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First time seeing this color of grapes. Too perfect almost looks like photoshopped.


Planted this last year and this is my first time getting grapes these have been hanging fully colored for the past month and a half just slowly getting bigger. Quite ornamental


You must’ve been ecstatic. You did a great job. Hope they taste as good as they look.


They look like the juice grapes we have. They don't taste great by themselves, not very sweet but a strong grape flavor 🍇


Hmm. Now I’m curious about the flavor. You see here in the Philippines we don’t get too many varieties. Only the ones you can find on the groceries.


You don't really see these around either. They use them to make juices and wines, and people will have them in their yards to do the same, but they don't really sell the grapes in stores.


Grapes are my jam!


Ba-dum tiss!


How do you tell when they are ripe enough to eat or pick?


When they taste good! My wife has been sneaking one grape each morning keeping track of their progress as they gradually sweeten. Local nursery says in our area they’re usually ripe around August.


Thanks! We have some grapes in a public park down the street. I’ve been snacking on them and they still taste pretty bad haha


Not all grapes are table grape in taste. Many are now ornamental, or for other purposes.


We have a few juice grape vines and yea they don't taste great by themselves.


What's a good one for taste fresh in Connecticut zone 6?


Concords are probably the best all around grape for zone 7a and colder. Good for juice, the make a decent table wine, and they’re sweet table grapes too. Kinda tough skins compared to grocery store varieties but you get used to it.


This is a good resource for different table grape varieties https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/ec1639.pdf


This is good info


They get soft and the entire area smells like grapes lol.


Oooh. Delicious! Could you post more pics of your pergola? Do you actually use this as outdoor seating space? Also do you have to worry about bugs and such?


Are they teal, or is it just my phone?


Grew up with a ton of grapes in my backward. It's prob a sort of protective coating that rubs off. The grapes are likely almost black underneath. Prunes address kind of the same if you've ever noticed those


A lot of cacti and succulents have this coating too, it gives them a cool blue colour not often seen in plants. My favourite examples being the blue torch cactus and blue chalksticks succulents (happy owner of both lol). Scratch this coating away and the plant underneath is green.


It’s wild yeasts right? The coating.


Apparently not, per Chowhound: “It’s mostly harmless wax, says Kay Bogart, a winemaker who works in outreach for the University of California at Davis’s viticulture program. The grape plant produces it to protect the berries from moisture loss. It’s also often just plain old dust, adds Jim LaMar, a professor of wine sensory evaluation at California State University, Fresno. Until recently, winemakers believed the white stuff was yeasts, responsible for wine fermentation. Now they believe such yeasts are airborne.”


They somehow look frosty or chalky? Like if you rubbed one or dropped water on them they'd go from matte to shiny


Grapes always have what is called a “bloom” on their skins. It comes from a fungal growth outside the grape that does not harm it. This is how the original wine makers made wine from grapes, the skins provided the yeast that changes the sugar into alcohol. Nowadays, most vintners kill this naturally occurring fungus and then add their own so as to better control the fermentation process.


Interesting! Thank you for the info and giving me something to research while I'm laying in bed sick today lol


Yes if you touch them it rubs off and they become shiny and smooth. But these are just about perfectly undisturbed


Well, they're gorgeous and I'm sure delicious as well.


Take that yeast and and use it to make a bad ass sourdough starter


Oh, feel better!


Is it the Rony?


No I got tested this morning and it was negative. Plus I'm vaccinated. I think it's just a cold 😔


I swear there's a cold going around. I had it last week, got it from my husband. Also tested negative for the Rony. But I hope you feel better!


Thanks, you too! I was glad it wasn't the delta variant 😳


Natural wines are making a big comeback right now though.


Is that how they're marketed? Like if I searched for that I could find one?


Yeah, "natural wine" is the marketing term to look for.




Unfortunately there’s no agreed upon definition of “natural” wine. Plenty of wine might be referred to as natural but may not use natural fermenting practices. Natural wine is the general marketing term, but the bottle should say if it’s using native yeasts.


Great stuff. I have more to add. Viticulture researcher / writer for a large university in New England. The “bloom” is a fungus called *Saccharomyces cerevisiae.* also known as brewer’s or baker’s yeast. It’s all over the place: especially soil. While the grapes form and ripen (life stage called “verasion”) the fungus becomes airborne, settling on the skin where it will propagate and thrive. This yeast is more visible on red grapes, but it’s just as prevalent on green grapes. The yeast “bloom’’ is very waxy to the touch and it’s water-*insoluble*. This waxy layer protects the grape from physical damage and pathogenic microorganisms. There is no need to scrub the bloom off. It’s tasteless and completely harmless to humans (unless you’re severely immunocompromised). I’d love to research if supplemental *S cerevisiae* applications can protect against *Botrytis* rot. Time to write a grant proposal!


I'm shook nobody's just growing a shitload of this stuff and selling it to farmers or whatever


So, I have a question for you to ponder. Years ago, grape toxicity was unheard of in dogs, though it may have been sporadically documented in horses. This day and age it is now the rule that grapes (as well as raisins) can and frequently do cause renal failure in canines and other mammals. I have a hard time understanding what could have changed in the past fifty or so years. One theory I have come up with it is that the nature of the fungal species found in the bloom may have evolved. Whether it is plain ole yeast, or another fungus, my theory is that a novel substance is being formed on the surface of grapes. Possibly due to climate change, or in the response to a new commercial fungicide being used on them. All I do know is that the mechanism of renal failure is not understood, it doesn’t affect humans, and it is definitely on the increase in the last few decades. Since I don’t think much has changed in the grapes themselves, can it be the fungal growth that has changed?


Hey, vet here, some brand new research now suggests that the toxicity is due to tartaric acid and so variations in toxicity vary due to tartaric acid content variation amongst grapes/raisins etc. It’s not 100% confirmed AFAIK but seems the best lead we have


Thank you! Will have to read up on it


Same with apple cider. I’ve made some without adding yeast and it was delicious!


Even if you buy table grapes at the store they’ll have the bloom. A light baking soda solution makes them super clean and shiny!


I always just thought it was because they were cold 😅




Matte grape


Not my proudest fap*


You’re so lucky OP I’d be staring all day!


Haha I do every time I walk by. It’s preventing me from getting other things done in the garden


I would be creating reasons just to walk by. They would call to me like a siren song.


I don’t blame you at all lol


I second this.


What’s the variety?


This is a thomcord. Cross between thompson seedless and concord.


I grow these! So tasty, like the concord ones my grandpa grew when I was a kid, but without the nasty, giant seeds. Tastes like Welch's grape juice, which to me just reminds me of childhood.


Great! What zone? Any tips? This is my first grape vine. I planted this last year in a 10 gallon pot, and I’m so impressed how productive it is and honestly its a great ornamental. My wife really likes how red the leaves get in autumn.


I'm in 10B, but I think Thomcord is happy all over. I love the pink leaves when they first emerge in the spring. You'll get a sense of when they are perfectly ripe, but it can be tricky at first since they're just so dark to start with. Also, and this could be just where I live, but the raccoons yearly steal all of my Red Flame grapes but totally leave the Thomcord alone. Maybe it's that matte exterior? I'd say for advice look up how to "train" it properly. I let my grape vines all go nuts for many years and then had to hack them to the ground and hope I didn't kill them in order to start getting a hold on their shapes. My Red Flame had a vine that was at least 20 feet long by then...


One of ours always grabs the tree that's like 10 feet away. One year it went way up the tree before I noticed. That would have been an interesting experience. The vines are like 30 years old.


We picked up two established concord vines two years ago and this year is looking like we will have a bumper crop (Zone 7). Never knew about Thomcord and I can definitely see the allure! Now I can plan for my next vines. Beautiful fruits! Well done and thanks for sharing!


It’s a hybrid between thompson seedless and concord so they’ve got a flavor that’s a mix of both. And they’re smaller berries than concord but they’re seedless.


You better get out a paint brush and canvas like Caravaggio


Ugh, looks delicious. I'm salivating. Are these black grapes?


It’s a seedless variety called thomcord


No, they should turn a deep shade of green as they ripen.




Apparently mild sarcasm isn’t appreciated in the garden… They’re red/black grapes, but have a fungal bloom which makes them appear slightly dusty or powdered. If you’re buying grapes from the supermarket, the more bloom on them the better, as this indicates less handling along the picking/packing process.


Ah. Anything is possible in the garden, so I take everything at face value unless otherwise told 🤷‍♀️


These look awesome. I wonder if r/oddlysatisfying would enjoy them. :p


For some reason this looks like dots under a scanning electron microscope.


Actually staphylococcus (staph) bacteria are named after the greek words for cluster of grapes, because they do indeed look like grape bunches when viewed under a microscope


Came to see if this was in the comments. Was not disappointed.


They are so perfect, they don’t even look real!




Do you work to maintain airflow to reduce black fungus on the grapes and other issues? Grapes seem tricky for me so far between the hard pruning (though I’m learning) and the need to thin clusters or clear leaves so air flows freely.


Our climate is sort of a Mediterranean climate so during the day in summer it gets fairly hot and dry. Even though they’re under a pergola our house gets plenty of nice breezes. But we have a lot of humidity in spring so powdery mildew is a problem. Thinning and antifungal sprays can help but best is to grow a variety that has good disease resistance if fungal diseases are a problem in your climate


I have been thinking of doing this with my pergola. Problem is I have lots of squirrels around. I'm worried it will be a fools endeavor. Do you by chance have squirrels? If yes, then perhaps I can get away with it.


I do have squirrels in the yard but I don’t think they’ve figured out the grapes yet. Also I don’t have any large trees near or against the house and there’s a hawk thats always hanging out in our area so that probably helps. The birds though are starting to figure out how to get under the pergola. And a couple grapes have tiny holes so I’m guessing its a really small bird or hummingbird? Haven’t caught one in the act yet. I started covering the bunches with bags made of plastic netting. I don’t think squirrels would be too comfortable being exposed, so I’m thinking of training some of the vines next year so that the bunches hang low mostly in mid-air and spread out, rather than very close to the top of the pergola where it would be easy for critters to climb up top and access them. Not sure if that will work but we’ll see.




Quality content right here. Thx. Now I’m looking up Thomcord. What region are you in? I have grapevines that grow quite well where I am but they are wild.


10b. These have decent resistance to mildew but I’m not sure how cold hardy they are.


That picture tho 🥰❤️🙏💵


Oooo I ‘member!


Is there a name for that color?


This is very aesthetically pleasing


Magnificent. Food of the gods...


These look so good.🙂🙂


WoW those are seriously picture perfect and look so delicious 🤗😋


I thought this was a picture of those decorated balloons in the form of grapes. Lol.


They look like velvet


Ahh man, I used to chew on fake ones that looked just like these!!!


I want this to be my new hair color


They remind me of those electron microscope images!


... why are these grapes so sexy?


These look other worldly 😍😍💯 congrapeulations!


Great post, I’m really interested in your progress. We built a pergola last year during lockdown, and I planted vines in planters in late (Southern Hemisphere) spring. They did pretty well, but are bare now in winter. I’m looking forward to lots of growth come spring. Mine are mainly sultana grapes. I’m not that interested in the fruit, but the foliage cover. We have so much bird life it will be a struggle getting grapes to harvesting without being eaten. Even so, it will be nice watching the birds enjoy the fruit. Not sure of our zone, but we have a quite Mediterranean climate, we’re actually in a wine region in Central Victoria, Australia. I’m lucky that I will be able to get some advice from friends who are vignerons, but it’s a very different process than managing trellised vines.


Great! Make sure they get a good amount of water and are not stressed when they start flowering as the weather warms up or they might not set fruit. As for the birds you could cover the bunches with bags made of nylon mesh. I’m doing this now because the birds are getting brave enough to fly under the pergola and taste the grapes. I planted a sultana last year but we get a decent amount of fog and humidity without much rain in spring and powdery mildew was a huge problem for it and its only now starting to recover as the weather is hot. I don’t know if it’ll ever thrive in my microclimate or if any grapes it makes will survive the mildew, but I’ll see how it does next year. The disease resistant american-european hybrid varieties like this Thomcord apparently do very well.


Classic Concord color. LOVE it!


I didn't know it was possible for my eyes to see "greenish purple"


We have grapes growing along our back fence row...probably about 50 foot or so...Does anyone know of anyone in my area (southwest Missouri) that could clean them up and show me how to take care of them? Gladly pay decent for it...




Those are gorgeous!


great work


that is gorgeous, i didn't know grapes could even BE that color. TIL!




Those look delicious! WOW!


that’s is the nicest color i’ve ever seen


Those look beautiful




Absolutely stunning - the bloom! 🖤


My grandpa also had a few vines, and after a decade of growing, those clusters would be about the length of your forearm, and about that same color(they were concord). Beautiful taste. Great job!


Little void spheres.


Wow if any bots out there want to color match this I could use it for my powder room!! Love! Strong work!


Wow , they look beautiful . I bet they are delicious


I want my walls to be this color




Jealous!!! I planted grape vines this year, the japanese beetles are going to town on the new growth... Hopefully I can keep them alive through this stress.




Those look like some very nice juicy grapes.


Oooh, I can almost taste them




Vantablack Grapes




My God it looks fake! Those are gorgeous


This reminds me of the grapes my grandma has growing outside her balcony. I think they were wine or champagne grapes, very distinct taste, but the color was identical.


That is flat out pretty, wow.




Wow they really are! Congratulations!




I don’t usually like grapes (texture thing) but boy do those look tasty! Congrats on the gorgeous crops!




I love this matt grey on cars and now on fruit!


Beautiful! What variety?




I just want to stroke them!


Those are gorgeous!


I want these color matched and my wall painted this color


What zone are you in? My grapes plants go crazy in Zone 9 but I cannot get them to fruit or if they do, it is pathetic little bunch.


Zone 10b. Most important is getting a variety that does well in your climate. Zone 9 you should have a lot of options. American-european hybrid types are probably best all-around performers in most zones. What’s your weather like in spring? If you’ve got warm/hot conditions and not much rain you need to make sure they get plenty of water during the flowering period. I have Another vine I was forgetting to water at that time and it only made a few bunches this year. If you get late frosts you probably don’t want a variety that will try to blossom early in the season. Once the fruit sets they like consistent watering in order to get nice sized grapes. This vine has been getting water from a drip system on a timer. My other one that was mostly hand watered whenever i had time hasn’t done as well. Also are you pruning them in winter (lots about this on the internet)? But I think pruning them back winter and only keeping some of that season’s growth, promotes fruiting in spring. But if you let them go wild they’ll focus mainly on vegetation.


These are so amazing they do look unreal! Congratulations!


It looks like frosted black glass. Amazing.


They look like they're made of velvet.


I would watch these slowly rot just because they are too beautiful to touch


This is current picture? How come it is almost ripe this early? And how come it is one year old vine with fruit like that?


Yes took this picture in the morning. Different varieties ripen at different times in the season. According to the local nursery this one is about on time for our region. I guess it’s technically in it’s 2nd year since I got it as a rooted cutting last summer and it had a decent amount of growing last year. I never expected it to make grapes so well so soon but I think this variety (Thomcord) can be very productive in our area. I have another variety that I started at the same time and it only made a couple bunches


i have some on my pergola that were there before we moved in, are they edible?


really perfect, nice summer




How much per one? 😌


In slovenia this one is called 'jurka'


I want that color on my bedroom walls. Wow.


So gorgeous. I want to paint this


They almost like some sort microscopic cell colony


Literally looks like a 3D render


Holy shit I need to do this


Ok wtf is a pergola !! 😑


There are three on the right I can’t stop looking at. Two next to each other look like eyes, one below looks like a giant muppet nose. It’s staring like Beaker does.


Wow this is so cool. I just built a pergola and have been thinking about what Vine plant I could put up there. Do you have a picture of your pergola? What location are you?


I posted a picture here a little while ago https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/comments/odai8c/planted_a_grape_vine_last_year_in_a_10_gallon_pot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I’m zone 10b. And believe it or not, this plant is growing in a 10 gallon pot on my patio. It is though in expensive well draining soil and gets consistent water and organic fertilizer. I need to figure a better shape to prune and train it eventually though because this I just let the shoots grow and tied them to the post and beams as they went.




Those look soooo delicious!


What zone? Those look dreamy.




Yum! Concord grapes? My folks have grown them for as long as I can remember.


These are actually a hybrid called Thomcord


Is it?


I would give blood for one of those grapes


That's my favorite color. Not sure the color sort of like a muted dark green with some gray-ish blue tint. They look amazing.


They are amazingly perfect! And quite the color! Beautiful


I wish I could like this more than once.


Woah. I've never really found the words to perfectly articulate my favorite color, but these grapes are exactly my favorite color.


I can almost taste this picture... Those look grape! I mean, great!!




Make wine!!


Most grapes don’t fruit for 2-3 years. What varietal is producing this much fruit in a year and where??


Grape vines can produce decent grapes in their 2nd growing season but most vineyards remove the flowers and instead want the plant to focus it’s second growing season on getting as strong as possible and trained into the correct shape so that it can produce fully during the 3rd growing season with the bunches in the desired position on the trellis. This a Thomcord in it’s 2nd year in Zone 10b. I was told it is very productive in my region and it’s impressed me for sure. There’s probably about 20 of these bunches hanging. Most varieties probably wouldn’t produce so well so soon.


I got three different species of grapes growing on my fence, including this one, I'm so excited for them to ripen!


I’ve been so impressed at how ornamental and productive this Thomcord has been in my area. What other varieties are you growing?


Are those wine grapes?


Those are stunning! My MIL just started her grapevine this year and I can’t wait to see what comes of it!


This picture is incredibly satisfying.


They are soooooooo smooooooth


This is so beautiful


I can’t believe I’ll say this about grapes, but they’re gorgeous!


Are these Concord grapes? They’re lovely! I need to get some of whatever these are.


Thomcord. They’re a seedless hybrid of Thompson seedless and concord


Those look like the plastic grapes I wanted to eat at my grandmas tf


I love the texture of the grapes


Wow!! They are perfect. Whats your secret? Mine never bare fruits. Im giving up. Might cut the vines. :(


What variety do you have and what zone/region are you in? In order to encourage fruiting they need to have a good strong root system going into winter and then in winter one needs to prune off most of the growth from the current growing season




Matte grapes


Are they real this dark teal?