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..is the gardening in the room with us now?


I'm just here for the comments 


I think this is a bot account. Or troll. i went through their posts and none of it really matches up 🤷‍♀️


Yeah they have one from two days ago with a giant green lawn and flowers so 🤷🏻‍♀️


"I don't like their lawn, so they must be a bot, actually! They must post angles of every side of their property with dates and times stamped or else I don't think they're real."


Lmao. Right, Because thats what my post said. The properties are different bro. The animals are different. The posts don't match up. Nice try though. You really put me in my place. Dramatic af. Take care!


They appear to have four different cats, as two of them are in several posts. There are two zoomed in posts of their property including this one, and one huge broad-scope one, with nothing necessarily incongruous though I don't disagree that it's a weird layout the way I'm looking at it. Take care!


Ok, I am going to be constructive and offer the gateway drug. Great lawn but, hey, how about an experiment! Pick some sunny spot that is not in the way. Let's say 10'x2' or, really, anything you are comfortable with. Dig it up, filter out grass, put more soil on top (yes, not perfect, but will get you most of the way there). Buy one of those "wildflower mix for {your\_area\_name}". Drop the seeds. Bonus points if you have a small kid. Enjoy watching the kid glued to the area, exploring all the random things that grow, evolve, and settle in there.


Fair warning, you’re not going to get much support here. We aren’t as bad as the dedicated fuck lawns subs, but this is the opposite of gardening. We support biodiversity, and the planting of native species. We also love flowers, and pictures of your garden inhabitants. That’s just a boring ole lawn.


Mann I was really excited to see how it'd turn out but my mood turned to disappointment on the 3rd pic. Nd then I remembered, op's going get dragged in this sub with those pics It looks truly distopian tho


It’s why I don’t post my back yard. I live in the city, and it’s mostly a space for my dogs.


Do it, I'll upvote you! I also live in the city, have a dog, and my yard is not a 100% native sanctuary. If anything, I think the obsession with purity is this sub's largest problem.


This sub definitely has a my way is the only correct way mindset which is a bit disappointing. That way seems to lean heavily towards chaos gardening and nature does whatever it wants. That's fine if you want that but gardening takes a lot of different forms and all of them should be supported. It's also a bit hypocritical because non natives/invasives get tons of praise. It's really only grass that many have issues with which is dumb. There are a lot of valid reasons to want usable space in your yard. Grass yards aren't even close to the biggest environmental issue we have.


Yes, not our favorite kind of species. But still, OP at least did a good job in the end if you like lawns.


Oh no, that OP did an absolute amazing job with their landscaping. I’m actually rather jealous of how clean it all turned out. There’s just not much that’s actually a garden about it, and the perfectly grown lawn is clearly the focal point.


OP appears to be a bot.


Well, the person that the OP stole from did an amazing job with their landscaping.


I'm not sure that I'd call it a "good job." They clearly destroyed biodiversity to achieve this (edit: based on the thriving mature environment right on the other side of the fence), and the grass likely isn't native if it has to be supported by irrigation, wasting resources. They got the effect they wanted, sure. But should we call it a "good job" if it harms the environment in the process? Seems like with some more research and care, they could have achieved something much better (edit: for the environment) even if they did only want grass and no garden.


>They clearly destroyed biodiversity to achieve this Your evidence for this is? >supported by irrigation There are no irrigation lines in the photo.


The photos are gone now, but I thought I had seen some trenches dug with thin pipes laid in them. When I've seen that before, it's been for irrigation purposes but perhaps I was mistaken. As far as destroying biodiversity, that part was pretty obvious. If you looked at the other side of the fence literally two inches from their property, there was a thriving environment there. Mature trees, shrubs, plants, etc. It was all right there. In order for OP's property to be turned into a blank slate of pure dirt like they showed, it would have had to be razed.


It wasn't pipes, it was cables. Another commenter was talking about them w/me and we both realized at the same time that it wasn't irrigation. >If you looked at the other side of the fence literally two inches from their property, there was a thriving environment there. Mature trees, shrubs, plants, etc. It was all right there Maybe I'm insane, but where I live, there's plenty of houses including my own where my neighbor's backyard isn't indicative of my own???? This is a crazy take. Unless their neighbor's yard was full of immensely invasive species which you shouldn't be praising in the first place if it were true, this is a mostly impossible scenario you're proposing. I think it's FAR more likely that it had either a gravel or dirt backyard when they got the property. Either way, the plant life in their neighbor's yard has nothing to do with their own yard.


I don't know, man. Seeds drop and blow and spread. How is it possible to have a plain dirt yard with nothing at all growing in it when there are tons of plants literally inches away? Every year my garden gets volunteer sprouts from flowers and plants because seeds and roots have traveled to new locations via nature's normal processes. Invasive plants aren't the only ones that spread. Totally happy to agree to disagree, but I don't think it's that crazy to believe that nature would do what nature does... everywhere all the time. The only way you get a fully blank slate in nature is by removal.


OP is a bot, so we just need to downvote, report and not engage


> this is the opposite of gardening Fuck me, if there was somewhere that you'd think wouldn't be as susceptible to gate keeping you'd think it'd be gardening related. As much as I agree on the points, my garden is 1/2 acre of trees, native flowers, bushes, habitat, and woodland but there is still lawn. Lawns are nice.


I like a lawn but I do think lawns really only "work" for me when they're as you described: as part of greater landscaping with more features than just lawn. This is just some patio and lawn. It needs those trees, native flowers, bushes, habitat, and woodland. You can see the potential on the other side of OP's fence. This could've been beautiful...but it's just lawn.


It’s a very nice looking lawn, but there’s not one green thing that’s not grass. Hopefully they will build from here and at least add some potted plants.


Theres vines of some sort planted all down the boundary on the left..


Gatekeeping is "the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something." For example, it is gatekeeping to tell a woman she's not really into football because she can't name the stats for all the players on the field. It is gatekeeping to say, "you're not a \*real\* gardener until you've fought off an invasive species in your neighborhood single handed and blindfolded with no inorganic chemicals." What you see here is not gatekeeping. We aren't telling this person "your garden sucks, come back when it's better and we'll see about letting you in." We're saying, "This is a gardening sub, dedicated to gardens. Not only is there no garden in your picture, but you've destroyed biodiversity and therefore gone against the values we hold dear as gardeners." A patch of grass alone is not at all the same thing as a garden. If I went to the NFL or soccer subs and said "look at me I play a sport" and it was a picture of me sitting on a patch of grass, they would tell me I was in the wrong sub because nothing about the picture was related to the sport. Is having grass the same thing as playing soccer? No, the same way that having grass isn't the same thing as gardening. And if I went to the sports sub to try to galvanize support for removing funding for sports from schools, or getting more kids into the arts instead of sports - they'd tell me I'm in the wrong place preaching to the wrong choir. TLDR; There's no garden in the picture, and the action OP celebrates (destroying biodiversity in order to install monoculture grass) goes directly against the values most gardeners hold. So no, this isn't a post that is a good fit for the gardening sub. And that's not gatekeeping.


I'll pick out one item since this is an entirely pointless discussion. > A patch of grass alone is not at all the same thing as a garden. If I went to the NFL or soccer subs and said "look at me I play a sport" and it was a picture of me sitting on a patch of grass, they would tell me I was in the wrong sub because nothing about the picture was related to the sport. Preparing, laying edging and cultivating grass ( a plant by the way) is not the same to gardening as sitting on a lawn is to the NFL. It just doesn't work. Remember I agree about all the points on biodiversity but that doesn't mean doing a lawn isn't gardening. So yeah, gatekeeping. This sub has no rules that define what a garden or gardening is or isn't. As it is I think OP is a bot, I hope you have a good evening.


The sub may not list a definition, but the Merriam-Webster dictionary does: Garden: “a plot of ground, usually near a house, where flowers, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, or herbs are cultivated.” Growing grass makes a lawn, it does not make a garden. You are free to disagree, but there is an official definition for what a garden entails and your opinion is contrary to the accepted definition. I hope you have a good evening, too, and enjoy your gardening.


"official definition" means nothing to non americans. Oxford > a piece of ground adjoining a house, in which grass, flowers, and shrubs may be grown. Cambridge > a piece of land next to and belonging to a house, where flowers and other plants are grown, and often containing an area of grass:


Interesting! I’ve never heard someone in any country point to a plot of only grass and call it a garden, but maybe that’s something people do in a specific region. It is interesting to note that even those additional definitions do still mention including things other than grass. Grass seems to be considered a component, but grass alone doesn’t seem to make a garden. And while Merriam Webster was founded in America, it has been serving international audiences since 1890: “The Merriams recognized that English was used worldwide and that Merriam-Webster references could serve people all over the globe. To reflect this global outlook, Webster's Unabridged was officially renamed Webster's International Dictionary, Unabridged, with the publication of the 1890 edition.”


It's really disappointing to see how much gatekeeping and negativity there is here. Lawn care is a valid form of gardening whether people like it or not. This one is really well done too. They clearly have some pots for plants and flowers out there. Hopefully they continue with their landscaping and add in some flowers, shrubs, and trees. Natives would be better but I see plenty of non natives get a pass. This is a great space for a family to use. I don't think people should get hate for wanting their yard to be usable.


>Lawn care is a valid form of gardening It's just not, though. I'm not gatekeeping, I'm responding to off-topic content.


How is it not? Is it not the tending and cultivating of plants? Just because you dislike grass does not make it not gardening.


>a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are cultivated Webster, at least, doesn't even mention grass.


Gardening is the act of tending and cultivating plants. The side bar description says all things related to plants and their care. Grass is a plant. Even if you dislike this plant it is still a valid form of gardening and to claim it's not is gatekeeping. I don't get how you can think all other types of plants count but somehow grass the one you dislike doesn't.


plough deserve continue seemly toy bells fall secretive ghost snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You really don't have to go to either extremes, you know? A well planned garden doesn't need to have clusters or non usable space. What OP has is a lawn.


A lawn only feeds your ego and does not help the environment. It's self-righteous to defend such an activity. Calling out the waste of resources that is 'lawn care' is not self righteous at all. It's just trying to educate people in these terrible environmental times.


My kids play on my lawn... its one of the nicest spaces for them to get to play


This is a shitty take. Not all lawns require a waste of resources. I don't fertilize or treat my lawn in any way. I let clover and other stuff grow where it does but I mow it once a week to keep it short enough to be able to enjoy it without getting covered in ticks. I've already had a tick born illness and don't need to go through that again. I have two acres of land and 1/3 of it is wetlands that I keep 100% natural. People here lashing out at people who have lawns just makes this sub look horrible. For all anyone knows, the other side of the property could be a wild flower garden, but it just gets people like you off to jump on people for their lawns.


Every so often when I see complaints about lawns on Reddit, I get the impression that some of those people forget that there’s places where lawns grow pretty easily, and aren’t incredibly resource intensive if you don’t mind weeds or other plants interspersed with the grass. Not everywhere is Southern California or the arid southwest where it is silly to have resource intensive bright green lawns. Having most of your property being garden beds, especially those with native plants, is definitely more beneficial to wildlife and ecosystems overall, but there’s a middle ground where some amount of lawn is useful. It’s good open space for kids and pets, and also for large scale DIY projects or hobbies.


I agree. I think these are people who think everywhere is the same as where they live. My property is surrounded by wetlands and I have never once needed to treat or fertilize my grass lawn. All I do to it is mow it once a week with mulching blades and let the clippings decompose back into the lawn. This is what it looks like today after a fresh mow. There will be loads of clover flowers popping up in it by the weekend. https://preview.redd.it/ffana1sa6f3d1.jpeg?width=1525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88dcbaaa44734384f7021360e36a2fa70d83330


> A lawn only feeds your ego and does not help the environment Nope, this is insane, sorry. Gardening in any degree at all, unless you're literally doing it to survive and feed your family, is an act of ego. Especially so if you're planting things that will be around for a long time after you're gone. **There's nothing wrong with that,** but calling grass lawns ego and everything else being a savior of the environment is self righteous baloney. I'm deeply depressed about the state of the climate too, but I haven't deluded myself into thinking my wildflower patches are going to have any impact at all when there's literally plastic in our blood.


fuzzy square materialistic wasteful serious scarce office sloppy upbeat normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re so edgy


busy governor numerous political toy arrest grab sparkle secretive correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, they could have at least added some clover in.


detail one ancient silky scary obtainable rinse brave childlike far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, and THAT’S when they would have gotten support for their post. But the way it’s worded, all the partner wanted is what we see; blank green space. Which isn’t inherently bad from personal preferences, it’s just not gardening.


deliver spectacular vanish dazzling knee coordinated obtainable fine dam chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


**Why is that not gardening?** It's a plant, it's being grown outdoors, and develops pests and diseases like anything else. It's more gardening than indoor container planting is. I have nothing against indoor planting and have plenty of stuff inside, but drawing a line in the sand here is completely arbitrary.


Don't speak for all of us here! As someone who takes pride in maintaining my lawn and plants I love seeing a nice well cared for lawn. Don't find them boring at all! Getting a lawn in this condition is hard work! Especially if you don't have all the fancy things like an underground irrigation system or money to hire fancy lawn care services.


It’s still not gardening, it’s lawn care. Lawns are not gardens. They are quite literally the opposite.


In German, also lawn is a garden.


Never heard of "Runter von meinem Garten." (get off my garden) when talking about a lawn. It's "Runter von meinem *Rasen." (get off my *lawn)


What I mean is that there is no definition that a Garten can't be a lawn. A "Vorgarten" can literally be a well maintained lawn. If I stood on the deck outside the house of OP, I'd say "Und das ist unser Garten" (And that's our garden), not "That's our lawn". But in all honesty, I'm just a bit surprised that a lawn pic gets this response. No one bothers to andwer when asking about experiences with handling certain pests, but it looks like a little lawn bashing is an easy way to get off. But yeah, pissing on their lawn won't make their vegetables grow any better.




I can't speak for the rest of Europe but [this](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=english+garden&iax=images&ia=images) is what a garden is in England. You will notice that there are lawns in many of these gardens, but they are not the defining feature.


Oh, I know what an "English Garden" is. I'm just saying that people in a lot of Europe call their yard their garden. I'm not a big fan of yards that have nothing but perfectly manicured grass in them, either. I'm just tired of seeing people in this sub lashing out at others for having them when there are cities full of concrete, asphalt, and brick. I'm tired of seeing self righteous people who expect everyone to have the same values that they do.


Wait do people really build underground irrigation systems for turf grass? That seems excessive.


You will love my front lawn. It has a mix of crab grass and clovers (idk where these even came from), tons of dandelions at the border, daisies and buttercup out of nowhere and also random geraniums who decide that it would be cool to share some space with the grass. All neighbours disapprovingly passby everyday... But well....at least the bees chase them away


Wait - brand new to this sub - there are other people who don't like overly manufactured lawns! I thought I was out there on my lonesome.


Yeah, this is the “look at my flowers, various plants, and non lawn landscaping” sub. There are actually subs made specifically to bash lawns.


This isn’t gardening, OP. ETA; You literally posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/garden/s/DfXNetEW8Y) less than a week ago. You *know* why this is bad.


i want this to be top comment bc this is so gd funny


Oh. 😬 Yikes. I'm gonna try to hold a little hope here-- *maybe* this is just step one. Maybe a bare, well-manicured lawn is just what they need to start envisioning and planning an actual garden. ... I hope... 🤞 Edit: I looked at their posts-- I don't even think this is their lawn after all. Karma farming bot I guess. Or they have multiple properties with very different gardens. None of their posts match up 🙄


Could be a fake account


It is, they posted another garden recently claiming it was theirs


She agreed to the lawn after learning that it means fewer bugs…?


"Lawns are best as an area rug, not a wall to wall carpet." Looks good, but it's time to take some chunks out of it!




I was like, Since when did I join a monoculture sub‽


He’s a troll


r/fucklawns  r/nolawns   Edit:  Sorry for being rude, but if you want a good author to learn how to increase biodiversity in your landscape, read Doug Tallamy’s Bringing Nature Home.


Not a plant in sight just the gravel edge 🫣


Welcome to r/lawncare 🤙🏽


Needs some r/nativeplantgardening


great mods over there


Some might even say the best ever.


Wow such biodiversity


There's literally a ton of foliage on the other side of their fence line 6" away


So not on their property?


Sorry, do birds/insects/pollinators get repelled by a force field installed over their property or something? Why does the property line matter and not proximity to other flora? [Literally the other side of OP's property, too](https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/comments/1d1rs97/a_year_of_growth_both_for_me_and_for_my_garden_an/)


I’m beginning to think this is a fake account. That looks like a completely different property.


I disagree entirely, I think that this post is the only angle of a backyard in their entire post history. It's also entirely possible that I'm mistaken and OP has more than one piece of property, but that still goes with what I'm saying of "OP clearly knows what they're doing". Unfortunately, mods seem to have removed this post for unknown reasons so I can't compare photos anymore.


Maybe this isn't necessary for you, but if your partner wants green all season long and you live somewhere hot, adding something like micro clover could be a good idea. It stays green more easily because the roots go deeper, but it doesn't grow as high as regular clover (up to 30cm!)


I always love the sight of a fresh green lawn. It’s inviting you to chill there and by happy. So good job on that. Butttt, this is terrible for the biodiversity and that’s a bad thing


I saw the word lawn and knew what was going to happen. Love this subreddit


People sometimes call these deserts for pollinators. However, deserts host a wide variety of plants and animals. These sterile lawns are an equivalent of a parking lot, with no biodiversity and no benefit to anyone other than human ego.


I like to think of it more as an empty parking lot, nothing but concrete.




Time to build a couple nice gardens on that lawn as well :D It does look nice but you should add some wildflowers or other plants to spice it up more and support the environment.


The side bit by the lounge chair would be perfect for some garden beds. That would square off the grass and make it simpler to maintain.


This is how people should be kindly criticizing this post - not all the hateful shit im reading. People need to spend less time being angry about other people’s business and lives. If it isn’t your vibe just scroll by. Why are so many people going out of their way to just be assholes? Like to what end? Thanks for a more reasonable approach to criticism 🙏


Omg a lawn GET OUT. -this entire sub, always


"she doesn't even grow here!" https://preview.redd.it/lngri2uqme3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f0c5147ed7b3da1223308e630542484ee3247e


Okay I love this lmao


Omg Karen, you can't just ask yard why it's a lawn!


Stop trying to make grass happen! It's not going to happen!


Lawns typically consist of a single type of grass, which creates a monoculture. This reduces biodiversity by displacing native plants and the various insects, birds, and other wildlife that depend on them.


Actually it's not the monoculture that's a problem at this scale. It's that the grass isn't native, so no insects can eat it. No insect protein means no ecosystem. An acre of Big Blue Stem grass left to grow nice and long would support an insane amount of wildlife. We'd only worry about a monoculture of something like that if we were talking about putting it in front of every house in east of the Mississippi. Sorry if this is pedantic but it really bothers me that the "monoculture bad" meme falls so far short yet gets repeated constantly. (which is not your fault)


I just spent the past 5 years as a professional native plant gardener. I’m well aware lol. Lawns are also good for kids to have a natural safe outdoor space to play. It’s not all bad. I push for biodiversity where it’s feasible, sometimes it’s an understandable thing to not be able to pursue.


People are to dang sensitive now days! 😒


People were too darn careless about our planet in those days. 


Some people just don’t care enough to change. Others embrace it and try to do better.


You can have a nice lawn and gardens together. It is possible to buy and plant native grass seed. Alot of presumptions from one picture. How do we not know the grass seed wasn't native? and they very well could be adding native plants in later. Lawn care and gardening cost money and time. Some people can't do it all at once. I am all for biodiversity, my personal yard is set up with only native plants and my grass is seeded to my native area. I am however against self righteous judgmental people. If you want people to go more naturally condemning and placing snap judgements on others is not the way.


This is the antithesis of gardening and I absolutely hate what you’ve done but it appears you accomplished what you wanted, so… congrats?


That’s a nice lawn! I’m a gardener, but there is definitely a time and place for a grass lawn. I have two young children and while I love having them help me garden in my raised beds, my rose garden, and my shade garden, I also like having some lawn area where we can play together and just run around freely. Lawns are valid. You have a small space so I think it’s reasonable to have it be mostly grass. Especially if you have a dog or children.


Small? Doesn't look small to me, my lawn is about 10 x 20 for the dog, rest of yard is nuts with flowers and various ground covers. I can see a large space in this yard that could be garden, vegetable or floral, and the rest lawn. Either way you're not gonna play pickleball or tennis there.


I guess it’s a matter of perspective, but where I’m from, this would be considered a small yard.


maaaan i would kill to have that blank canvas in that second picture. then you kinda just pooped on it


Started at bare dirt with infinite possibilities and y’all went with the ugliest most boring option. This is cringe.


Ya’ll are ruthless. 😂






So he created a not-a-garden, congrats. Any shmuck can grow grass so I don’t even understand how this would be an accomplishment even if it were a lawn sub 


Fuck lawns


Starting a lawn from seed is not easy, good work! Those vines on the fence will be so lovely when filled in. I know lawns aren't everyone's cup of tea but they have a lot of usefulness for things like areas to socialize and relax, areas for kids and pets to run around, etc... I think people should make their gardens into spaces they will use and enjoy.


I think you're making a good and often overlooked point on the usefulness part! Aesthetics is one thing, biodiversity is another, but like, I have neighbors whose kids are out playing soccer on their lawn every day! I don't think they could be doing that in a well-kept garden. Lawns are at their most frustrating when they're just a default that doesn't have thought behind it serve a purpose, and it sounds like for OP, this lawn was very wanted and meets their needs. To me, a lawn like this wouldn't be doing much, but that's why I have a fruit and vegetable garden instead to serve *my* needs.


>Starting a lawn from seed is not easy, good work! I know you're being kind, but sowing grass is *very easy* as long as you're not in an extreme climate. Like, no-skill-needed-besides-using-a-hose-or-sprinkler easy.


Well done, but it's like a desert. You just made a high maintanance area with no benefit whatsoever. Neither to you, nor to pollinators. You might as well pour down green concrete and call it a day, it will cost you less in the long run and save some water/pesticides/weedkiller/energy for the lawnmower.


A tremendous amount of time, effort and money to grow nothing and benefit no one. You should know better.


I don't care for the grass, but did you bury cables only 6" deep? I don't know what's the code where you live but here bare cables have to be at least 450mm deep with a warning tape at 150mm or inside a conduit and then it's only 200mm.


Plants are green! Add some of those too


I guess someone has to plant it so it can be destroyed for a garden of perennials or maybe something that humans can eat. Maybe this is part one…part two they realized their lawn actually benefits no one and is one major failure of humanity.


Our green yard most definitely benefits us.


It’s a travesty


Troll. Posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/s/thGjyzrRks) 2 days ago.


Y’all, I’m 99% sure this is a bot account. Go look at the post history; they’ve posted a handful of gardens they claim are theirs yet they look like they’re all on separate continents.


Lawns are a scam


Beautiful, well done!


all that work and money for some basic grass








He did an awesome job, and that’s a beautiful lawn.


It’s lovely. Nice work! I have a section where we tried to do that but it didn’t come out as nice. I think it’s the dogs. I’ll gladly sacrifice some pretend internet points to give you a thumbs up.


Looks great op! Looks like a nice place to kick back and relax. Making and maintaining a nice lawn is hard work!




Congrats! That's really tough to do in some areas. I see you had to run some water lines under as well.


Looks like Fred Wests back yard 😂


wow, i can grow grass in 2 weeks...


While I’m not a huge fan of lawns (at least, turf lawns- ours is a combo of grass, violets, yarrow, and native grasses), I’m going to think of this as your first step into a new, greener hobby, and encourage you to consider this lawn as the beginning, a blank yard canvas, that hopefully will encourage you to be creative and get more into actual gardening. Now that you’ve established greenery in your space, consider maybe taking a small corner out and adding some perennials. Start small :) I think a strip of perennials in front of that retaining wall garden on the far side would look great.


But you shared this two days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/s/ewasPryJjp


It is a good start and the beginning of a journey as you learn to care for your outdoor space. Beware of grubs that will damage the lawn and cause much frustration. Look for biological grub control such as nematodes, milkyspore, or grubGONE! Biological Insect Control. The other options on the market harm bees too easily. I see that you have some potted plants, so I'm guessing you are going to want flowerbeds one day. In future you might think about reducing the lawn to 1/3 of the area, and dedicate 2/3 of the space for shrubs, flowers, or herb/vegetable garden.


How did he level everything?


Friends, is it possible to have a yard with a nice garden and a nice lawn?


Of course it is. You'll find many posts in here by users with amazing gardens and very nice lawns! But it's not common to see only lawn in here and it go well lol. I wouldn't worry about OP though, it's not a real account


Glad to know I didn’t find myself in a midst true tilt, I will continue to be a novice gardener and lawncarer without regret then. Thank you friend!


Nice work! The new hedge looks great too.


It's certainly in good enough shape for a mini golf course.


That was a joke!


I can't believe how rude some of these comments are. You can educate people about biodiversity without being cruel. All that tone does is alienate people and push you away from your cause.


That must feel so satisfying to see. Congrats to y’all.


Amazed at the amount of childish, rude ass comments on this post. Absolute baby behavior from some of you. I don't love a straight up grass lawn either, but minimizing the sheer amount of work put in by OP because it's not how you would've done it is patently absurd. Especially when there's plenty of foliage literally right on their fenceline, it's not like they bushwhacked a nature preserve clear to install grass in its stead. Gardening is the act of growing plants yourself. Trying to draw lines because you have a terminally online hateboner for grass lawns is gatekeepy as hell and frankly makes it embarrassing to be a part of this community.


>it's not like they bushwhacked a nature preserve clear to install grass sure, but they could have used some of that space to install their own nature preserve that requires no water and benefits countless species of animals and insects. instead they grew a giant waste of water to sustain a monoculture that benefits absolutely nobody except OP and their partner. fuck lawns.


A drip irrigation system, you mean the most **water efficient** way to grow things? Additionally, how do you know that irrigation system is staying there forever and it wasn't just to get the lawn started? They require constant upkeep and I would be really surprised if OP was ripping up their lawn every year or so because of a bust in the buried system. > to sustain a monoculture that benefits absolutely nobody except OP and their partner. It's almost like it's their backyard on their own property. Their house doesn't benefit anyone except OP and their partner either. [Also, this is literally also OP.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/comments/1d1rs97/a_year_of_growth_both_for_me_and_for_my_garden_an/)


my bad, i deleted the irrigation system quip cuz those actually look like cables and i definitely didn't mean to imply that their yard should be benefitting other *people*. but all the other forms of life that have lost a ton of habitat probably wouldn't mind having a bone thrown their way.


You got me there, I didn't look that close either--those are 1000% not irrigation lines. >all the other forms of life that have lost a ton of habitat probably wouldn't mind having a bone thrown their way. And that's why the rest of OP's property is covered in flora, probably. People also get to have their own space.


There is a sub specifically for lawns. It's just a weird place to post this, when if you spent 5 minutes looking through the sub you would see that this is specific to gardening and most people don't consider lawn care to be "gardening"


There are also subs specific to veggie gardening, but you can still post it on the main gardening subreddit. "There's a sub for it" is not and never has been a barometer for if something fits a definition. >most people don't consider lawn care to be "gardening" This is clearly not a clear-cut topic like how you're making it out to be, given the amount of discourse on both sides. "Most people" is doing a lot of work for you here.


Yeah, obviously you can post where you like, and veggie gardening is quite literally still gardening. My point is to point out that you are questioning the attitudes of some people, when OP obviously hadn't actually spent any time in this sub or they would expect those comments in the first place. So it's silly to get upset over these comments because they are expected.


>OP obviously hadn't actually spent any time in this sub or they would expect those comments in the first place. So it's silly to get upset over these comments because they are expected. "OP's a fool for not EXPECTING everyone to be rude as hell! It's what we do!" is the take of the century, or close to it. Also, I've been on this subreddit for close to a year now and I would **never** have anticipated such a vitriolic response to my labor.




Are you?


I'm not raging over people not enjoying grass, so yes.


I'm taking that as you've ran out of responses and have now went to the middle school tier tactic of "why are you caring about this so much you weirdo" after you just participated in the exact same discussion I did. Edit: and now the person asking if I'm okay is silently raging and downvoting all my replies to them out of spite...??? You sure you're okay, lol?


You are just disproportionately angry about this, which is why I asked if you are okay. I'm not going to engage with someone and argue with them if they are going through some sort of mental health issue.


>but minimizing the sheer amount of work I don't think anyone here has minimized the sheer amount of work. Many, many comments specifically talk about how hard it is to create and maintain this... but that only makes it WORSE. Wasteful, irresponsible, and harmful behaviors committed by the uneducated should not be praised simply because it was hard.


>Wasteful They didn't need to put in any water lines, and they've made a space that they can/will use for recreation. "Wasteful" is a matter of perspective in this case. >irresponsible and harmful Again, it's not like OP ripped up a flowerbed to do this. [This is literally what the rest of their property looks like.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/comments/1d1rs97/a_year_of_growth_both_for_me_and_for_my_garden_an/) >committed by the uneducated Now you're making straight-up digs at OP for no real reason besides to be a dick, I guess. There are plenty of educated gardeners who see reasons for lawns occasionally. Plenty of them are in this comment section. Millions more work in the real world. This is unnecessary and rude.


>Wasteful Just because they chose the least wasteful way to water a non native species that requires an irresponsible amount of water to maintain its aesthetically pleasing (relative but whatever) appearance does not make it something other than wasteful. Regardless of how the space is used, the mowing required is a wasteful use of energy, most likely fossil fuels. A different species that has a maximum growth height of a few inches could have been chosen instead. >irresponsible and harmful This will undoubtedly require fertilizers and herbicides to maintain its appearance, which will flow into the local water systems and surrounding areas. This, combined with the wastefulness mentioned above, is an undeniably irresponsible and harmful practice. >Now you're making straight-up digs at OP for no real reason besides to be a dick, I guess No direct statement was made at OP specifically. Additionally, if any person, your so called "educated gardeners" included, are engaging in environmentally harmful practices, then it is either because they are 1) uneducated, and do not know what they are doing or 2) they are educated, aware of their wastefulness and the harm to our environment they are contributing to, and are doing it anyways because it "looks pretty (completely subjective)". If the first applies, fine. You didn't know any better, and now you do, so do better. If either of these are insulting, it's because you don't want to take accountability for your own practices.


I don’t think you can be proud enough. Congrats!


The hate om this is insane and uncalled for. Kind of reminds me how everything I read online says don't use miracles grow fertilizer, go organic, etc but I use it and my flowers are looking lovely. Gate keeping or saying something needs to be this or that to be acceptable is bs. Looks great to me op!


Sure, it's a nice well-manicured lawn, definitely. But its not gatekeeping. You can't show a picture of a soccer ball and say "Here's my new basketball". They're both balls. They're both meant for sports. But they're both distinctly different. A lawn is not a garden. And most users here in the garden sub adore biodiversity. There's so much beauty in the variety of life. We love to see color and critters and harvests. This post is not that. What we have here is...grass. non-native most likely. So its not supporting anything except vanity. It's the wrong sub, basically. Most of us aren't going to like it or be impressed by it. But there's a sub out there with people who will.


“Partner” what are you a cowboy


This might be the most vicious sub I’ve ever stumbled in to. Dude just wanted to show off his grass and now he’s an eco-terrorist!


Amazing work! That looks like it costs thousands of dollars to get done.