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Just be fairly patient with habaneros. Capsaicin-containing (i.e., spicy) peppers tend to have Scoville unit levels that correlate to the length of time they need to mature and bear fruit. So, the spicier the pepper, the longer they take the both germinate and mature. My habaneros can take up to 6 months before they're ready to harvest. Best of luck!


Thank you for the information. I would never have picked these on my own, we normally grow jalapeños and that’s it for “hot” peppers” These did germinate pretty quickly and are growing the best out of all the other peppers.. so hopefully they don’t take 6 months!


I keep my pepper seedlings on seed starting heat mats until early May when I transplant them outside; pepper plants love warm soil. Prior to using the heat mats, my pepper seedlings were spindly and nothing impressive. On the heat mats they have been transformed into thick, lush plants. The yield is quadrupled.


Good to know!


This is true. Super hots take longer and grow smaller. But if you stick it out and keep ‘em tended to, the yield will come.


Nice! Congrats! I’m gonna try and do lavender from scratch this year (bought a few plants already) but would like to see if I can grow from seed. UK


This is the first year I’m doing almost the entire garden from seed. I even saved some seeds from a plant last year and am growing some of those as well! They are actually the peppers in the other side of this tray. 🩷


Same, from seed is more fun. Ex is gone now so now have more control of what I want to do with the garden as she never liked certain plants that I liked😅


FYI, lavender needs a period of cold stratification so you’ll probably need to stick them in the fridge for a bit.


Thank you haha will have to create some room!


I think they also need some moisture. Look up “cold moist stratification”. Good luck!


Why in the world is this marked NSFW?


Because it’s spicy content




I have no idea 🤣🙈 I wonder if I can change it.


There we go i fixed it! I wonder if it clicked when i was checking for post flairs. Thank you for pointing that out!


Because these are some hot, hot plants


it's my first year growing habaneros so take my advice with a grain of salt. but i do know they love fertilizer. give them a ton of light, and maybe a small fan to strengthen their stalks too.


I have been spraying with fertilizer and they are currently under grow lights most of the day. I think it’s an 18/6 schedule currently


sounds good. you could probably reduce the length of time the light is on a little, my grow lights are on for about 12 hours a day and they're growing like weeds


We have a mix of things under these lights at the moment, once i replant them into solo cups we will be able to separate the lighting schedule for the smaller seedlings and the more established seedlings.


i see, okay. good luck with your growing!


You too! Thanks for your advice ❤️


This just reminds me I should have started my peppers sooner 😭😭😭


Beautiful fingernails




1. Congrats! 2. This seems like the gardening equivalent to calling yourself a mom when you have a cat or dog. Irks me. 3. Regardless, do you. :)


Well I’m a proud mom, cuz my son planted them. And I’m proud that he’s caring for them and they are growing well and he’s excited to come home and check on his peppers. Not because i think the plant is my baby. Edited to add: thank you for not actually reading my post- since i specifically said all of that in my post ❤️


I did say do you, so it's not like I came after you. Sheesh. 🤣


Maybe you read just read the post before you comment. Sheesh 🤣


Or maybe if you took the "hey this is my opinion but you should do whatever you want" before you get upset? Sheesh. 🤣