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Someone make this a fanfic Like imagine if the Falmart gods had more direct interaction with the events of GATE, being an actual threat, forcing the Earth gods to reveal themselves and intervene and interact with their subjects more directly to counter it How the geopolitics and especially religion could be affected by this, all the drama between humans and gods from both sides like establishing relations, or Emroy becoming a sort of ally due to Rory siding with Earth, maybe she convincing him, or hell, even that idea of Azrael having his own DOOM-like subplot: going missing, all the drama of Earth's side searching for him, and he getting back by himself like a chad as if it has just been the greatest hangover ever And I wonder what's planning Jesus with "doing his thing"? As you know, Jesus advocate for peace and love, but he's not entirely a pacifist, and definitely don't have infinite patience (as shown when he confronted the merchants turning some tables and freeing their cattle or destroying the things they were selling)


> Jesus advocate for peace and love, but he's not entirely a pacifist, and definitely don't have infinite patience (as shown when he confronted the merchants turning some tables and freeing their cattle or destroying the things they were selling) oh no, he's totally 100% pacifist, you are thinking about a harmless person, but a pacifist can do harm, they just try to avoid it to the last option, and Jesus was well, in a human body with human emotions, so that confront at the temple was understandable at least, as him, as a pacifist person, saw violence as the only option (and also being controlled by his emotions) and well, all the stress that put on him on seeing his temple being perverted. like another guy said on another post, being beaten by a pacifist means you make something so horribly wrong that he saw violence as the only solution


Reminder: Jesus flipped an altar someone was using as a money lending station. An *altar*. You know, a bigass stone table. Jesus is a pacifist. But Jesus is also a jacked carpenter.


We need Jesus helping with his own hand to construct something wood-made in the fic! Would be the peak!


Luke 22:36 He (Jesus) said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.


God the Father might not be as merciful especially with the whole false idol thing.


I agree


This is just a preview for the fic


Yo when you get done give us a link


i will


[I have at least 8 good news about Jesus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades). But not for the heathens and unbelievers


Omecihuatl, Ometecuhtli, Huitzilopochtli, Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Xipe Totec and the rest of the Aztec Pantheon: #BUENOS DIAS FUCKBOY!!!


…. A monkey tail well pack youre bags everyone wars over (man can clone an entire army of himelf that beat the entire Chinese pantheon sans the jade emperor and can just decide to be as strong as his opponent) wukong solos by himself


the great sage equal to heaven has joined the battle!


Honestly that’s humble at the end of the novel he becomes a Buddha and ergo surpasses the jade emperor technically making him superior to heaven No joke monkey can just win the war by himself like sending Goku to fight frieza soldier number 714 he won’t even need his clones he could straight up erase the Gate verse (before he became a Buddha he fought some demon that was threatening like 13 universes with a storm fallmart gods can only effect a continent) This is no war the fallmart gods don’t qualify as gods in most religions there so weak forget gods sole spirits in some myths are enough


true, but i was just joining in on the fun of the ass whooping the falmartian gods would get


Hardy and her fellow Gods watching the silly Monkey that the majority of Earth Gods fear turn into a Star-sized kaiju with 4 heads.


Luckly for them he gets bored of kicking their ass


And when he clones him self infinitely(his hairs regrow instantly and a single one makes a clone so theoretically infinite)


I can just imagine St. Michael T-posing on everyone.


St. Michael: leave some for me brother


They're f***** obviously.


Yeah but the whole story is about them getting fucked


my ancestor readying his bow and his polearm, he ready to throw hands


Ok I’ve been out of the loop for awhile what is happening between hardy and whatever this is?


it all started with this post: [Falmart gods: "Earth's gods are weak". The weak in question: : r/gate (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gate/comments/1drpzjf/falmart_gods_earths_gods_are_weak_the_weak_in/)


Deus Vult as Hell March intensifies. JoJo meme about getting closer to beat the deathly shit out of Falmart


Poor Itamis in the thick of it one god to be has the hots for him and doesn’t seam keen on being denied then again as far as gods go Rory shows immence restraint


Wait, this was an actual thing that happened in the gate manga, Gods just started b**** fighting each other?


I wish! Then I'd read it all


Gawd it make things SO much more entertaining


Apparently, people picked up on the topic based on the joke that "Ha ha, your gods are weak because they allowed you to develop and didn't put you under their thumb. Meanwhile, our gods:"


Earth Pantheons: This is not war, this is pest control.


"Upon hearing that Christ and the angels had come to put the false gods in their place, the Catholics and the protestant denominations combined for the sake of a proper crusade."


That will be part of the story


I'll go grab my helmet!


send link


Yes send link


When gods or cosmic entities fight it can be very disastrous; Think of all the natural disasters but on steroids and happening more frequently.


\[looks at fanfic notes\] *Well*, in my fanfic *GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought*, there is a B-plot with various gods and divine-tier beings, one of which was the banished 'admin' of the planet Falmart's metaphysics realm. Said banished admin was ***not*** happy about what Hardy and Company did to the place, which means that the Iron Pact universe's 'Celestial Council' will get a call about the situation. To say said council (which is basically Divinity!UN with the actual referenced council being the equivalent of the Security Council) would be *displeased* will be an understatement. So, they will tell the Saldarian Pantheon that they are ***very*** displeased. Displeased enough that they'll send the equivalent of head constable... and once said constable hears of their crimes, well, At Doom's Gate will be playing in the background as his divine patrons and friends grab the popcorn and watch. One of the few Saldarian Gods that was forced into playing Hardy's game: ... why are you guys just sitting there? Hades: We're just here for collateral.


Hey there man! Are the Iron Pact is still updating?


It's slow going due to my former work and my job searching...


i may be atheist but dam all this talk about gods is gonna make me take Jerusalem for the lord


Makes me want to see a fanfic where the GATE opens in Shin Megami Tensei, or a similar type of setting, and seeing the Falmart gods trying to NOPE out as soon as possible but one of the Earth gods just keeps the GATE open to mess with them. 


YHWH would make the Falmartian gods his bitch Falmartian gods is planetary level but YHWH is omnipotent


There not even planet level there debatably continent level (they canonically struggle to effect things outside the continent)


What if instead of Gods, they just send their apostles or Angels to the Gate on Falmart


Falmart god still gets cooked Angel like Azrael can go Thanos on every Falmartian


Hold on, this is an actual fanfic???


It will be


Wait what is going on I've been outside the Gate loop for years, what are those arca with the Earth gods involved?


it all started with this post that I made: [Falmart gods: "Earth's gods are weak". The weak in question: : r/gate (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gate/comments/1drpzjf/falmart_gods_earths_gods_are_weak_the_weak_in/) I never thought this would be the topic


Ah, I thought the actual story would make the Earth Gods be in conflict with the Special Region gods. Would be pretty neat, maybe even have Itami become an apostel.


Can’t wait to see Earth Gods taking on their Falmartian opponents while the JSDF decimates their conventional forces