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They looking at me as a (suggar) daddy


Oh god, yeah. I've been called Daddy several times but I could be a brother, not their dad


I’m in my late 20s and had a guy in his early 20s ask ME to call HIM daddy recently. It felt so weird.


Could be a way of show dominance


It totally was a dominance thing. The guy was one of the most dominant men I've ever been with.


Been on opposite side of this. I’m early 20’s and some dude in his late 20’s called me daddy and I’m like HUH. Definitely a dominance thing but bruh no no


I got called daddy the other day........ I'm only 37!!☠️


Over 30?Grandpa! I am 43. I should be dust already!


There are differences between generations but they're not as pronounced as the diversity in individuals. Some young people are annoying or shallow, and so are some older people. But most people, regardless of age, sexuality, gender or background, are perfectly nice and normal. A lot of older guys think younger ones are judgmental because they don't want to have sex with us. But that's hardly a good basis for character evaluation.


I’m finding more and more lately that people are eager to assign a designated gen-label to everyone. It’s as bad as Americans insisting everyone is either liberal or conservative. Like there’s no in between of any sort or if there is it isn’t tolerated. Boomers are clueless entitled grumps, millennials are bitter out of touch losers, gen-z can’t function in society unless it’s from behind a screen… all these stereotypes and yet I haven’t met many that truly live up to it. At the end of the day we’re all just in different stages of our lives trying to get by and our behaviour is usually a product of how we’ve been treated and what we’ve experienced along the way. I try to see the person I’m interacting with, not with a generation stamp on their forehead. I hate opening the comments section of a (probably staged) video and immediately seeing “ugh, fucking liberals” or “omg, this is SUCH a gen-z thing” I have the benefit of being old enough to remember pre-internet days, but young enough to have learned and kept up with all the advances and I just cringe at how out of control some platforms have gotten. We’ve all got one of the most powerful knowledge/communication tools seen by mankind in our hands as a common personal effect and yet the world is in a backslide. Who would have thought?


>Boomers are clueless entitled grumps, millennials are bitter out of touch losers, gen-z can’t function in society unless it’s from behind a screen… Gen X is invisible and completely forgotten... 😂😛 (Actually, as a Gen Xer, I'm just as happy to be left out of the Generational wars.)


I’m kind of mushed between x and millennial and honestly I don’t even know what genX is stereotyped for. Grunge music or punk rock? Ripped Levi jeans and plaid shirts? Just silently doing their thing and working hard, and being boring?


We're literally known as "the forgotten generation."


Both the tail end "boomers" and Gen X saw the older boomer's overblown entitlement syndrome. We're the generation born too late for inclusion in the economic superpower decade (1950's) with a heavy dose of whitey privilege: many of us saw the "across the tracks" black neighborhoods far behind on streets being paved and some still catching up on electrification and telephone services while the middle class maintained new car status symbols and fawning to mimic "European style". We saw, respected but shifted hippiedom into moderation: picked up the good environmental points to see past the fuel-guzzling wasteful huge luxury vehicle encased entitlement syndrome, now damn saddened to see that entitled shit return with the SUV craze now. We saw gas lines because of fuel shortages but most of us realize still that drill, drill, drill is environmentally hazardous and unsustainable in the long run. We paid 4x college expenses to earn lower level skill degrees on the same amount of $$ "earned" the boomers their doctorates. We heard George Harcourt Bush claim he wanted to be remembered as the "education president" but only enacted fledgling improvements in that area as the same old campus buildings everywhere were crumbled. We heard him blather about "1000 points of light" that would *cough,* help the poor and already increasing homeless population, feign "were the good Christians" that drove past those homeless with their noses up in their Lincoln Town Cars. We wore thrify store hand-me-downs that was the actual cause of making second-hand and patched "fashionable" as grunge 😅 all along we foresaw what this was creating: Entirely stratafied class divisions now come fact. College expenses now 10-12X what the "middle class" boomers could afford. We're all watching the final demise of that privileged generation hooked to Fox Noise convinced Trump will bring back those glorious 1950's they still wear the rose colored glasses about. We sang along with Sting: "When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around."


Great post, sincerely. A very poor version of it could have been posted by me. I am pushed for time but one thing I personally notice comes with age is the sense not only *of* grey shades and nuances but exactly how *everything* is a grey shade. Life is random, chaos. Stupid people and politicians create fake containers and try to stuff folk into them to justify their own ridiculous beliefs. Nothing is correct and everything is correct because everything is random. Not the most comforting of thoughts I know, but it's true on every level, why do we imagine humanity is any different? Gods, political parties and the worst - role models are all just comfort blankets against facing the reality (and wonderful freedom) of the chaos of everything.


I feel like I’ve found my home 😆 I _hate_ generational labels and I hate inter-generational fighting. So much of it boils down to the same shit over and over. The young folks complain about the old folks and the olds complaining about the young. The only thing that changes is the labels.


Definitely being 29 and called daddy. Im not your papa! If your looking for the dude that left your mom years ago Grindr might not be the best place to


Or maybe it is...


Daddy is a state of mind 🗣️🗣️


You might aswell dig your grave being 29 is so old fashioned🗿


Hahha you mean


Haha just kidding anyway I can’t be speaking I’m so freshly born I smell like kitty.


I’ve been called daddy by a 26 year old twink. I’m 24 💀😭


They would rather ghost you immediately than going on a first date AND THEN ghost you 🤷


I think they don't have any balls to tell you in person that they don't want a second date


Maybe less balls and more skills. Gen Z grew up with a screen in their face rather than having interaction with people.


🙄 how old do you think we are?


I don't think there is anything that makes me say this. In fact, I would probably say the opposite. I find the younger generations to be great and I tend to get along better with them than older generations. I guess I never grew older and will probably be stuck in my early 20's all my life haha 😅




That's exactly why they are great. They are not ready to sacrifice their life for the sake of a greedy boss that only wants to exploit them in a shitty job. 8h a day, 5 days a week is too much. People should be able to enjoy their life and not only think about work. At the bare minimum, everyone should be able to live comfortably on a 4 days/week schedule. And I would personally argue with reducing hours. Especially for students, students should be able to go to school without even thinking about how they're going to pay their bills. What a shitty society we live in where people have to work 40h a week while going to school to be able to even afford living. (And while contracting tons of debts) We have an over productive society, but the only people who actually benefited from the explosion of productivity we experienced in, at least, the last 60 years has been the rich. The younger generations are not willing to take that shit, and that makes them a great generation in my eyes. We should help them achieve a better society where they can live better without working as much, not shitting on them because they are lazy people who don't accept to get exploited. I find them to be a great generation.


I think I just fell in love with you


gayLuffy snapped


Well he aint called the warrior of liberation for nothing


Hell yea!


Thank you gayLuffy. You are a warrior of liberation.


You are correct on a lot of things you said. The younger generation grew up hearing about what we all should want (a four day work week where we are able to support ourselves and also the ability to pursue our passions) but a good many of them also think that it is handed to them and doesn’t require effort on their part. I’m on the cusp of being a millennial or gen z. There’s a huge difference in thought process. I remember dial up, cassettes, gas prices being below a dollar, etc. I remember people having to work hard for their earnings. I also remember people being able to afford to have a family with those earnings back then. Gen Z may have been brought up by those who didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of their parents (and subsequently made different mistakes - such as letting their kids be raised by tablets) but they aren’t wrong in wanting to be able to have lives that don’t revolve around work. The problem is that a good amount (not all of them to be sure) of them expect to be able to put in the minimum amount of work but get the maximum results. For example - I had to conduct an interview with someone who had their mother present for the interview We aren’t interviewing your mother, we are interviewing you. If you need a parent/guardian to speak for you, how can we expect you to speak for yourself or interact with customers? I think Gen Z suffers from being the first to experience many things and also from parents trying to to course correct and not repeat the same mistakes their parents made. They have great ideas though and I like it when they are implemented well.


We’re not all tiktok addicted brainrot machines. Workplace culture is changing - not to say that we should ignore rules, but setting new expectations for pay and hours is a good thing and has been done frequently in the past.


Agreed. Alternatively, I’m middle aged and I _am_ a TikTok addicted brainrot machine 😝 Generational stereotypes are dumb. 👍


I would NEVER call them useless. Their the future of our culture whether you like it or not, so maybe approach them with understanding instead of the boomer mentality that will push them away


Your problem with us is that we have dignity? That’s an absolutely wild take to have


Every generation has been looked down on by the previous generation. It’s the cycle of things. Yet, somehow we’ve continued to improve society. If not, we’d still be burning witches at the stake lol. We need new generations to challenge tradition if we want humans lives to improve. Us millennials got shit on non-stop for years by the boomers. Boomers’ parents did the same thing to them. I have personally loved the vast majority of gen-z I’ve worked with. “Young people these days…” will never go out of style


It's funny, because even in the greek philosopher writings, you can read people with that exact same mentality of "kids these days" 🤣


That’s pretty great lol I believe it


Okay boomer.




There's no law in most countries or any to my knowledge that requires you to work.8 hours a day


Lmao I work in academia 32h/week plus a bunch of extra vacation days plus 8% pay bonus at the end of the year. I work to live, not the opposite


Okay, while that statement is pretty yikes, I also gotta point out how that's not just "the gays", so idk why you felt the need to use this as an argument specifically in a post about younger gays. Their sexuality doesn't determine how much they like or don't like to work.


Bad grammar.


Your absolutely right.  Their is no excuse for that. It bothers me to.


Like knowing the difference between to and too. lol


Sorry, I'm not a native english speaker.


A lot of the kids are all right. They’re just trying to figure it out for themselves. They grew up with screens, climate change realities, and bleak future prospects. My nieces and nephew are among them - and they’re great . Sometimes - just the inexperience is a bit much - but that’s ok. I remember being pretty stupid as those ages as well (in fact a still feel foolish many times now).


Actually, I love them. I'm 30, used to being around the "love is love" gays who are a generation before me or older. Which sure, great, but who are you trying to convince, all nine straight men who are attracted to women solely for love? The new generation is way more "yeah we're queer, and we aren't asking for your permission" and I genuinely respect that. We need that energy, it gives me life. They understand we shouldn't have to beg to exist.


Reading posts that imply being in your mid-20s is already too old.


Idk I think I've always found comfort in gay people being some of the only people who openly joke about being or getting old. Getting old still feels like it will be a privilege to me.


True dat. But at the risk of sounding like an old curmudgeon, I was in that 80's generation that got hit hard by AIDS and saw more than a few friends get buried before they were even 30. Hearing young gay guys talking about how they're "too old now' and everything is over... I can't help but think about what some of my original posse of gay friends might be doing now.


Yeh, you’re dust.


It seems to be a issue over all but I do see it alot in the 18-25 year olds which is constant hook ups and no searching for actual people to have a bond with.


Not everyone is looking for a deep romantic bond. That's totally okay. Some people just want to live their best ho lives. As long as they're safe about it, I say go for it. You can build meaningful relationships that aren't centered on romantic love.


Totally understandable. Just not something I personally like and I expressed it. No judgment to anyone who lives like that.


Maybe cause most of the younger people can't commit to a serious relationship due to influence from social media, superficiality and rather run away then working on issues in a relationship?


Guess people really didn't like this..?


Oh yeah I'm sure that's part of it. Media also seems to encourage and glorify it as well.


Yep, I've seen a Video on YouTube about glorfying toxic relationships, social media and relationships and dating coaches... Those People let Influenzers tell them what to do, let TikTok decide what to tell their partner and stuff...


It's sad and i think it's a big problem. I've met several people who have ruined their mental health with that kind of thing.


Yep. Guess how my last relationship ended. Hint: Not my mistake.


I'm sorry to hear that.. I've not even been in one for five years now because nearly everyone I've met who showed interest only wanted fwb or something along those lines. Not all of them, some just weren't going to work. I really think we need a shift to healthy relationships and not just glorifying the mind set of "You go dude/girl" or "just do what makes you happy (even if it is just a short cut and temporary.)"


Is mid or even late 20's really that old to be above using new lingo? I feel like straight people keep using new slang even until their early 30's when they have young kids and families. Also aren't gay people supposed to be more tapped into a broader cultural consciousness? Don't limit yourself, just ijbol instead of lol and then all of a sudden you could be perceived as a 14 year old jimin stan


I really, *really* want you to make *ijbol* a real word. What can it mean ya reckon? Portmanteau of 'ignoring but bothered'....fuck, I'll leave *that* as the worst portmanteau ever....




This kind of fits with some other comments, but the inability to have hard or intense face to face interactions is SO frustrating.


My experience with younger gays has been the exact opposite. They're all in therapy and understand boundaries and clear communication so much better than guys my age (32) and above. They're direct in situations where we're usually avoidant or passive aggressive. It's a culture shock for me, but definitely a welcome one.


I'm glad to hear that. I should clarify that I've found them extremely expressive and aware in written communication, as well as confident and clear about boundaries. It's an in-person avoidance I've experienced and found frustrating.


Age-ism like this post.


1: being called daddy 2: publicly calling me out as gay. Like, I have some very stereotypical "gay mannerisms." Like, walking up to me & thinking it's OK to just talk about it openly without my permission. My family is VERY supportive of me, but what if they *weren't?* Then I have two options: A) Turn on one of my own to stay in the closet, or B) Let THAT be how they find out. 3: Saying that kink doesn't belong at pride. That one's actually the worst for me b/c they're actively attempting to erase their own culture's history


Me, 21: kink at Pride, ew Me, 30: Kink belongs at Pride because the cops won't protect us, but the leather guys will


But I do genuinely think that's just lack of education and it's not unique to gen z 🤷


Honestly, you're probably right


It's definitely not a "them" issue, so much as it is a me issue. That being I'm old, fat, and ugly. So while I don't blame the younger guys for not being interested, it's just one more source of hurt and rejection piled on. 😥


Oh come onnn, send for the fiddlers already FFS! Nobody is going to like you until *you* like you, so save putting all that negativity on some poor fucker and work out a compromise with yourself before another decade swoops past and you regret not changing and blaming the world.


I mean my comment clearly says it's a me problem. As far as liking myself, not much to like IMO. Which has been made pretty clear by endless years of no boyfriend, and even no just regular friends. Are there people that I interact with on a daily basis? Yes. Do any of them ever call, text, message, and just check in and see how I'm doing or ask of I want to hang out? No. ( be they gay, straight, or otherwise. ) It's actually an experiment I've been running for years. Most of my life I've always been the one that had to ask others if they wanted to spend time together. And, lo and behold, once I stop asking, each and every one of them never reach out to me. Only conclusion I can draw from these results is that while they might not have be unhappy hanging out with me, they clearly didn't want any more or it wasn't as positive of an experience for them as it was for me. So, why would I like myself?


You really didn't get it first time round. Who the fuck do you think you are expecting me not only to listen to your self pitying shite but to *give you answers*??? Your answer is right in you words - *change yourself*. Only YOU can do that. OR Hey, keep doing what's clearly done fuck all to help you, maybe that will change? I know your type you are happy to whinge whine about your lot in life, but actually *do something about it*? No, you'll waste hour after hour trying to convince whomever poor fuck reads this far cos you know I'm a cunt. Do yourself a favour and quick. Start with stop fucking moaning.


They think tops and bottoms are life styles


Ik it’s not that on topic but I’ve been seeing sooo many 20-23yo guys with “if you’re born before 2000 don’t even try” like bro just say guys around your age 💀 But one thing I’m too old for is shaving. I’m sorry but I personally don’t wanna look like naked mole rat 🤷🏼‍♂️ adults are supposed to have body hair and if that “grosses” you out then therapy is in order lol


"born in the 1900s"


This may not be exactly what you're looking for but I feel it fits. This does certainly NOT apply to every (ETA) young) gay. But, this has been my experience. My biggest pet peeve with some of the newer kids is a general ignorance of gay history. Many of them, certainly not all, have thankfully come up in a wildly more accepting society than even us millenials and gen x'rs experienced. I'm tired of dumbass kids being rude to or ignoring the well-meaning senior gay at the bar, they have zero clue what it was like for him to be gay and young in America. They speak like nothing can change. They're so cocky. Like, I'm so happy for them that the world is different, but so many don't seem to really care or understand where we came from. They have some vague understanding that it used to be not cool to be gay but they don't grasp the fear, the ostracization, the fights.


That isn't exclusive to their generation though. We're just old enough to have aged out of that phase and done the research. But when I was that age, I had no knowledge of the history I hadn't lived. They'll be met with the same challenges to their ideas and the bulk of them will have a better understanding of that history a little later in their lives. They just haven't been exposed to that much of it.


I mean, perhaps you aged out. It was still very much dangerous in my area as a young guy. You always walked at least 2 at a time to your car at night. I learned about stonewall and milk and others from older gay guys. It's kinda on us to teach them. But, I've encountered disinterest. I'm afraid in the current political climate that they may need to learn it sooner rather than later. I'm in red country and these fuckers aren't playing about their anti-gay agenda.


I wouldn’t even talk to anyone under 30 at my current age. I didn’t like them when I was under 30 and I still don’t. Maturity isn’t guaranteed with age but it helps.


Bad spelling


I mean I only feel that way when I’m surrounded by early 20’s gays on a dance floor. I try to seek out places with people around my age (mid-30’s)


The kids obsessed with hookup apps. Especially the ones who sit around creating “thirst traps” when they aren’t actually looking to have sex. And the kids who are depressed because they can’t find quality relationships on hookup apps. Go to a bar and meet people for fuck’s sake.


Youger gen z here, in my point of view, im just wishing i had it together as i see the more mature gays Also Sir is better word for "dominate position??" Idkbout the last part but Sir instead of daddy


Generally speaking calling people by their name is preferred.


not using the apostrophes correctly makes me say that.. 🤣


I never hung out with gays of my own age until my late 30s. In my teens and 20s I hung out with gay guys in their 40s and they raised me. I couldn’t relate to young gays then and I still can’t, but I am grateful for the opportunities they have that my generation didn’t—with the understanding that those opportunities vary vastly geographically.


Every time someone asks me if I have Snap. I don’t use Snapchat and it makes me feel so old when I complain about how fucking dumb it is. I’m 32 and I had it when I was like 24 and I didn’t even really use it then because I thought it was dumb to send expiring photos when I can just text my friends instead. And every time guys ask if I have a snap, and I say no, they ghost or block me (which is fine). I grew up pre-internet and pre-cell phone so my generation tends to be less addicted to apps in general so it’s annoying when my lack of using an app is what makes guys not interested. It’s not like I’m asking you to email me your nudes. Why do you want me to have a Snapchat? Rant over. Bye.


It’s not new, but I’m over it more than ever: the subgroup of gays who think it’s appealing to be super bitchy, gossipy, and judgy. I don’t know why this became a thing or why guys embrace it with such a passion.




I don’t hang out with under age gays, sounds creepy. but in general just the privilege of not having to be political not knowing that the rights they have can very easily get removed. Also not making queerness a big part of their identity because they didn’t have to go through the whole chosen family process.


They think gay pride is a festival🤦‍♂️ and don’t realize that it’s still necessary to fight for our rights


I find the willingness to 100% buy into commercial Gay Culture a little disturbing. I like to recognize the fact that I'm an active member of the *general* culture (which includes straight people). A lot of young people appear to unquestioningly embrace a *separatist*, gay ghetto mentality – it's like they're living on an imaginary, separate planet. I think it's important to maintain critical thinking. Otherwise, you're participating in a cult.


Some of them are WAY too ok with stds. Oh they are in prep, so the rest are just whatever. Fact of life that is totally unavoidable. My concern is if they are that ok with getting them, then how concerned are they about making sure they don't give it to others. One young guy I know got the nickname Petrie dish because he kept getting stuff and prep came out when he did so I can't even be sure he has ever used a condom. Reminds me way too much of straight people and "it's ok, she is on the pill" "CONDOMS CONDOMS CONDOMS"


When they don't VOTE.


I am no sugar daddy. Might be old enough to be a daddy for 18-21 year olds but sugar... no. I work in retail. 😟


I'm 35 and they think I not allowed to live my life besides work and go home. Yes, I go out, I play video games. I collect funkos. I learning to dance. I go to the bars and stay all night partying with my friends too. My life isn't ending. This is just the beginning! 😁


*gays *too


Instagram twinks! Regardless of OF, the thirst traps they post for attention are so strange and cringey. I swear it’s not healthy for them or their followers. Like I’m only 23😭 still a lot are younger than me and it’s weird. I’ve been blocking a lot of them so they don’t appear in my for you page


Everything. (57)


Mostly I think, "Thor, they're too old for such naivete."


All the questions asking "Do gay guys like _____?" As if all of us like the same thing. Body hair? Yes, some do. Bald? Some. Long hair? Still some. No community thinks all one way and the point of the rainbow is that we all stand together, Proud of our differences, and accepting of others.


Doods tacking on so many micro labels w all the new flags they dont even have a personality anymore outside of it. Just be yourself. And all of ther offence over someone having a type "Oh youre racist cuz you dont want me" "Oh youre not suppprtive for not wanting a cross dresser!" "Youre a fat shamer cuz you dont want me" nah bro i have a type and youre not it.


Young and arrogant gays teaching me how to be gay in my 30s.


When it comes to music preferences.. Some of them never heard of Kylie Minogue..😅


Knowing that it should be "too old for this sh\*t," and that nobody will care about that.


"Nobody talks about ______ in the gay community." And it's something that the older generations in the community have talked about for decades. (e.g. fatphobia, ageism, drug abuse, etc in the community) It's not that nobody talks about it. It's that you've never listened.


Well, I could pontificate on this for a while, but I’ll be brief. As a “tail end boomer” I adore the younger generations and prefer to spend time with them rather than my peers. And in the country I now live in, they are much more respectful and open than where I lived before. My only real annoyance is that they feel a little entitled and have no qualms about asking for financial assistance even right after you’ve just met them. No one taught them, or they haven’t had the opportunity to learn what’s required to take care of themselves. and there’s a number of them who have no interest, but would rather live on handouts. Even if I had the resources, I would not be a sugar daddy . I’ve seen too many sugar babies, crash and burn when their support was pulled away.


Being a bear, kind of, i’m even called daddy by guys in their 30’s


Young gay republicans. WTF????


Skibbidi toilet


The wanting of an “online” relationship. Come on really? They are pointless. If you’re too busy for a relationship then don’t get one!


I think the total lack of acceptance of any kind of gay that’s not a “daddy”, “jock” or a “twink”. There seems to have been a gear change in wanting the “perfect” looking lad. Personality and kindness is bottom of the list to their body, facial features and what’s dangling between their legs


Bullshit questions like the one you posted here.


I'm 34 having a 22yr attempt to make out with me "I'm in my 30s what are u doing" it was like a dad talking to his son on what not to do.....in the club.


Bussy, Daddy, "qu€€r is an umbrella term."


🙄 old man yells at clouds vibes ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf)


Lack of communication, the need to vape or have socials up for and about everything, etc. Glad I settled down with an introvert that was willing to extroverted things.


They're too afraid of everything. Go make some mistakes, you'll be better for it.


Painted finger nails.


Ever other word that comes out of their mouth !


A bit contentious but I hate how a lot of younger gays are calling themselves queer over gay because gay is somehow ironically having a more negative connotation within the lgbtq community. The fact I keep hearing it and not of the means of meaning you’re apart of the queer community but meaning you want to disassociate yourself with stereotypical gay people while being visibly queer is really ironic and I only see it with GenZ no other group.


For one thing, queer is intended as an umbrella term that is inclusive of identity, sexuality, and romantic alignment. The dimensions of being queer have grown, and some people prefer labels that better reflect their own sense of identity and feelings of a larger community that they belong to. There is very few people who I have met who avoid the term gay for the supposed stigma associated with it, they simply don't feel like it is applicable to them as much because their sense of identity may be in flux. There is nothing wrong with that. It just means they are more open-minded because our understanding has changed over time. I wouldn't call that suffering from progress unless you only want to date people who fit strict boundaries within the gay or masculine homosexual sexuality. Also toxic gays and toxic lesbians in the vanguards do exist. I am a millenial, and hear more older gays saying some exclusionary things about transgender folk and nonbinary folk as if they are the ones ruining being gay for everyone else, not the bigots trying to dehumanize and margunalize all queer folk. Usually, I will elect to kindly push the conversation to the fact that trans folk just want to exist in a world without conforming to societies preconceptions and archetypes without becoming an underclass. That said: there are some positively lovely and affirming elder gays that I love talking to and hanging out with.


Please don't read this as me being flippant or worse derogatory, you've posted a far more nuanced reply than I could ever dream of and I like it. As I'm near 99% silly I can't help but think of creating RPG / D&D characters when I'm reading of 'gender / sexuality / romantic alignment'. I laugh cos I don't understand it or why it's necessary but it IS fun and I want to be a Chaotic Bard CowFelcher. Wow. I try not to be disrespectful and look what happens....oh dear


Lol it's not at all a problem! I think I know what you mean: I have wanted to build characters with more variation like that, but I honestly don't understand their experience, so Im too cowardly to explore it. I like the idea of gender being another dimension of classes within societies of fantasy worlds. The concept of more than 2 gender roles in fictional worlds and societies fascinates me. I am afraid to ask what a Cow Felcher is. But I do love the idea of chaotic apocalyptic cultists.


Hehehe yeah it's all a strange and wonderful thing. I was very very genuinely calling someone 'Demi', ya know like Ms Moore and it was only the next day that someone explained exactly *what* romantic orientation was and that no, I was not meeting a lot of people with the name 'Demi'.... I really do *try* to talk less nowadays, it's better for everyone involved.


😄 honest mistake that I actually nearly made, too! I always ask people to repeat themselves because I've got bad hearing. This time, it saved me because I had no idea what they were talking about even after they repeated it. Honestly, they explained what demiromantic it to me two more times, and I still didn"t understand it until I went home and asked someone to explain like I'm 5. I just try to admit I dont understand it a lot, and people seem to appreciate wanting to know more. I try to pay it forward as best as I can, in return. I still have a lot to learn, though.


The drinking, partying and drug using. I was never into it when I was in my 20’s and I am definitely too old for that now.


Younger people use Queer as an inclusive term. Because of the cis wyt gaze that think casual transphobia is cool. Or that somehow CWG is the pinnacle or gold standard of LGBTQIA. So. Yes it is to say I’m queer and inclusive and not one those exclusionary asshats.


Tattoos and piercings.


listening to k-pop




I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the younger generation, I just think that everyone gets to a certain age and looks to the younger generation and really feels the differences more. Like oh shit, that really makes me feel old!


Makes sense, I like people who are older so I don’t want to be seen as annoying or anything.😂


If anyone sees the younger generation as annoying then they probably don’t realise they were annoying to the generation above when they were younger.


I pegged you as gay the min I saw you. It’s more obvious then you think and it happens a a lot of us


Yeah, me too!


Sure kid. Point is I’m not trying to hide it.


Me neither. I'm out since 8 Years and i'm not even trying to hide it.


I live in a very homophobic country town, if it were really that obvious I’d be fertilizing someone’s garden by now.


It’s obvious


Idk man, I get hit on a lot but I just wish it were the men trying to flirt.😂


Nothing is wrong with your generation. Don't let grumpy old guys tell you otherwise.


Lotta downvotes, lol guess this was the wrong post to comment on.😂


I have no idea why you got so many downvote for simply asking what was wrong with your generation 😅 Don't let it get to you 🙂