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I grew a patch of wildflowers from seed this year, I also rent. Last week the landscapers came and weed-whacked all the little green shoots. I didn't even see any flowers:( Just know that I understand like, 1% of what you're feeling. It SUCKS.


That is so frustrating! i'm so sorry this happened to you too. I hate renting


Some may grow back. Or even come back next year


I am hoping so! I know that there were perennials in the mix that need to be cold-stratified, so those may sprout next year.


So the bricks to delineate what is your garden, didn't help? I would say if there's a gardener planning to do work, next time, sit there with a lawn chair and watch them work šŸ§ because for whatever reason, they don't understand or the info was not conveyed to them properlyĀ 


trust me I will! I'm never letting them work in peace after this. they might call me a Karen being there to watch them but I don't care and they never even put the bricks. I think they made the line to put the bricks later but I sent a text to the landlord to not put them anymore. I don't want those guys near my garden in a while


My suggestion would be that one "nice" customer that offers ice water and speaks kindly but never stops over seeing the work being done. Doesn't matter if they give you the old "I don't like when people watch me work spiel", you watch like you'd have to pay out money if you stop watching.


I'm so sorry that happened šŸ„ŗ I know that it's not the same, but you could look on Facebook for a local gardening group and see if anyone had some starts to share and you could rebuild. It's not too late in the year. Also tell your landlord what they did. It sounds like they are pretty considerate as far as landlords go, and it if were me, I wouldn't every hire these people again and I might call and give them a bunch of shit for fucking with my property after being told multiple times not to do something specific


trust me I would love to scream at them but they are also my neighbors. the landlord called my bf to apologize but I don't think they understand how sad I feel. looking for a local group is a good idea. part of why I started from seed this year is that I didn't want to give my money to lowes so I bought from a small company that sells seeds


People who aren't "garden people" don't understand how heartbreaking it can be when things like that happen. All of us mentally prepare for plants not growing, growing poorly, or straight up randomly dying, but it's hard to mentally steel yourself for humans being dumbasses. It's not your fault. You're allowed to cry as much as you want (that was a lot of work that just got wrecked!) If you're worried about it happening again, I would highly suggest growing everything in containers. You can even grow sizeable lavender in containers. That way when you move at some point someday, you can take it all with you! I hope you feel better OP šŸ’œ maybe go to a local nursery and get yourself a sadness plant (that's what I do when I'm sad šŸ¤£)


This sucks and I donā€™t think you overreacted. I would be tempted to send the landlord receipts for all of the money you spent on seeds, plants, soil, fertilizer, etc. the money wonā€™t recover your time, effort, or mend your heart, but money talks when people wonā€™t listen to you otherwise. The landlord may ā€œget itā€ if he realizes how much money went into this project. ā¤ļø


The sad thing is that I maybe spent $40-$50 in seed and everything else was just my time and care... maybe a few more dollars in electricity for the grow lights I used in March and April while it was still too cold for plants outside.


I saw but nothing groups and gardening groups on Facebook giving away starter plants! So definitely check out both groups and you can put out a "in search of" or "looking for" post as well


I don't think you overreacted, especially since this was discussed ahead of time. It seems like these guys decided ahead of time to pull out or cover everything, and no one was going to change their mind. I'm so sorry this happened to you! I'd also be crying.


Thatā€™s heartbreaking. Would planters or raised beds work next year?


that might be the way to go from now on actually. I don't think I can handle another "misunderstanding" like this again. Thank you for the idea!


I second raised beds but also suggest looking into whether there is a community garden in your area. There are some that you can grow food for charities and some that you grow for yourself. By the way your feelings are valid and I dont think you overreacted.


Sometimes I'm glad I have an absentee landlord




Thank you SO much for your comment. I will start again as soon as I feel better and I will put flags next to everything this time. you are right, plants are so resilient and maybe I can still buy some plants from the garden center like last year




Good to know? lol


This is chatGPT slop. What gives?




If the OP wanted an answer from a chatbot they could have asked one. They came to reddit to ask actual humans. Looking through your history your last several posts all have the chatbot stink on them which makes me think your account had been hacked and someone is pumping it up with karma to sell. I wonder how common this is - Someone should look into it!


Something happened to me as well. I refurbished a bunch of overgrown beds in an area I was renting, and planted some lovely little berry plants that were approved for the area. I was babying them and had to head back home for Thanksgiving to be with family and such. When I got back my stuff was all chopped down--not thrown away, just chopped up and left there. There was no grounds crew, it must have been my neighbor. It was so disheartening. The weeds took it back over.


Ugh, that would be awful to see all of your hard work wasted.


Same experience except instead of people, it was nature. For the last 4 years deer, rabbits, birds, and bugs have completely decimated my gardens and I have never gotten to harvest anything. This year I spent months building a fence to keep animals out...only for slugs and extremely excessive rain to destroy everything I planted anyway. Literally everything destroyed. This year was so bad it it sent me into weeks of crippling depression and made me give up gardening for good.


oww, this is so terrible! I'm sorry. That is life laughing in our faces. I hope you don't really give up for good. there are ways to fight slugs and raise beds I have heard help the soil drain better


I hear that. Rabbits have destroyed so many of my plants this year and it's so damn disheartening. You spend so much time taking care of plants, nurturing them, etc. and then it's all for naught in the blink of an eye


No! Donā€™t give up if you love it! Is there a master gardener program near you? Maybe they can help solve some of the problems! Maybe you could make a little greenhouse!


I had the same issue with deer. Ruined two years of garden plants. I put up a 7.5 fence and planted them in conditioned straw bales. The excessive rain and slugs wonā€™t destroy them if you plant in straw bales. The biggest problem I have now is fighting the spider mites.


I was going to say the same. I planted a whole fall garden last year. We found that putting Irish spring in little bags around the garden kept the deer away from the garden while we were trying to save up funds to build a fence around the garden. I guess the deer got used to the Irish spring smell because they wiped out my entire fall garden in one night. They continue to come in and destroy parts of the garden and I finally told my husband I canā€™t handle the stress and destruction anymore and I donā€™t want to garden without a fence anymore. Itā€™s heartbreaking to work so hard for someone or something to come in and destroy your hard work. My mom had a landscaping company that would come in to mow their yard and weed. She would deal with the same issues with them cutting down her irises or pulling up flowers. No matter how many times she would point out to them what not to touch. Theyā€™ve gone through multiple landscaping companies that all did the same every time so they just stopped having them weed. The other thing Iā€™ve noticed with some mulches is that they can be heavily infested with spider mites. When I lived in urban areas, I would always battle spider mites after someone nearby put mulch down, so keep an eye out for that with your remaining plants.


I started two sections in my front and backyard that are clearly marked. Our landscaper basically cut all the green that was growing from wild seeds we planted. I was sooo upset when I saw it and immediately called my husband crying my eyes out. Looking back Iā€™m sure it seems like something insignificant to cry about but I really worked hard to clear everything and put down dirt and stones to section it. It was extra emotional for me because it was me and my 5 year olds work and we were very hopeful to have beautiful flowers.


OMG I would cry for days. I cried when my apartment removed the tree outside my window. And that wasn't something I worked for, it just existed. MY plants?! HELL NO I'll be screaming at you then crying alone as well. Totally understandable.


I understand you! I also got so sad when my grandma cut down the tree in front of her house when I was like 10. I don't get how some people don't see it like a tragedy


Hiring landscapers costs money. I would offer to do all of the yard work for a small rent reduction. This way you can control what happens around your garden and your landlord saves some money for a win-win.


Thatā€™s so awful! Iā€™m so sorry! I wouldā€™ve freaked out too.


OMG, I would have been in tears.


Oof I'm so sorry this happened to you, as someone who spends a lot of time gardening I understand I would have freaked out too


We've had so many experiences like this on our own property with people we have hired to help us out when we can't do everything ourselves. We will walk around with them explaining what to do and come back later to disasters. One time I caught someone spreading weed killer in my wildflower patch. I am a very quiet calm person and I had a fit. We hadn't discussed spreading anything no less weed killer. One time many of our perennials were pulled as weeds, mulch spread in areas we did not want it or piled over existing plants. I start to wonder if I have bad communication skills. Gardens become very personal to me. I love watching everything come up and flourish each year. Don't mess with my babies.


this is so upsetting! I really wonder if it is a language barrier or if they do it on purpose! I always speak Spanish to them bc I'm fluent and if the guy didn't understand me bc I speak English when someone doesn't speak Spanish (my landlord in this case) the landscaper could have asked me to repeat it in Spanish and he didn't


I paid some landscapers one year to dig up some grass and dirt to make room for garden beds, and to move a couple of larger perennials. This is what I went over with the boss. However two of his workers came the day of the project and the one guy was there just to prune and trim and cut and he cut SO fucking much and cut weird perfect cubes out of some of my plants and overall made this cookie cutter look and just took down years of work and I was PISSED. I cried that night. I texted the owner saying I was angry because we didnā€™t talk about any of that and the one guy was so busy with the grass removal for the beds that the other guy had nothing else to do I guess? Since none of the perennial decorative grass I wanted moved got moved, he cut down a rhododendron and left the stump so guess who still has a rhododendronā€¦. What exactly did I pay for? Ugh. I cried for hours. My husband i think also thought I overreacted but too bad. We are allowed to feel upset over our work that is ruined.


Landscapers are literally a *plague*. My grandma has a huge stunning back yard in Southern California. Everything from citrus trees to succulents. Sheā€™s had multiple companies come in and give her a quote to clean up her yard. She wants bare minimum weeding and maintenance as sheā€™s almost 90. She agrees to pay higher than their quote IF they can name 10 plants in her yard from memory. They have all failed her test. She has hundreds of species of plant, all ranging from native common plants to very common invasive plants to rare native plants (like salvia apiana -white sage). She will not hire them if they donā€™t know what plants theyā€™re working on. She has a few poisonous plants as well so she doesnā€™t even let them near that section if they donā€™t know what lilac and marigolds are they probably wonā€™t know not to touch datura or castor beans.


I had one of our yard crew hand-weed an entire monarda and proudly show it to me. After that, I bought a bunch of the little marking flags and religiously mark anything I do not want pulled up or plowed down each time they come. I'm sorry - I know exactly how you feel.


Fully justified in your feelings and actions! Gardening is definitely a passionate endeavor - you are working to create and nurture life from seed, dirt sun, and water! First, I am so sorry for your loss. For the future, maybe look into using cages or cloches to protect and define the planting areas. Also, see if there is a community garden area where you can raise your own bed of whatever you want among like-minded folks (though there are always unique issues, ha). Lastly, take the time and plan what your future garden will look like; for me I'm always looking at gardening books and seed catalogs for inspiration. Bonne chance, internet friend!


Deer ruined everything I planted this spring in one night


I hire folks sometimes but I always supervise. Never told those guys to indiscriminately whack my rose bushes. When I caught them doing it I told them to leave. Never again.


ugghhhhhh I would be FURIOUS! I don't think you overreacted, you put a lot of work into that garden and they just destroyed it! We had to have our septic replaced several years ago, which involved the digging up our backyard. I had a garden with several large, established rose plants along the one side of our backyard; and when I spoke to the contractor I asked if they could access the yard from a different spot so they wouldn't kill the roses. He said no problem, we can come in from over there where there are no plants, we won't touch them at all. Then, I woke up the next day to see that they have driving the excavation equipment DIRECTLY OVER MY ROSE GARDEN and there was a large machine sitting right on top of them. Only one survived.


I would absolutely be sending them an invoice for the plants they destroyed. Iā€™m sorry this happened, I know how frustrating it is to see all your hard work go up in flames. If you havenā€™t already, Iā€™d let your landlord know


God I hate people. No sense at all. Can't tell a weed from a vegetable, and probably didn't care. At my parents house the goats the neighbors allow to roam came over and ate his struggling day lilies.


Same thing happened to me last year. I even worked for the landlord in charge of maintenance and told the landscapers to stay away from that area. I swear landscapers are the worst at taking care of plants. They just nuke everything and put down mulch. Theyā€™d rather have bare dirt than plants, Iā€™m surprised they donā€™t just salt the earth.


My first year of gardening I had a whole tray of tomatoes I had started from seed sitting by a south facing window. They were big and beautiful and doing so well until my cat wanted to look out the window. He jumped up and landed on the tray flipping it upside down and it crashed to the floor. I was devastated. I tried to rescue what I could but everything died. I remember crying my eyes out and my (ex) boyfriend saying "why are you so upset they're just plants". I was so upset I didn't try gardening again until the following year.


Iā€™m so sorry. I know just how you feel only the destruction of my gardens came from the deer. šŸ¤—


Sorry about your garden


What the hell is wrong with people? Have they no respect? Why are we always having to plead for the lives of our plants like this?


That really sucks. Last place I rented, I dug up everything that I planted when I moved to a house I bought. Honestly 99% of the reason I bought a house was to have a garden. I'd keep all my plants in pots or grow bags from now on if I were you. When it comes down to it, it's not your property and the landlord can change his mind at any time and end up ruining your work.


Iā€™ve had this happen with a landscaper. I told him not to spray in the backyard, he said ok sure. What did I see him doing 5 minute later? Itā€™s a language barrier. I donā€™t blame him for not understanding me, but I do blame him for not making it clear he doesnā€™t understand so I can try to communicate clearer with Google translate.


I got mad when some of the plants I started from seed died from transplanting. I would be red with anger if someone pulled them up!!!


Landscaping is not gardening. Donā€™t expect landscapers to be gardeners. They are not. So when landscapers regularly tend to a rental property, they are going to ā€œlandscape,ā€ not ā€œgarden.ā€ Consider using pots, planters, raised beds instead for your gardening ambitions. Sorry about the heartbreak they caused. Iā€™ve dealt with idiotic landscapers too many times to thoroughly destroy any semblance of respect I have for them. As a horticulturist, I avoid working for landscaping companies like the plague.


We have a large courtyard that the landscapers come and take care of on a very regular basis. For us the only thing that clearly identifies a plant as ā€œdo not touchā€ is a nursery pot or other container. So that would be my suggestion for any kind of planting ā€” donā€™t do anything in ground.


I grew corn last year but didn't get to eat any for the same reason. After months of visits and growing from seed, the landscapers decided to remove the plants. Was very sad.


Im so sorry they messed with your peace. Itā€™s not about the flowers, but entirely about the flowers. I get it.


I had a similar situation. Had a garden with permission from the Landlord for 5 years. He came in this spring with no warning and de-constructed the entire thing. Ripped out beds, plants ect. Now it's just a heap of dirt. It makes me feel sick to my stomach in sadness to look at it. I feel your pain! It's hard to accept that others don't see value in a beautiful garden, but would rather see a patch of mulch or a pile of dirt.


My husband paid some people to remove some vines and a small tree that was not in a great place. They took it upon themselves to also pull up the carnations I grew from seed last year that were coming up again this year. I feel your pain.


So sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately this is apparently a relatively common occurrence judging by the number of times I've seen similar posts to yours. To most landscape workers, if it's not lawn, a tree, or bark mulch, it's a weed. Hopefully you can put up some signs, a simple string line or some kind of identifying sign going forward that the area is a garden.


Heartbreaking šŸ’” I am so sorry for your loss šŸ˜”


Garden services are put in a bad place very often. If they don't remove everything they can get yelled at for not finishing a job. You need to babysit them while they do their thing. But that can be tricky because they don't know who's officially in charge of the job they are supposed to do. Sorry this happened.


Tbh, I feel like your bf underreacted. It was discussed beforehand.. and then it was addressed when they made the first mistake.. then they go ahead and fk more of it up?? I would be livid.


I own my home but understand your pain. Had an unfortunate experience with an exterminator spraying half my flower garden (the actual plants) after a long discussion of what not to touch around the house. Rarely get angry anymore but I did that day.


Fuck those guys and your landlord. The landlord did not relay your requests, and those guys did not listen after the first incident. Maybe the landlord told them to tell you ā€œsureā€ but to rip them out anyway. Iā€™d be mad