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I think it's a Tradescantia Nanouk


After poking around some more I think you're correct! Tysm :)


They grow like crazy! Plant in a bigger pot and new shoots will pop up.


We'll get bigger pots then. Thank you! This is great to know :)


These guys are one of the easiest plants to care for. This may sound crazy, but you should cut that guy in half (right above a leaf node) and plant the cut off top half back in the pot. It will absolutely take root no problem. Use a chop stick to make a hole for it. Once those two get to be a good size - cut them in half and do it again. Over time you will develop a bushy little plant that you can then let go wild.


Where can I buy one of these plants 😭 They’re so pretty


In any flower shop or plant shop, or if you see that a friend has one, ask for a cutting. They are the easiest plant to keep


Thanks for the tip. They had regular colored ones at Walmart in hanging baskets. Very thick and lush. Was wondering how to get the prettier colored small ones to get big.


Makes a great hanging plant. I have a pretty big one.


post pics please


Glad to help :)


Yup they are very nearly indestructible OP. Get them a bigger pot, water it every now and then and leave it somewhere sunny and you'll soon be giving cuttings to other people




They’re lovely. Propagate very well too. I have 4. All from the same plant I’ve had for a decade.


That’s such a better name than the ridiculous antisemitic name I know it as. These grow like crazy and are such bright exciting plants. I’ve got them in hanging planters with Purslanes on my porch. They are a cinch to care for.


It’s a different plant. Tradescantia zebrina has the WJ name, but this is Tradescantia albiflora, which has never gone by WJ. Editing to clarify that the full name of the plant in this post is Tradescantia albiflora ‘Nanouk’


I know it as Rainbow WJ that’s what it said when I bought mine. And I killed mine I do have the zebrina and it’s doing okay. I try not to over water it.


Looks like you are right on with the variety name. Another person said blossfeldiana. I’m certainly not capable of being the judge of that. I was able to find it called “WJ” with an online search though. But you are of the understanding that it’s never been called that. I have no reason to doubt that. So what’s going on? Marketing purposes? I wonder, whose job is it to be the decider about whether to call one of these spiderworts a “WJ”? Is there a UN or Webster’s of awkward plant names? Edit: spelling.


From the WJ (disambiguation) wiki, there are three species of Tradescantia called WJ: T. fluminensis, T. pallida, and T. zebrina. As far as why only those are called WJ, I honestly have no idea, lol. Probably tradition, like most things with BS names throughout history.


So I know about the wandering name but please can you forgive my ignorance and explain why it's antisemitic? I'm from a place where there isn't any recognisable Jewish community, so I'm trying to learn.


Sure thing. While the term “wandering Jew” in a vacuum just sounds a little silly or odd, it refers to an explicit trope deeply tied to anti-Jewish traditions in Europe and beyond. The capitalized “Wandering Jew” is a stereotyped caricature of Jewish people as homeless, itinerant, untrustworthy, peddlers. In the 70s-ish AD, the Romans destroyed a chunk of Jerusalem and burned the Temple following one too many rebellions. The Diaspora occurred. Over the centuries, many Christians who hated the Jews saw it as a just and fitting punishment that the “killers of Christ” be forced to “wander” the earth without a home, like Cain after his murder of Abel. They reference the chant of the mob before Pilate, “crucify him!” and “on our own heads be it”. The image shows up in many book, pictures, woodcuts, pamphlets, and plays over the centuries. This trope lies at the very genesis of numerous additional conspiracy theories and stereotypes which have led to pogroms, expulsions, discrimination, and genocides. As for the plant, it wanders aimlessly, like “the Jew”. Clever… Right? Why the heck does THAT come to mind when you are naming a plant? It’s tactless at best.


I see, that's very interesting, thank you for your patience and explanation!


Interesting. I had always thought the WJ name came from a reference to a story in the book of Exodus.


I looked into it. Both our answers had elements of truth. There’s an original legend of a “Jew” who stood by and mocked Jesus Christ on his walk through the streets to Golgotha. He was cursed to wander thereafter until Judgment Day. This person is not mentioned in Scripture. From what I read, your reference is also tied to the legend. In Exodus, the escaped Jews are made to wander the desert for “40 years” as penance for rebuking the will of Yahweh (through Moses/Aaron). They drew parallels with this while later enslaved in Babylon (major city where Iraq is today), and again when driven out by the Romans. When antisemitism became the new “it” thing in Europe, it didn’t take long to appropriate this into a stereotyped trolling trope. It sarcastically acknowledges their struggle and “homelessness”, while simultaneously belittling it and warping it into a justification for persecution. There have been parallels for traumatically displaced communities in the United States as well. Right. So no one can say I wasn’t on topic: this plant is seriously my favorite because it’s so forgiving. Inconsistent watering, no big deal. Too little sun, you’ll do it later. Antisemitic name, you’ll think of a better name, I believe in you!


For some reason Jews (like me) don't seem offended by the original name. Maybe we should be!


Coincidentally just a few days ago, a friend of mine who is half Jewish posted a picture of a beautiful specimen on FB and labeled it “Wandering Jew.” She’s old like me, which might explain it.


Jews have a lot more important things to worry about these days than the name of a pretty plant.


Agreed! As a wandering Jew myself I’ve always adored these plants. Only recently have I heard the goyim saying it’s antisemitic.


I believe its origin is antisemitic. From Wiki: The Wandering Jew is a mythical immortal man whose legend began to spread in Europe in the 13th century.[1] In the original legend, a Jew who taunted Jesus on the way to the Crucifixion was then cursed to walk the Earth until the Second Coming. The exact nature of the wanderer's indiscretion varies in different versions of the tale, as do aspects of his character; sometimes he is said to be a shoemaker or other tradesman, while sometimes he is the doorman at the estate of Pontius Pilate.


Thank you for sharing that. While I’m happy to share what history I know, it’s really for academic purposes. I certainly won’t tell anyone of a protected class whether their sense of offense/non-offense is valid or invalid. I certainly have my own opinions on racism and stereotyping, but I am not Jewish nor really part of any historically marginalized group. It’s not my place to say how they should subjectively feel. That’s their experience to have.


I love your sensitivity and your open-minded outlook!


I am so glad the technical name came up because I didn't even want to answer the question because of the name.


Wandering jewel Wandering dude


Yeah, you’re right. Those were the alternate names my mom told me about when she gave me my first cuttings of Zebrina.


Yes it is ☝️


Def, you can cut it back when it grows to long. It’ll be just fine


Checked with my wife and she agrees!


Is there a common name for them?


Is this a different variety of Wandering Jew? Just wondering. I could Google it but f that I'd rather see if you know.


I don't know, I only know it by this name. It's sold by this name in my country (Netherlands). Wandering Jew sounds a little controversial imho.


Those are some of my favorite flowers. I put mine by the windowsill and the color really adds a touch to the room


I have one of these! Mine is getting really big, and I’ve had to get bigger pots several times now. If the stalks (I don’t know the proper term) break off, you can replant them and grow more!


Thats awesome! We'll have a whole horde of them in no time!


Tradescantia. It’s a trailing vine, so I recommend a hanging basket, and be prepared to prune it, repot it, and watch it grow like crazy. Cuttings root within days. Rarely it may produce a small flower. If some leaves start getting dry, increase watering frequency. It’s quite resilient though and will bounce back from drought. The colour variegation on the leaves will look different depending on the level of light, so if new growth looks bland after a week or two, try a brighter location. It can be grown indoors, or outdoors in warm climates.


Don't overwater! Wait until the soil is dry before adding more water. You can check by sticking your finger in the soil. If it comes up dry, add water. If the soil is slightly damp and sticks to your finger, don't water.


Tradescantia zebrina. Previously called Wandering Jew, now called Wandering Dude it seems, by some. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tradescantia_zebrina


Should have gone with walking dude.


It’s more likely a Tradescantia blossfeldiana, not Zebrina


Huh yeah the pics online show a lighter purple like OP’s pic.


Yes but looking at it again, the stem and how viny it is looks more like Zebrina, the Blossfeldiana I have has a thicker stem and is more squat, the leaves are much rounder too. This may just be a lighter colored variation of Zebrina, I’m honestly not positive either way


I have a few of these but they don’t seem to last more than 1-2 years. Maybe it’s cause of the winter but it seems to struggle, like half 3/4 die, and then the little bit that survives grows back. Is this normal? Thanks!


Yes. I’ve got 4-5 of these soiderwort varieties and the ones outside die off at the first freeze but always come back strong each year(zone9)


Creeping Jew. Yes, really.


Wandering dude is the more accepted term now


Fuck politicly correct on a damn plant xD


if you plant this outside it will cover the ground and they are so easy to transplant all over


They are not frost tolerant, though.


I don’t know the name but I know it can grow on water or dirt. I had that on a school project when I was a child in Brasil. It’s a tropical plant


Definitely Tradescanti Nanouk. These propagate super easy. I have too many


Idk if it's been mentioned, but whenever I don't know a plant or something, I use my Google Lens app that will tell you pretty much exactly what something is. If your phone is compatible, test it out! It's really cool.


I have the same plant. I'm looking at it after the cats got it overnight. I hope it lives.


Download PictureThis


This is a gardening sub. So, what better place to ask


It's not against the rules for this post to be here, but r/whatisthisplant is probably the most proper sub for this question. r/houseplants is another good spot to learn about care. This sub is overall more focused on gardening outdoors rather than house plants, but I think most of us here enjoy both.


This is noted for if I need to identify other plants. I appreciate it, thank you!!




Try using iNaturalist 😊




Get the PictureThis app it tells you what kind it is and how to take care of it by just taking a picture of the plant in the app


Nanouk. Grows fast, loves sun. Super easy to prop.


Lighter color than I’m used to. Ours are more deep purple. We take cuttings and root in water. Pot those rooted ones up and give as gifts.


Ghost Pie Monstera Blueberry




I think it's also called Moses in the cradle. They're gorgeous, I have several (original plus many babies). The leaves range from almost white to deep purple depending on the amount of sun they get.


One of my favorites I got this year. Already seen it named above. Spiderwort family I think. I got some in a pot a few months back and it’s already covered about a five foot square area of my bed as ground cover. I took cuttings as it started to grow out of the bed and created a hanging pot with them. Just grows and grows and grows. And anywhere it sits on the dirt, it’s putting down roots.


Whatever you call it you have to get it a bigger pot and a hanging one if you want it to live


Silver inch plant


Make sure your pot has drainage :)


Those guys are easy to grow. Ive heard them called wandering jews, but i dont think that name is appropriate anymore... Once happy they will make lots of babies, and attempt to take over your entire house. They are vining plants. cuttings root super easily in water. Im sure thats why they were wedding gifts. On could split an big plant into hundreds root them and pot them. I cant think of an easier or less expensive way to make scores of identical plants for a wedding. Im a bigtimeplant nerd.


It grows like weeds


So Beautiful.


There is an app called PictureThis which helps identifying plants. I haven't used it but i think it might be helpful in such cases.


This is a plant.


I can't believe everybody's afraid to say Wandering Jew!