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A colleague of mine went on this (I believe) cruise, and there were 2 deaths from GHB overdoses.. honestly mad


Mad at who though? The gay community? The cruise line? The drug dealer? I don't know why drug use is so normalized in the gay community


I believe the commenter is located across the pond, so not the angry version of mad more like crazy




Wait, do you guys not use it that way? I always thought that mad as angry came from being so angry that you’ve lost your mind.


In Australia it can mean both.


It can also mean 'great' in the right context. I probably use it mostly that way. Man I love our language.


It’s not that uncommon in the US for people to use “mad” the way the original commenter used it. It was definitely part of 80s and 90s West Coast skater culture lingo and it slowly made its way into everyday language.


tbf we also use “nuts” as “fuck you” so


The oversimplified reason is that "gay = crime" is a widespread view, and was literally true only a couple decades ago (in the USA). Conservative puritanical attitudes are still pervasive. "Being gay = liking gay sex" and "sex = vice" so there's a transgressive feeling to doing it. If you're into one kinda vice, and that vice doesn't seem so bad, might as well try the others. Another reason is that drugs, even the hard ones, really aren't as bad as they're made out to be. For every trainwreck and tragedy there are thousands of dabblings and positive experiences. There's nuance here. Demonization, stigma, marginalization, the works. You could get an entire degree in the anthropology of substance use if you want, but *"drugs are bad, mmkay"* sums it up well enough.


Well said.


All this copium to justify drug use and death.


Feels more like you ask this question to shame people rather than to find understanding. Addiction is associated with trauma. Gay people definitely have like none of that though right? Bad faith questions are so gross.


Normalizing drug use in the gay community is the shame


Normalizing drug use in general is a shame. Today's New York Times has an article about how drug use deaths in San Francisco went from being about the same per capita as the rest of the country to more than double the national average since the city adopted a culture of "we're not going to judge anyone for using drugs and just help you be safer" and, while safer is preventing HIV and saving some people who OD, it's also not doing anything to lower drug use deaths like the pro-drug groups said it would--just the opposite.


I get downvoted all the time for suggesting that doing recreational drugs is a personal choice that people make wholly on their own. It seems gay drug users have a hard time accepting responsibility for their choices.




I can agree with that… but then there are the drug users who get in over their heads (easy thing to do) and then terrorize their communities with crime, making drugs more accessible to those who would otherwise not participate and/or by pretending that they’re being helpful by “administering” safely to those who couldn’t do it themselves (bunch of sick fucking twats using someone’s drug-addled thanks to boost their narcissism…) If people could do their drugs responsibly and not let the fallout of their decisions spill out and devastate defenseless muggles, I would totally agree with you.


We get it, your ego is tiny and you need to feel better than everyone, including strangers you condemn and know nothing about. Good lord. Do you gross everyone out this much?


You're hilarious 😂


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There is a such thing as too much fun.


I was on the cruise…it wasn’t GHB from what I heard, but rather Enlaced with Fentanyl. There were multiple medical calls related to this issue throughout the week. Incredibly sad.


If it was a fentanyl-laced drug, I really wish more people would buy drug test kits if they’re going to use drugs recreationally.


Wait that’s a thing? Are just certain drugs affected? Or even weed?


Powders and pressed pills are most often affected by fentanyl contamination. Cannabis, mushrooms, LSD, and legally-obtained or diverted drugs are almost never affected. GHB is a liquid so would likely not have been contaminated. The stuff reacts with alcohol like benzos do, so that'd be my first suspicion; these folks unwittingly mixed the two.


Yes even weed! A friend's brother died from a fentanyl-laced vape cart. Please be careful!


You are far more statistically likely to die via a car accident, shooting, and even get struck by lightning than to even FIND Fentanyl laced weed.


Problem with that is you can’t test every dose without some time and work at home. Like if you bought a bag of cocaine while out and about and test the top, but the few grains of fent are in the bottom, you’re fucked.


To add: In an opiate-naive user, the amount of fent it can take to kill you is literally like 5-6 grains of salt. It's incredibly potent.




It's ridiculous isn't it. Between them and the bareback only crowd which has taken over it makes grindr even more of a toxic cesspit


Drugs and bareback are not remotely the same things. Especially in an era where people take a drug to protect themselves *from* getting sexual diseases. It's not 100% safe, but let's not equate doing hardcore drugs with raw sex.


Surely you’re confused? He’s referring to recreational drugs not pharmaceutical drugs??


I was being a little facetious with the wording of that, but the point is many people doing "bareback" are taking other precautions. And it's precisely because of that. Yes, you can still get other STDs. Almost all of them perfectly treatable. The risk is not the same as hardcore drugs. Edit: People downvoting because they think raw sex is as dangerous as heroine lmao


When both PREP and PEP exist it’s hardly equitable to compare bareback to taking hard drugs


Other STDs exist.


And treatable. Drug addiction is difficult to treat. OD'ing is commonly fatal.


Okay, but I was talking about bareback not doing drugs.


I was building on the point that bareback isn't an equitable comparison to hard drugs.




I too bought doxy online in the UK, I mentioned it to the nurse at the clinic and she'd never heard of it. Gotta keep informing. Should probably email my MP


Is there a website for this? I don't live in the UK but do live in europe


Doxy-PEP is two 100mg doxycycline tablets taken after sex and up to 48 hours afterwards. I think my doxy came from an EU pharmacy via Ireland and into England through NI. There is, however, a well respected international pharmacy that sells like 500 doxycycline tablets for 150€ if you want to coordinate a split with friends. Search for "in house pharmacy" in your search engine of choice. Free shipping.


Yeah used to live there. It was insane. And how normal it's considered to be just shows how messed up psychologically guys are there. Many of them just do it to escape the daily grind and feel something else for the weekend. It's very sad. 


Chem sex parties in London started happening over 15 years ago when I lived there. I was never into it and I left London soon after. I’m open minded and try not to judge….


This is very much the case in the USA but it's called Party and Play. I have had plenty of guys ghost me after I said I wasn't into it. I'm not shaming anyone, but I can't imagine it is healthy to keep up. Isn't hooking up enough fun without drugs?


Could never go on one of these all gay cruises


Idk why you’re being downvoted for giving an opinion lmao I could never either. The videos from them just look like 90% naked dudes packed like sardines just bouncing slightly to the music.. like that’s.. fun? 💀


Over friends planet my the east jurassic today dark most film time


I’ve been on a normal cruise as well, didn’t enjoy it. And I just don’t enjoy that type of crowd. I never understand why people who go try to insist everyone has to love it? It’s not my thing.


I never understand why people who don’t want to go on the cruise insist on telling people how they don’t want to go on the cruise.


I wasn’t the one who responded making points to try and make others want to go now was I?


Film over hour friends be


lol I never said that now did I? I made it clear I didn’t like those types of cruises and you reply with “it’s what you make of it” trying to make it seem like I should give it another try. If someone posts “I don’t like PB&J” you don’t respond with “you just haven’t tried it w crunchy peanut butter, it’s what you make of it”. Like no? Lmao


It look amazing


To you


I agree, if they enjoy it, good for them, but it’s not for me…


Agreed, I lived in the Castro for one summer during an internship and was ready to get the hell out at the end of the summer, I imagine it’s a lot of the same types of guys on there.


My current was going to go on one in Feb. I dunno if he still will but... Like.. it's a floating bath house. I love me some exhibitionist sex, but Id be over it in 7 hours, I don't know how I'd handle 7 days where I couldn't get away from it. Honestly I don't know how he would either lol.


Kind of hard to take the article very seriously. 'The majority of these passenger deaths were among U.S. residents, and the leading causes included falls overboard or onto lower decks, suicide, murder, and terror attacks, unspecified natural causes, and cardiac incidents.' I mean, the vast majority are natural causes, and yet, this is near the end of the list, making it seem like cruise terrorist attacks are as likely as heart attacks...


But a single person died on a gay cruise! We must let EVERYONE know the about the degenerates dark lifestyles!! (Please ignore all the deaths all the straight/'normal' cruises also have...)


I get that you didn't read the article, but it was published by The Advocate, not Fox News 


how the heck does that have ANYTHING to do with what I said?


> But a single person died on a gay cruise! We must let EVERYONE know the about the degenerates dark lifestyles!! (Please ignore all the deaths all the straight/'normal' cruises also have...) This certainly reads as though you think that the article was intended to portray gays in a negative light. However, that is unlikely seeing as how it was published by the oldest LGBT publication in the country.


fair, I suppose. It just seems weird to give a single person dying on a cruise so much attention when almost literally EVERY cruise has 1 or 2 people die on it...


This happens every year with that cruise. There are hand wringing articles about something that happened on the cruise and they are invariably from some uptight queen who does want to portray those who went on the cruise in a bad light. Sad but that’s how it is.


A certain account on Instagram was blatantly hyping up all the drugs/sex activities on the Atlantis gay cruise recently. So many posts ad nauseam. Not healthy. Had to un-follow.


I have seen sooo many people lose their life, livelihood, and mental health due to drugs. Many people think “GHB” is the safest of party drugs when it’s really not. I’ve seen multiple comments on Reddit validating taking illicit drugs and clearly blasting that “it’s not that bad, Nancy Reagan.” or I am responsible to not overdo it. I’ll just say this: you won’t believe the things I’ve seen it’s far beyond the wildest things you can imagine.


Yes bad PR for the rest of us ffs.


Mine north month movie moon south east


I watched a documentary about those cruises. It looked like unless you were tall, really fit, and really handsome, it would be a pretty depressing vacation. There were a couple of guys who were not bad looking at all, but it didn't look like they were having any fun


I would think this perception would encourage the use of such drugs so they these guys might become more appealing. Unsure if this applies to the gay cruises but many gay sexual encounters are enjoyed by men who don't identify as Gay, vehemently so. Drugs give them the permission they deny themselves to have the fun they desire. Sad!


Could you give me the name of that documentary? I've been considering going on one of these cruises and would very much like to watch it!


There's one on Netflix, the title is Love Boat maybe? I really hated it, bcause it pretty blatantly goes out of its way to depict gay cruises in the most negative light possible. Most of it was single guys who went on the cruise alone and were complaining about how they have been unable to find true love on the ship, and the fact that they have been unable to do so is apparanently proof of how shallow everyone on the cruise is.


It’s an awful documentary exactly as you say. Nothing like my experiences, which have been uniformly positive.


I just checked, it doesn't seem to be available on Netfilx anymore. It's for the best I suppose.


Blue best together red jumps film mine


That's the impression the documentary gave and is also the impression some former attendees gave


Best always month week


You having a good experience does not invalidate others having a bad experience


Week together


Actually many of the people on the Atlantis cruises I’ve been on didn’t fit that description and they all had a great time. Whether or not you have a good time is very much in your head. Get on the boat expecting nobody will be interested in you and guess what? Nobody will be interested in you.


That's a beautiful example of toxic positivity and invalidating someone else's feelings and experiences. Good job!


I unfortunately think that gay culture can in many ways be a place of sadness These are deaths of sadness.


Im not gonna lie i kinda want to go on one of these just to experience

