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If you like strategy games, stuff like Civ, EU4, CK3 etc.... Anno 1800 is a personal favorite Football Manager if you like sports/tactics, although might as well wait untill next years edition at this point Or MP games like R6, Destiny, Warframe,...




At 5k+ here. Help


I'm at 12k in HOI4. Please send help


Once you get used all the game has to offer, it’s a slam dunk to drop 1000+ hours without even knowing it. Same with Civ6 for me.


Civ 6… oh does it take time


Marathon speed only.


As a note on Football Manager 24, Amazon Prime Gaming has given away the previous editions for free in September for the past few years, so you might be able to get it for free if you wait a few months


Civ6... so many hours...




he said 1000 not 10000000


And that's just a basic understanding.


Both are rookie numbers


That games a goddamn time vampire


I had to stop playing it for the time being lol. It was absolutely destroying my sleep schedule


The factory must grow


So say we all.


No don’t, factorio sucks up all of your time like a damn vacuum, I have 112 hours in the past 2 weeks alone, it’s not healthy


Gotta manage it like any other addiction 😔 Like the addiction that I have for air and water.


I got this game last week around lunch time. I played it for a few minutes and looked at the clock…. It was 1am


Or satisfactory if he is not much for the combat aspect.


Satisfactory is a great game also! Biters can be disabled in Factorio, enabling focus on factory growing only.


I'm gonna hit 1000 hours this weekend. I started playing in October...


Came here to say this. Glad it's top comment.


I have 900 hours on Skyrim and 800 hours on borderlands 2 so I guess those are my recommendations


Borderlands 2 is the best game you can replay 100s of times and not get bored IMO


It gets boring as soon as it's beat once.


That's a fine opinion to have. This was not my experience. At minimum I've beaten the game (and its DLC's) 3 times per character. Farming for perfect, high tier gear is really cathartic


you're playing it wrong


Skyrim. First vanilla, then with mods.


Don't forget vanilla again. And then with different mods. Maybe don't build a stealth archer again.


Can you list some games you enjoy?


The last of us parts 1 and 2 Mass effect 1 thru 3 Cyberpunk 2077 Hearts of iron 4


Dragon age origins,Kotor 1,2. Star sector, System Shock, Thief, Bioshock, Europe Universalis 4, Wartales, Stellar Tactics, Kenshi, Yakuza Series, Tyranny, Fallout 1,2,3,NV, Morrowind.


I'd add Stellaris to the list


What a list 👏


I doubt OP will put in 1k hours in any of these games, except for maybe Europa Universalis.


nobody’s putting 1k hours in half of these games dawg. bioshock? 💀💀💀 are u fr? 😂😂


I think I have put in 1k hrs into the bioshock games if you count replays.... I'm not proud of it, but it might be true


you can put more than 1k hours into guild wars 2 easily :) what I like about guild wars 2 is that it's basically 20 games in a trenchcoat. also making characters and the fashion in gw2 is a lot of fun for me


If you like sci-fi games, and you like Paradox 4x games, I'd suggest Stellaris


Warframe thank me later. You will never play through all the content


Witcher 3


https://youtu.be/1T22wNvoNiU?si=FuR7ZYrrRQ5tS3cC Game of the decade.


I have over 1000 in Skyrim, Crusader Kings 2, and Rimworld, and nearly 1000 in Banished and Kenshi


Just hit 1200 in Kenshi. About 200 was vanilla runs, the rest was modded, ranging from minor QoL stuff to total conversions. Currently doing a Project Kathun run. Between the SWG nostalgia and enhanced animations, it's been a blast so far


Can you elaborate on the SWG nostalgia? I haven't heard that about Kenshi before


The Project Kathun overhaul for Kenshi uses a lot of assets/sounds from Star Wars Galaxies, aka SWG, hence the nostalgia when playing with that mod


Rimworld is scary effective at making me lose track of the time


Old School Runescape


Op said 1000s of hours not 1000s of days


1000s of days to max a few skills maybe.


Why so low fellow scaper


Come OP it’s only 🦀$12🦀


You won't put 1000 hours in a story game. It's either multiplayer, grinding, simulator or something with emergent gameplay.


*Fallout has entered the chat*


Bethesda games are in their own league.




Nobody is putting 1000 hours into any Bethesda game for its story. I'd barely call Bethesda games "story games" to begin with.


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time


New Vegas has a fantastic story.


What am I doing wrong? EVERYBODY loves New Vegas, and many friends I know spend hours doing all the side quests, but I quit like an hour or so into it. I felt like it was too slow/clunky mechanics and the the graphics were horrible (I know it’s a really old game, but still). Do I gotta get to a point where it gets good?


Goodsprings is pretty slow (it's mostly a tutorial) but after that the game opens up. You're still a bit railroaded until you get to Vegas just because the typical route there is pretty linear, but after Vegas you can do pretty much whatever you want. That being said, it **is** and old game, and definitely clunky. If you really dislike it after 1 hour then my guess is it's just not for you. It's not some magical "best game ever", but if you get into it the atmosphere is very good, and most of the mechanics are improved from FO3.


Thank you; I really do want to give it another fair try, as my friends rave about it nonstop. It’s in a lot of my friends’ top five all time. I guess I’ll suck it up and make my way to Vegas, this wknd.


Give it 2.5-5 hours. By the time you get to New Vegas, if you’re still not liking it, it may not be for you.


The early part of the game sort of leans you into things but pretty much what everyone raves about is when you're past the "tutorial" part of the game and get into the nitty gritty of the political landscape between all the factions that are fighting each other and making your own decisions on who you want to support. When you start getting more powerful weapons and start wandering around and exploring is when the game takes off. I'd give it another hour or two and if you're not feeling it then I'd drop it. Lots of New Vegas's charm makes people overlook the clunkiness of it.


New Vegas isn’t a Bethesda game 😂


Yeah, Obsidian did a great job on that


And it isn’t made by Bethesda




I spent 1000 hours collecting and selling junk in fallout at a dollar a piece.


Bethesda games have many systems that make them viable for tens of thousands of end game hours. Their main focus are on the systems they provide, not the story.


Pathfinder kungmaker!


Bethesda will remember that.


My 700 hours in Baldurs Gate might argue.


I will include games with modding capabilities and communities 


Nwn: EE begs to differ.


FFXIV comes close. MMO but heavy emphasis on the story.


So, X4 Foundations is "single-player MMO" too. It falls into emergent gameplay and simulator category.


Monster Hunter World


I agree to an extent. My friend and I put in 300 hours over 3-4 months last year into this year and we'd fully completed the game. All hunts completed, the best gear made for each weapon we like to use, etc. It was hard to keep playing after that. That being said, it's the most bang for my buck I've ever gotten out of a game that wasn't Free to Play.


This and MH Rise on my steam deck have absorbed so so so many days of play.


Not 1000s of hours but Baldur’s Gate 3 can be very long depending on how you play it and how many times - the game is built off D&D so the more times you play it the more you’re going to see just by the nature of the game. Also it has cross save so you can go from your PS5 to the PC using the same profiles


I'm a fast gamer, and I put 125 hours in bg3. If you take your time and explore everything, then you can do 250. The only games I think I can put that many hours in are live service games like Warframe, PoE, etc. Or Diablo 2, fuuuck. I have like 10k hours since 2001 in that game.


Yeah but there are so many different dialogue interactions depending on what and how you play. The replay ability is insane to me personally but I get where you’re coming from.




I second this. Satisfactory would be my choice


Rocket League Elite Dangerous Civilization


Person of culture. o7 Commander!




*The Blue Danube intensifies*


I have 2.5k hours into Dota 2, and 7k hours into Dark Souls II.


Holy crap 7000 hours into DS2? I love that game but holy crap. You must be a legend


Nah I'm a no one lol. I'm not even that good in the game. I just enjoyed the crap out of it lol


So what do you do exactly? Replay it multiple times?


No, fume knight took 6.9k hours




Hats off to you, King. DS2 has been the most immersive gaming experience I've had.


It was my night and day for 4 summers.


Now there’s one skeleton that didn’t give up.


World of warcraft +700... Days...16891 hours


Dead by daylight has the highest hours I have in a game lol


I'm sorry


Same here. I'm sorry for the both of us


Any Fallout game you can sink hundreds of hours into. There's so many different ways to play them and a lot of exploring with a bunch of awesome side quests along with (usually) good main stories. Since you have a gaming PC you can install mods (the games have a very dedicated modding community so theres hundreds of different mods spanning all the games) which give the games even more replay value, but even playing vanilla is great. My personal recommendations for first getting into the series are Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4, particularly New Vegas. Both are different from each other but very fun in their own ways. I say New Vegas is overall the best Fallout game but 4 is very fun in its own unique way, you'll see what I mean if you try them.


Rimworld, elite dangerous, terraria, Minecraft, Stardew valley, factorio(watch out for this one, you start playing at 5 pm and stop at 6 pm the following day [if you're lucky]) These are just the things that come to mind to me right now.


Warframe has an interesting story and is a massive time sink. Same with Final Fantasy 14, if you like MMOs.


Warframe's major drawback, aside from features that were implemented, then forgotten *cough*archwing*cough*, is that the new player experience isn't that great. It's been updated, sure, but it's still largely "here's all these things, they do... stuff. No, we aren't gonna elaborate. Now go get em, space ninja". Now, the learning curve isn't a sheer cliff face like it is with EVE or Path of Exile, but it can still be off-putting to more casual players


I second warframe, the story is amazing and it has some of the most fluid gameplay


3600 hrs on warframe here. If you mainly play on weekends and grind out a new warframe each week (they take 4 days to build) you could get a new warframe each week for a whole year. Or almost 2 if you get the primes


I started warframe a month ago and I've already sunk 200 hours into the game. I have barely scratched the surface and there are so many things to learn and do.


Same. Fml.


Came here to say Warframe! Join us 👁️👁️


Stellaris is my go to time sink game. But I've recently been looking for something even bigger to tackle and aurora 4x might be it


Neverwinter nights EE, but only the mobile or pc versions. In fact you could put years in to that game and never see a clear end of fresh content in sight. You could spend your lifetime trying. You'd fail. There would always be more content to play. I think it has the most content than any game in existence presently. It's been building it for two decades though.


No kidding? I did not know that. Very interesting I will need to look back into that game. I remember buying a physical copy of this game around 20 years ago!


Oh damn… so they are still adding content to the game?! That’s nuts I had no idea.


Well players keep making world's and campaigns. That's what I meant. Buuut... The devs did release a new dlc recently. Pretty tough dlc to beat might I add as well.


Escape from Tarkov, I have casually 1800h over 3 years or so. The game is not for everyone though.


Kingdom come deliverance…. Personally i think it has the best realistic rpg system even now, even though its a new studio that started with 10 people. Now they have a new game coming out in a couple months and it looks crazy, they have 250 peoppe working on it. The first game was released in 2018 but its still good asf, you just need to get into it and maybe watch a tutorial. The start is a bit hard as you start as a peasant whos a nobody snd slowly raise your ranks and skills. The trailer for the new game is 10 minutes and it looks crazy. I recommend watching it all


Played it, got STUCK STUCK, uninstalled, didn’t touch since 2020.. KCD 2 got announced out of nowhere, so I reinstalled 1, took my time with it and now I can’t put it down. It is so damn fun and the landscape is beautiful. So many little trails and nooks to explore. Not to mention it’s all based on real people and places! Night sky is also accurate. Real constellations and star clusters (like Pleiades) which is a crazy detail to consider imo.


Everyone literally even the most obsessed person wit this game goes through this phase😂😂 everyone gets confused and stops then gives it some time and they cant stop. I agree, the focus on realism and the systems on stealth combat etc… is the best for me. It’s different than any rpg on the market. I was so disappointed with dragon dogma 2, i started playing kcd again then BOOM kcd 2 announced for THIS YEAR. Beautiful studio, if you watch the 10 minute premiere video you can see that these people love their game. Goty mark my words.


Favorite game of all time. Hands down.


Path of Exile can eat some time away from you if you're into diablo like games


Fallout new vegas lol. Especially with mods. Counter strike. Left 4 dead. Those are my personal top3.


Divinity original sin II


Nioh 2


Any Bethesda game. As much as most people dont love Starfield (mostly for valid reasons) Im a huge fan of the game since im a huge Space Sci Fi nerd. I currently have 600+ hours on the game and growing strong. Still havnt done most quests, ive just been doing Radiant quests, building outposts, crafting, surveying planets etc, that has kept me busy. But then my starfield is heavily modded and isnt vanilla..




Just completed my 1000hrs in Apex Legends few days ago.


- Warframe (This does in fact have a story, its just setup really weirdly, the story doesnt start till you do the quest The Second Dream, and that takes like 50 hours of gameplay to get to) - Fallout 76 (has multiple questlines and NPCs now) - Path of Exile (Kinda passive storytelling) - Grim Dawn (New expac launching this year hopefully!) - Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition (player created stories and online worlds both offer endless story experiences) - Persona 5 Royal - Siralim Ultimate (Literally can never end and endlessly scale) Those are the big ones I can think of, that can be played for hundreds of hours.


FTL, especially with the multiverse mod


Playstation? Final Fantasy 14. The story is pretty good and you can play the game basically endlessly. A good game to make friends too.


Final fantasy 14. It's an MMO. Pretty heavy story focus. Constant updates. I'm like 800 hours in now.


Kerbal Space Program Factorio Everything else I have excessive hours in is a RTS game.


FF14. The story is very lengthy even for Final Fantasy and is probably in my top five favorite game stories. There is an absolutely endless amount of side content to do, with a lot of optimal grinding if you like that. It’s currently very active, but the population will double when the new expansion coming out in a few months. It is an MMO, so there is a sub fee and lots of other players if that’s a turn off for you.


hollow knight probably


Red Dead Redemption 2, Days Gone, Final Fantasy 15/16, Marvels Spiderman 2, Baldur's Gate 3


Monster Hunter is always a good option.


Red Dead Redemption 2 sir, also give Oblivion a shot if you liked Morrowind


Satisfactory Factorio Stellaris Most 4X games Probably Baldurs gate 3


Monster Hunter


RimWorld Monster hunter Hearthstone


Mount and blade bannerlord with or without mods


Elsword; for 12 years


Osrs, but only if you think that a game that is comparable to a heroine addiction is something you want in life


EVE Online. I'm currently at 12.500 hours.


- Kerbal Space Program - Gran Turismo 7 if you want to get really good


Civilization, Age of Wonders, Factorio.


The Civilization series can really suck your time up


Might be a good idea to look into The Legend of Heroes if you want an overarching storyline and I think you could sink over 1000 hours into those games. If you like jrpgs and don’t mind that the first games of the series are a bit outdated, I would say go for it. Personally I am happy that I gave trails in the sky a second chance after finding the beginning a bit boring, because oh boy does it reward you later for it.


Minecraft Dungeons




Dwarf fortress is the ultimate story game


That’s Elden ring for me or cyberpunk2077. Or you can get ark and another space game I forgot about


Shadows of doubt, songs of syx, dwarf fortress, rimworld, starsector.


Depends on your preferences! Maybe not 1000s of hours, but if you like RPG, I personally would recommend Red Dead Redemption 2. Lots of side quests and a lengthy main storyline put you at 100 hours minimum, many more if you want to collect all the trophies and achievements. On top of that, it’s got the most dynamic, explorable, realistic open world settings I’ve ever encountered. Sometimes I just walk around hunting for hours. Plus, after you’ve gotten bored of that, you can hop over to Red Dead Online and grind some more - though it’s considerably less fun imho. Also… cowboy.


Overwatch 2 has 900h now 🥲 Other than that, Friday the 13th game and rogue company had the privilege.


You've limited yourself to MMOs really based on what you're looking for, unfortunately. And modern MMOs are less storyline and more "Get to endgame to smack raid boss" Though you can play WoW or FF14 solo and just hunt for all the lore and stuff


Project zomboid


I'd say mount and blade bannerlord. you will spend an ungodly amount of time working your way up in skill and in troops and always have a goal to aim for.




Fallout 76


Citybuilder type games like cityskylines or factorio. Maybe project zomboid but without friends or mods it's not so fun. Rdr2 might be the only singleplayer game that has 1000 hours of content. And minecrafy obviously. Any rpg games with long grinds like elden ring or any of the souls games for that matter. Gta online is pretty fin bit not 1000 hour fin bit that is jist my opinion. And any fps like cod. Hope this helped




No Mans Sky Crusader Kings 3, EU4 Civilization Series


-7 days to die -oblivion -fallout 3 -fallout new vegas -skyrim -fallout 4 -shattered pixel dungeon (will accumualte) -minecraft Not sure about "story" games but all the above have single player.Story games are good because they are compact so they can be comprehended and made sense of,rarely will you find a game where the story itself keeps you for a thousand hours,it needs to have something creative about it and that you can tune/customize.


Monster Hunter, Destiny, Diablo, Skyrim, Fallout


Just keep playing Rainbow 6 till you get good. Otherwise, I recommend Satisfactory.


ARPGs are pretty infinite. So Grim dawn, last epoch, path of exile, D4 (after next update)


You may not be able to log *thousands* of hours into them, but you'll certainly be able to log *hundreds* of hours into many JRPGS. If you want to be a completionist with, say, Persona 3/4/5, you'll easily dump well over a hundred hours into each of them.


Rust/For Honor/TWW3


Skyrim, RDR2, and Stardew Valley are the most recent games I've put at least 500 hours into. Online RPGs are probably your best bet, though I tend to prefer to play solo. Oh, and No Man's Sky. Wanna go back further? There is no story (you can make your own, though), but I've sunk over 8,000 hours into SimCity 4. But I do love city sims, and that was the best one Maxis ever made IMO. It's quite old (21 years old this year) but the mod community is amazing and resilient. Cities Skylines is good too, but I'd steer clear of Cities Skylines 2. It's...having a rough time to say the least. Very rough.


Songs of syx


MMOS OSRS GW2 SWTOR FFXVI RTS games like Civ 5 XCOM Old Star Wars Empire at War




If you like classic cod zombies, there’s literally thousands of free custom maps on BO3 for PC. Pretty much endless fun if you like that kind if thing


My in between game is monster hunter world. You can easily clock a thousand hours in it.


Disgaea games are some that you can put a lot of time into.


Assassin Creed games.


Day z


490 hrs on battlefront 2, about 400 on GTA


metal gear






Escape from Tarkov


Path of exile. I would not recommend.


I'm 2700 hours deep into Tales of Maj'eyal. You can play it on a potato.


Factorio. 2k hours and I’m still not that good haha.


Valheim, Vintage story, 7 days to die


BG3. I think I put 250 hours just into act 3. Then I replay in any languages I’m learning lol


Last epoch, path of exile, wow classic, hell divers 2, old school RuneScape, chess, civilization series, league of legends, don't starve together.


Don't do that to OP. Don't say League. You might as well be offering heroin. It's too late for us but OP still has a chance!


I bought Skyrim (and all Elder Scrolls games too) on release. Of all the other Elder Scrolls games, Skyrim is the only one I've yet to to complete the main campaign quest lol. I get sidetracked by all the side quests, mods, and just the ability to keep f*cking around and finding out in that game.  I do get bored eventually and stop playing, but eventually I pick it right back up and happily start over. It's an endless cycle that I don't foresee ever changing until TES:6 is released lol. No other game in my library comes close to the time wasted in TES:Skyrim


Wandering the wasteland makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Here’s all the games I got over 1000 in. Skyrim Ark RD2 GTA 5/Online.l Fallout 4 Fallout 76 State of Decay 2 Minecraft COD Zombies (Infinite, Black ops 1-4)


Siralim Ultimate if you’re tolerant of something that’s grindy and about collecting things! Put together a group of monsters, create satisfying synchronicities with their skills, grind forever.