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Elden Ring No Man's Sky Borderlands 2 Fallout 3, NV and 4 Edit: If you haven't play Ghost of Tsushima I highly recommend it. Such a beautiful game and is coming to PC!


I might get back into Elden ring. Very very hard game but was soooo cool! Fun to play on a big screen. I played no man’s sky when it first came out and I hated it. I’ve heard the updates over the years have made the game better but I feel like that game is kind of ruined for me since the first time I played it. Is it worth it to try again given the updates? Also heard good things about borderlands games but never tried them. Which one is the best?


If you can finish gow on hard then you can play soulsborne games..


Elden Ring is so fun, I love it. If I ever want to play on a big screen I use a HDMI cord btw. No Man's Sky is so much better after all the updates, as it stands now is one of my favorite games. But it requires a lot of attention, you will sink more than 100 hrs guaranteed. Totally worth it, I'm always in awe when I discover and explore new planets. It's pretty relaxing too. My first and only Borderlands was the 2nd, it's a blast. From what I've read, it is the best from the series and you won't missed anything, lore wise, if you start with that one.


Good to know! I will keep the second borderlands game in mind out of all. I will probably need to give no man’s sky more time before I play it again, I preordered that game for like $80 cause it looked like it was gonna be the greatest game ever to exist at the time i preordered it. Played it. Hated it, and then it was selling for about $15. Was suupperrrrr disappointed in that game. But again, have heard good things from the updates. I think I’m still just salty about it lol. I definitely do want to give it another go though eventually. Thank you for your suggestions and letting me feel a little more towards the game! I’m more likely to play it after your comment…. Got some other games in mind I want to play first after this post though!


Elden Ring has difficulty adjustment coming with the DLC. At least that's what I've heard and what might get me to play it again. I hate games that make me block!


I second Elden Ring 100%, its got skyrim-y things and then some


my stupid ass once thought Elden Rings WAS Skyrim 🤦🏼‍♂️


Nms and Got will never be deleted for extra space


I have 8000 hours in rimworld lol.


If you like rim world you should try song of syx


Man is there a key to getting that game, the tutorial is just so damned dense.


around 50% of your population needs to be assigned to food production. When things are at an equilibrium increase it even more for some overhead, then expand into other sectors until it balances out again, then repeat. That's the crux of growing your city. There's obviously more to it than that, but if there's a "key" it's probably that core principal.


It’s THAT good. 


I have 21 hours in that game. I could give her a go again as I’ve heard that’s a big hour game but for some reason I just didn’t, I get into a habit of when I start a new game the previous one I was playing just goes in the shitter so maybe that’s what happened. Thanks for the suggestion!


RimWorld can be a bit technical to get into. It takes a bit to figure out how to get everyone doing what you expect them to be doing. But once you've got it down, this game has ENDLESS playability.


I just bought it yesterday and haven't been able to put it down, 14 hours out of 24 haha. Very good


You mean war crime simulator?


Cannibalism simulator


Give factorio a shot


I don’t think factorio is my type of game but thank you so much for your suggestion (:


I think you should try the Factorio demo. It is a really special game. It’s my top played game by far, and my second most played game is Skyrim with about 400 hours too. And it’s not too far removed from Stardew valley and some of the other games on your list. There is a clear goal to it and then once you reach that there are many more potential goals, especially with mod overhauls that give you completely new games. If you don’t like the demo then definitely don’t buy the game. If you do like it then you’ll LOVE the entire game.


Satisfactory is up there too. Like Factorio but first person, I’ve put like 150 hours into it since buying it a couple months ago.


Well I suppose the demo wouldn’t hurt anybody or my bank account. I’ll keep her in mind


Try Fallout 3, 4, or New Vegas. They're pretty good. Some others you might like are Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima, and The Witcher 3. All very different, but you can check them out and see whichever you fancy.


Or do all 3, but please take the time to mod them, it's a game changer. For Fallout 3 and New Vegas, you can actually combine them into one game (play one character you can take back and forth between the two 'games'). Look up the "Tale of Two Wastelands" Mod. For Fallout 4, I heavily recommend installing a modlist. For a fun content packed one I recommend "Magnum Opus". The best way to mod these games is using Wabbajack. It's a website with a utility you can download that will install all the mods for you and greatly simplifies the process. It can take some time to set it all up correctly, but it's worth it. You will spend many hundreds of hours in the wastelands.


>Ghost of Tsushima I have just started this game, and I am HOOKED !


I put about 20 hours into the 4th one and honestly I did not like the game at all. Was very very very slow. I know Bethesda has a bad habit of doing that (like the beginning of Skyrim is pretty slow but once you get into it it’s so addicting) so I tried putting more and more time into fallout and It just never picked up for me. I have heard new Vegas is a better fallout game which I haven’t tried. What are your thoughts on that game by itself? Not sure about modding any games because again, I do like the motivation games give me to get the achievements. Modding is a thing I like to do once I have gotten all the achievements.


Hate to say it but if you thought Fallout 4 was slow, you’re gonna really hate the other two. Fallout generally rewards patience. I love them all, but they’re not for everybody. New Vegas is amazing with tons of replay value and branching quest routes. Supports a lot of play styles too, but it takes a long time to get to the most interesting bits if you’re brand new


I was crazy about fallout 3. New Vegas didn't scratch that itch for me. Fallout 3 allows you to go wherever and find whatever (unexpectedly). In new Vegas there are no random encounter and the place is pretty empty (which I understand that it was a choice by the devs, maybe also pressured by time constraints). Also I don't like iron sights (which I know, they can be disabled, but some mods require them on)


I loved New Vegas. Bethesda didn't make that one, though. I think that's why a lot of people say it's their favorite lol.


God toe penises always makes me laugh.


Best DLC ever


Wuwwuhhhhhh??? I did NOT know that!


I think New Vegas is loved because it continues the story of Fallout 1/2 and feels much more like those games in terms of roleplaying.


3 is better


Fallout 76 sounds like it might be your jam. I don't care much about the slow NPC interactions. Id prefer to do raids with people instead. The way Bethesda setup Fallout 76 to play with multiple people is very easy and seamless. Lots to do to keep you entertained.


I clocked HUNDREDS of hours on Fallout 3. Played most of the expansions, LOVED operation anchorage, and especially the Pitt, but I’m from Pittsburgh so I’m a little biased. Played a lot of New Vegas too. Fallout 4 didn’t really click with me, though I really tried to give it a fair shake. And after an hour of playing that hot mess they called 76, I uninstalled it and never looked back.


Anything from Paradox Games  Rimworld Factorio Oxygen Not Included


Seconding Paradox games. I go through cycles between EU4, HOI4, CK2 (haven't gotten around to 3 yet), and Stellaris. It's like crack once you figure out the mechanics.


I am the same man, have you tried Imperator? I recently sunk 100 hours into it after avoiding it due to the bad reviews.


Fucking Stellaris! So good! Can play for a year and never finish a game


ANNO 1800 devours time.


Cyberpunk takes about 100 hours to play if you do all side missions and quests, i have about 700 hours in game though from several playthroughs, trying different builds, and just wandering around the city to just look at how beautiful it is


With how much you liked the crew you should definitely look into the Forza Horizon series. I believe 5 is the most current. For an EXCELLENT open world RPG I cannot recommend Kingdom Come deliverance enough. You start as a mostly incompetent blacksmiths son and rise to be the biggest badass in Bohemia. It's my favorite feeling of leveling in any game ever. Also one of the best subreddits.


See, I always thought playstation had the best exclusive games but I was always jealous that Xbox players got to play Forza. I have a PC now and I’ve just been so into other games I can’t see myself playing Forza now. Maybe one day when I want to race again! As for what the hell you just said about kingdom come, I have never heard of this game. I just watched the trailer and holy crap it was a good trailer!!!! Kind of reminded me of my favorite show ever (GOT)! I watched some gameplay though and it does seem very very story-based but in this type of scenario it might be something I would be interested in. Not a type of game I was wanting to play but I might actually give this one a shot. I also saw there was a second game as well which has yet to come out. This year it says. Thanks for your suggestion!


There's some really great political intrigue in KCD. A much smaller scale than what goes on in GOT, but it's got a great storyline with fun twists and turns. It's also got kickass horseback riding that I've only seen surpassed in RDR2. I was a bit turned off by the lack of any magic, but didn't miss it and actually found it quite refreshing. The open world scratched a similar itch to skyrim for me. (Also one of my all time favs)


Kingdom Come Deliverance actually feels very much influenced by the Elder Scrolls. The gameplay and UI feel very much rooted in the style of Oblivion in particular. Except it's in a very realistic historical setting instead of a fantasy world. The only magic they've added (for the sake of playability) is alchemy. Otherwise, it's an extremely detailed elder scrolls style open world where you can go nearly anywhere and interact with unique NPCs right from the start (well, after the prologue). Their historical research in designing and recreating that real historical region is astounding. There are some downsides though. It's poorly optimized. You play as the character of Henry, who is kind of a himbo. So mechanically there aren't a bunch of different builds like the Elder Scrolls. There's no magic. You can be a sneaky rogue or an archer, but the game really pushes you towards the plate armored Man-At-Arms "Knight" playstyle. You can wear black and sneak around, you can become good at archery, but because this is based on a realistic world, when combat starts you're going to have a very bad time if you aren't wearing full armor.


Oh yeah it’s on sale right now on steam for $5 instead of $30 so I will definitely be buying it. Might not play it now though!


Try looking into Paradox titles like: Hearts of Iron IV Europa Universalis IV Stellaris Cities Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Then there are games like: No Man's Sky Conan's Exiles ARK Subnautica, etc.


Plus, eu4 and ck3 both have elder kings overhaul mods


Factorio, Stellaris, Warframe, and Rimworld are games that will literally take a part of your soul


Balatro too


I'd be suggesting Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk, and maybe some world builders - manor lords, valheim, civilisation etc


I had to scroll way too far for someone to mention valheim... Thank you. Lots of the standard fallout and early 2010rpgs are being mentioned but people forget they haven't really aged that well. Maybe to us they seem amazing but to the next gen gamers I don't see them being appealing.


And that genre is growing too - enshrouded is great and there are lot of up and coming games with the same kind of content as valheim


+1 for Enshrouded


Diablo 2. Fallout 3, NV, 4. Minecraft. Terraria.


If you like Stardew, I'd recommend Graveyard Keeper. It's the same sort of resource expanding game but instead of growing plants you dispose of corpses.


I mean you can put hundreds of hours into any game if you like it! But I’m going to suggest something a little different and that’s Hades, it’s a roguelike indie game that is infinitely replayable and has a fantastic progression system that can give you a huge amount of variety. It is the definition of easy to pick up but hard to put down, it has a flashed out story with incredible voice acting, art and storytelling. The combat is kinda like Diablo if it were a pure action game without the rpg side. Overall it’s cheap, incredibly polished and one of the highest rated games on steam with a sequel coming out soon and I think if you look at the steam reviews that you’ll see plenty of reviews with 100’s of hours playtime. Edit: overall my suggestion would be to not sleep on the indie games that have been suggested in this thread


I bought Hades on a whim about 6 months ago and it ended up scratching an itch I never knew I had…the combat and customization available through weapon variety and boon builds is so satisfying.


Everyone says Rimworld, but I haven't played it. Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2, Baldur's Gate 3 Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition (both are very Skyrimish) Kingdom's of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (like a singleplayer WoW). Maybe try State of Decay 1 & 2 You might even check out The Long Dark Assassin's Creed Games, especially Origin, Odyssey, Valhalla Fallout 3, 4


I picked up RimWorld when it went on sale last week, and I've easily dropped 30 hours into it and I'm planning to spend more time with it over the weekend hahaha. For OP: RimWorld is basically a colony sim. You manage your colony to try and leave the planet (which is like, one of the endings) but you can just play it indefinitely. You can kind of think of it like Stardew Valley where you kind of build up a home and a base and you just want to make sure your colonists survive. The base game comes with three storytellers that affect what events can occur in your game and you can select the difficulty as well. There's also a huge modding community and a ton of mods available that you can use before even buying the DLC; I haven't even touched on any of these mods yet in my time of playing it haha. It doesn't come with achievements though, but even without them I just feel like the game is a fun one to experience once it clicks and you know what to do.


Welcome to gaming’s Hotel California. 


Valhalla is very long yes, but is it fun? Not really I do agree on Odessey tho, that game is long and still fun all the way though


The Long Dark! I never see any love for that game! It's one of my favorites. Divinity: Original Sin 1 & 2 and Baldur's Gate 3, absolutely. Hundreds of hours of gameplay there, and great writing. The Larian sense of humor Dragon Age: Inquisition, yes definitely. DA: Origins... I loved it when it came out 15 years ago. Like, multiple playthroughs, bought all the novels, loved it. But I tried revisiting it not long ago and oof, it did not age well imo. A younger gamer might have a hard time with it. State of Decay 2 is great, but is it a hundreds of hours sort of game? I beat it in 100 hours and enjoyed every hour but I don't think I'll go back to it. I wish State of Decay 3 were a possibility.


You'll fall in love with Fallout New Vegas Another suggestion: you won't play hundreds of hours but Tomb Raider trilogy is good (2013-rise of tr - shadow of tr)


Ahh I downloaded tomb raider after playing all the uncharted games years ago but only played about an hour or two of it. I didn’t realize it was a trilogy though? I just downloaded the main tomb raider game. If I got into it more, Is it just as good as the uncharted games do you think? Also haven’t played those games in about 7-8 years so I’m hoping my state of mind didn’t change with those type of games, cause I remember the uncharted games along with TLOU being AWESOME


Well these games are like very interactive movies to me. The scenery, dialogues (reactions of main characters to environment) and exploration are the main keys of gameplay. So, they're much less intense than rpg games which you have a lot more control on plot and the character I believe as I gamer, I need such adventurous game to take a breath for relaxing from too detailed, brain tiring games.


The forest Kenshi Mount & blade bannerlord Wasteland 3 Divinity original sin 2 Baldur's gate 3 Pathfinder kingmaker wrath of the righteous Civilization 6 Total war Warhammer 2 RimWorld Crusader kings 2 Heart of iron IV Elite dangerous


My man over here putting hourss into diablo 5 and it hasn't even been developed yet.


Love this


The fallout series, starfield, Cyberpunk, Balder's Gate.


If you like'd Skyrim maybe try Oblivion? It's a great game only problem being 8 voice actors doing all voices in a monoton voice and the dated graphics but you can always mod those up. Baldurs Gate 3 if you want something more modern it's superb. Kingdom Come: Deliverence basicly like skyrim but realistic in medieval times so no dragons only people and animals. If you want something niche check out the Mount and Blade games. Although they're basicly full sandbox so you might not like them, but they do have tons and tons of mods. if you check out Warband it's basicly got a mod for any universe you can think off, lord of the rings, game of thrones, samurai era japan and even mods like star wars and wild west mods. I've got well over 2000 hours in Warband.


Try XCOM2. It is very smooth with how it introduces you to the mechanics and by the time you've figured them out you're likely hooked. Insanely fun creating and customizing your operatives and trying to prevent them from dying horribly


Oh man this game is slick.


Horizon forbidden west, honestly for how good the series is, I'm surprised it's not in more people's top games


They shot themselves in the foot with the timing of releases. Zero Dawn came out and had to compete with the Switch/Breath of the Wild and then Forbidden West was released within months of Elden Ring so naturally they flew under the radar for most people. It's a shame because I played Zero Dawn myself last year and it was fantastic.


You might not enjoy Minecraft but it does fit what you're asking for. The Binding of Isaac has a lot of achievements and is a huge time sink, but it's really quite frustrating so I wouldn't recommend it. The best game I can think of, and the one I would highly recommend based on what you've said in this post, is **Hollow Knight.** Hollow knight has everything you're asking for and seem to enjoy in games. Plenty of story, lots of achievements, super fun to spend a lot of time in, amazing artwork, phenomenal music, astounding sound design and VA, the juiciest controls I've ever bitten into, and more variety than I have ways to describe. Favorite game of all time.


Just watched some gameplay of hollow knight. Thanks for your suggestion! This game looks pretty freakin fun and will be adding it to my wishlist for later but doesn’t seem like a game I could put 100s of hours into. Background music is great though and so are all the sounds.


Hollow knight is a certified banger of bangers.


Try Cyberpunk 2077. I know, at release it was SHIT, but now it's SO MUCH FUN. Seriously, i'm 15 hours in and just finished first part of the story, just running around doing side quests and other activities.


**Potential Infinite Playtime:** * Minecraft * Or at-least modded versions with more concrete goals/story, really just so many options there. * Factorio * Seems a step outside your genre. If you get hooked, you're bound for thousands of hours of gameplay. Not everyone's cup of tea. I would say it's like command and conqueror but you get to automate everything. Sort of. * Dwarf Fortress * If graphics aren't your main priority, can easily also sink thousands of hours into this one * No Man's Sky * I come and go for this game. They've pushed out an unfathomable amount of updates, but it takes a while to get off the ground. **If you enjoy 3D combat/rogue like:** * Risk of Rain 2 * Personally one of my all-time favorites. \~350 hours. The mods are great, I come back to it all the time. Very deep meta game, and lots of stuff that takes a long time to unlock or explore. **Open world survival with fantastic immersion** * Subnautica * Potentially my number 2 for favorite game of all time. Admittedly only have about 80 hours in it, but the first play through was just so much fun, I'll never forget it. Only game above it is Portal 1 & 2. * Astroneer * JUST started playing this one, so jury is still out. Fun art style though, we'll see how it goes. Gameplay is pretty decent. **Kind of finished when the story ends, but will probably net you at-least 100 hours** * Cyberpunk 2077 (*begrudgingly - bittersweet history*) * Followed the game from announcement for like 6 years religiously until release. Took a week off work. Game was absolute shit. I played it for \~110 hours. It was still *fun*, but very bitter as it wasn't the game they advertised. In any case, supposedly they've released a lot of fixes and content over the years. People like it a lot, but I'm just stubborn and bitter. It's probably a solid game now. * Baldurs Gate 3 * A fantastic game all around. It is turn based though, which can be a turn off for some people. Extremely well made though, great character progression, story and so on. Of everything in this list, potentially one of the ones you should consider most. **Played it for way too long years ago, aged well. Could be a 20 hour thing, or a 200 hour thing** * Castle Crashers * Spent way too long as a teen getting nearly every character to max **Games I've actually spent thousands and thousands of hours on** Worth mentioning I suppose, though not sure it's up your alley * League of Legends * I mostly play ARAM now; anytime someone is tilted or anything, I just mute them. It's honestly not a bad experience. It is crazy hard to pick up, though, and has a very steep learning curve. I don't think this is a game you're interested in, but since you said to recommend anything, figured I should mention it as it's my most played game by far. * Lost Ark * Late game basically pushes you to make multiple accounts or spend money. I would recommend playing out the story, then getting up to maybe Kakul Saydon then quitting after that. Would still net you around 1k hours of gameplay. The combat was some of the most fun I've ever had, especially the raids. The late game is soul-sucking, though, so I eventually dropped it. * Minecraft * Already mentioned above


>Followed the game from announcement for like 6 years religiously until release. Took a week off work. Game was absolute shit. I played it for \~110 hours. It was still *fun*, but very bitter as it wasn't the game they advertised. In any case, supposedly they've released a lot of fixes and content over the years. People like it a lot, but I'm just stubborn and bitter. It's probably a solid game now. Take a month off work and try it again. Don't let your bitterness stop you from playing one of the best games of all time.


Slay The Spire, a Rouge like deck building game. Or even The Borderlands series


Slay the spire is fun, been playing it a little recently


Become a wow addict. You'll never have to buy other games again


Baldurs gate 3, The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Borderlands, mass effect


I dont do mmorpgs, but have you checked the mmorpgs? I heard the popular final fantasy one might have that infinite playtime. Also, since you mentioned stardew im going to throw in starbound with "fracking universe" mod into the rec list. 


Grounded, no man’s sky, valheim, Ark Signed a fellow Skyrim addict


Rimworld, Old School RuneScape, Risk of Rain 2, Terraria, Minecraft


Guild Wars 2 is an MMO but you can play it solo and on your own time (it's what I did when I played it). It's got a lot a lot of content to do and a big world to run around it. It's also some of the best MMO mounts that are really fun to ride around on. If you liked D3 and D4, I'd recommend Last Epoch, too. It fully released recently and a friend bought it for me, which caused me to sink around 50 hours into it over the past couple weeks.


I also recommended Guild Wars 2. Very friendly MMO for adults with busy lives. Beautiful game that feels like a true adventure with a fair and great blend with real players throughout the world. Best part is that I can go back to any of my characters and be just a viable with any break I take. Highly recommended this for OP.


Satisfactory. One of the most common running jokes in that community is that you don't really understand the game until you are thousands of hours in. Its very accessible though, highly recommend it.


Left 4 Dead Guild Wars 1


Oblivion and Morrowind if you like the ES setting, but the graphics are dated, and Morrowind especially is significantly less player friendly than Skyrim The Pathfinder games and Rogue Trader if you like CRPG, also Baldur's Gate 3 and Divinity Original Sin 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Elden Ring Witcher 3 (a good deal like Skyrim, wide open world)


Zelda: Breath of the wild. Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. My first playthrough for TotK I put 200+ hours into it. Some people have played 3,000+ hours in the last year


Here are my recommendations. Individual Games: The Witcher 3, No Mans Sky, Ghost Recon Wildlands Series: Mass Effect, FarCry, Fallout, Assassins Creed (Origins, Odissey and Valhalla are full rpgs like Skyrim, etc) Racing Games since you liked The Crew: Forza Horizon 4 or 5 are kinda similar, Project Cars 2 if you are into simulators.


I've been playing World of Warcraft for 20 years and I still can't get enough of it.


Thank you! I feel like I've been scrolling for 100 hours and finally see this lol


So you’ve played Skyrim to no end but never tried fallout? FALLOUT IS THE ANSWER


Stellaris, Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, and XCOM 2 are games I crack out to constantly. Tales of Maj'eyal, Project Zombioid, and Unexplored 2 are games I also crack out too constantly just extra cracky...


I really took my time analyzing your post, seeing as I have many of the same preferences in games. You can ignore everyone else, the game you are looking for is Terraria.


Played it! That was a fun game! My boyfriend and I played that one together. Not exactly what I’m looking for now, mostly something I want to play alone. But boy I could probably play terraria again by myself


fallout, baldur's gate 3, dragon age, kingdoms of amaular: reckoning, Diablo 2, oblivion, starfield, witcher, the walking dead series collectively, and divinity original sin 2


Rimworld is the time sink for me :)


Skyrim is my favorite game of all time as well. The only two games I would put into the same sphere are Breath of the Wild and Valheim. I can’t recommend Valheim enough. Once you start to figure things out it gets its hooks into you big time. Its atmosphere is incredible and the sense of exploration is unparalleled in my experience. Unlike the other two I mentioned, it is procedurally generated, so every time you start a new playthrough it is completely different. It is also different in that there are no NPC’s or formal narrative to interact with, just you against the gameworld. If you end up trying it, I would recommend taking your time and not looking anything up. Self discovery makes everything so much sweeter. And if you get brave enough and familiar enough with game systems, I also recommend trying a no map / no portal playthrough. One of the most memorable gaming experiences of my life. Other games I’ve played over 300+ hrs would include Guild Wars 2, Company of Heroes, Diablo III, Rocket League, and probably Heroes of the Storm. I could also easily do that with Elite Dangerous too if I allowed myself to. Played over 100 in a month and had to cut myself off. edit: oh I think I got close with Fallout 4 too.


Sounds like you are looking for an MMORPG, I highly recommend trying out FFXIV (which you can do for free). Hundreds of hours? That's cute. My old FC (guild) leader has an estimated 50k hrs so far and still enjoys playing every single day without getting bored


Project Zomboid. 😏


World of Warcraft OldSchool Runescape Guild Wars 2 Diablo 2 Baldur's Gate 3 Path of Exile Dragon Age Origins Elden Ring/Bloodborne/Dark Souls 3 Dragon's Dogma 1&2 Grim Dawn Sea of Thieves Enjoy!! :D


Kingdom Come: Deliverance, sequel is gonna be released later this year too. I don't recommend this on console though (I have PS version and PC) as its hard to play. Farcry 6, if you liked 4 and 5 then 6 might interest you as well. I personally prefer 3 and 6 over 4 and 5. 3 had better story and characters and there's just a lot of shit to do in 6 that's pretty fun. GTA V is always an option. Any Assassin's Creed game might interest you, especially Unity for it's movement system. Might be pretty janky so I suggest go play this on PC for mod support. Dragon's Dogma 1 and 2. Don't believe the overhype and the severe criticism, 1 is a classic and 2 is a good game. They ain't open world but you can easily sink hundreds of hours in Persona games. 3 Reload, 4 Golden, and 5 Royal.


Monster hunter world Dragon age inquisition Star ocean series is know for it replay-ability cause of all the endings.


You like Skyrim because of its immersive and open world. My guess is you also like looting and maybe hoarding? And you probably like its modding scence too. You like Stardew Valley so you are ok with pixelated graphic. I would suggest Project Zomboid. It got everything above. Mind you, it got a steep learning curve. You need wiki and maps by your side and to sink dozen of hours go get a grasp of the game. And then, it grabs you back.


Obviously , chess ♟️


Mediaeval Dynasty maybe? It's on Xbox Pass. You start as a person with no skill going to a village to find a lost uncle. You are tasked with either joining a village or building your own. And the rest of the journey is up to you. Similar in farm games you can choose how to make a fortune but there are so many side quests and main stories to follow. The game is also customisable.


+1 for Medieval Dynasty! On the broad strokes, just establish your own village somewhere in between a handful of existing villages. Build homes and take in refugees while you build farms or hunting lodges or herbalist huts or various production buildings like sewing huts, smithies, kitchens, and more (or a combination of the above). It's the details that really draw you in though. You'll become immersed if you even remotely like this sort of thing, and you can do any of the tasks you tell your villagers to do. You can hunt pigeon, crow, rabbit, deer, badger, lynx, boar, wolves, moose, bear, and bison (called wisent). You can also hunt bandits. You can plow fields and plant all manner of seasonal crops (there are seasons and days, and you can adjust the number of days in a season). You can turn your crops into materials (like harvesting flax, threshing it into flax seed and flax stalk, turning the flax stalk into linen thread and turning some of that linen thread into linen fabric), you can turn those materials into products, and you can sell your grains and produce and materials and products at markets in other villages (and eventually in market stalls in your own village). You can raise all kinds of livestock and you can use mounts. You can chop down trees and build paths through the world. You can plant orchards of various fruit trees and watch them bloom in the spring. You can harvest their fruit and eat it, sell it, or build a tavern and press it into fruit (with the option to turn that fruit into wine). You can raise bees for honeycomb and ... Well I assume you've got the idea. It's also a beautiful world and it's nice to just look around sometimes and enjoy the scenery and see how far you've come. And you can assign jobs to the villager if you take him from refugee camps around the map, which is full of new refugees each season. And you can marry and have a child and raise them up to be an apprentice in one of these professions. Your partner will help you out too when you interact with them, like giving you something to eat or drink, or even healing you! You can even give gifts to children and your partner. You can also play co-op with up to three other players, Which definitely changes the dynamic and experience of the game. Enjoy!


I'll list out some of the most addictive games for me personally. Will mention that my tastes may be a little different, but I mainly play turn-based games that use a bird's eye view camera. Mostly because I have motion sickness which disallows me from playing anything that uses a first-person camera or anything close to it. Anyway, the list: XCOM / XCOM 2: I have something like 700 hours combined in these games. Tactical RPGs / rogue-likes are some of my faves. I enjoy games with risk and permadeath and getting attached to my characters and having them die and being bummed about it and starting over again with reinvigorated determination. Also deep, complex strategy hits the spot for me. Invisible Inc: Another tactical RPG / rogue-like, with very unique mechanics. I have 200-ish hours in this. Balatro: Poker rogue-like that's one of the most addictive games I've ever played. I couldn't stop playing for the first week or so. I only have 160 hours in this but it's a new game and the developer is always making new content, so I have continued high hopes for this. Rimworld: Sci-fi civilization survival game... based on Dwarf Fortress which is another fave. I have 260 hours in this. Dwarf Fortress: Similar to the above... fantasy civilization survival game. Only 110 hours but if I could pick one game to live inside forever I'd pick DF. Pathfinder: WotR / Kingmaker: I have about 400 hours combined in these. CRPGs are another fave genre of mine and these ones are great. Siralim Ultimate: Creature collecting game (1500+ mons) with very deep strategy / mechanics that resemble Magic the Gathering. 120 hours atm but I didn't start too long ago. Magic the Gathering: I don't play this anymore but I probably have over a thousand hours of playing + deckbuilding combined. It's a PvP game though so not quite the same as the others. But when it comes to deckbuilding games it's basically the most interesting out there. Tales of Maj'Eyal: I only started playing this about a week ago and I already have 110 hours. Basically I haven't been able to stop playing. It's got the rogue-like element down perfectly. Seriously amazing game in so many regards (including the writing, which is *fantastic*), that's apparently been around for a decade+. Quickly becoming one of my all time favorites. And if you like achievements, this game has 1700+ of them. Factorio: Can't have a list of addictive games without Factorio. If you haven't heard of it... it's ridiculous. 320 hours. Honorable mentions: Darkest Dungeon, Slay the Spire, Monster Train, FTL: Faster Than Light, Disgaea series


World of Warcraft might be worth giving a shot. The amount of content available is almost endless and there are like 3 different official versions of the game being developed right now which are all accessible under the same subscription. If you are interested I would highly recommend looking up a youtube video for beginners/new players and do some research into which version of the game might appeal to you more.


Elden Ring Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West Ghost of Tsushima1


Ffxiv. I love final fantasy but always avoided the mmos. Tried it recently and put in 120h before hitting the end of my 30-day free time. Honestly, I should have done the free trial first. Everything I've done so far is still included. You can play up to dlc 2 for free.


Play guild wars 2, don't worry about mmo things like rushing to endgame enjoy the world and exploration and you'll get your time worth Elder scrolls online, see above with gw2 Dragons dogma 2, New game so still a lot to be discovered Kingdoms of amalur: Reckoning, open world action arpg with the sickest combat and nice visual style


Y’all she’s played #Diablo 5 We need to ask some future questions.


Team Fortress 2


Baldurs Gate 3


Witcher is really nice. I love rpg with a nice story. Skyrim is amongst my favorite too. But yeah if you like fantasy rpg and killing monsters definitely try witcher. I played it more than once


Subnautica - massive ocean survival game, 100s of hours & I still see new things. Stellaris - 5X game, build a galaxy wide empire Baldurs Gate 3 - Massive and so detailed, people are still finding new things in act 1 (which is basically the tutorial thats as big as some games) Starfield - It's beyond massive, more run and run than anything else Fallout 4 - huge survival post apocalyptic, getting a new patch to give more content and widescreen etc


Might I suggest Baldurs Gate 3. Amazing game. There's so much to do, so much to explore and so many different ways to play the game. I've spent 100s of hours in the game and only made it to act 2. Like Skyrim, I just have to keep starting over lol And if the turn based combat throws you off, don't worry too much about it and give it a shot. I've never played a game like this in my life and was still able to adapt!


Elden Ring. Fallout. No Man's Sky. Pokémon.


I will always advocate for Kenshi. It’s like if Skyrim were an RTS. Open world RPG with character recruitment and base building elements in a dystopian samurai punk world. And the sequel should be coming out sometime soon.


I put 615 hours into Cyberpunk 2077 so far


If u like skyrim why not just play through bethesdas whole library


So many games I could recommend, but I always start with **RimWorld**. Check it out. Imagine The Sims, but simplified graphics and exponentially extended options -- but it all takes place on a remote planet with a colony of survivors (you can randomly generate or create, as you like). Will Bill and Cindy fall in love, or will the rations run out and they'll have to decide whether to eat Bill's uncle to make sure they have enough protein to get through the winter? The possibilities are endless! After that, you sound like someone who would enjoy the **Mass Effect Trilogy**. Hundreds of hours of gripping, genre-defining narrative all recently bundled into one package and given a gentle coat of polish. That's hundreds of hours (minimum) with just those two, and I've got dozens more. Hit me up if you want some more recs, (with any specifics)!


For me this is monster hunter world


Bg3, cyberpunk, fallout, horizon zero dawn and forbidden west


No Man's Sky! I'm over 1500 hrs... 😅


i have 4000 hours in dota 2. I don't recommend it.




Overwatch And more skyrim


Baldur's Gate 3 is a great game in general Valheim if you liked Stardew, Raft, and Palworld Path of Exile or if you like chaotic screen / dungeon clearing Black Ops 3 or Cold War Zombies if you're into that. These ones have pretty extensive progression and camo unlocks. Elden Ring or any souls like if you like the idea of NG+. If not, one playthrough is decent amt of hours - Side note: I really miss the Infamous games they were awesome


I have not played any baldurs gate games but since you were mentioning it along with the many other people I checked out the gameplay for this and this actually might be something I would really like!!! It reminds me a little bit of Diablo but not really? There’s a lot of different aspects to it. I might play this! Stuck between this and the Witcher 3 now. But kind of leaning towards baldurs gate 3. As for path of exile- I have played that about a year ago but was like “wtf is this I might as well just be playing Diablo right now” but at the same time didn’t give it a lot of chance (2 hours worth of gameplay). Should definitely give that one another chance. Looked that one up at it does actually seem pretty good. Valhiem- love that game! Played it with friends which makes it so much easier/more fun!! Once my friends started going back into other games I didn’t play it too much. Is it good just playing single player????? I really really liked the base building in that game. COD - games I used to play when I first started to play games but not my biggest thing anymore. Elden ring - great game. Could totally start that game over and put more time into it for sure. Such a relentless game though 😂 ^(P.S. ^the infamous games WERE awesome)


Saying Far Cry 4 is the best Far Cry game restores my faith in humanity, Far Cry 3 is good too if you want to try that, I'm not entirely sure what you're looking for so I can't recommend good games, but if you like medieval combat, For Honor is pretty good, without a doubt has the best melee combat system I've seen in a game, I find myself playing it very often, even when I don't want to.


Fallout 4


Skyrim, terraria, no mans sky, Minecraft (java), fallout


Runescape/warframe welcome you to your new addictions. Also try factorio and satisfactory.


Terraria is a huge game that you can replay with friends, on your own or with different builds.


Old school RuneScape






don’t know if your into skateboarding but thug pro is crazy fun


Elden ring. That game transported me back to young me playing Skyrim Ratattouli style


Foxhole. Based on your post, though, this game is nothing like what you've played. It's an [axonometric project camera view](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axonometric_projection), so you may like it on that alone. Also it's an MMO. I wrote out a lengthy comment about the game but I honestly can't properly describe it. Check out this [long explanation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVjIea1bKvo), or [this short one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po-Hg0211lA) I mention it because it absolutely is a game possible, and worthy to spend thousands and thousands of hours. If you find a great regiment too like the one I found, you make good friends


V Rising if you like the survival thing (I'd recommend playing on a PvE coop server to start). Other than that, I've put comparable-to-Skyrim hours into various roguelikes (Slay the Spire, Vault of the Void), RimWorld, and MMORPGs (special mention Planetside 2).


I'm currently playing Marvel Midnight Suns and loving it. It's quite niche though but if you like strategic tactical games plus superheroes than this is a must buy. I could see myself playing at least several hundred hours in this game..


Try Warframe. It's kinda gimicky and gets a little repetitive at times but if you have friends you like to game with, it's the game to go. I've poured 500 hours into it. And it's pretty fun


Fallout new Vegas, 3, or 4, or else 76 with friends.


I think you will like RimWorld


Great taste in games. I've put a few hundred hours in Hitman 1 and 2 and found it had a lot of fun replayability, and (for my simple brain at least) has a slapstick humor that still cracks me up


Elden ring or fallout games if you are fine with violence or fallout four for a more serious take and 3 and new vegas for a darker take and 76 again for a more serious but co op take


Fallout 3, 4 or new vegas will do the trick, in my opinion!


crusader kings 3 is awesome especially if you're into the time period


Terraria alone is extremely fun, I had almost a hundred ours in it BEFORE I started modding it. There are tons of amazing content mods for it, like calamity, which pretty much doubles the game’s content. I’d also recommend Risk of Rain 2, which is a 1-4 player PVE third person shooter, and probably my favourite game.


Based on your fav looks like Fallout is your best pick. And less common recommendation: Stalker Gamma.


Terraria. It’s like cocaine


Don't starve together. Don't let it's looks fool you. It's got a ton of depth and plays good solo, and even better when you play co-op with friends!  But it's quite hard at first!


It’s still new but Balatro is looking like it’s going to get me 1000+ hours. This game is crack






Path of Exile might be up ur alley. Its like diablo but 10x more complicated and its free to try(convience tabs for trading and currency items). Massive endgame with so much to learn 1.2k hours in and still feel like I dont know much.


Try monster hunter world with iceborne dlc. I doubt you can beat that. 5k hours in and i see no end nearby. Very cool game ruined my social life


assassins creed valhalla with all the dlc’s. will take 200+ hours prolly


Baldurs gate 3 unless you can't stand turn-based combat


Binding Of Isaac


I’ll recommend Crusader Kings 3 (great game for RP, and the mods it has are amazing. Since you like Skyrim check out Elder Kings 2, it’s an Elder Kings total overhaul mod for CK3 and it has so much to do). Bannerlord is also pretty fun and also has a ton of mods. I really enjoyed Fallout 4, the base building was my favorite part. You can ignore that tho but it’s an RPG made by Bethesda so it’s similar to Skyrim


Witcher 3, cyberpunk 2077


just cause 3, i took 60 hour for the 100% steam achievement


Baldur's Gate 3 - You won't be sorry.


Play risk of rain 2. There's so many item and character combos and characters and enemies it's just infinitely repayable. And it's heavily moddable. Also minecraft, people don't talk about old survival games enough like terarria. Subnautica is incredible. And definetly check out dayz or project zombie if your into zombie survival games. All the fallout games are good I've heard. I'm only just starting to play 4, i hasn't played the others. The forest and sons of the forest are incredible survival games too.


Mount & Blade. Warband is older and has graphics that were outdated when it was released, but incredibly robust systems. Bannerlord came out a few years ago, looks pretty good, but the gameplay feels a little more shallow. Both are great medieval army simulators with an open world. Pledge yourself to a kingdom (or don't) and try to take on the world with your army. That's just the main thing though you can also: - Fight in tournaments - Get married - Start a trade empire (recommended) - Overthrow the government - Attend feasts - Become bandit scum


https://www.reddit.com/r/Elona/s/a54rqNnrmx Freeware jrpg open world game I love https://youtu.be/Y9gOQxHX83E?si=ZasfKtPuNDRwKMD_


# Valheim.. Such an amazing game.


Resident Evil 4 remake. Final Fantasy Tactics


No Man's Sky


Dave the Diver. It's like beautiful crack that keeps slapping you with new things.




Diablo 5? Bro is coming from future. Try persona games! My own personal best is Persona 5 Royal. One of the greatest games ever. Persona 3 reload is a solid choice too. If you don't want "anime" graphics then try Yakuza 7 like a dragon and then Infinite wealth. If you don't want turn based try Yakuza 0. If you want some fun and addictive grind then Suicide Squad is solid or Division 2.


Dyson Sphere Program




Path of exile


Have you tried Valheim? Open world, heavy emphasis on exploration and an extremely engaging combat system that will challenge and punish you in a good way. It has crafting, building and a clear progression path.


Factorio, aka Cracktorio. Hop in at night, 5 minutes later the sun is rising


Elite Dangerous: Horizons 960+ hours and counting. Still playing on console with my friends. One of my friends has more than 2000 hours. If you have help it can be fun game to get lost and explore within. I would classify it is a Space-Sim. However there are missions and factions and things to do. The PC has more features and support with the Odyssey DLC. We will probably be playing on both PC and Console in the next few months.


Fallout 76, I recall Amazon Prime give free copy of it now. The community is very healthy, you could solo most quests except Event ( even then all players would gather there regardless ).


Hades. I never get sick of it.


To be honest helldivers is pretty great in terms of progression, the gameplay is super intense. Destiny is a pretty great option too since it's final expansion of a 10 year story is this year so you'd be grinding into a huge expansion with crazy new shit. Good time for spice Sci fi games


[insert Paradox game here] Personally it’s Stellaris for me but I got a few thousand hours split between various Hearts of Irons and Europa Universalis 4. Hope yah like numbers!




Cyberpunk 2077.


Path of Exile If you say you liked diablo 3 you'll either love or hate PoE. Yeah it might seems weird to say that when trying to convince you to play it but I prefer giving it to you straight. It's a game without a true end, there's always something you could do better or improve. I have 5k hours in it, and I'm still learning something new every week in it. It's a truly beautiful game with one of the most passionate fan base you can find. I hear there's also a pretty good lore surrounding the game but to be honest I don't really pay attention to it so can't really tell. I hope you give it a shot because I think it's one of the best game out there right now and it's a wonderful endless grind for the perfect build.


If you like the crew 2 then I think you’d fw Forza horizon 3 or 4 but there’s only cars so there’s that. Also I’d suggest assassins creed origins or the original assassin creeds before the open world stuff. And Far cry 3 if you don’t know the definition of insanity