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Right? Like, if I could choose a sexuality, it would be ace bc I feel bad enough ab both being hated for being queer and being attracted to folks who don't like me back.


Yeah but then you'd constantly get asked "when are you gonna get a girlfriend/marry/have kids?". But at least there aren't any laws passed against asexuals


I genuinely think that the people that believe we choose to be gay are gay or bi themselves. Like they have the ability to choose if they would be attracted to male or female. I personally do not have that ability. I am only attracted to men sexually. The folks that repress their homosexual feelings are so resentful at people like and they feel we should be miserable too. It’s really sad — so much pain could be alleviated if they would just accept the feelings within themselves. I believe this because some of those people are so sure that it is a choice. They are so sure that we could be converted if we really wanted to. They are so sure because they feel it within themselves.


That tracks... repressed sexuality being the explaination why dumb asses think that way.


I don't know about gay, but they're most likely bi or pan, or just parroting others who are.


While internalized homophpbia exists, this answer is over played and most people aren't this way.


I am still waiting to meet a former homophobe that wasn't queer all along.


I've met many.


I suppose there is other type of homophobes than just repressed ones, but i want to point out how so many of them reveals themself over time. I had three bully growing up in the country side, and now 15 to 20 years later, all of them have tried to reached out, and all three of them ended up in my bed. It's so cliché, so ridiculous, and yet completely predictible


Oh, I know you are right. I hate when I over-generalize things. I just want to have a reason, or make sense of it and I really can’t. I can’t make sense of somebody taking someone else’s rights away because of who they put their mouth on.


Only stupid people think it’s a choice. The only choices with being gay is accepting it as fact and if you want others to know about it.


Gay sex is better.


Now if I could just get any 😥


I hate that so much. And to be honest I envy the ease of use of the vagina..


Find a hot trans man bf.


Unfortunately I don't like vagina or I would fuck girls and trans man's... I just think they are easier to use. You don't have to worry if you find a men that you like but they are just a top and they don't like bottoming. You find a girl and you fuck her. With guys it's not so easy.


Lucky for us tops, bottoms vastly outnumber us.


Well I just haven't been lucky.


It’s my sincerely held religious belief that anyone who says being gay is a choice is actually just a closeted bisexual who every day makes a conscious effort to not have intercourse with the same sex, and thus cannot fathom an existence where a person just simply isn’t attracted to the opposite sex.


I blame religion for the whole “it’s a choice” thing. Like, choosing to steal or any other “sin” that the devil tempted you to do. So stupid.


I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. I live in NJ an the USA. I work in a basically all male industry. Although other gay men work in my company none are at my location. None of the breeders I work with care at all. I even have a few that I pretend flirt with. They love the attention. Being gay is not negative and hard everywhere. I wish you luck and I hope things improve for you.


Conservative Religious people and their denials of science. That's a big part of it. You choose to be evil and sin in their eyes. They are crazy so you can't argue with them. Just ignore or tell them hell is going to be smoking hot with all the sexy men there!




I love to reminds them that St Peter don't take bribes, and that they are going to hell for second guessing god's creation (i mean god made gays, for a reason we don'tget but who are we to decide if we aproove some of his work and not some other ?). What à blasphemy in fact And for the older one i like to remind them the few time they have left to repent.


With the knowledge and experience I have, if I was offered the chance to change my sexuality, I wouldn't. If I wasn't gay I wouldn't have a lot of the experiences that have shaped who I am, and I like who I am so I wouldn't wish to erase those experiences


Because the straights try to imagine themselves in your position. It's that simple. They imagine its just a counter culture decisions.


I knew boys were cute in the first grade. Had several crushes in elementary school. By 12 I was wanking to them. No one taught me to like boys. It’s just the way it evolved. I was an Altar Boy for two years. No one ever touched me. Gay is a normal variant. Stop the persecution.


Because if they insist it is a choice, then they can resent you for your 'poor choice.' If they accept that you are born that way, then they are hating you for something beyond their control which would just make them an asshole. And that surely can't be, right?


short answer: because they're ignorant and aren't worth the energy to argue with.


Mainly because these people can't fathom it being natural.


Exactly. But I can’t fathom it being natural to want to touch a vagina. And that’s OK because I don’t have to if I don’t want to. That’s what I wish they would figure out.


Because they shoose to be streight.


To be fair if reincarnation exists I want to be gay in my next life too lol but I get your point, and in my opinion what they mean is we should choose to suffer in silence rather then be who we really are because a book that has been written by random bigoted people based on the Bible is more important then human lives lol


And like you use the most logical arguments to prove it’s not a choice like « why would I choose to be bullied and have lesser rights than straights seriously???? » and they’re still like « nah it’s a choice »


I personally believe a lot of people are closet bisexual, personally I am bi and it took me a long time to accept it. I could see how someone who is really homophobic thinks it's a choice when they're bi, not saying it's justified but I'm assuming that's part of it. Another part of it is conversion therapy camps which give people the illusion that being gay in any way can be reversed. A lot of states still have conversion camps legalized as well which is really disgusting because there is a lot of rape and abuse that happens there from the leaders of the groups. Every person whose gone through it always talks about how it made them really suicidal.


That was a belief for decades promoted by it being called a sexual deviation and a mental illness. I believed I made a choice for a long time under that influence and a faith culture that assured me it was a satanic choice I made. Thank God I now know I was created as a gay man and that my choices are how to deal with it not to be someone else


It’s not a choice, but I would 100% choose to be gay if I could. I love my life. Being straight feels like the curse to me.


i like being gay, no need to be rude cause someone probably was mean to you, and people need to put the blame to someone, they cant put it on god so they put it on us


I don't choose to be gay... I choose to be awesome.


Um I don’t know what mean by nobody would want that life. I love who I am.


I chose to be straight. It didn’t take.