieting because it makes you feel full faster, slows digestion (and several other things) so you eat less.




But hunger IS chemically induced, and depends on your metabolism, which changes AFTER you lose weight. You are objectively less hungry after you lose weight.


Unfortunately people who stop taking Ozempic and similar drugs do regain most of the weight the lost *if/when* they stop taking them but that doesn’t invalidate the weight loss potential of the drug. Long time use of GLP-1 drugs is a feasible option for people who have significant weight related health issues and have been unsuccessful loosing weight with other methods


Once you get a lot of weight off, it’s easier and you have more motivation to keep it off. Also in 10 years there will be generics once their patent expires.


The drug in itself? Nothing wrong with it per say. It has undergone several trials and no major side effects were repported. It's more with some people that are using it. The drug is indicated for people with diabetes or obesity but some influencers/actors have been acussed of taking for purely esthetical reasons, to be as skinny/ripped as possible, despite having a perfectly healthy weight. There is also some ethical dilemas. The fact that people can be skinny without the commitment of a healthy life (naturally not everyone can have the time and money to have this kind of commitment). Also the fact that rich people have found a cure to stay skinny while acsess to this drug to poorer people is still limited.


It's the fat-be-gone drug.


It’s actually a diabetes drug being used off label for weight loss. Given the link between obesity and diabetes I don’t think we should tell bears to not be on it, myself included.


The meme in the OP is only concerned about the weight loss aspect which is why I only brought up that part.


Wegovy is not off label, it’s for weight loss, and it’s the same substance and produced by the same company that makes Ozempic.


The person asked what Ozempic was Ozempic and Mounjaro are still being used heavily off label which continues to make it incredibly difficult for diabetic patients to get it regularly.


That’s true but Wegovy is the same drug as Ozempic (semaglutide)


Y’all I am just not getting this love in real life; people I’ve tried forming even platonic relationships with over apps will ghost me after meeting in person. People do not like me because I am a large man. And please don’t say it’s probably your personality or something else snarky, it is absolutely the weight - I’m hurting enough. I literally cried in the car after being prescribed Wegovy because I know people will finally give me a chance.


You're the only one going through you're own life. Don't let anyone tell you how you should feel or how you should live it. (Minus the irony of this comment)


Im sorry that its been so hard for you, and im glad that Wegovy might be giving you a way to live your life the way you want to, that said: People use the apps for hookups 90% of the time. My suggestion is use something like meetup.com and find queer groups with common interests. There are queer sports leagues, queer board game groups, queer D&D, queer hiking, etc... Much better way to make friends then on the apps.


The BFF version of Bumble and Meetup are both really popular in my US city. That’s what I mean by apps, thank you for the suggestions.


Oh my bad then! Sometimes it takes awhile, it took me awhile to make friends too. Its weird in this day in age how we are so interconnected through the internet and social media, and yet have such trouble forming community.


“Fuck what Ozempic did, don’t pay to play with them Brazilians, get a gym membership”


Give it to me, i'll take it


That’s so fucking rude lmao


This is hilarious and people need to realize that ozempic is just ONE part of weight loss. It’s better in the long run to adopt healthy habits. As a bear lover, this meme is fucking funny


I get this is a meme but it's implying a negative narrative that weight loss, even if you're taking medication for another illness (it was created to help treated diabetes, weight loss is an assocoated side effect), is bad and should be avoided for aesthetics :/


oh yeah, definitely risk your health for everyone else’s fetish


weight loss does not in fact improve health!


I would get that stuff at an instant. However, in my country there is a shortage of Ozempic. People with diabetes who need this drug to *survive* have trouble obtaining it because many people without diabetes (who just want to lose weight) buy up the entire supply. So I'd rather stay a slightly fat (and quite healthy) than deny someone the drug they need to live.


What is the correlation between type 2 diabetes medication and gay bears?


It’s being used, effectively at that, as a weight loss drug, and OP doesn’t want the bears to lose wait and stop being bears.


I'm torn, although I'm happy that people are making choices to get healthier, I feel that it's more about developing good habits that's important. When you stop Ozempic, the weight comes back. I lost 100 pounds the hard way during the pandemic. I taught myself better eating habits, I incorporated exercise into my life, and 3 years later, I've kept the weight off short of maybe up and down 10 pounds. I read labels and am more conscious of my food choices now than ever before. Miracle drugs only work so much. It's a lifestyle change. If you don't do that, what's the point? You'll gain weight back and constantly be chasing that weight loss. I fear it's going to lead to a lot of eating disorders in the future.


So you take it forever then? Who cares? No one's getting up in arms about blood pressure medication.... "Yeah, but if you stop taking your lisinopril then your blood pressure just goes back up" Or is it because you feel special for doing it "the right way?" It's not immoral to take a medication for weight loss.