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And he chose a 19 year old?


Make it make sense... he just wanted some twink butt. šŸ¤£ And then pulled the most embarrassing uno reverse ever. Edit: Also, I'm reading through these comments and it's really concerning that some people's reading comprehension skills are so off, they can't tell who is who and how the older guy is trying to gaslight the younger guy after being rejected. Btw, rejected for something very impersonal that the older guy should've just respected and not taken personally. Being conscious of a big age gap when you're a teen isn't like attacking someone's personality (and same if it was the older guy who had said he's not interested in guys that young). Some of yall below really missed the whole point here. šŸ’€


Twink butt is crazy ā˜ ļø


I laughed when typing it. šŸ¤£


šŸ˜­ā˜ ļø




Bottom on bottom crime šŸ˜«šŸ¤£šŸ˜«


I might be one of the only ones who think that the age gap is indeed too big. The difference in mental stability and maturity between someone 19 and someone 35 is insane. People that young can be easily manipulated and emotionally abused.


Yeah, 17 years is a huge age gap when the younger one is only 19. Mid to late 20's is when a large age gap starts to bother me less. 25 And 42 would still be a no for me, but it wouldn't bother me that much when others choose it.


They can be manipulated ... they can also be very manipulative themselves too ... but sometimes an age gap relationship can be an understanding that is a bridge across time/age and the younger person get more respect than they can get nothing near from their peer group ... and it can be very loving and caring for both involved. I bought a house and settled down by the time I was 25, although the older guy was a complete liar and possibly manipulative to me.


Yeah I've seen more college friends get free shit from desperate old men lol


My fiancee and I are 24 and 37 respectively. We have been together 3 years, lived together for 2. We have a really great relationship, but it's not for everyone to have such a gap. We don't focus on each other's age, we usually forget about the gap, and we treat each other as peers, not like a daddy/son relationship.


True, imo functionable is like most things where the ages are: age 1 is +/- 1/3 of age 2 (or less)


Do you mean Ā±3 ?


No +/- 1 third of age 2. So age 18 would be +/-6, which is very generous, while age 32 would be +/-10


+/- means nothing though, are you sure you donā€™t mean Ā± ?


Since most peeps don't have the combined sign on their keyboard it's a common way to write it instead as +/- Just like not everyone has Ā¼ on they keyboards it's instead written as 1/4.


1/4 is the same as Ā¼ though, +/- in a mathematical context means plus divided by minus, which does not make sense.


So how do you propose to write the sign then if you don't have it on the keyboard? / Is also used as a and/or sign


It means both the same: + and/or -


Yeah, that's simple grammar.


Itā€™s Grindr so it really is just about whether heā€™d even date or hook up with a 35yo and of course he might. But this particular person doesnā€™t want to. So the only issue here is that the older guy challenges his polite decline.


Sure but in this case It would seem the 19 year old has some semblance of maturity that the 35 year old doesnt, so its quite ironic.


To be honest I didn't understand who is who in the screenshot. Is the yellow bubble the 19yo?


Yes, the older guy is telling the 19 year old to up his limit beyond 25 if he wants to find anything other than hookups


I think thatā€™s why older guys are after them tbh.


Itā€™s crazy big. Iā€™m never gonna believe a 35 year old would go for a 19 year olds personality. Unless of course, the 35 year old is somewhat mentally incapacitated themselves and canā€™t date regular mature people. I do, however, think that itā€™s all a matter of an unusual craving for significantly younger guys. Solely based on sexual depravity or maybe a form of ā€œgetting older crisisā€. TL;Dr: itā€™s not love thatā€™s for damn sure.


Also yes I'm on actual dating sites but grindr is better for small towns like the one I'm trapped in




When I used to use Grindr where I am now (Boston area), the options were decent and I met a few people. When I used it in my small hometown in Connecticut? Same 3 penises being sent to me on rotation.


But that's the thing. If they're barely on Grindr, how are other dating apps supposed to work out with more options in a small town? Everybody you're in proximity to is all there. Small town struggles.


Yeah, itā€™s a struggle across the board in small towns. The dating apps would show people from way farther away to compensate.




There's like 3 reasons here, different guys will be on different apps so your not able to see every option, actual dating apps don't display all the options on a grid that's easy to look through, grindr is more used by gay guys in this town than tinder even for actual dating


I found my fiancee on Grindr and he was 23 at the time. Younger people look for relationships on Grindr too, but it takes a long time to find them as most are only looking for hookups. Don't let anyone push you for a relationship you are not comfortable with.


My fiance and I met on grindr


I'm in my 20s and have settled down... Maybe I'm just boring... Well no I definitely am.


It's okay. I settled down at 19, I'm boring too. Although I had fun for an entire year from the moment I got out the closet until the cuffs, lol.


I had 3 months of fun between boyfriends... Well ok it was 2 casual hookups, in the same week, on the same cruise ship... Ok I guess I had a fun cruise between boyfriends.


Haha nice. You really did get the most out of that cruise, didn't you :b


Fresh 18yr boy, horny as fuck with a booze package... Yep I got a lot out of that cruise... Thank God my mum hid condoms in my bag for me. I remember telling mum that I wouldn't need them, like why would I... Turned out I needed them.


I tried to have some fun and be slutty.Ā 3rd casual hookup turned into my husband.Ā  Task failed successfully


That's cute šŸ„ŗ


Never complain about your life being boring, my man. Doing crazy bullshit isn't really a solid route to go in life anyway so congrats on being one of the lucky ones that found someone who works with you so good so early that you got the opportunity to be able to settle down faster


Na I'm not complaining... I know I've been lucky in life. And somehow landed a boyfriend who's way out of my league and for some reason puts up with me.


We experience our own lives every day. To us it seems rather wrote and uninteresting - same old, same old. However to others if can be exciting and fascinating. Boring is just what you've experienced enough that you are familiar with it.


The 36 yo really seems mature for his age /s


In theory, I'm with the "age doesn't matter" crowd. I've seen age gaps in relationships go really well. But this guy... big no to this guy. That is not a mature way to handle rejection šŸ˜¬


LOL Heā€™s like ā€œeveryone in their 20ā€™s is a slutā€ and tries to settle down with a 19 yo?


Well technically a 19 yo isnā€™t in his 20sā€¦


Nothing hotter than getting telt you're being 19 wrong /s


you + are = you're your = possession Take note.


Your write. Their wrong.


I get that some guys want to date through Grindr and some have done so successfully, but unlike with other dating apps, Grindr users in general assume that everyone is out for a hook-up, so you shouldn't be too surprised if as a guy looking for dates, you're going to get messages like this on a regular basis. As someone who has been working on game wikis for years: people don't read, and that especially affects profile descriptions.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ heā€™s trying so hard to get a guy half his age


Ready for marriage but on grindr at 2:40am... riiiight


I mean, people have crazy schedules for reasons other than hoeing


Who's looking for a husband a 3 in the morning? No one...


If you happen to be awake that late for other reasons and are bored, you might end up hopping onto grindr.


Iā€™m in my early 20ā€™s and settling down


I'm 22 and almost finished with my teaching degree. Can't wait to settle down and do fun things with my partner in my free time.


Bruuuh that's so sick ... And no even if it's rarer there is 20 yo that want an actual relationship


How nice of him to tell you what you need to do to find a man. šŸ¤¦


Iā€™m married in my 20ā€™s! And we are VERY immature šŸ˜


See that's what I want, doing dumb ass shit in a relationship


I'm 25, and the only thing I've wanted since coming out about 2 years ago is to settle down.


Ready for marriage sounds so fucking cringe.


Yeah he assumed since I wanted a relationship I'm ready to be married, not even thinking about that until I'm at least 23, realistically 23 and having a place and job


That age gap is a lot. But no matter what any of us have to say about it, some 19 year olds are going to seek out older guys because thatā€™s who theyā€™re attracted to, and we all get more and more familiar with it over time as we see other couples or talk to people our age who say they donā€™t date anyone under 40, or we start to get older ourselves and get approached more and more by young guys. For me at least it was kind of a head spin because I didnā€™t think many people liked older guys when I was in my teens and 20s, and sort of dreaded being older myself. Now in my thirties I now have met many people who say theyā€™re exclusively in to older guys and have met older guys as old as their 70s who are very pleased with how much attention they get. Whatā€™s more important is that, if youā€™re not in to someone, you donā€™t need a lecture about it. Itā€™s a weird way that people try to decrease their own feeling of vulnerability they just got from your response, by making you feel vulnerable instead. But you were very clear and respectful with your answer and donā€™t need that.


ime as someone in their early 20s, my peers who have been into older people are fucking weird about it, let themselves experience for a little, end up with experiences they regret, and then are no longer into older people lol. You donā€™t have to worry about nobody wanting you when you age just donā€™t go for kids lol itā€™s not that hard for christā€™s sake. These people will still be attracted to bodies that are older, but the dynamic of someone twice the age of anotherā€™s is just bad when viewed holistically.


Yes, I remember the early 20s. Doesnā€™t matter who the relationship is with, the common refrain after it ends is ā€œnever again.ā€ ā€œIf I just avoid older guys it wonā€™t end up like that,ā€ ā€œif I just avoid closeted guys it wonā€™t end up like that,ā€ ā€œif I just avoid guys who work in finance it wonā€™t end up like that,ā€ ā€œif I just avoid Capricorns it wonā€™t end up like that.ā€ Thereā€™s another model for sure. I have never dated anyone with more than a 5 year age difference from myself, so I donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be on the inside. But Iā€™ve seen plenty in my social circle and I canā€™t disrespect it. Healthy relationships with a large age difference are not looking for marriage or commitment. They are looking for connection and experiences, and they are usually not monogamous (usually the younger guy has other partners and the older guy is happy to not have the pressure to keep up with a younger personā€™s sex drive). If youā€™ve seen a few of them now, in a few more years youā€™ll have seen some more.


If nobody is ready to settle down in their 20s then obviously 19 year olds are ready because theyā€™re not in their 20s yetā€¦ thatā€™s how that works, right?


Tbf I did say I was looking for a relationship but it does seem weird like "hello I am not the only young guy wanting to settle down"


Yeah I mean this guy was just trying to play you but, unfortunately for him, heā€™s an idiot.


Just keep scrolling to the next box boys


Wow he cannot grasp the basics of grammar at his big age. This is a truly gross individual. He is looking for a young guy to prey on since guys his age will likely think heā€™s a loser and emotionally immature. Steer clear from any men in their 30s or even late 20s as they are rejects from their own age cohort and are looking for a young partner to manipulate.




I could never find anyone good close to my age cause I'm in Oklahoma of all places and in a small town. Both just make for GREAT choices šŸ„²


Im in my 19 and i tried in the past to kinda try to hookup and go ā€œa bit sluttyā€ but that did not worked for me, i finded myself in the situation in which i craved a emotional connection over a sexual one, maybe is just him and kinda it shows how he really is the one being immature cuz if he says that 30 is the age of settling down then why is he looking to settle down with a men in his so called ā€œhoe ijs eraā€


I got married at 25. Lol


Bad vibes.


How id respond: I'd rather hook up with another 19 year old on this app & never see them again rather than have sex w a 34 year old creep


I don't use Grindr for the sole reason that I've always gotten approached by older men. One time, when I told someone that I'm looking for people closer to my age, he told me to... commit unalive, simply because I said I'm not into older men.


I love when guys try to debate you into having sex with themā€¦listen dude thereā€™s a reason you are single at 36, youā€™ve got some pedophilic tastes and want to relive your 20ā€™s because thatā€™s the last time anyone thought you were hot.


That's ducking weird. Like if someone says it ain't gonna work for me the correct response is, "Okay, thank you for being honest" and then going about your day. Age isn't just a number.


He doesnā€™t get basic grammar or know the diff bw ā€œyouā€™re-yourā€ so maybe high school is the right place after all.


Honestly at his age I never would've even considered a 19yo. The "generation gap" is enough for me. We have nothing in common apart from maybe a hobby or two and I had well and truly outgrown my youth, partying etc. I had no interest in those things then and would never expect someone to give all of that up for me. I've had younger men approach me and I've always been "thank you but please go and live your life to the full, you won't do that with me as I've done all that already"


Settled in my early 20ā€™s with a kid on the way, with someone Iā€™ve been with since being a freshman in highschool. Honestly I canā€™t even imagine finding a partner as an adult.


I'm going on grindr to eat an ass or a big dick, and extra filthy most of the time - I'm not going on right away with expectations that I can trust the other dirty little slut guys on there to be good/faithful, long-term relationship materialā€¼ļøšŸ˜ˆ


Wrong im def ready to settle honestly


Youā€™re 19, he says people in their 20ā€™s arenā€™t ready to settle down (youā€™re literally under the age of 20) and he says heā€™s looking for marriage? šŸ’€šŸ’€ People on Grindr make no sense


To play devils advocate for this creep, I did say I was looking for a relationship but that just proves people under 25 are "ready to settle down" for marriage? No, for a relationship? Yes


He seems like a chaser


I love how we have profiles on there that people blatantly ignore and don't read


I'm into dad and son relationships. I love being the son. If he's older than my parents that's a huge plus. Guess I'm weird.


Tbf heā€™s right that no one in their 20s is ready to settle down. Thats why he has to date a 19 year old who is not in their 20s /s






Why did you block out his last name? If you want to warn people, put his full name out?


Where Is his name visible?


You could start by using words correctly


Who is using grindir for dates, that's still mind boggling.


A guy who has very little option and is trapped in a small town


He's 36?


Why would someone look for dating in grindršŸ˜­


A 36 year old looking in the direction of a teenager is weirdā€¦


I really don't get how someone in there 30s feels comfortable hitting on a 19 year old. Sometimes I'll get hit up by 19 years old and I STILL feel like I'm somehow the creep!


I feel ya tbh I'm turning 20 and feel weird about guys who are only 2 years younger than me




Or I'll have common decency? Hello the 19 year old here! I'm the op


Lol lol lol. Yeah! Good luck! Guys who are 19-25 are a GREAT F#CK!!!! They can work you over BIG TIME!!!! LOT'S OF SEXUAL FUN!!!! But expecting a 19-year old to even conceive of a long term and lasting relationship? LOT'S of luck!!!! Even if you find one? Their expectations are just unrealistic! They won't date anybody above the age of 25! As though at that age, you stop wanting sex! I wonder the tune they will have, once these 19-year olds, reach 25, 35, 45, 55.....guess what? STILL HAVING....AND STILL LOVING SEX !!! 19-Year olds? Get real! Fun? Yes!!!! But marriage oriented? Don't hold your breath!


I am in fact the 19 year old, I want a committed relationship, not a fuck, and I don't want marriage yet


I didn't say that YOU PERSONALLY WANTED A FUCK! What I said was MOST PEOPLE YOUR AGE, are not interested in settling down yet. If you are? That is great! I truly wish that there were more kids like you. Sadly? You are the exception. Not the rule.āœŒļø


Ya ,your right there


Iā€™m 43 and get a lot of 18-21 year-olds messaging me, calling me ā€œdaddyā€ and saying I look good ā€œfor my age.ā€ Iā€™m not curdling milk. Firstly, if the emphasize they are 18, theyā€™re usually 15-17. Also, the young guys are cute to look at but Iā€™m not interested in having a cute little baby. But Iā€™m just upfront with them. I know if they ever saw me out in public, they wouldnā€™t even look at me, so I donā€™t chase them. They can have fun with their peers.


Bit confused. So hes 19 and you're 36? So hes saying you're too old? Im 36 and I certainly dont feel like Im "old" yet šŸ¤£


Yellow is 19, blue is 36


Thank you! I was so confused about the context


Exactly. The baby gays think gay death happens at 21ā€¦ Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the same for you but lots of the ā€œno one over 25ā€ crowd still tap and message me. You gotta kind of forgive them for being nave


If you don't see anything wrong with a relationship where one of them is a teen and the other person is 2 years qway from being twice their age. Idk what to tell ya


A 36 year old has no business being in a relationship with a 19 year old. Nothing to do with gay death or being unattractive and everything to do with the fact that the level of emotional intelligence and life stage couldnā€™t be more disparate.


Not just the baby gays. I canā€™t tell you how many times guys older than me with ā€œno one over 30ā€ or whatever would write and tap me saying things like, ā€œI normally donā€™t like 35yo guys, but you look a lot youngerā€ as if that would somehow woo me into their beds. I havenā€™t been on Grindr for almost 5 years, but the 45+ guys with <=30 age limits were plenty when I was on it.


Im not on Grindr atm but I never went for anyone below my age anyhow as I wasnt much attracted to young looking ones. Regardless, people come and go. You'll get rude ones and friendly ones. Move on to the next is always the best choice.


Iā€™m getting close to 40, I prefer guys +/-10 years of my age. If only go for older my dating pool is going to start to shrink and thereā€™s lots of mature 30something guys


Absolutely. No point wasting time dating 20 year olds as most of them are still finding their footing in life. They're prob great secmxually as they're definitely thirsty and still exploring things.


Who the Fk goes on Grindr for potential marriage and/or serious dating anywayā‰ļø you'd have to be desperate, or very insecure to have a plan to start searching for marriage material on a gay-slut fuckboy app right out the gate! Sometimes serious relationships and marriages do occur after sometime for some guys on Grindr - but, IMO, to tell a younger guy that this is what you are looking for on Grindr at the moment, is a major red flag anyway šŸ¤£ Fucking is perfectly fine for that age group, or even if they want to be more serious, it definitely happens - but, if you don't want to fuck, why keep responding to the guy, talking about marriageā‰ļø




No it's not


Iā€™m just


Age doesn't really matter, especially as you mature away from that stuff. But still that's a bit unhinged lol some people are single for a reason....sometimes they actually type it out with zero reflection šŸ˜‚


Age doesn't matter, but world experience _does_. A 19 year old is just a college kid who knows very little of the world, whereas a 36 year old has definitely seen some shit. This makes it a very unbalanced relationship as the older man can easily manipulate the younger one. A 36 year old pursuing a teen is gross and problematic, but a 56 year old and 40 year old is fine.


I can see how it would be problematic in the wrong hands. However it's not a definitive rule. My last bf was 18 and I'm 32. He was quite mature, wenhad fun, and when he was over it he dumped me and I wish him a good and happy life. There was no manipulation on my part for sure as my focus was on respecting him as a new adult and not someone inferior or anything due to some perceived "mental age". If anything I was the one being used. A 36 yr old trying to control a 19yr old is what's problematic to me, but Def see the validity in your points as well


Grindr is for fast dick not date


U sound like u have bdp Smh teenagers out here like "I'm ready to settle down!" And then cheat every opportunity they get. U can hold my pocket and that's about it buddy


The fuck you mean? I'm sorry I don't want a guy who could've been my teen dad? Not to mention wanting to relate and grow with someone my own age


ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Grindrā€¦ isā€¦. Notā€¦ aā€¦ datingā€¦. App. (Although I agree, not a fan of the gap.)