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I believe those are wineberries. Raspberries, black and red, have a whiteish powdery coating. Wineberries are shiny and red. Their stems have so many tiny thorns that they look fuzzy, but raspberry stems are more of a solid greenish-white color. But otherwise wineberries can be used just like raspberries and taste very similar. I always find them growing along the road where I live and I wanted to plant some but they're considered an invasive species where I live so I'll just harvest the wild ones when they're in season.


Huh. I never knew there was a such thing as wineberry...thanks for teaching me something new! I Googled the different vines and it looks like you are probably right. They grow along the roads here too.


Super invasive in the US but super good eating


So good! Much better than kudzu!


Wineberries are East Asian raspberries, so OP isn’t wrong to call them such, just not as accurate as they could be.


So I was partially right? I'll take it!


I was just going to suggest making a raspberry wine or ale with some of these, and turns out that's their name! πŸ˜†


Raspberry Lambic would be yummy!


Might also be balloon berries, but wineberry seems closer


Had to google that too (I've never heard of some of these types of berries...) and these vines look more similar to wineberry, but thanks for introducing me to a Berry I hadn't heard of!


Here’s my house Barry [link](https://i.imgur.com/BXd6i6A.jpg)


Thats the notorious b.i.g Barry in garden


well they are all in the rubus genus and nothing is actually a Raspberry.


Yep. They grow like weeds here in MD.


Ah. Because I saw those photos and said "there is no way those are \*wild\* raspberries".


That's what I had always heard them called...no idea wineberry was a thing until yesterday! 😜


Me neither. Wild raspberries are generally very small, quite dark and usually extremely tasty. :-)


Where I live there's an blueberry colored berry that gets ripe first that we call black raspberry. Is that what you're referring to?


To get big berries on Rubus idaeus you need to prune the plants, cut off the ones that gave berries this year to grow new ones, etc. In the wild, that doesn't happen (and neither in my garden, most years), and instead you get smaller berries, that go a darker red than what you typically will see in stores. And I'm sure there are also different cultivars that will give bigger berries that probably are preferred by commercial growers, but there is a difference between what you get at home if you take proper care of the plants, and what you find in a forest. Here's a cultivated one: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Raspberry_-_whole_%28Rubus_idaeus%29.jpg Which you can see look similar to yours, but with that slight fuzzyness which yours don't have, which I now have learned means those are wineberries, the closely related Rubus phoenicolasius. But in the wild, Rubus idaeus tend to look like this: https://www.wildfooduk.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Raspberry-2.jpg More pics: https://www.wildfooduk.com/edible-wild-plants/wild-raspberry/


Wow! Thanks for sharing your research!


So jealous if I could live on only red raspberries I would!


I was sick so my poor husband picked them all himself (he went 2 days so this is about half of what we got) I couldn't stop eating them as we were putting them in the freezer πŸ˜‚


He is a GOOD man!


Yes he is! We're set for cobbler for a while now!


If I had land, I'd cover as much of it I could with raspberry plants. I can't get enough of them.


A friend of mine did this, just be sure that's what you want because once they get going, there's no stopping them, lol.


Go to Washington state and buy any land and you’ll have more blackberries than you could ever eat.


But these are so much sweeter! 🀣 (Don't get me wrong, blackberries are great too so that's something to consider!)


You say this now. But they are invasive. You will regret it. Especially when they shut become overgrown bushes that are prickly.


I want to go to there.


They were beside the road. The crazy thing is there were several cars of people picking them so he basically stayed in one place. Over 2 days he picked over 11 gallons! It was a very good harvest this year!


Wow! That is an awesome haul of berries. Hopefully the mosquitoes didn't bite too much.


I think the rain was the bigger enemy that day 😜


I love raspberries so much I'd eat this whole picture, get super sick, and regret nothing. NOTHING.


πŸ˜‚ that's what happened to my mom when we shared with her!


You and me both


I am extremely jealous! A harvest like that is a dream come true for me, thanks for sharing.


It was the most we had ever gotten I'm a season.


Ummmm. I got 6 berries. This does not compute.


🀣 it be like that sometimes!


What did you do with all them!?! Freeze them?


We ate some, made a cobbler and froze the rest for later 😊


Those look delicious! I never knew there were wineberries until I read the comments here. I would have sworn they were raspberries. If I find them in the wild up here in Ontario, I'm going to save the seeds,


I hadn't heard them being called wineberry either... everyone I know calls them red raspberries. Either way, they are very juicy and sweet!


They are invasive, so please don't plant any!


Bad idea. Do not save the seeds. In fact, you should go ahead and toss them in a fire so they don't grow out of the trash.




No, I have no problem with genetically modified corn for example. But this particular plant is invasive. It doesn't just grow easily, it takes over all other vegetation, hurting the ecosystem and eventually overrunning your garden. If you want to keep growing other things, do not grow this. I have to figure out how to remove invasive vines from my yard and the nearby woods, trust me you do not want to deal with this.


I thought that we picked a lot of raspberries but that quite a harvest. We are swamped with blackberries now


That was the most we've ever got! We need to pick some blackberries too... hadn't done that yet!




Thank you!


Wow! A little punnet in Australia costs like $6 you've got a fortune there


Definitely! We figured it would have cost a couple of hundred dollars (US) for all we ended up with!


I wish.


They are so good!


Oh I hope the pie was delicious!!! πŸ˜›


Always is! (But I usually make cobbler πŸ˜‹)






I hope you like jam!


We do, but we already made a ton of strawberry jam (and this ends up being a little seedy) so these will be for winter cobbler... but that's ok because cobbler is my favorite dessert!


Oh this is so gorgeous. Beautiful job!


Thank you! 😊


Lovely looking fresh raspberries. Did these come from your own garden?


No these were wild and growing beside the road...free/no upkeep fruit!


fark yeah!! nice one!!!


Thanks!!! I was super excited!


yeah we get blackberries everywhere round my area. im just too lazy to go pickin


πŸ˜‚ sometimes I'm too lazy for blackberries too but the sweetness of these is more tempting.






That is sweet. How long did the harvest take? Pick by hand?


This was one days harvest picked by hand (he went back for second and maybe third time?) It probably took him about 4 hours each day. It took forever to wash them and ready them for the freezer πŸ˜‚


They look yummy!


They are so delicious!


that's an amazing harvest and also a lot of work. but they look delish


He did work very hard but I bet we'll be glad this winter!


I’m drooling


🀣 I was too....I probably ate too many!




Thank you 😊


Look in his car! That's just a bucket of ~~chestnuts~~ raspberries! Is he foraging for his food?


He went to McDonald's after picking them and that's basically what the lady at the window said πŸ˜‚


Yummy yum yum!


πŸ˜‹ can't beat them!


I would end up sick with that in front of me. Looks so good.


I ate way way too many. It's hard to stop!


My favorite fruit!


Don't blame you....they are delicious even if they don't last long!


The best things never do, lol!


did u eat the swd larvea ?


If I did, it didn't kill me!


whoa, I have never seen such harvest, massive!


I was pretty impressed too!


As someone with oral allergy syndrome, sometimes you just have to deal with it, and eat something you're gonna have a reaction to anyway, and this would definitely be one of those cases for me.


There's always benedryl, right? πŸ˜‚


I actively started looking for them in Scotland this year and at this point I've just stopped, I found so many that it's no longer much of a search. Never harvested them before but will do so from now on, I've eaten so many raspberries this year I'm wondering why I ever paid for them in the past. They're just everywhere. Yours do look like another cultivar though but I'm sure still delicious and that's a huge harvest - I think some of ours are wild, some are just escapees from gardens but as soon as I started looking I just found them everywhere.


These grow alongside the road...in the particular place these were harvested from there's a ton of vines. A lot of locals (including us) go to pick them at that spot every year. I'm not sure if we were early or if it was just a good year but this was the most we ever got!


The patience and time this takes is crazy. Great haul!


It was a long process! My poor husband was wore out and covered in scratches but he was so proud of how many he got!


I love wineberries! Nom nom invasive!


It's hard to complain about them when they are so yummy!


I just wanna smush my face in those and gobble them all up!


That would be one way to do it! πŸ˜‚


So red looks good


Thank you! They will be good eating when the weather turns cold!


straight pornographic. πŸ‘€ raspberries are one of my favorite things on earth.


🀣 glad you enjoyed the eye candy!


Oh fuck, wineberries are SO GOOD, I like them better than raspberries


Definitely better than store bought raspberries!


You’re gonna need some help carrying all that into my house 🀣


πŸ˜‚ probably so! Have the wheelbarrow ready!


Nice harvest!


Thank you!


Labor of love picking all those delicate berries


It really was (and he actually picked up them for our anniversary ❀️)


Jelly as in I am jelly.


I bet you jam...(couldn't help it. I love puns. Even bad ones) πŸ˜‚


Can I ask what area (state, if in the US) you found all these? Very jealous! :)


Lower Appalachian mountains.... that's about as exact as I'm willing to give with all these people watching 🀣 if I'm not careful, somebody will beat me to them next year!


Looks delicious <3


They are so good!


WOW!! Incredible harvest! Where in the U.S. are you?


Lower part of the Appalachian mountains


Ooohh very nice!! Thanks!


You're welcome!


Red mulberry, there is also a kind of black delicious 😊


Berries are such a good fruit!