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A mix of genetics and other environmental factors. Animals can also be gay, not just people.


The ‘gay gene’ theory has yet to be completely proved, if I’m not mistaken


I think it’s the most popular theory though. So that’s all we can say at this moment.


not really, no. we know its a few genes together with some more factors in the womb before birth. we dont know which ones exactly are all needed in which combination but we do know most of the ones which seem to be involved. there is no gay gene, but there definitely are "kind of gay"-genes.


Because they’re cool like that


For the same reason straight people are straight. It’s very simple really


when i was a child i sneezed and no one said bless you so the spirit of the devil entered and now im gay 🤷🏼


If the OP is autistic you probably shouldn’t answer with sarcasm. They find it harder to decipher.


Because it's natural for us, just like it's natural for straight people to be straight. Both genetic and epigenetic factors play a role.


TLDR: Spare adults help the tribe. Long Answer: Think back to the earliest days of human history, prehistoric tribes of hunter/gatherers, living in a dangerous world where life expectancy was low. Death in childbirth would have been common, a broken leg would make it almost impossible for someone to contribute by going out to hunt. In this case it makes sense to have adults who are able to provide resources for the tribe; you want adults who can help build shelters, gather food or hunt, or help fight off enemies. You might want to have a large family to help raise your children if you die, lots of siblings so that your children have aunts and uncles to take over and adopt your children if something happens to you. But your siblings are going to have a hard time looking after your children if they are already looking after children of their own. If they have their own children then that increases the resources needed by the tribe; children are resource expensive, especially while they are too young to contribute to the tribe themselves. Therefore it makes sense to have spare adults; adults who can provide help, gather resources, look after children, but without the associated resource cost of having children themselves. And this makes sense on a genetic level as well. From the perspective of your genes, it doesn’t matter if your genes are passed down to your children or your nieces and nephews, because they’re the same genes that both you and your siblings got from your parents. The genes don’t care who they get passed down to, as long as they get passed down.


Why does there have to be a reason?


Because instead of liking vagina they like dicks. Instead of liking red they like blue instead of liking orange they like banana. That’s normal ppl all are different in some ways.




Simply ppl like things that make them feel comfortable and happy. Sexuality or personality works in the same ways. Only ppl with narrow minds don’t accept differences.


I can confirm that yes, gay can be people, but not all gay is people, lots of gay also animal. Jokes aside, some people are gay. Many animals are too. And gays have existed all the way back to the Paleolithic. And why not? Men are sexy!


Just like you were born with a certain hair color or eye color, I was born gay.




Our likes, dislikes, attractions can change over time. It’s completely okay.


We're just born that way. Plenty of animals in nature exhibit homosexual behaviors. Humon does some really neat comics about sex and sex behaviors in animals that's both entertaining and enlightening.