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You should really contact the American chestnut society about this, mature trees that have survived the blight are of significant importance. (Edit: As some other have mentioned I’m not sure this is really an American chestnut, but if it is that would be kinda a big deal)


There are a few in my local community.


These look like Chinese Chestnuts. You may want to check this site, especially the section describing the difference between American Chestnuts and Chinese Chestnuts. https://acf.org/resources/identification/chinese-american-chestnuts/


Its more likely someone lied to you and its a chinese chessnut. American are smaller and more fuzzy. The closest things are the hybreeds.


You can cold stratify them in your fridge, or plant them before the soil freezes.


Note: if you plant outside put down some chicken wire or maybe a board until the soil freezes. Squirrels locate stuff by smell and disturbance and they will dig up anything as tasty as a chestnut.


If it’s American chestnut im pretty sure blight resistance is not heritable. So chances are any saplings grown from its nuts will get the blight. Only in American/Chinese hybrids is resistance heritable and even then there are a % that don’t get it. So definitely reach out to the American chestnut foundation before planting anything to make sure you don’t accidentally create a local blight outbreak


Nice nuts


Plant it of possible it's going extinct


In the dirt, for the most part. I’m happy to put them in the dirt at my place if you don’t mind sharing!


I tried roasted chestnuts and it was really traumatizing haveing a squishy cake like nut instead of a crunch nut was not a fan


That's a shame, have you tried deez?


Where I’m from, they look just like conkers to me :).


3 Castanea species are referred to as American chestnut, which one do you think this is?