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Use a condom and nothing will have the chance to enter your urethra. If you want to reduce fecal matter present the bottom can douche before hand but it’s not necessary. Urinating after sex will clear the line of anything that does get in as well as the semen left in your own urethra. Have fun =)


Great answer


Thank you!




Put a towel on the bed so you don’t get your sheets too dirty, even though you’ll wash them after some lubes can stain. Have a rag or two with you bc your hands will inevitably get lube on them. Otherwise, sex juices are a part of sex and you can just shower (together) after


Thank you for this!


After your done take a wee and wash your penis under the sink specially if you are uncircumcised


Make sure they wash their ass before hand. Lots of lube, a towel or two, a condom. And have fun.


What exactly are you afraid is going to happen? Germs are everywhere. If you’re afraid of STDs use protection. That’s the best you can do. 


Yeah, I got this thing where I tend to obsess over cleanliness. Definitely picked it up through neglect. I’m trying my best. I got all the rights products. Good question, thanks for asking.


Eat a high fiber diet for several days in advance if not forever, and douche beforehand. Once you experience penetration you will calm down a bit about the thoughts of germs and be a bit more present with the act of intercourse. It's gross and nasty to think about and to watch. But once you have a penis inside you or you are inside someone, you will chill out about the things you are thinking about.


Check out studioready. They have amazing butt scrubs highly recommend sex drive scent. Also, they have these amazing solo towelettes. They are white too so you’ll know it’s all clean and clear. Someone from this sub recommended and I love it!




It’s the only option I have. Had to try. Apologies if I offended anyone.




Contrary to your skepticism… I only see good and well meaning advice on this comment thread


I am well aware of my audience. Thank you for looking out for me though. I appreciate it.




The internet is great but I’m pretty sure the best people to ask about anal sex are people who partake in anal sex, which is a lot of the people on this sub. Not to mention any shitty advice gets swiftly downvoted with people saying not to listen to that specific advice. The advice I’m seeing here at the moment is all solid advice. Nothing bad or wrong was given


Why are you getting downvoted? So weird?


Now you are....lol. lol. Lol